Aggie-revealed lore, misc. questions, and errata.

modification code is the guild's name

elm 2023-11-06

Secret Elm lore: His name came from shortening a name I use in some online games. The whole tree thing and "naming arc" is something I only came up with in the middle of writing the first story

kaiji 2023-11-06

the end of one of my stories was gonna have the stinger reveal that [kaiji] was isekai'd out of jail
only for the story afterwards to have the REAL plot twist

Lliam 2023-11-06

The name convention on most of my characters are all based around flowers. Stargazer is a form of lily, the original name for Lliam when he arrived in this world. The genus of Lily is Lilium. That flower represents reincarnation and innocence. His human name is William and the shortened name is supposed to be Liam but it became Lliam instead. Honestly, that was just random but then I just make stuff up and pair it because it fits, I suppose. Anyways, the extra L in the name is a memory that represents Larkspur, his Zorua partner, in order to not forget him. The silent on the pronunciation indicates that he is no longer around. Well, in reality, it's in reverse. Like technically, Lliam didn't lose his name as the name is just a derivative of Lilium, then I find the name William to match it so why not, and an explination on why is he named Lliam. Zorua partner name is larkspur, it's a poisonous flower staying with them is quite dangerous but it symbolizes loyalty or love. Even if they're icky, you'll still stay by their side even if it hurts. In this case, Zorua is a known troublemaker around these parts and he is trying to turn into a new leaf, but even so, people won't give him a second chance. Even when oppressed, Lliam still sticks by his side. Larkspur's genus is Delphinium and of course, there's connection to Delphox, their master.


I have a little bit written where team misfits go back to the human world that I don't plan on using


plz don't :(((
team misfits needs to stay with us!


secret lore ross has a third nipple




yeah, i do imagine booker would smell sweet, especially since a ribombee's diet is high in sugar

Pub: 06 Nov 2023 07:08 UTC
Edit: 28 Jan 2025 00:11 UTC
Views: 831