An Intercepted Message

"What do you have for me this time, Honchkrow?"

"Well Gumshoos, this time it's a lead from the cannibal operation we've been seeing here in eastern Air."

"Enlighten me."

"We intercepted a frism from a contact in Pelipper Mail."

"A frism? So this must be one of BK's higher-up clientele."

"Precisely. We still don't know who this 'BK' figure is, and we know this was going to be delivered to a well-known proxy location, so nothing new on that mysterious individual unfortunately. We do, however, now have something: a lead on a client."

"Am I to presume this 'client' was intercepted."

"Not exactly. Identified. He's an arcanine, so he fled when Magnezone and his force arrived at his mansion. They couldn't catch up, obviously. What we were able to get from the butlers we arrested at the residence, however, was invaluable.

"Do tell."

"Speech impediment. Almost always replaces his "ooh"s with "ah"s. Sometimes bursts into song. Obviously this arcanine has a taste for fellow Pokemon, but none of the butlers knew where it began. We did free the woopers he had trapped, so we think that's his preferred food. He... he 'tasted them' with a fire fang, they told us. Something about making them move flavorful. Disgusts me just thinking about it."

"Hmm, very strange."

"Indeed. Very sheltered too. Didn't even know that paldean woopers existed."

"For someone living in a mansion? I know they're not native to Air, but you'd think a mon with that kind of money would travel the world or at least get a proper education on all the pokemon that exist."

"Regardless, he called these woopers "impossible" to exist. Perhaps mentally aberrant? That might explain the cannibalism."

"I wouldn't chalk it up to that. None of the other 'clients' we've arrested associated with this ring appear to be so."

"Well, regardless Gumshoos, you now know the description of Arcanine and his MO; speech impediment and a taste for woopers, apparently the paldean variety."

"'Apparently'? What do you mean, Honch?"

"My bad, I forgot you haven't listened to the frism. It's supposed to be him giving a review to BK about the goods. It's... honestly quite harrowing to listen to."

"I've been here for longer than you, Honch. I can stomach it. Besides, it'll help track this guy down if we know his voice too."

"There you go, Gumshoos."

"Thanks, Honch. Do me a favor and make an outlaw poster and be sure to note his speech impediment and that he at least knows fire fang. That'll help narrow down this crook."

"You bet. See ya."

A moment passed. Gumshoos put away the stack of paper he had, took out a quill Honchcrow had provided him and dipped it in octillery ink.

He took in a deep breath, prepared him to take notes on whatever might be invaluable to catching this arcanine, and warmed the frism up.

What Gumshoos heard did not make him laugh; the exact opposite.

It sent a shiver down his spine.

Pub: 26 Jan 2025 21:30 UTC
Edit: 10 Feb 2025 21:05 UTC
Views: 138