/PMDG/ Clover Guild
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Where to Start
What is the Clover Guild?
The Clover Guild is a collaborative fiction project based on the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon franchise. Originating from 4chan’s /pmdg/ threads, the guild members make characters, write stories, draw artwork, and discuss the series. The eponymous Clover Guild is based in Capim Town on the Grass Continent, and its members include many humans-turned-Pokemon alongside native Pokemon.
For more information, see the Intro to the Clover Guild.
Nickname (if known) | Sex | Species | Partner (if applicable) | Role | Personality | Status* |
"Lliam" Vulpes | M | Meowstic | 'Zorua' (M, Native) | Clover Guild Master/Researcher | Modest | I |
Nick | M | Vulpix | Shinx (Amelia, F, Quiet, Native) | Clover Guild Explorer/Researcher | Calm | A |
Booker | M | Ribombee | Sneasel (F, Hasty, Native) | Clover Guild Writer/Researcher/Assistant Cartographer | Timid | A |
Macom | M | Mareep | N/A | Clover Guild Cartographer/Geographer/Researcher | Quiet | A |
Augustus "Gus" | M | Oshawott | N/A | Clover Guild Member | Quiet | A |
KFC | M | Combusken | N/A | Clover Guild Native Aura Guardian | Hardy | A |
Beast | M | Munchlax | N/A | Clover Guild Native Chef | Serious | A |
N/A | M | Phanpy | Cyndaquil (M, Human), Torchic (F, Human) & Totodile (M, Human) | Clover Guild Member | Serious | A |
N/A | M | Chespin | Wooper (M, Native) | Clover Guild Chief of Cozy | Quiet | A |
Kaz/Solid Linoone | M | Linoone | N/A | Post Mailmon/Delibird Deliveries Employee/Clover Guild Affiliated Spy | Jolly | A |
Debby | F | Delibird | N/A | Native Post Mailmon/Delibird Deliveries Owner | Jolly | A |
Ross | M | Smeargle | N/A | Clover Guild Member | Insomniac | A |
Tybo | M | Skitty | N/A | Clover Guild Native Member | Greedy | A |
N/A | M | Togetic | Dewott (M, Human, Former Partner) | Clover Guild "Secret" Quartermaster | Timid | A |
Elm | M | Duskull | N/A | Clover Guild Member | ??? | A |
Kiyo | M | A-Vulpix | Sandshrew (Cassie, F, Native) & Fletchling (Bean, M, Human) | Clover Guild Native Member/Outlaw | ??? | A |
Smith | M | Skorupi | Furret (F, Native) | Clover Guild Member | ??? | A |
Bill | M | Growlithe | H-Growlithe (Gill, M, Human) | Clover Guild Counselor | ??? | A |
N/A | F | Pikachu | Ampharos (M, Native) | Clover Guild Member | Bashful | A |
Fynn | M | Furfrou | N/A | Clover Guild Member | ??? | A |
Avalon "Ava" | M | Braixen | ??? | Clover Guild Member | Bashful | A |
Percival | M | Corviknight | N/A | Clover Guild Explorer/Transport | Naïve | A |
"Carrot" | M | Dusk Lycanroc | Liepard (Hazel, F, Native) | Clover Guild Veteran Explorer | Brave | A |
Cooper | M | Torchic | Squirtle (Testa, F, Jolly, Native) | Clover Guild Member and Platinum Rank Rescue Team (Team Buckler) | Serious | A |
??? | M | Tropius | N/A | Clover Guild Member | Quirky/Serious | A |
Nida | F | Nidorina | Poochyena (Pochi, M, Naive/Relaxed, Native) | Clover Guild Native Member | Gentle/Calm | A |
Makky | M | Makuhita | Meditite (Asana, F, Haughty, Native) | Clover Guild Member | Energetic | A |
Maxi | M | Trubbish | Joltik (Maddi, F, Native) | Clover Guild Member | ??? | A |
Rasmus | M | Spinarak | N/A | Clover Guild Native Member(?) | Rash | A |
Fern | M | H-Zorua | A-Ninetales (Ciel, M, Native) | Clover Guild Member | ??? | A |
Adrian | M | Sylveon (Enny, M, Human), Vileplume (M, Native) & Bellossom (F, Native) | Clover Guild Member | Bashful | A | |
Jung (Pronounce as Yung) | M | Sceptile | Shinx (Sara, F, Native(?)) | Clover Guild Native (?) Veteran Explorer | Quirky | A |
??? | M | Wimpod | N/A | Clover Guild Member | ??? | A |
Rain | F | Eevee | Corvisquire (Cory, M, Native) | Clover Guild Member | ??? | A |
Mustel | M | Zangoose | Seviper (Serpes, M, Naughty, Native) | Clover Guild Member | Jolly | A |
Apple Cider | M | Rowlet | N/A | Clover Guild Member | ??? | A |
Hans | M | Dragonair | Gible (Mr. Gible, M, Human) & Floragato (Noodle, F, Native) | Clover Guild Member | ??? | A |
Beau | M | Espeon | Blaziken (Dav (dah-vh), M, Human) & Munchlax (Mako, M, Human) | Outsider | ??? | A |
Maggie | F | Swadloon | N/A | Clover Guild Member | ??? | A |
Blossom | F | Bulbasaur | Skitty (Shelby, F, Naive/Impish, Native) & Houndour (Heidi, F, Timid, Native) | Clover Guild Affiliated Native Rescue Team | Quiet/Relaxed | A |
Ikarus | M | H-Typhlosion | N/A | Clover Guild Alchemist | ??? | A |
d'Alin | M | Vaporeon | Glaceon (Althi, F, Native), |
Clover Guild Affiliated Exploration Team | Adamant | A |
Alphonse "Al" | M | Abra | Litten (Bethel "Beth", F, Adamant, Native) | Outsider | Naive | A |
Elias | M | Buizel | Korkorok (Dylus, M, Native) | Outsider | ??? | A |
Rocky | M | Minior | Doliv (Alex, M?, Native) | Outsider | ??? | A |
N/A | M | Golett | Klefki (Jangles, F, Native) | Outsider | ??? | A |
Sierra | F | Gabite | Mienfoo (Santos, M, Rash/Hasty, Native) | Outsider | Hardy | A |
Charm/Smokey | F | Charmander | Natu (M, Native) | Clover Guild Explorer/Treasurer | Impish | I |
Tooca | F | Snivy | Axew (Lapi, M, Gentle, Native) | Clover Guild Affiliated Explorer/Rescue Team | Timid | I |
N/A | M | Skiddo | N/A | Clover Guild Transport | ??? | I |
Bullet | M | Noivern | Indeedee (Mimi, F, Careful, Native) | Rescue Team/Clover Guild Affiliated | Lax | I |
Kina | F | Audino | N/A | Clover Guild Medic | Rash | I |
N/A | F | Sableye | N/A | Clover Guild Alchemist | Impish | I |
Archie | F | Archeops | N/A | Inventor/Biologist/Clover Guild Affiliated | Quirky | I |
Casey | F | Raboot | N/A | Clover Guild Member | ??? | I |
N/A | F | Minun | Raichu (M, Native) | Clover Guild Gardener/Bounty Hunter | Jolly | I |
Acrab | M | Krabby | N/A | Clover Guild Member | Hasty | I |
Jimmy | M | Gimmighoul | N/A | Clover Guild Member | Brave | I |
Sentret | M | Sentret | N/A | Clover Guild Member | ??? | I |
Adelaid | F | Voltorb | Drowzee (Dahpi, M, Native) | Rescue Team | ??? | I |
Sotto | M | Mawile | ??? | Clover Guild Native Member/Veteran Explorer | Careful | I |
Kaiji | M | A-Meowth | Absol (Kris, M, Native) | Clover Guild Conmon/Treasurer | Impish | I |
Clara | F | Lucario | Shares body with Clara (Smoke, M, Human) | Clover Guild Bounty Hunter | Docile | I |
N/A | M | Porygon | N/A | Clover Guild Member | ??? | I |
Stumpy | M | Shroomish | N/A | Clover Guild Native Member | ??? | I |
Topa | M | Sableye | Hydreigon (Hendrix, M, Native) | Clover Guild Native Member | ??? | I |
Cheesecake | M | Wooper | Politoed (Apple, F, Timid) & Corphish (Etouffee, M, Hasty/Rash) | Clover Guild Member | Relaxed | I |
Nine | M | Ninetales | Persian (Luka, M, Native) | Clover Guild Member(?) | ??? | I |
Taslean | M | Snover | N/A | Clover Guild Member | ??? | I |
??? | F | Mandibuzz | Gliscor (??, M, Non-Native Pokemon) | Clover Guild Member | ??? | I |
Eli | F | Skarmory | N/A | Clover Guild Member | Lonely | I |
Ammy | M | Emolga | ??? | Clover Guild Member | ??? | I |
Sterling | M | Clamperl | N/A | Outsider | Timid | I |
Vladi | F | Gothitelle | Steenee (Marle, F, Native) & Goomy (Sven, M, Native) | Outsider | ??? | I |
Error | M | Iron Valiant | Rotom (M, Quirky, Native?) | Clover Guild Member | Timid | I |
*Note: "Status" refers to whether the character's owner is actively participating in the Clover Guild (A) or currently inactive (I). If someone has not created any new content and has not appeared or spoken for a while, they will be considered inactive. Inactive characters can still be drawn and written about.
Proposed Characters Table
Minor Characters (NPCs) Table
Writing Resources and Misc.
- Clover Guild's Idea Bin
- Clover Lore Quick Reference
- Character Prompts
- Clover Guild Aggie-revealed lore, misc. questions, and errata.
- Aura Bow Personality Reference
- Locations Reference
Collaborative Writing Projects
Enter the Federation
Enter the Federation - Rules and Prompt
- Enter the Federation - Introduction
- Enter the Federation - Team Cozy (ft. Chespin)
- Enter the Federation - Thunder Dome (ft. Booker)
- Enter the Federation - Death and Taxes (ft. Phanphy)
- Enter the Federation - The Quartet
- Enter the Federation - Etemenanki (ft. Kaiji) WIP/Preview
- Enter the Federation - Ending
Summer Festival
Summer Festival - Rules and Prompt
- Summer Festival - Introduction
- Summer Festival - Planning/Coordination (Please ask for the link.)
- Summer Festival - Percival's Preparations
- Summer Festival - Team Cozy's Festival
- Summer Festival - Project Lead (ft. Booker)
- Summer Festival - The Prize (ft. Booker)
- Summer Festival - Criminal Corral (ft. Adrian/Beau)
- Summer Festival - Summer Festival Security (ft. Mustel)
- Summer Festival - Stay Home (ft. Bill)
- Summer Festival - Cuteness Conundrum (ft. Toge)
- Summer Festival - Carrot & Hazel Intro
- Summer Festival - Aura Reading (ft. KFC)
- Summer Festival - Team Petal-Purr
List of Stories Sorted by Author
- Acrab the Krabby
- Adrian the Umbreon
- Alphonse the Abra
- Ammy the Emolga
- Beast the Muchlax
- Beau the Espeon
- Within Me (ft. Beau)
- Within Me ch. 2 (ft. Beau)
- Within Me ch. 3 (ft. Beau)
- Within Me ch. 4 (ft. Beau)
- What Clover Means (ft. Beau)
- Within Me ch. 5 (ft. Beau)
- Within Me ch. 6 (ft. Beau)
- Crusader's Intermission Hour Story 1: Two Poké (ft. Beau)
- Crusader's Intermission Hour Story 2: Four Legs to Stand On (ft. Beau)
- Bill the Growlithe
- Blossom the Bulbasaur
- Booker the Ribombee
- Map (ft. Booker)
- Gathering (ft. Booker and the Guild)
- A Ribombee's Arrival
- The Echo Chamber (ft. Booker)
- Cotton (ft. Booker)
- The Dock of the Bay
- Slingshot (ft. Booker)
- Learning To Fly (ft. Booker)
- Booker's Journal; or, My Time at Capim
- Anchorage (ft. Booker) In-Dev Early Draft Story
- Anchorage Logs (ft. Booker) Worldbuilding Entry
- Buckle Up pt. 1 (ft. Booker)
- Buckle Up pt. 2 (ft. Booker)
- Buckle Up pt. 3 (ft. Booker)
- Gone (ft. Booker)
- Sentimental Value (ft. Booker)
- The Shine of a Sneasel's Gem (ft. Booker)
- A Midwinter Feud (ft. Booker)
- Learning to Fly ch. 4 (ft. Booker)
- Waggle Dance (ft. Booker)
- A Ribombee's Anniversary
- Learning to Fly ch. 5 (ft. Booker)
- Learning to Fly ch. 6 (ft. Booker)
- A Small Sparring Match (ft. Booker)
- Seeing Red (ft. Booker)
- Samaritan (ft. Booker)
- Up a Tree (ft. Booker)
- Sorting Things Out (ft. Booker)
- Learning to Fly ch. 7 (ft. Booker)
- Learning to Fly ch. 8 (ft. Booker)
- Learning to Fly ch. 9 (ft. Booker)
- Learning to Fly ch. 10 (ft. Booker)
- Learning to Fly ch. 11 (ft. Booker)
- Bullet the Noivern
- Carrot the Dusk Lycanroc
- Carrot and Hazel Archive
- World of Ruins (ft. Carrot) Non-Canon Story
- Casey the Raboot
- Charm the Charmander
- Cheesecake the Wooper
- Chespin
- Chespin's Introduction
- A Day in the Field (ft. Chespin)
- Go to Bed (ft. Chespin)
- Frism Schism (ft. Chespin)
- Go to Bed: Part 2 (ft. Chespin)
- The First Sip (ft. Chespin)
- Mountain Hike (ft. Chespin)
- An Unexpected Find (ft. Chespin)
- The Guild's Garden (ft. Chespin)
- The Outlaw (ft. Chespin)
- The Outlaw's Services (ft. Not Chespin)
- A New World (ft. Not Chespin)
- Stronger (ft. Chespin)
- Wooper's Family (ft. Chespin)
- The Teams Team Up pt. 1 (ft. Chespin)
- The Teams Team Up pt. 2 (ft. Chespin)
- The Teams Team Up pt. 3 (ft. Chespin)
- Chespin and the Chillers pt. 1
- Chespin and the Chillers pt. 2
- Chespin's Week
- A Clover Halloween (ft. Chespin)
- An Unusual Ally (ft. Chespin)
- A Find in the Forest (ft. Chespin)
- Cider the Rowlet
- Clara the Lucario
- It Comes in Pairs (ft. Clara)
- More Apples (ft. Clara) Non-Canon Story
- Under Watchful Eyes (ft. Clara) Non-Canon Story
- The Greatest Human Hunter (ft. Weezil & Morgel)
- d’Alin the Eevee
- Doldrums (ft. d'Alin)
- Ikarus' Introduction
- Alchemical Creations: Sleep-Aid (ft. Ikarus)
- Twin Star (ft. d'Alin)
- Alchemical Creations: Fireworks (ft. Ikarus)
- Ruined Roost (ft. d'Alin)
- Eeveelution Forest (ft. d'Alin)
- Sneed Oil (ft. Ikarus)
- The Stars, Like Dust (ft. d'Alin)
- Enter the Guilded Age (ft. d'Alin)
- Alchemical Creations: Hollow Horn (ft. Ikarus)
- Antediluvian (ft. d'Alin)
- An Intercepted Message
- Alchemical Creations: The First One
- Debby the Delibird
- Debby's Introduction
- Orientation Day (ft. Debby)
- Debby's Mishaps
- The Staredown
- Debby and Linoone story: The Race
- The Anonymous Package and The Next Day (ft. Debby)
- Strawberry Jam and Mochi (ft. Debby)
- Smoke Break (ft. Debby)
- Smoke Break 2 (ft. Debby)
- Debby's Diary
- The Basics of Flight (ft. Debby)
- Grandma's Cookies (ft. Margaret the Lilligant)
- Smoke Break 3 (ft. Debby)
- Cyndaquil's Christmas (ft. Debby)
- Christmas Special (ft. Debby)
- Elias the Buizel
- Elm the Duskull
- Fern the Hisuian Zora
- Golett
- Gus the Oshawott
- Oshawott's Adventures in Swimming Non-Canon (Draft) Story
- A 'Mon, Gus
- Anxiety (ft. Gus) [Temp title] In-Dev Early Draft Story
- For T'nite pt. 1 (ft. Gus)
- Hans the Dragonair
- Jimmy the Gimmighoul
- Jung the Sceptile
- Kaiji the Alolan Meowth
- Kaz the Linoone
- KFC the Combusken
- Path to Aura (WIP) (ft. KFC)
- A Detailed Guide to Aura (ft. KFC) Worldbuilding Entry
- An Expedition Report (ft. KFC) Worldbuilding Entry
- A Light-Hearted, Low-Stakes Rescue Mission (ft. KFC) Worldbuilding Entry
- Blaziken Tribe Hierarchy (ft. KFC) Worldbuilding Entry
- KFC Gets a Win!
- Tempus Labyrinth pt. 1 (ft. KFC)
- Kiyo the Alolan Vulpix
- Macom the Mareep
- Maggie the Swadloon
- Makky the Makuhita
- The Great Bulk ch. 1 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk Guide
- The Great Bulk Interlude 1 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 2 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 3 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 4 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk Interlude 2 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 5 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk Interlude 3 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 6 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk Interlude 4 (ft. Makky)
- Team Verdant Special: The Broke-Heart Cowboy (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 7 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 7.5 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk Interlude 5 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 8 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 8.5 (ft. Makky)
- The Platinum Syndicate Part 1: Business is Blooming (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 9 (ft. Makky)
- The Platinum Syndicate Part 2: Cracking the Coffers (ft. Makky)
- The Platinum Syndicate Part 3: Reprieve (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 10 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 11 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 12 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 13 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 14 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 15 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 16 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 17 (ft. Makky)
- Mandibuzz
- Maxi the Trubbish
- Mustel the Zangoose
- National Dex Pokegraphic: Prologue (ft. Mustel)
- National Dex Pokegraphic Chapter 1: Guild Safari (ft. Mustel)
- National Dex Pokegraphic Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo (ft. Mustel)
- Error the Iron Valiant & Turk the Lucario
- Nick the Vulpix
- Nida the Nidorina
- Percival the Corviknight
- Phanpy
- Phanpy-anon and /pmdg/ in Treasure Town
- The First Day on the Job (ft. Phanpy)
- Thanks for the Guild, Kind Stranger! (ft. Phanpy)
- Apprehended: Cyndaquil (ft. Phanpy) Non-Canon Story
- Introducing Capim Town (ft. Phanpy)
- Torchic Crosses the Alps
- Gopnikification (ft. Phanpy) Non-Canon Story
- A Freelance Request (ft. Phanpy)
- The Weather Up There (ft. Tropius & Phanpy)
- Pikachu
- Porygon
- Hello, World! (ft. Porygon)
- Abort, Retry, Fail (ft. Porygon) Non-Canon Story
- Rain the Eevee
- Rasmus the Spinarak
- Rocky the Minior
- Ross the Smeargle
- Sableye
- Sentret the Sentret
- Sierra the Gabite
- Smith the Skorupi
- Wanderer (ft. Smith)
- Smith's Personality Blurb
- Tales of the Grind pt. 1 (ft. Smith)
- Tales of the Grind pt. 2: Smile (ft. Smith)
- Foraging Run (ft. Smith)
- Faces of Capim Town (ft. Smith)
- Smith and Furret Join the Clover Guild
- The Secret of Wither Woods (ft. Smith)
- Descent (Part 1: Rumination) (ft. Smith)
- Sidequest: Journey to the Luminous Spring! (ft. Smith)
- Sweet's Dreams: A Team Magic Story
- Sterling the Clampearl
- Stumpy the Shroomish
- Togetic
- Tropius
- Tybo the Skitty
- Vladi the Gothitelle
- Wimpod
- Collab Writing
- Non-Applicable
- Lucario and Guildmaster teamup (Summary) Non-Canon Story
- Gathering (Draft) Non-Canon (Draft) Story
- Preston the Popplio (Non-canon to Clover Guild)
- Constructive Nightmare Chapter 1 (ft. Preston)
- Constructive Nightmare Chapter 2 (ft. Preston)
- Indominable
- Fallen World Mystery Dungeon Overview
- Fallen World Mystery Dungeon Part 1
- Adventures every night wear the soul away
- Nothing can be said to be certain, except...
- Fallen World Mystery Dungeon Part 2
List of Stories Sorted by Time Published
- First Character Prompts
- Oshawott's Adventures in Swimming Non-Canon (Draft) Story
- Map (ft. Booker)
- Gathering (Draft) Non-Canon (Draft) Story
- Gathering (ft. Booker and the Guild)
- Path to Aura (WIP)
- A Detailed Guide to Aura Worldbuilding Entry
- Phanpy-anon and /pmdg/ in Treasure Town
- Chespin's Introduction
- Illuminating the Way (ft. Macom)
- The Adventures of Team Oracle, Issue #0
- Raboot's Introduction
- Lucario and Guildmaster teamup (Summary) Non-Canon Story
- The Adventures of Team Oracle, Issue #1
- Sableye's History
- Team Variable 1: Treasure
- A 'Mon, Gus
- A Ribombee's Arrival
- The Wag of a Finger (ft. Beast)
- The First Day on the Job (ft. Phanphy)
- A Day in the Field (ft. Chespin)
- Kaiji and Kris in Taliban Mystery Dungeon
- The Wag of a Finger: Second Course (ft. Beast)
- An Expedition Report (ft. KFC) Worldbuilding Entry
- Cold Awakening (Greentext Edition) (ft. Bullet) Non-Canon (Draft) Story
- The Echo Chamber (ft. Booker)
- Go to Bed (ft. Chespin)
- The Wag of a Finger: Nobody Outpizzas the Munch (ft. Beast)
- Frism Schism (ft. Chespin)
- Thanks for the Guild, Kind Stranger! (ft. Phanpy)
- Apprehended: Cyndaquil (ft. Phanpy) Non-Canon Story
- Go to Bed: Part 2 (ft. Chespin)
- Cold Awakening pt. 1
- Tybo's Mt. Freeze Misadventure
- A Man in Mareep's Clothing (ft. Macom)
- The First Sip (ft. Chespin)
- A Light-Hearted, Low-Stakes Rescue Mission (ft. KFC) Worldbuilding Entry
- Swimming (ft. Nick)
- Cotton (ft. Booker)
- Orientation Day (ft. Debby)
- Currently Unnamed McNumel Story (ft. Kaiji)
- Mountain Hike (ft. Chespin)
- Debby's Mishaps
- An Unexpected Find (ft. Chespin)
- Introducing Capim Town (ft. Phanpy)
- The Staredown
- The Dock of the Bay
- The Guild's Garden (ft. Chespin)
- Debby and Linoone story: The Race
- I Am Acrab, Mang
- Ross's Origin
- Jimmy Your Ghoul
- Ross Goes Shopping pt. 1
- Percival's Grand Entrance
- Slingshot (ft. Booker)
- The Outlaw (ft. Chespin)
- Branching Out
- Ross Goes Shopping pt. 2
- Three Strangers Blow Into Town
- The Outlaw's Services (ft. Not Chespin)
- Wanderer (ft. Smith)
- Smith's Personality Blurb
- Tales of the Grind pt. 1 (ft. Smith)
- Saved (Togetic's Recruitment)
- Carrot and Hazel Archive
- Learning To Fly (ft. Booker)
- Tales of the Grind pt. 2: Smile (ft. Smith)
- Crystal Chronicles (ft. Kaiji) In-Dev Early Draft Story
- A New World
- Percival's Extended Introduction
- Torchic Crosses the Alps (ft. Phanpy)
- Encounter (ft. Not Ross)
- Togetic's Various Guild Misadventures
- Intro to the Clover Guild
- Foraging Run (ft. Smith)
- Stronger (ft. Chespin)
- Gopnikification (ft. Phanpy) Non-Canon Story
- The Anonymous Package and The Next Day (ft. Debby)
- Ross Tries to Sleep
- It Comes in Pairs (ft. Clara)
- A Day as a Sheep (ft. Macom)
- More Apples (ft. Clara) Non-Canon Story
- A Freelance Request (ft. Phanphy)
- Strawberry Jam and Mochi (ft. Debby)
- Enter, Pikachu! (WIP)
- Faces of Capim Town (ft. Smith)
- Wooper's Family (ft. Chespin)
- SENTRET: Sentret the Sentret (Sentret, Sentret) (ft. Sentret)
- Ross Sleeps...?
- The Teams Team Up pt. 1 (ft. Chespin)
- The Teams Team Up pt. 2 (ft. Chespin)
- The Teams Team Up pt. 3 (ft. Chespin)
- Smith and Furret Join the Clover Guild
- Booker's Journal; or, My Time at Capim
- Anchorage (ft. Booker) In-Dev Early Draft Story
- Anchorage Logs (ft. Booker) Worldbuilding Entry
- Liminal Crossroads ch. 1 (ft. Growlithe(s))
- Reunion (ft. Togetic)
- An Overelming Week
- Under Watchful Eyes (ft. Clara) Non-Canon Story
- Ross Tries to Train
- Liminal Crossroads ch. 2 (ft. Growlithe(s))
- Smoke Break (ft. Debby)
- Buckle Up pt.1 (ft. Booker)
- Togetic's Mind-Bending Adventure
- Hello, World! (ft. Porygon)
- Blaziken Tribe Hierarchy (ft. KFC) Worldbuilding Entry
- The Secret of Wither Woods (ft. Smith)
- Liminal Crossroads ch. 3 (ft. Growlithe(s))
- Chespin and the Chillers pt.1
- Ross Passes The Time
- Smoke Break 2 (ft. Debby)
- The New Celeb of Sahara Town ch. 1 (ft. Stumpy)
- Debby's Diary
- The New Celeb of Sahara Town ch. 2 (ft. Stumpy)
- Chespin and the Chillers pt.2
- The New Celeb of Sahara Town ch. 3 (ft. Stumpy)
- Buckle Up pt.2 (ft. Booker)
- Descent (Part 1: Rumination)
- Sterling's Purpose ch. 1
- The Basics of Flight (ft. Debby)
- Billy vs Porygon Non-Canon Story
- The New Celeb of Sahara Town ch. 4 (ft. Stumpy)
- Sterling's Purpose ch. 2
- Grandma's Cookies
- Sterling's Purpose ch. 3
- The Greatest Human Hunter (ft. Weezil & Morgel)
- Sterling's Purpose ch. 4
- Buckle Up pt.3 (ft. Booker)
- Sterling's Purpose ch. 5
- Chespin's Week
- Team Moxie Introduction
- Liminal Crossroads ch. 4 (ft. Growlithe(s))
- Abort, Retry, Fail (ft. Porygon) Non-Canon Story
- The Sun Rises on a New Adventurer (ft. Tropius)
- KFC Gets a Win!
- Anxiety (ft. Gus) [Temp title] In-Dev Early Draft Story
- The Great Bulk ch. 1 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk Guide
- The Great Bulk Interlude 1 (ft. Makky)
- Liminal Crossroads ch. 5 (ft. Growlithe(s))
- The Great Bulk ch. 2 (ft. Makky)
- Metal Gear Linoone: Lord of the Pelippers
- The Taste of Freedom (ft. Nida)
- Some thoughts from a talking trash bag (ft. Maxi)
- The Wag of a Finger: Hangover Cure (ft. Beast)
- The Garbage Bag Finally Gets a Job (ft. Maxi)
- Smoke Break 3 (ft. Debby)
- Gone (ft. Booker)
- The Garbage Bag and the Monster in the Basement (ft. Maxi)
- The Great Bulk ch. 3 (ft. Makky)
- Liminal Crossroads ch. 6 (ft. Growlithe(s))
- Three Strangers Sweep the Grounds
- Etouffee Joins the Team (ft. Cheesecake)
- Cyndaquil's Christmas (ft. Debby)
- Baggy & The Beast: A Trash Bag Side Story
- The Great Bulk ch. 4 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk Interlude 2 (ft. Makky)
- The Trash Bag and The Food Thief
- Sidequest: Journey to the Luminous Spring! (ft. Smith)
- Rasmus and the Riddle of the Coral Monument
- Liminal Crossroads ch. 7 (ft. Growlithe(s))
- Tails and Tales of a Diminutive Traveler (ft. Fern)
- The Great Bulk ch. 5 (ft. Makky)
- Sentimental Value (ft. Booker)
- The Three Strangers in: Sweets and Silk - Featuring Rasmus (ft. Kiyo, Rasmus)
- The Shine of a Sneasel's Gem (ft. Booker)
- The Great Bulk Interlude 3 (ft. Makky)
- Costume Crisis: A Trash Bag Halloween Story
- Dew Point (ft. Dewott)
- Occam's Razor Leaf (ft. Tropius)
- A Clover Halloween (ft. Chespin)
- Tails and Tales of a Foxes' Fellowship (ft. Fern)
- A New Life as an Umbreon (ft. Adrian)
- The Great Bulk ch. 6 (ft. Makky)
- A Rather Uncomfortable Visit to the Wigglytuff Guild (ft. Tybo)
- A Nightmare on Elm Street
- The New Celeb of Sahara Town ch.5 (ft. Stumpy)
- Adrian's New Team
- The Great Bulk Interlude 4 (ft. Makky)
- Team Verdant Special: The Broke-Heart Cowboy (ft. Makky)
- Sterling's Purpose ch. 6
- Sterling's Purpose ch. 7
- Team Moonshine: Troubled Sleep
- The Great Bulk ch. 7 (ft. Makky)
- Christmas Special (ft. Debby)
- The Great Bulk ch. 7.5 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk Interlude 5 (ft. Makky)
- How to be (a) snake, Issue #1: Moving
- Tails and Tales in His Shadow
- The Great Bulk ch. 8 (ft. Makky)
- A Midwinter Feud (ft. Booker)
- For T'nite pt. 1 (ft. Gus)
- The Adrian and Enny Adventure
- Sweet's Dreams: A Team Magic Story
- Scuttlin' Around Town (ft. Wimpod)
- The Great Bulk ch. 8.5 (ft. Makky)
- Team Moonshine: The Evolution Situation
- The Platinum Syndicate Part 1: Business is Blooming (ft. Makky)
- Learning to Fly ch. 4 (ft. Booker)
- I am Error
- I am Error pt. 2
- I am Error pt. 3
- Tried So Hard And Got So Far (ft. Turk the Lucario)
- Rain Prologue
- The Great Bulk ch. 9 (ft. Makky)
- Aura Dog Day (ft. Turk the Lucario)
- Liminal Crossroads ch. 8 (ft. Growlithe(s))
- We're Team Overclock: Chapter 1 (ft. Error)
- Team Crossbones Intro
- How to be (a) snake, Issue #2: Dragon Days, Feline Nights.
- Waggle Dance (ft. Booker)
- Achoos You (ft. Rain)
- We're Team Overclock: Chapter 2 (ft. Error)
- Togetic's Echoes of Adventure
- Black, Blue, And Red all Over (ft. Turk)
- Within Me ch. 1 (ft. Beau)
- Circus Freaks (ft. Kenny)
- One-Leaf Clover (ft. Cider)
- Within Me ch. 2 (ft. Beau)
- A Ribombee's Anniversary
- The Platinum Syndicate Part 2: Cracking the Coffers (ft. Makky)
- Within Me ch. 3 (ft. Beau)
- EmeraldSpark (ft. Jung)
- Three Strangers Rock the Boat (ft. Kiyo)
- National Dex Pokegraphic: Prologue (ft. Mustel)
- Learning to Fly ch. 5 (ft. Booker)
- The Platinum Syndicate Part 3: Reprieve (ft. Makky)
- Within Me ch. 4 (ft. Beau)
- What Clover Means (ft. Beau)
- The Weather Up There (ft. Tropius & Phanpy)
- Learning to Fly ch. 6 (ft. Booker)
- Joint Venture (ft. Fergus)
- Within Me ch. 5 (ft. Beau)
- A Small Sparring Match (ft. Booker)
- An Unusual Ally (ft. Chespin)
- The Day Off (ft. Adrian)
- Static Wool, pt. 1 (ft. Macom)
- National Dex Pokegraphic Chapter 1: Guild Safari (ft. Mustel)
- Within Me ch. 6 (ft. Beau)
- World of Ruins (ft. Carrot) Non-Canon Story
- Ballad of the Ages (ft. Alphonse)
- An Unpredictable Future (ft. Vladi)
- National Dex Pokegraphic Chapter 2: Electric Boogaloo (ft. Mustel)
- An Entry of an Energized Electric Idiot (ft. Ammy)
- Seeing Red (ft. Booker)
- Ammy Bio
- Opportunity (ft. Elias)
- Opportunity pt. 2 (ft. Elias)
- The Great Bulk ch. 10 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 11 (ft. Makky)
- Team Petal-Purr Intro pt. 1
- Team Petal-Purr Intro pt. 2
- Tempus Labyrinth pt. 1 (ft. KFC)
- Team Petal-Purr Intro pt. 3
- An Overelming Week Day 6 (ft. Elm)
- Team Petal-Purr Intro pt. 4
- Team Petal-Purr Intro pt. 5
- Petal-Purr Summer Festival Intermission
- Today's Forecast : Sunny! (ft. Nida)
- A Star is Reborn (ft. Rocky)
- A maiden's quest for love... and paper (ft. Maggie)
- The Great Bulk ch. 12 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 13 (ft. Makky)
- Samaritan (ft. Booker)
- Bell and Vile (ft. Adrian)
- Cocoa Cargo (ft. Tropius)
- Up a Tree (ft. Booker)
- Doldrums (ft. d'Alin)
- Ikarus' Introduction
- Sorting Things Out (ft. Booker)
- Alchemical Creations: Sleep-Aid (ft. Ikarus)
- Booker and Kiyo’s Halloween Adventure
- Crusader's Intermission Hour Story 1: Two Poké (ft. Beau)
- Clover Concerto ch. 1 - Two Step (ft. Alphonse)
- The Great Bulk ch. 14 (ft. Makky)
- Learning to Fly ch. 7 (ft. Booker)
- Twin Star (ft. d'Alin)
- The Great Bulk ch. 15 (ft. Makky)
- Alchemical Creations: Fireworks (ft. Ikarus)
- A Find in the Forest (ft. Chespin)
- The Great Bulk ch. 16 (ft. Makky)
- The Great Bulk ch. 17 (ft. Makky)
- Déjà Vu (ft. Golett)
- The Long Sleep pt. 1 (ft. Golett)
- The Long Sleep pt. 2 (ft. Golett)
- Learning to Fly ch. 8 (ft. Booker)
- Ruined Roost (ft. d'Alin)
- Eeveelution Forest (ft. d'Alin)
- Sneed Oil (ft. Ikarus)
- The Stars, Like Dust (ft. d'Alin)
- Learning to Fly ch. 9 (ft. Booker)
- A Day To Deliver (ft. Rain)
- Team Petal-Purr Meets a Real Guild pt. 1
- A Christmas Counter-Heist (ft. Tybo)
- A Crusader Christmas
- Crusader's Intermission Hour Story 2: Four Legs to Stand On (ft. Beau)
- Enter the Guilded Age (ft. d'Alin)
- Mister Gible's Marvelous Misadventures: Iron Man(let) and The Guild's Secrets
- Two in Red (ft. Sierra)
- Alchemical Creations: Hollow Horn (ft. Ikarus)
- Liminal Crossroads Ch. 9 (ft. Bill)
- Togetic's Fortunate Adventure
- Learning to Fly ch. 10 (ft. Booker)
- Metal Gear Linoone: Lord of the Pelippers (Audiobook Edition)
- Antediluvian (ft. d'Alin)
- An Intercepted Message
- Mister Gible's Marvelous Misadventures: A Certain Fruit Can Drive a 'Mon Insane
- Alchemical Creations: The First One
- Learning to Fly ch. 11 (ft. Booker)
Art and Art Resources
- Clover Guild Art Booru
- Clover Guild Drawing Tutorial
- Clover Drawboard Request List
- Big List of Useful Links and Resources