/PMDG/ Clover Guild

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Where to Start

What is the Clover Guild?

The Clover Guild is a collaborative fiction project based on the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon franchise. Originating from 4chan’s /pmdg/ threads, the guild members make characters, write stories, draw artwork, and discuss the series. The eponymous Clover Guild is based in Capim Town on the Grass Continent, and its members include many humans-turned-Pokemon alongside native Pokemon.

For more information, see the Intro to the Clover Guild.


Nickname (if known) Sex Species Partner (if applicable) Role Personality Status*
"Lliam" Vulpes M Meowstic 'Zorua' (M, Native) Clover Guild Master/Researcher Modest I
Nick M Vulpix Shinx (Amelia, F, Quiet, Native) Clover Guild Explorer/Researcher Calm A
Booker M Ribombee Sneasel (F, Hasty, Native) Clover Guild Writer/Researcher/Assistant Cartographer Timid A
Macom M Mareep N/A Clover Guild Cartographer/Geographer/Researcher Quiet A
Augustus "Gus" M Oshawott N/A Clover Guild Member Quiet A
KFC M Combusken N/A Clover Guild Native Aura Guardian Hardy A
Beast M Munchlax N/A Clover Guild Native Chef Serious A
N/A M Phanpy Cyndaquil (M, Human), Torchic (F, Human) & Totodile (M, Human) Clover Guild Member Serious A
N/A M Chespin Wooper (M, Native) Clover Guild Chief of Cozy Quiet A
Kaz/Solid Linoone M Linoone N/A Post Mailmon/Delibird Deliveries Employee/Clover Guild Affiliated Spy Jolly A
Debby F Delibird N/A Native Post Mailmon/Delibird Deliveries Owner Jolly A
Ross M Smeargle N/A Clover Guild Member Insomniac A
Tybo M Skitty N/A Clover Guild Native Member Greedy A
N/A M Togetic Dewott (M, Human, Former Partner) Clover Guild "Secret" Quartermaster Timid A
Elm M Duskull N/A Clover Guild Member ??? A
Kiyo M A-Vulpix Sandshrew (Cassie, F, Native) & Fletchling (Bean, M, Human) Clover Guild Native Member/Outlaw ??? A
Smith M Skorupi Furret (F, Native) Clover Guild Member ??? A
Bill M Growlithe H-Growlithe (Gill, M, Human) Clover Guild Counselor ??? A
N/A F Pikachu Ampharos (M, Native) Clover Guild Member Bashful A
Fynn M Furfrou N/A Clover Guild Member ??? A
Avalon "Ava" M Braixen ??? Clover Guild Member Bashful A
Percival M Corviknight N/A Clover Guild Explorer/Transport Naïve A
"Carrot" M Dusk Lycanroc Liepard (Hazel, F, Native) Clover Guild Veteran Explorer Brave A
Cooper M Torchic Squirtle (Testa, F, Jolly, Native) Clover Guild Member and Platinum Rank Rescue Team (Team Buckler) Serious A
??? M Tropius N/A Clover Guild Member Quirky/Serious A
Nida F Nidorina Poochyena (Pochi, M, Naive/Relaxed, Native) Clover Guild Native Member Gentle/Calm A
Makky M Makuhita Meditite (Asana, F, Haughty, Native) Clover Guild Member Energetic A
Maxi M Trubbish Joltik (Maddi, F, Native) Clover Guild Member ??? A
Rasmus M Spinarak N/A Clover Guild Native Member(?) Rash A
Fern M H-Zorua A-Ninetales (Ciel, M, Native) Clover Guild Member ??? A
Adrian M Umbreon Flareon Sylveon (Enny, M, Human), Vileplume (M, Native) & Bellossom (F, Native) Clover Guild Member Bashful A
Jung (Pronounce as Yung) M Sceptile Shinx (Sara, F, Native(?)) Clover Guild Native (?) Veteran Explorer Quirky A
??? M Wimpod N/A Clover Guild Member ??? A
Rain F Eevee Corvisquire (Cory, M, Native) Clover Guild Member ??? A
Mustel M Zangoose Seviper (Serpes, M, Naughty, Native) Clover Guild Member Jolly A
Apple Cider M Rowlet N/A Clover Guild Member ??? A
Hans M Dragonair Gible (Mr. Gible, M, Human) & Floragato (Noodle, F, Native) Clover Guild Member ??? A
Beau M Espeon Blaziken (Dav (dah-vh), M, Human) & Munchlax (Mako, M, Human) Outsider ??? A
Maggie F Swadloon N/A Clover Guild Member ??? A
Blossom F Bulbasaur Skitty (Shelby, F, Naive/Impish, Native) & Houndour (Heidi, F, Timid, Native) Clover Guild Affiliated Native Rescue Team Quiet/Relaxed A
Ikarus M H-Typhlosion N/A Clover Guild Alchemist ??? A
d'Alin M Vaporeon Glaceon (Althi, F, Native), Sawsbuck Super-Leafeon (Pirth, M, Native) & Espeon? (Arimis, F, Native) Clover Guild Affiliated Exploration Team Adamant A
Alphonse "Al" M Abra Litten (Bethel "Beth", F, Adamant, Native) Outsider Naive A
Elias M Buizel Korkorok (Dylus, M, Native) Outsider ??? A
Rocky M Minior Doliv (Alex, M?, Native) Outsider ??? A
N/A M Golett Klefki (Jangles, F, Native) Outsider ??? A
Sierra F Gabite Mienfoo (Santos, M, Rash/Hasty, Native) Outsider Hardy A
Charm/Smokey F Charmander Natu (M, Native) Clover Guild Explorer/Treasurer Impish I
Tooca F Snivy Axew (Lapi, M, Gentle, Native) Clover Guild Affiliated Explorer/Rescue Team Timid I
N/A M Skiddo N/A Clover Guild Transport ??? I
Bullet M Noivern Indeedee (Mimi, F, Careful, Native) Rescue Team/Clover Guild Affiliated Lax I
Kina F Audino N/A Clover Guild Medic Rash I
N/A F Sableye N/A Clover Guild Alchemist Impish I
Archie F Archeops N/A Inventor/Biologist/Clover Guild Affiliated Quirky I
Casey F Raboot N/A Clover Guild Member ??? I
N/A F Minun Raichu (M, Native) Clover Guild Gardener/Bounty Hunter Jolly I
Acrab M Krabby N/A Clover Guild Member Hasty I
Jimmy M Gimmighoul N/A Clover Guild Member Brave I
Sentret M Sentret N/A Clover Guild Member ??? I
Adelaid F Voltorb Drowzee (Dahpi, M, Native) Rescue Team ??? I
Sotto M Mawile ??? Clover Guild Native Member/Veteran Explorer Careful I
Kaiji M A-Meowth Absol (Kris, M, Native) Clover Guild Conmon/Treasurer Impish I
Clara F Lucario Shares body with Clara (Smoke, M, Human) Clover Guild Bounty Hunter Docile I
N/A M Porygon N/A Clover Guild Member ??? I
Stumpy M Shroomish N/A Clover Guild Native Member ??? I
Topa M Sableye Hydreigon (Hendrix, M, Native) Clover Guild Native Member ??? I
Cheesecake M Wooper Politoed (Apple, F, Timid) & Corphish (Etouffee, M, Hasty/Rash) Clover Guild Member Relaxed I
Nine M Ninetales Persian (Luka, M, Native) Clover Guild Member(?) ??? I
Taslean M Snover N/A Clover Guild Member ??? I
??? F Mandibuzz Gliscor (??, M, Non-Native Pokemon) Clover Guild Member ??? I
Eli F Skarmory N/A Clover Guild Member Lonely I
Ammy M Emolga ??? Clover Guild Member ??? I
Sterling M Clamperl N/A Outsider Timid I
Vladi F Gothitelle Steenee (Marle, F, Native) & Goomy (Sven, M, Native) Outsider ??? I
Error M Iron Valiant Rotom (M, Quirky, Native?) Clover Guild Member Timid I

*Note: "Status" refers to whether the character's owner is actively participating in the Clover Guild (A) or currently inactive (I). If someone has not created any new content and has not appeared or spoken for a while, they will be considered inactive. Inactive characters can still be drawn and written about.

Proposed Characters Table
Minor Characters (NPCs) Table


Writing Resources and Misc.

Collaborative Writing Projects

Enter the Federation

Enter the Federation - Rules and Prompt

Summer Festival

Summer Festival - Rules and Prompt

List of Stories Sorted by Author

List of Stories Sorted by Time Published

Art and Art Resources

Other Resources

Pub: 05 Mar 2023 02:19 UTC
Edit: 11 Feb 2025 09:23 UTC
Views: 21192