Within Me

A Team Crusader Story

Previous Chapter

Chapter 6: Team Crusader

As the sun begins to fade into the horizon the trio make their way back into Capim. The hustle and bustle waning with the dwindling sunlight.

The streets now populated with the last few Pokémon closing up their stalls for the night as they walk down the grounded paths.

“Do any of us know where an inn is?” Dav asks.

“I’m more focused on getting something to eat.” Mako responds, patting himself on the stomach.

“I’m sure it can’t be hard to find one.” Beau adds. “This is a town after all, there should be one here.”

The trio continue down the path, peering into shop windows, hoping to see some place that either serves food, or houses Pokémon for a night.

They come to an intersection, and see a large building nestled in between a few other stumps. It’s slightly larger compared to the other stumps. If any place looks like it’d be an Inn, this place looks like it.

The trio approach the building, and stare at the sign above the door. Of course, none of them can read the sign, it’s in footprint runes. Though as the group stares at the markings on the sign, something clicks in Dav’s head.

“You think the amount of symbols on the sign is a little short?” Dav asks.

“Do you think it means something?” Beau asks.

“If it’s anything like English, small amounts of symbols would mean a short word right?” Dav asks.

“I guess that’d make sense.” Mako responds.

“So, this word.” Dav points to the runes. “Three runes, what’s the likelihood it stands for ‘Inn’”?

The two look up at their friend, Mako shrugs, and Beau gives his best approximation of what a shrug would look like.

The three look to the door, before Dav pushes it open.

As the three step inside, they’re overtaken by the scent of… food. A warm, savory haze overtakes the trio’s senses, bringing them to the main bar area, where they all sit in unison.

On the other side of the bar, a Primape stands, working over a pot, he doesn’t turn to speak to the trio, but notices them all the same, greeting them with his back turned.

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“What can I do for you?” He asks.

“What’re you serving?” Mako replies.

The Primape chef lets out a snort in response.

“Just some noodles.”

Without looking at the group, he slides a bowl of noodles to the bar, in front of Mako.

“That’ll be 5.”

Mako stares into the bowl, the steaming broth wafts hints of savory herbs and spices into his nose. Mako puts down 15 coins onto the bar. Before speaking up.

“Thank you. One for everyone please.”

The Primape nods, reaching behind himself with two more bowls for the rest of the group.

The three sit in silence as they begin to dig into the bowls of soup prepared for them. Dav using the provided utensils to pick up the noodles from the bowl, slurping them down.

Mako is already halfway through his bowl, it’s as if his body was a vacuum, inhaling the soup without a care in the world. Was it that good? Or is that just Mako giving into his own cravings?

Beau slowly pushes his head into the bowl, lapping up the broth of the soup. He’s surprised to find that he immediately didn’t burn himself, the soup, while steaming, is a perfectly good temperature to consume right as it’s served.

The three sit in silence, enjoying their first full hot meal, no berries, no apples, no fried foods from a tavern. A hot meal, together.

Dav looks up from his soup, inspecting the room they’re in. It looks as if it’s been empty for a while, Tables clean and dusted, circling the support of the building. It’s intricate structure holding the second floor up is intriguing to him, but he can’t put a finger on why… The light of the sun vanishing beyond the horizon, yet despite it being ample time for a meal, no one’s came into the building yet.

“This is great.” Dav says, “Thank you.”

Silence from the Primape across from the bar, their eyes focusing on the pot, and not their customers.

“Thank you, for stopping by.” It responds. “I’d face you… but I haven’t looked into the eyes of another Pokémon in a long, long time.”

Beau now looks up from his bowl.

“If you don’t mind me asking, why’s that?” Beau asks.

Another pause from the Primape.

“My kind, we have… anger issues.” The Primape lets out a sigh. “An insatiable anger builds within us, even the slightest bit of eye contact can set us off..”

“You seem perfectly calm to me.” Beau continues.

“Yes, it took a lot of work to find tranquility.” The Primape continues. “My solace is found here, within this pot. Watching the broth simmer, the noodles dance and become tender the longer they stay within the pot. It reminds me… of myself, of my own anger. It provides clarity and helps keep me calm. Gives me the chance to take control of my instincts and interact with the world.”

Another pause of silence from the chef.

“I will admit… I am still learning. But being able to hold together my business, and to attract those who are willing to listen… That is enough for me.”

Dav speaks up.

“We appreciate you allowing us to share this meal with you.”

The Primape lets out a half-hearted chuckle, the kind of sound that would make the group think he was smiling.

“The pleasure is all mine… you three are the first customers all week.”

“We’re happy to be them.” Mako says, following his remark with another 5 coins on the table.

The Primape hands him another bowl, pushing the coins back.

“Please, you do not need to pay for another serving. Instead, I’d like to ask you three a question.”

“A question?” Mako asks.

“Yes. I do not get the chance to have conversations like this in a long time, if you’d indulge me, I would be grateful.” The Primape responds.

“Sure.” Dav says. “Ask away.”

“What is your solace? What within you helps keep your demons at bay?” The Primape asks.

The three sit in silence pondering the question.

Dav racks his head for any thought that might link to the Primape’s question, turning around to see if something catches his eye again… Though he’s drawn to the support column in the middle of the room now… He stares at it for a moment… Again, something about it is so familiar… but he can’t put a finger on what it is…

Beau pauses, thinking to himself. “What within me… brings me solace?” He pulls at the thoughts in his head, wondering about his first two days here… waking up, confused, frightened, and alone…

That was, until he was found by the Hoppip, and brought to Treasure town, where he met Mako. Then the two of them walked towards Capim, finding Dav in the Tavern. Then the three entered their first dungeon, made their way to the guild… and now… here they are.

Beau continues to recollect his memories. Every time he was frightened, or felt out of his depth… someone else came to guide him back to the right path.

“Is it a tough question?” The Primape’s voice pierces through the trio’s thought process. Dav looks back to the Pokémon asking the question, pulling him from his architectural trance.

“It’s a good question.” Mako responds. “Though… it’s a tough one… I feel like I haven’t figured that out myself yet.

“Yeah… I feel like I can’t come up with a satisfactory answer.” Dav responds. “I feel like I’ve yet to find that solace you have.”

Beau’s the final one to speak up.

“I might have an answer.”

“And that would be?” The Primape asks, slightly turning, but only enough to where he can hear the Espeon better.

“Others.” Beau responds.

“Others?” Dav asks.

“Yeah.” Beau continues. “It feels like every time I was in a position where I felt like I was slipping so far. I’ve had other to help me through it. Granted. It’s only been a short while since we’ve started traveling together. But, I feel like I’ve known both of these guys my whole life. So for now. That’ll be my answer.”

The Primape lets out another chuckle.

“I can respect that answer.”

The trio sit in silence for a moment, taking back to their bowls, completing their meal. Dav pauses. Letting the warmth of the soup seep through his body, before speaking up again.

“Excuse me.” He says.

“Yes?” The Primape responds.

“You wouldn’t happen to know where an Inn is? Would you?” Dav asks.

“This is an Inn. Did you miss the sign outside?” The Primape says, a slight twinge of frustration in their voice, before a soft sigh and a swish of the water reverts them back to their previous mood.

“I have to admit, we assumed it was, but then we got caught up by the meal.” Beau responds. If you’d be willing, we’d like to rent a room, for the night.”

“By all means, it’s 50 for a room for the night.” The Primape responds.

Mako reaches into his pouch and puts 50 coins onto the table.

“Thank you.” The Primape says, using his arm to gesture to the stairs in the back of the room. “Down the hall, to the left, a room with two beds.”

“Only two beds?” Beau thinks to himself, before Dav holds his hand in front of his friend, preventing him from speaking up.

“Thank you, and thank you, for the meal.” Dav says.

“Thank you for taking the time to come visit me.” The Primape returns the gratitude.

The three get up from their chairs, and start making their way to the stairs, before they’re stopped by the Primape once more.

“Once you three do figure out what your solace is… don’t hesitate to come back and tell me, I’d genuinely appreciate that.” He says.

“We will.” Dav responds.

The three then turn their attention to the top of the stairs, stepping onto the second floor making their way into their room for the night.

“Only two beds.” Beau mutters to himself.

“We’ll find a place for you to sleep.” Dav says.

“You are kind of small.” Mako responds.

“Doesn’t mean I don’t at least deserve somewhere good to sleep.” Beau protests.

The trio look to the beds, both of them, well made with multiple pillows adorning the headboard.

“The solutions right here.” Dav says, grabbing two extra pillows. “We’ll make you a bed.”

“I don’t need more than one pillow.” Mako says, grabbing the three pillows from the bed, and giving them to Dav as he builds a small pile of pillows in between where He and Mako would rest up for the night.

“There we go.” Dav says. “That’s a good bed.”

Beau steps onto the bed, walking around, stamping down the lumpy parts of the pillows until he feels like it’s soft enough to lay down in. Soon enough, he falls onto his side. He shuffles his body around before he lets out a deep sigh.

“Alright… I’m comfortable.” He responds.

“Nice.” Dav throws himself into a bed, and instinctively lets out a yawn. “Sheesh, I didn’t know how beat I was until I laid down in a real bed. How about you Mako?”

He looks over to Mako, who’s already out like a light before he got his covers fully over himself.

“Looks like someone’s out cold.” Dav says.

“I’m not surprised. With everything we’ve been through so far.” Beau responds. “But tomorrow’s a new day right?”

“It is…” Dav says.

“Let’s make the most of it.” Beau continues, though not for long, as he yawns, his body already limp, he can feel himself drift off into sleep.

Dav doesn’t have much luck staying awake either, as the moment he closes his eyes, his whole body de-stresses from the days events.

For a moment, Dav feels content, comfortable in his slumber… But then again he feels like he’s forgetting something important. The image of that stupid support beam on the main floor stuck in his head… He feels like he’s been staring at it for hours, investigating its structure… He thinks he understands it, the column’s design… until he hears a voice call out to him.

“You paying attention?” It asks.

This isn’t a voice he’s heard before… It sounds like… someone new.

Dav feels himself be pulled into the waking world… or at least, that’s what he thought for a moment until he looks at his hands…

They’re… they’re human.

He looks up, expecting to see the column but instead sees a… wall, a wall unfinished, vertical posts of some sort of wood. A figure is on his left, both hands steadying the wall. He can’t make the face out, but he thought he recognized the voice as he spoke.

“Make sure we’re plumb, then spike a few.” the figure said.

“Gotcha, dad” Dav said, the words automatic, habitual even, surprising him.

He reached out and held the wall, which was butting against another similar wall. Grabbing a level, he held it to the wall’s farthest stud, striking a line with his pencil kept behind his ear. In one smooth motion he held the wall with one hand and grabbed the framing gun in the other. Loudly it snapped as he pulled the trigger, once, twice, nails pining the two walls together.

As he reached down to set the gun back to the floor, the vision shifted, and the gun melted and in its place was a saw, dust from a fresh cut swirling about.
“Next one is 80 and a half.” said his human father, now aways off.

They were in the same building, but a different stage of construction. Dav looked down and saw the pile of lumber stacked there, each one marked with numbers in what must have been his own handwriting.

Dropping the circular saw and grabbing a few of the 2x4s he hauled them over to his dad, holding 3 of them in both hands as he stepped up into the house, or so he thought.

Again his vision melted into something new, and he stumbled forwards with a grunt. The new floor was now tilted, and he was very high, apparently. Instead of lumber in his hands he had a large roll of black paper. The smell of it was strong, nostalgic. Tar paper, he was on the roof. He checked by looking down at his side where a stapler hunt in his toolbelt.

“Hey! You okay?”

“Y-yeah, I’m good. Stupid paper imbalanced me.” Automatically he acclimated, setting the roll down, two rows of the stuff already applied to the bare OSB sheeting. With a kick, it rolled outwards, horizontal from the roof’s pitch, where he leaned over and stapled it down, once twice, 5 times, he didn’t count really. Just enough to keep it, more a feeling than anything. Last few feet. His knife twirled out, slicing it to length just over the edge of the roof.

“Perfect” he thought, stapling just a few more. Thunder rumbled in the distance and he looked out over the surrounding fields and small patches of woods. Dark clouds billowed threateningly miles out, wind gently kicking up. They had beat the storm for today. His dad clambered up to meet him, gripping his shoulder.

“Well done, man. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

“You know I love this work.” Dav replied. “It’s great to see it come together”

“Good job, son. I love y-”

Everything fades, thunder echoing into the inky darkness taking him, enveloping his vision. Quickly he turned and tried to see his father’s face one more time, expecting to finally see someone he knew, he was disappointed to see the blurry visage fading away into the darkness.
Dav blinked. It was quiet. The ceiling of the inn was blurry, but as he blinked the tears faded.

“What the hell was that?” he whispered, sitting up.

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As Dav recollects the things he saw during his sleep, he seems to remember… more. Events and techniques he wasn’t shown in his dreams. Its as if what he saw during his visions were clearing out the haze within a section of his mind…
He feels… like he awakened something within himself. A massive chunk of his human memories opening to him, reminding him that he knows… how to build…

The thoughts start racing through his head. He steps out of bed, taking caution not to step on the sleeping Espeon on the ground, and works his way to the door of their room. Stepping out and into the hallway…

Beau is pulled from his sleep by Mako poking him on his side.

“Beau, Beau, wake up.” Mako says, his voice piercing the serene silence of Beau’s sleep.

Beau rolls over, stuffing his snout into one of the creases of the pillows he spent the night on. He responds in a groan.


Mako speaks again, his voice now holding a tinge of concern.

“Dav’s not here.”

Beau quickly peels himself from the pile of pillows masquerading as a bed and flings himself onto his feet. Without saying a word, he scampers to the door, using his PSI to open it, it slams into the wall with a loud thud, but Beau doesn’t care, one of the members of the team has gone missing.
Beau scurries down the stairs, as he reaches the bottom, one of his paws steps onto open air, causing him to tumble down the last few steps, hitting the ground with a thump.

Beau stands back up, no worse for wear, and starts running for the door, before a familiar voice stops him.

“What’re you in a rush for?” It’s the Primape, back at their post behind the bar, though they’re cooking something different, the room smells of a more, sweet, breakfast scent.

“Our friend, the Blaziken…” Beau goes to say, but he’s cut off by the Primape.

“He’s fine… Relax. I caught him on his way out.” The Primape says with a slight chuckle in his voice.

“You did?” Mako responds, now joining the conversation as he walks down the steps.

The Primape nods.

“He’s been gone for hours. But he knew you two would come looking for him, so he told me where to send you both.” The Primape continues. “Just make your way to the edge of Capim, where you all started.”

“Thank you so much.” Mako says, walking to the door.

Beau pauses, before following his friend, the Primape calls out to them one more time as they exit the building.

“Don’t be a stranger! I hope you’ll come back again!”

Beau and Mako find themselves at the edge of Capim, the same stump the three started on the day prior while they looked for a way to find the Clover Guild. Now, the two of them are looking back the way they came for any sign of their friend.

“Any idea where he might’ve went?” Mako asks.

“No, not really.” Beau responds, scanning the road.

The two stand in silence before walking further down the road, back from where they started.

“How do you think we’re going to find him?” Mako continues.

“We’ll figure it out.” Beau says.

Beau pauses, slowly remembering something from the day prior. It was something Lliam had said to him.

“Humons have a different aura from native Pokémon, so if you’re a psychic type, you’ll be able to spot us pretty easily… It makes Psychic types good trackers.”

Beau turns to Mako.

“I think I know how we can find him.” Beau says.

“How?” Mako asks.

“His Aura, remember what Lliam said to us about Aura?” Beau continues. “If we use that, I could find Dav.”

“That could work.” Mako responds. “I’ll give you some space.”

Mako steps back, as Beau braces himself to attempt to figure out how to see aura. He takes a deep breath, remembering what happened in the mystery dungeon.

The feeling he felt, when he found the brooch from yesterday, it felt like a prickly sensation, like a limb falling asleep, though it felt far away, like the sensation was radiating off the object.

He thinks to himself, what would Dav’s aura feel like?

The sun beats down on the two of them, as Beau closes his eyes, he feels the heat radiating onto him from above, it’s warmth like a blanket on his body, though… It doesn’t make him feel tired… it makes him feel… better, more alert, more in tune with himself. It feels like he’s storing that power inside him. His mind trails back to the previous day, the time he spent with Mako and Dav. He remembers himself walking along the road, lifting rocks, testing out his abilities, and hearing Dav laugh behind him as he watched. Though… that wasn’t the only thing about that moment that stood out to him.
It was a radiating warmth that pulsated with his laugh as he spoke. Though it wasn’t just that… There was a twinge of familiarity to him… Something that clung onto his thoughts, that nostalgic feeling of days long gone.

That was it. That was how he could find him.

For a moment, it all becomes clear now, as he opens his eyes.

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From Mako’s perspective, it looks like something awakened in his friend, the latent psychic power expelling from the Espeon, a purple glow emanating from his eyes as he glances around.

Beau points in a direction with his paw off the road, towards a forest leading up a hill.

“This way, I think I found him.” Beau says.

Beau begins walking in the direction he’s pointing, Mako following him.

The two trek through the fields for what could be about 15 minutes until they find themselves at the foot of the hill Beau was pointing at. The hill leading up to a cliffside overlooking a large river leading towards the ocean. Capim can be spotted, albeit significantly smaller from this distance.
As the duo look up the hill, they see Dav, standing around a table. Across the table is another Pokémon. Beau has no idea what it is, but Mako has seen this Pokémon before. It’s a Haxorus and standing next to him is a completely different Pokémon. Mako pauses for a moment, trying to remember its name, though once he spots the large metal beam under it’s arm it all comes back to him. That’s a Gurdurr.

Dav looks to the hill and sees Mako and Beau approaching, and he waves them over.

“You guys made it! Awesome!” He says with a big smile, this looks to be the happiest he’s been since they all met.

The two approach the table, Mako’s just big enough to peer over it to see that Dav has a large piece of parchment on the table, lines and drawings scrawled out with a chunk of charcoal that sits next to it.

Beau’s the next to speak.

“What’s going—" Beau can’t finish his sentence before he’s pulled off the ground by Dav, who sets him on the table.

“Don’t do that again!” Beau snaps at his friend, but Dav just laughs it off.

Beau shrugs his friend grabbing him and looks down at the paper.

“What’s this?” He asks.

“So, I woke up in the middle of the night, inspired.” Dav says.

“Inspired?” Mako asks.

“Yeah, inspired.” Dav coldly remarks before shifting his gaze to the two other Pokémon, and then back to Mako, before continuing. “I was inspired to build something.”

“This looks like a house.” Beau says.

“Yeah! It’s a house, for us! And we’re going to build it!” Dav says.

“We’re going to build a house?” Mako asks.

“Well not just us.” Dav replies. “Originally it was going to be just us. But when I went to get wood chopped by Haxorus here, he mentioned that he works with Gurdurr, who builds stuff outside of Capim. Haxorus and his sons gather the wood, and Gurdurr and His boy build with it. They saw my blueprints, and they were interested in helping us out!”

The Haxorus now chimes into the conversation, his voice more sophisticated than either would’ve originally thought, he speaks with a tone not unlike that of a dandy.

“When I saw this strange and foreign design Blaziken was planning on building. I certainly wanted to see it finished. So, the quicker we get it done, the quicker I can see what an idea such as this truly looks like.” He says.

“I’m always up for a challenge. There’s a lot of small boards in this design, and I’m wondering how sturdy this thing can really be.” The Gurdurr adds to the conversation.

“I’ll admit I’m a bit skeptical. If this design of yours doesn’t pan out. You owe us.” He sneers.

“Believe me, it’ll work.” Dav responds, turning to his friends.

“You guys ready to build a house?” He asks.

“Sure, why not?” Beau responds.

“I mean, do I have any other choice?” Mako asks.

“Not really.” Dav laughs, “You’re going to live here, you gotta help.”

The three nod and begin the arduous task of building their new home.

Surprisingly, the time spent building the house wasn’t as bad as Mako and Beau would’ve thought it’d be.

Firstly, the group set up the foundation of the house, which turns out to be the hardest part. Dav mentions that they’re going to build the foundation with a crawl space, much to the chagrin of Gurdurr, who questions why they’d build a house on stilts when they could just dig out a flat section of the ground to speed along the process. Dav tells his building buddy to trust the plan he’s built as he’s done something like this before.

The Gurdurr scoffs at the thought of a house being built in such a way that any Pokémon would want to live in it. Though Beau notices him occasionally looking over the plans as construction continues, slowly starting to see the vision Dav has for the home.

The next few hours are finalizing the foundation, ensuring the structure of the building, and nailing the boards in using custom nails Dav had picked up from “A blacksmith in Capim”.

Mako wondered how long Dav had been up planning this whole thing out, and more importantly, where the money was coming from to build the house.

The group find themselves now lifting up the walls Haxorus taking care not to slice the boards with his blades. His two Fraxure sons helping hold the wall into place while Dav, Gurdurr, and his son Timburr, nail the walls into place.

Beau and Mako run nails back and forth to the construction team while each wall comes up, as the framing of the house starts to come into form.
After the final wall is put up, the group take a break. Dav tasks Mako to run back to Capim and use what little money they have left to at least treat everyone to something to eat. Mako checking his satchel, asks if 200 Poké should be enough. Everyone agrees that it’s plenty for now.

With Mako gone, and everyone taking a well-deserved break underneath a tree looking over the cliff; Beau catches Dav the only one not sitting in the shade. Approaching him, he asks a question.

“Why aren’t you taking a break?”

Dav looks to his friend quickly, before looking back out to the road.

“Waiting for someone, they’re part of this too.” Dav replies.

“Who?” Beau asks.

Dav points to the road, where the duo can spot a figure moving down the road, before stopping, and seeing Dav wave. The figure starts making their way up the hill.

“Her.” He says.

The two watch how the serpent like Pokémon slithers up to the two of them, its body stuck in a perpetual coil. Beau doesn’t remember any Pokémon like this until Dav addresses it.

“Glad you got my letter so quickly Sandaconda.” He says.

“I did ssssay I owed you a favor, didn’t I?” The Pokémon hisses, a grateful smile on their face. “Now, what did you need help with?”

“It should be easy for you.” Dav says, walking to the pile of wood yet to be placed. “All you have to do is spray sand onto them until they’re smooth. We’ll lay them out first, and then it’ll be all yours.”

“Sssounds sssimple enough.” The Sandaconda replies. Heading over to the tree to introduce themselves to the rest of the crew.

“They owe you a favor?” Beau asks.

“Yep.” Dav responds. I haven’t told you about my first four days here yet, have I?”

Before Beau can respond, Dav turns around, continuing his thought.

“But we’ll save that for another time.” He says as Mako comes back, the two of them an apple.

“You have no idea, how much restraint it took to not eat these.” He says.

“Just make sure you give one to Sandaconda.” Dav says through a bite of his apple.

Once everyone’s done eating, the group goes back to placing the board onto the ground, Dav tasking Beau to hold the boards in place with his PSI, ensuring they don’t move during nailing.

Once the floor is done, everyone takes a step back as Sandaconda climbs onto the foundation, carefully sanding the floor down, occasionally stopping so Dav can check the smoothness of the new flooring.

Once Sandaconda is finished with their sandblasting, they offer to continue to help, working with Timburr and the Fraxure twins moving materials to the rest of the crew. Beau, now tasked with holding beams up so Dav and Gurdurr can affix them to the ceiling. Mako helps with Haxorus putting the actual walls and siding up against the house’s frame, building the shell of the trio’s new home.

A few hours later, the group has an almost functional house. The floor and walls now resembling a two-bedroom abode, complete with a living room, and a space for cooking. The only thing that’s missing is the roof, doors, and glass windows.

Dav sends Sandaconda and The Fraxure Twins out to Capim to pick up the glass he ordered with Gurdurr, as Beau and Mako pass the slabs of roofing up to the group of workers. Mako and Beau see Dav working hard, nailing down the slabs of roof. All with a smile on his face they haven’t seen in a while.

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Soon enough, Sandaconda and the Twins come back, right as Dav is done finishing the roof. He instructs Gurdurr, Timburr, and Haxorus to grab the last piece of wood, and fashion it into a door, pointing to the blueprints on the table. The rest of the group spend their time placing the windows into the wall slots, where Dav affixes each one into its frame with a hinge and a latch.

When the door was finally complete, the group all convene to place the door in.

Dav grabs two metal pieces from the table where the blueprints lie, and nails them into the door itself, and the hole where the door is.

The group affixed the hinges to the door, and the door to the wall.

The house is complete, and the group step back to admire the work.

“So, this is your idea of a house?” Gurdurr asks.

“Yes. It is.” Dav replies.

“It really did come together. I’m surprised that you can build such a strange and intricate dwelling with just planks of wood.” Haxorus adds.
Gurdurr walks up to the house, tapping it with his iron beam.

“Hmmph. Sturdy too.” He grumbles.

“So… do I win?” Dav asks, a smug smile on his face.

The Gurdurr grumbles, hitting it again with his Iron bar, harder this time, the house shakes, but doesn’t falter. However, everyone can tell he’s holding back.

“Fine. Yes, you win.” Gurdurr proclaims, walking back to the group. “I have to admit, I am surprised it stands. And… I am not going to destroy this. We all worked hard for it.”

“Thank you, friend.” Dav says.

“Well, I’ll leave you guys to it. Let me know when you get the inside finished, I want to see how well you work on your own.” Gurdurr says, beginning his walk home with his son.

“We must make our leave as well.” Haxorus adds, looking to his sons. “These ones have worked enough for today.”

The groups leave, the trio saying their goodbyes to the group as the construction Pokémon make their way to their homes.

As Sandaconda is about to leave, Dav tells them to head to Capim and rest in the inn he stayed at the night prior, telling them that they’re friends with the innkeeper, and he’ll let them stay.

Sandaconda thanks the trio, and heads for Capim for the night. Leaving the group standing in front of their new home.

“How did you afford all this?” Mako asks.

“Morbid curiosity from Haxorus and Gurdurr.” Dav chuckles. “They’ve never seen a human house before, not that I told them it was one.”

“And Sandaconda?” Mako asks.

“Someone I helped before I met you two, I’ll tell you another time.” Dav chuckles.

The trio look out to the cliff as the sun sets on the horizon.

“What do you think of the view? Nice, eh?” Dav says.

“It is.” Beau replies.

The Trio steps towards the tree, sitting down under its branches. The sun dissipates, the only remnants of daytime the orange-purple glow caressing the hilltops and mountains in the far-off sections of the continent.

“How did you come up with this idea?” Beau asks. “To build a house?”

“I never had the chance to say yet.” Dav says. “But I remembered.”

“You remembered?” Mako asks. “Remembered what?”

Dav pauses, taking a deep breath.

“I was a carpenter, a builder. Before this.” He replies.

“Really?” Beau asks.

Dav doesn’t respond, instead he continues.

“I worked with my father. My real father. We built together, houses, for others. I saw one day play out in my dreams… and then when I woke up… I remembered everything about it. Every job we did, all the memories we shared.”

Dav begins to choke back his words.

“But… that’s all I remember. I can’t remember anything else about my life. Just… him. And how much he…”

Dav pauses, taking in a sharp breath.

“You… you think he would be proud of me?” Dav says, looking to the two, tears welling up his eyes.

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Beau nods.

“Yes, he would.”

Mako puts a hand on Dav’s shoulder.

“You did a good job dude.”

Dav pauses, before grabbing the two of them with each arm, and pulling them close.

“Thank you, guys...” his voice quivers.

The trio sit for a moment in silence.

“How about, one last night under the stars?” Dav says, his voice softspoken, his words a whimper.

“I’m fine with that.” Beau responds.

“Same here.” Mako says.

Dav lets go of his friends, each of them taking their place under the tree.

“This is our home now.”

Pub: 04 Jun 2024 01:05 UTC
Edit: 04 Jun 2024 15:52 UTC
Views: 267