Within Me

A Team Crusader Story

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Chapter 5: Team Crusader

Stumbling down the path, the trio of Pokémon, now known as Team Crusader, continue on their way to Capim Town. Slowly, but surely, they manage to recover enough from their first foray into a mystery dungeon, their bumps and bruises from their encounters with the local, vicious fauna now fading into dull pain, and the smile of the Totodile’s face aids in their recovery.

The three were skeptical at first, agreeing to the Pokémon’s request… But, after seeing the happiness it brought a single ‘mon, they all silently agreed that they did the right thing… and that it felt good to help someone.

The group’s trek was silent, not one of them speaking, yet each one of them replaying the last hour in their minds.
Dav looked at his companions, He could see Mako’s ear twitching in a rhythm, as if he was counting something without using his hands.

He couldn’t be for sure, but Dav theorized that he was running their trek through the dungeon in his head, counting how many enemies there were, and what could’ve been done to get them out without being so injured.

He looked down to the ground, checking on Beau, his thoughts didn’t seem to be about the dungeon as a whole, but instead about what part he played in its finale. Dav silently spectated Beau as he lifted different rocks and twigs from the grass alongside the path, testing his psychic powers to see what he was now capable of. Now that he knows what he’s doing, it’s starting to become part of his repertoire.

Dav can’t help but let out a little chuckle, it’s good to see that despite the seemingly harrowing fight the trio had, they’re still in high spirits.
This, however, is heard by Beau, as his ears turn back, picking up his laugh. The rock he was holding with his mind now dropping to the ground.

“What’re you laughing about?” Beau says, turning his attention to his friend.

“Oh nothing, just watching you practice.” Dav replies.

“I’m getting pretty good at it now.” Beau says a smile across his face.

“Though, it’s still taking a bit of time to focus on more than just one thing, walking helps.”

“You’ll get it in no time.” Dav says.

Mako now chimes into the conversation, turning his body around to walk backwards, facing the group.

“Yeah, now that this is part of your move set, we’ll be able to have an easier time divvying up fights next time we go in.”

“You want to go back into one of those?” Beau asks, his voice carrying a hint of shock.

“Of course I do.” Mako says, confirming the other two's surprise.

“You gotta admit it was kind of exhilarating, right?”

Dav, now encouraged by Mako to think back to their time in the mystery dungeon, reminisces on the feeling of fighting for the first time. Every punch he threw lighting his wrists in flames, his body expelling his fears and worries, for a moment, taking on the feral creatures of the mystery dungeon was therapeutic.

“It was… fun yeah.” Dav responds.

Beau lets out a sigh.

“I guess since I can actually be helpful, I wouldn’t mind giving it another go.”

Mako claps his hands together in excitement.

“That’s what I’m talking about.”

Mako turns around and focuses his attention on the road, laying out his plans for the group.

“Once we get into town, we should see if that Clover Guild place is an actual explorer’s guild. That’d get us into plenty of mystery dungeons!”

“Sounds like fun.” Dav replies.

“It’ll be nice to talk to some people who might know more about us.” Beau adds.

“I’m stoked.” Mako says. “Genuinely, cannot wait to see what is going on there, I mean that one Pokémon from Treasure Town uh…”

“Hoppip?” Beau reminds Mako.

“Yeah, Hoppip. They said that the signs are in English, so someone over there has to be from, or know of this world, right?” Mako continues.

“What if they’re like us?” Dav questions.

“Oh, now that’d be something, But you guys are here, so it’s not out of the question.” Mako replies.

“Guess we’ll have to find out when we get there.” Beau says.

As Dav inspects his surroundings, he can see something peek out from the horizon…


Nestled in the cove they were approaching, was a… town, a real town! Buildings built out of the stumps of once giant trees, now claimed by the world’s natives. Each building was intricately carved out, as if they always belonged in the places they stood. The lush greenery of the surrounding areas nestled in-between each nook and cranny, a symbiosis of the ingenuity of the Pokémon, and the caressing, and kind hand of mother nature. A mutual agreement, that each party should respect their own space, but share it, so they can both flourish.

Bridges lined each tree stump, connecting the upper levels to one another like a web. Stairs circled each stump down to the lower levels. It looked like some kind of paradise, hidden away, yet standing before the trio in plain sight.

“Looks like we won’t have to wait long.” Dav says.

The three pick their pace up a bit, using what little energy they have left to jog into Capim. Before the three of them know it, they’re right at the edge of town.

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“Now, just keep an eye out for any signs that are in English.” Mako says.

“Course, should we uh… split up?” Dav says.

“Not a bad idea.” Mako replies.

Mako immediately heads down one of the bridges, to the levels below…

“We’ll cover more ground that way.”

Dav looks to Beau, who gives him a small shrug, about as good as a shrug can be when you don’t have any hands. The two look to the bridges separating off to corners of the town, and start walking away.


Beau watches from the foot of one of the bridges as Dav crosses the bridge toward the other side of town. He sees him look back, and give a light wave before continuing on his way.

Now left to his own devices, he feels like a little bit of him is lost… Both of his friends who have kept him grounded are now gone, for the time being. But it’s not like Beau hasn’t been to a populated place before on his own…

He recalls a vague memory of something similar but inverted. No bridges, no pathways connecting the tops of the trees. Instead, the buildings were the only tall standing structures, and the pathways lined the ground… He remembered living there for a while, it felt familiar to him… but it also felt gross.
He shuddered at the thought… something about it didn’t sit well with him… he felt a tinge of disgust as he recollected the smell of the urban environment, a nasty stench of steam, bitterness, and what could only be described as “rancid”.

He pulled himself from his memories, and looked down at the ground, raising his front paw up to investigate his pads, slightly fearful that his memory was too real, and his paws would be covered with the grime of the human world.

Luckily, they’re still spotless… or as spotless as they could be when you’ve been walking on the road all day.
Beau finally takes a step onto the bridge. Staring off to the side, he looks at the other Pokémon walking on the pathways below him, each of them living their own lives, going about their own adventures, just as he was.

“An adventure could mean anything,” he thought to himself.

“Perhaps even something as simple as running an errand could be one.”

He looked down at two Pokémon shopping at a small stand on the path. He looked around, peoplewatching (or is it Pokéwatching?) the strange faces going about their daily business, He sees what looks like a small owl-like Pokémon step out from a small building, a disgruntled look across their face, the name plastered on the front of the building spelled in markings he couldn’t read. As he tried to decipher what it meant, he bumps into someone, right at the end of the bridge.

Beau stumbles back, catching his footing, before a voice catches his attention.

“Whoops! You better watch where you’re going!” the female voice, cheery, yet abrasive, with a hint of mysteriousness to it splinters the air.

Beau looks up, to see he’s face to face with two Pokémon he doesn’t recognize. The tallest one, a tan color, wearing a blue scarf, and a satchel, much like Mako’s tucked under her arm. The silhouette of the Pokémon clicks in his head, he may not be able to remember much about before, but his knowledge of Pokémon seems to remain. The Pokémon in front of him is a Sandshrew. The other Pokémon to the side of the Sandshrew, is a quadrupedal Pokémon like him. An almost blinding white, though it’s blotted out by the large cap it wears on its head, and the vest covering it’s torso. Besides that, the constant expression of discontent plasters its face.

It looks like a Vulpix, but he doesn’t remember Vulpixes having white fur.

“Oh, I’m uh… I’m sorry.” Beau says, “Guess I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

The Sandshrew eyeballs Beau up and down, from his perspective, he can see his own slightly uncomfortable face in the large, black eyes of the creature.

“Never seen an Espeon before. You new?” She asks.

“Uh… I... I guess?” Beau says.

The Sandshrew snaps her fingers.

“I got it… you’re here for the guild, aren’t ya?” She says.

Beau feels overwhelmed by how quickly this mysterious character has figured out his purpose of being here.

“Y…yes?” He responds.

The Sandshrew turns to the white Vulpix, pulling them into a pseudo huddle. With their attention diverted, Beau decides to slip past the group, slowly walking off the bridge. But before he can fully evade the nosy Sandshrew, he hears her voice call out to him again.

“Ah-ah-ah! Don’t go anywhere!”

Beau freezes in place as he turns around once more to face the duo. The Sandshrew flips their scarf in a dramatic manner, before putting an arm to their chest and speaking once more.

“You’re in luck, young Espeon!” Her bravado radiates pure confidence, as if she’s putting on some kind of show. “We’re part of the guild!”

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Beau can’t help but tilt his head in confusion, the Sandshrew’s turn from slight annoyance to welcoming is surprisingly quick, and Beau’s curiosity is getting the better of him.

“You are?” he asks.

“Course we are! We’ve made tons money off- I mean- For the guild! We’re regulars!” The Sandshrew replies, pointing to herself. “I’m Cassie, this is Kiyo.”

She points to the white Vulpix.

“And this is Bean!” She gestures to her shoulder.

It’s only now that Beau notices the small orange bird Pokémon sitting on Cassie’s shoulder.

“Oh… Uh… hello.” Beau responds.

Cassie slides next to Beau, it feels like she’s boxing him in.

“Y’know, if you’re looking for the guild, we can take you there.” She says.

“Oh, that’d be uh… helpful. Thanks." Beau replies, trying to back further away from the schmoozing Sandshrew. This feeling is all too familiar to him. He knows what they’re going to say next.

“But!” Cassie continues.

There it is.

“It’ll cost you.” She says with a charming, yet sly grin.

Beau looks at the trio.

“I uh… I don’t have any money. I walked all the way here.” He says, hoping that this is enough to get them to back off.

“We don’t do charity.” Kiyo finally speaks up, though Beau can’t tell if he’s saying that to him, or Cassie.

Cassie taps her foot for a moment, before raising a hand up to the side of her head. Beau can see the little bird, Bean, whispering something into
Cassie’s ear. Beau can pick up the faintest of whispers but can’t seem to decipher exactly what it is the bird is saying.

“Good idea!” Cassie exclaims, before walking over to Kiyo, where the three begin discussing something amongst themselves.

Beau begins to turn to continue down his path, as much as he wants to make friends with the locals, the first few Pokémon he meets want him to pay them for directions, and he keeps getting a strange… feeling when looking at the three of them. Despite Cassie’s charming nature, he can’t help but feel… slightly in danger.

Before he can make any kind of headway, Cassie’s hand shoots up, as if she knows he’s about to walk away.
He looks to the group, to see Kiyo eyeing him from the huddle, the piercing, discontent stare from the Vulpix gives him that same dangerous feeling, as he sits on the ground, before the trio turns around to face him once more.

“Okay, we’ve made a decision.” Cassie says, her approach now less… dramatic. “We’ll show you the way to the guild.”

“You don’t even kno-“ Beau’s sentence is cut off by Kiyo.

“You’re going to Clover, right?” He says, his deadpan tone hitting Beau like a brick.

“Y…yeah, I am.” Beau replies.

“Perfect!” Cassie says, her expression lightening up.

“Like I said before, we’re part of the guild, we’ll take you there. For absolutely free.” Her voice chimes like a car salesman.

“Oh?” Beau responds. “I’m sensing a “but” again.”

Cassie snaps her fingers, turning to Kiyo.

“See, he’s not a stupid psychic type after all.”

“You don’t need to be psychic to know we’re gonna ask for something in return.” Kiyo responds.

“Whatever.” Cassie replies, turning her attention back to Beau.

“Look, it’s a favor, and if we do this one for you, you’d be willing to do one for us, right?” she continues, gesturing back and forth between the two of them.

Beau pauses.

“What kind of favor?” he asks.

“Doesn’t matter what kind, just… a favor! Like a uh… friendly one!” Cassie replies.

“That sounds sketchy.” Beau says.

Kiyo shakes his head.

“Told you he wasn’t going to take it.” He says.

“Look, I promise you.” Cassie says, taking a step forward.

“We’ll only ask for a plain ‘ol favor, between potential guildmates. Nothing weird or dangerous, Deal?”

She holds a hand out towards him.

Beau pauses for a second… They’ve been trying to get him to agree to help him this entire time… What’s… what’s the worst that could happen?

Beau raises a paw up, and with a heavy sigh, shakes the Sandshrew’s hand.

“Fine.” Beau says.

“Hah!” Cassie jumps up in excitement.

“No takebacksies!” She laughs to herself, before jogging down the path.

“Come on! The guild is this way!”

Beau looks down the path, as Kiyo brushes past him, heading down the steps, Cassie already well on her way to where Beau can only assume the guild is going to be.

“Come on, she’s not going to stop.” Kiyo says, looking back briefly at Beau.

Beau stands up and follows the Vulpix down the pathway that Cassie disappeared into.


Mako finds himself wandering down the lower levels of Capim town, It’s quaint, quiet. Mako can’t help but think to himself that it reminds him of something before.

The small shops, the warm sunlight… He could seriously get used to this. It’s more hustle and bustle than the small time he spent in Treasure town, the single night he found himself among a group of Pokémon in that underground complex on the side of the mountain. They seemed to enjoy the company he provided, even though he wasn’t much to talk.

They told stories of exploring places far and wide to him around their dining room. They had mentioned travelling through mountains, and finding all sorts of interesting things, from caves within waterfalls and maze-like forests filled with fog.

To say Mako was enthralled is an understatement. He felt comfortable in the complex, etranced by the stories he was told, even though he was being eyeballed by the odd music note shaped bird at the end of the table.

He did, however, know he couldn’t overstay his welcome, so before he left, and ran into Beau, he made sure to say his thank you’s and leave what little money he had to them.

Now, split apart from his friends, he felt like he could explore the town a little bit, and thanks to his satchel, he could find something nice for himself, and his friends when they meet up again.

He wanders his way past all the shops, scanning the windows to see what they sell, since he couldn’t read any of the signs.
Soon, he finds himself in front of a store that looks like it’s selling a variety of foodstuff, and judging by the growling coming from Mako’s stomach, this is certainly the place he needed to be.

He walks into the store, a soft chime coming from the waggling saloon doors as he steps inside. Varieties of berries, vegetables, fruits, and seeds line the shelves of the store.

Mako couldn’t help but smile to himself, this place really did feel less like it was ran by Pokémon, and more like it was ran by people.
He browses the stock, slowly inspecting each berry, though not to check if they were up to his tastes, just more to see if they looked good enough to eat.

He found out on his first day here that he wasn’t particularly picky with what he ate, as long as it looked edible, he wouldn’t mind it. It just had to satiate his hunger. Granted, he’d prefer something more… fresh, than not. Plus, if he’s getting something for not only him, he should probably grab the best ones.

Grabbing a handful of brightly colored berries, and some savory looking vegetables, he walks to the counter. A sleepy Weavile rests upon the front counter as Mako places down his items.

The Weavile gives him a look, one of slight discontent, but more against herself for sleeping on the job.

“That it?” She asks.

“Yeah, just these.” Mako responds, placing down some coins onto the counter.

The Weavile, without responding, takes the coins, counts them, then double checks their math. Mako impatiently taps his foot on the ground, trying to not let the bad mood of the shopkeeper ruin his day.

The Weavile pauses, giving him a look again, before restarting their count.

Mako stops tapping his foot, knowing if he continues to make a fuss, he’ll be here all day, and he still has to find this elusive “Clover Guild”.

Soon enough, the Weavile slides him the various vegetables and berries he purchased.

“Have a nice day.” She groans.

“Thanks.” Mako responds, making his way for the door.

He takes a mental note of the store, telling himself that if he finds another place, he’ll certainly shop there first.

As he steps out into the fresh air once more, he hears a voice call out to someone.

“Wha? What’re you doing here?” The voice calls out, a whiny, shrill voice that Mako cannot ignore.

He looks to where the source of the voice is coming from, as he sees a large yellow four-legged creature heading in his direction, the creature was talking to him.

“Ex…excuse me?” Mako says.

“Dude, if you didn’t think I’d be up to the task of getting ingredients than you should’ve just told me. You even took your apron off to sneak around.”

Mako, confused, scans his accuser up and down. The half tired, dopey looking creature is a Numel, there’s no mistaking that… but what exactly he’s talking about, Mako can’t figure out.

“I don’t… I don’t know you.” Mako responds.

“And now you’re faking a voice to trick me… I see how it is.” The Numel continues, sure of who he’s talking to.

“I’m… I’m not faking anything.” Mako adds, now even more confused than ever. “Who do you think I am?”

“Who do I think you are?” The Numel sighs, “You’re really committed to this bit aren’t you?”

“Wha-“ Mako confusion is cut off by the Numel continuing.

“Listen man, I only know one Munchlax, like, at all. And I work for him, that’s you. And you, trusted me to pick up some ingredients today at this store, that you, my boss, just walked out of.”

The Numel sighs, his expression defeated, his day seemingly ruined.

“You could’ve just said you didn’t trust me enough, man.”

“I’m… I’m not your boss?” Mako finally gets a word in.

“Dude, I’m not believing that.” The Numel turns around and starts walking back the way he came.

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“I’m going back to the guild, since you already did the shopping.” He states, dejectedly.

It clicks in Mako’s head when he hears the word “guild” This guy could belong to the Clover Guild, if he follows him back, then he could help Beau and Dav get there too!

Though… he’s a little bothered by the Numel, who seemingly is mistaking him for another Munchlax… Strange… he hasn’t seen another one either in the few days he’s been around… though he’s not really looking for more of his kind…

Mako pauses as the Numel walks further away, before shouting out to him.

“Hey uh… you!” he shouts.

The Numel turns around, his expression now somehow even more battered than before.

“You can’t even have the decency to call me by my name?” he says.

“I’m gonna say this again, I ain’t your boss, I don’t know your name. But… what did he ask you to get?” Mako asks.

The Numel sighs.

“You should know. You told me to get them.” The Numel sighs.

It’s clear Mako isn’t getting through to this actual dumbass. Fine, if he thinks he’s his boss, he’ll play the part. Least he can do is get him the right ingredients.

“Let’s just say I forgot.” Mako replies. “What did I ask you to get?”

This seems to slightly cheer the Pokémon up as he looks around, recollecting what he was told.

“You said, 'Ronald, you need to go down to the store, and pick up Two Carrots, A singular Oran berry, a bushel of green onion, and a Reviver Seed for when you inevitably mess this up.' That’s it.”

Mako looks into his satchel. Surprisingly, he did in fact buy Two carrots, and a Oran Berry when he shopped; though, he is missing the Green Onions. Peering deeper into his bag, he does spot a reviver seed, If he remembers correctly, when he was staying in Treasure Town, there was a Flower Pokémon who gave him one, he’s surprised he never used it.

He looks back to Ronald, is that really his name? Maybe he’s like him? That’s a good sign, the guild is supposed to have English signs, and being the first Pokémon aside from his friends that has a human sounding name, this is his best lead. Mako decides he’s going to see how far this it will take him.

Mako looks to the Numel.

“Okay uh... Ronald, looks like I forgot the green onions… You could still go in and grab them, and then we can go back to the guild.”

Ronald’s eyes seem to light up.

“You, forgetting something? Man, I’m not going to let you live this down.”

“Yeah sure, just uh… grab them so you don’t get in trouble later.” Mako responds.

“Sure!” The Numel trudges into the store.

Mako waits patiently for a moment, until the Numel emerges.

“Got them.” He says, handing Mako the Green onions, which he puts into his satchel.

“Great. Let’s go then.” Mako says.

The two stand in a long, drawn out, awkward silence as neither of them take the first step to move.

“You’re… you’re gonna start walking to the guild, right?” Ronald asks Mako.

Mako looks to Ronald.

“I forgot how to get there, show me the way.”

Ronald rolls his eyes.

“I’m not going to let you live this one down either.” He says.

“Fine by me.” Mako responds, He begins to pity whoever hired Ronald, and frankly, based on how Ronald talks about his boss, he’s unsure if he even wants to meet this mysterious Munchlax.

Ronald begins his slow walk to the guild, Mako following beside him, crossing his fingers that there’s not another guild somewhere in Capim he doesn’t know about.


Dav walks along the bridge leading towards the east side of Capim town, he can feel the breeze of the cool sea air blowing into the coves of the town, turning a light breeze into a solid gust of wind.

He can’t help but bask within the feeling, like the wear and tear the trio had been through in the last few hours are being carried away with the salty, calming wind ruffling the feathers along his body.

He takes a deep breath, staring out into the bay as he examines the carved out buildings and pathways below him.

“Now, to find words I can understand.” He mumbles to himself, scanning his surroundings.

Most of the signs he sees as he steps off the bridge are in a language he cannot comprehend, a mix of circles and triangles stacked on top of one another, each one a different shape or size.
Stopping at a fork in the road, he looks to see a signpost, pointing in two directions, one leading down, the other leading to another bridge, heading towards the middle of town. The signpost adorned with the same shapes as the others. Inspecting it a bit closer, he notices the symbols look like prints.

“That’s the words? Footprints?” Dav says to himself as he scans the signs.

He ponders how something like that would work, is each footprint a letter like his own alphabet? He’d have to remember every single Pokémon for something like that, though it’d only take twenty-six Pokémon to learn to read. But there’s no pattern comparable to English letters that would help him decipher it.

Scratching the intricacies of this foreign language out of his mind, He decides the best option would be to just go the downwards path. If the guild is going to house a lot of Pokémon, it wouldn’t be one of the smaller buildings on top of the stumps, they’d be on the bottom level, in one of the stumps. It’d house more people.

He goes to step, but he feels his foot kick something as he walks forward.

Looking down, he’s surprised to see there was an extra sign just laying on the floor. Picking it up with his hands, he notices it’s upside down.

Dav rotates the sign in his hands, looking to see what it says.

His eyes widen slightly, as he notices perfect human English etched underneath the footprint markings. The text is scrawled out, as if whoever etched it in was trying to make sure it was legible over looking good.

“CLOVER GUILD” The sign read, its end pointing down the way Dav was going to go. At least he guessed right. An etching of a four-leaf clover marks the end of the sign.

Dav sets the sign down against the signpost, so those who come by can still see it as they glance at the sign.

Now that he has some idea of where he needs to go, he’ll start working his way there, if there’s one sign, there should be more.

He walks down the steps that circle the stump he was standing on, as he begins to reach the bottom, he’s spit out onto the ground floor of Capim; his eyes peeled for another sign that at least bears the four leaved logo he found on the ground. Carefully, he steps through the few groups of other Pokémon crowding the street.

All of them are complacently going about their business, small groups speak with one another. Dav can’t help but eavesdrop a little; the conversations are varied, but he’s surprised to find that they’re mostly mundane.

He overhears a Rockruff talking to a Chandlure about receiving a letter from home, talking about how their life in Capim is vastly different from where they originated.

He spots two Pachirisu at a fork in the road, giving one another a hug before going their separate ways.

Dav let’s a small smile creep across his face, He could see himself living here, though as he twists and turns around the smaller mons who weave around him, he reconsiders that maybe it’ll be a bit tougher than he originally thought.

He shakes the thoughts from his head as he looks up to the road sign at the edge of the bay, where the road splits. Spit out from the bustling crowds, Dav finally has some real leg room to regain his bearings and examine the sign.

Scanning the sign, he doesn’t see anything related to the Clover Guild, though judging by the state of the previous sign, it seems like they either don’t want to be found, or someone is keeping other ‘mons from finding it.

An inquisitive “Hmm.” Later, and Dav is now scanning the pathways for anyone who looks like they’d be able to give him directions.

Many of the Pokémon perusing Capim look as if they’d be part of some kind of guild, some wearing scarves, others headwear, or bracelets.

Finding himself out of options, he randomly picks one of the Pokémon, a Zweilous, wearing two different colored scarves. Maybe they’ll know where he could find the guild.

Dav approaches the two, who seems to be in the midst of talking to one another.

“I’m telling you, I do not like the taste of Pecha! Please stop bringing them along on our journeys.” One head exclaims to its twin, in a whiny voice.

“You’re not the one eating them!” The other head retorts, its voice slightly deeper, more sophisticated.

“But I can still taste them when you eat the wretched things! We share the same stomach you idiot.” The left head protests, butting its twin in retaliation.

The two continue their bickering as Dav approaches them, he goes to raise his voice, but stops as the right head returns the blow to its twin. Dav finds himself watching the Pokémon fight against itself for a moment, before one of the heads realizes Dav is trying to talk to them.

“Someone’s here, cut it out!” the lower voiced head whispers loudly to its twin.

The other head replies; “Fine.” Before butting his brother, as if he’s trying to get the last laugh.

“I’m not bothering you, am I?” Dav asks.

“No of course not!” The mature head says. “Pleasure to meet you, We’re Zweilous, I’m Reed.” The head gestures to his red scarf, and my idiot brother here is Lee.” He looks to the other head, wearing a green scarf.

Lee doesn’t say anything, until Reed butts him with his head.

“Be Polite!” Reed exclaims.

“Sorry, Hello.” The whiny head greets Dav.

“Nice to meet you, uh… I need some help, you guys know your way around here?” Dav asks.

“Course we know our way.” Lee remarks in a confident tone, though his voice makes him come off as smarmy.

“I’ve lived in Capim my whole life. Don’t ask him for directions, he appeared when I evolved.” he makes a face at his twin.

“Oh, shut your mouth, I was still knocking around in that pea sized brain of yours since you were a Deino.” Reed snaps back. “Now, are you in need of directions?”

Dav swallows any comments he wants to make about the bickering brothers before continuing his conversation.

“Y..yeah, I’m looking for directions. I saw at the entrance to the town that there’s a guild here, can’t seem to find it though. It’s called Clover?” Dav asks.

Both of the heads look at each other before turning to their attention back to Dav.

“You don’t want to go there.” Reed Says.

“Yeah, it’s not your normal Explorer’s guild.” Lee adds on to his twin’s response.

“Why’s that?” Dav asks.

“Some weird Pokémon live there. They’re sometimes rude, other times they’re downright strange. I’m pretty sure they’re not even Pokémon!” Lee says, before he’s hit in the head again by Reed.

“Be nice!” Reed snaps at his twin, before continuing their conversation. “They’re most certainly Pokémon! Although, my other head is right, they are
quite… eccentric. Some of them are good natured ‘mons Like that one fellow… Similar to you.”

“Similar to me?” Dav asks.

“Yes! We’ve never spoken to him, but it’s not every day we see a species like yours.” Reed continues.

“You’re talking about that Combusken, aren’t you?” Lee asks.

“Yes! That’s the one… What’s his nickname again? I've heard those other guildmons call him something...” Reed turns his attention to his twin.

“It’s uh… It’s three sounds. Jay… Ess… Tee?” Lee says.

“No that’s not right.” Reed remarks. “It’s got a click to it!”

“A Click?” Lee asks.

“Yes!” Reed retorts, making a “Cuh” sound a couple times.

“Oh!” Lee’s eyes seem to light up, despite Dav not being able to see them.

“It definitely has that sound.”

The two brothers ponder to themselves the name of the Combusken. The two heads of this Pokémon are on different wavelengths, and Dav feels like he’s wasting his time…

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Looking for someone else to talk to, he happens to spot someone talking to one of the shopkeepers at a small stand.

He leans back a little to see if he can’t catch the face of the Pokémon in mid conversation. That looks like a Combusken alright, and he seems to also be wearing a scarf as well, striped in red and white. To top it all off as well, the Combusken is also sporting an eyepatch too.

“That him?” He says to the Zweilous, pointing at the Pokémon at the stands.

The two heads look up and join him in the lean, catching their own glance at the Pokémon.

“Oh that’s him alright, he’s from the guild, We’ve seen him around.” Reed says.

“Thanks, I think.” Dav says, walking away from the two Pokémon.

Dav can hear the two of them go right back to bickering as soon as he walks away.

“So much for helping him, now some other sap is going to have to tell him to not go to the guild!” Lee says.

“Oh shut up you! Now we don’t have to be response for any trouble he gets in!”

Dav approaches the small stand, as the Combusken starts walking away. Following him for a short bit, Dav calls out to him.

“Uh, excuse me.”

The Combusken turns around, and for a brief moment, Dav sees a haunted expression cross his face, before it returns to a more… collected look.

There’s a brief silence between the two, before the Combusken speaks up.

“Can I help you?” It asks.

“Yeah, I need help with directions.” Dav says.

The Combusken scans him up and down. It looks like he’s trying to decipher something about Dav.

“Where are you trying to get to?” He asks.

“I’m looking for the Clover Guild.” Dav asks. “I was told you’re part of it.”

The Combusken hesitates, The silence between the two is deafening. Dav feels like he just asked something he shouldn’t have; The Combusken still giving him a look of hesitance in divulging anything about him.

Finally, after a moment, the Combusken speaks up.

“Where are you from?” He asks,

“Where am I from?” Dav repeats the question asked to him. Should he tell him the truth? It wouldn’t hurt… since all the signs pointing to the guild are in English. But, then again, he still has a fear that if he talks about it out loud, he might cause a scene.

“It’s complicated.” Dav responds.

“Complicated?” The Combusken asks.

“Yeah. Complicated.” Dav doubles down on his answer.

The Combusken pauses once more, giving Dav a look, as if he’s staring into his soul. Dav is visibly uncomfortable at the Combusken’s glare.

“Look… man, if you don’t want to give me directions that’s fine. I can uh… ask someone else.” Dav says.

“You’re fine.” Combusken says, pausing, still staring, before asking another question.

“You’re not from the water continent, are you?”

Dav’s fears are lightened a bit as he realizes that this all might be a misunderstanding.

“N…no?” Dav says. “I don’t even know what continent I’m on right now.”

The Combusken nods.

“Ah, makes sense. Now I get it.”

“Get what?” Dav asks.

“I’ll explain on the way, come on.”

The Combusken starts walking down the path, towards the outskirts of the town.

“Alright.” Dav says, following the Pokémon down the path.

The two make their way out of the town proper, following a path that was overgrown, and not as well kempt as the rest of the town, but enough to where you could still tell there’s a lot of foot traffic.

“Oh, I’m KFC, by the way.” The Combusken says.

“KFC?” Dav replies.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m called.”

Dav wonders if he should point out that KFC is the name of a fast-food chain restaurant that exists in his world… though, he stops himself, someone else must’ve told him already, and if they didn’t, he doesn’t think he wants to be the one to break the news to him.

“Alright then, I’m Dav.” Dav says, exchanging names with KFC.

“Yeah, that settles it.” KFC says, not taking his attention off the road.

“Settles what?” Dav asks.

“You’re human, right?” KFC asks.

“Oh… that, yeah, I woke up maybe… five days ago?” Dav says.

“Surprised it took you this long to find your way here.” KFC replies.

“I didn’t know the guild was a thing… I only heard about it from my friends.” Dav remarks.

“Making friends already?” KFC asks.

“Well, sorta, They’re my friends from… from before all this.” Dav continues.

“Guess we all got brought into here at different times.”

“Hmm… interesting.” KFC says.

“That so?” Dav asks.

“You’re the second group of ‘mons who know each other from when they were human. Lliam’s gonna want to hear about this.” KFC continues.

“Lliam?” Dav asks. “Who’s that?”

“The guild master. He runs Clover Guild.” KFC replies.

“So there’s more of us?” Dav asks.

“Oh yeah… Clover is basically all humans who became Pokémon.” KFC clarifies.

Dav remembers the sign he saw at the entrance to Capim Town, and also the comments made by the Zweilous. It all starts to make a little bit more sense.

“I see.” Dav replies.

“We’re almost there anyhow.” KFC points to the building approaching the two in the distance.

The building the two are approaching is large, seemingly patched up over the course of some time, a reclamation of a large tree trunk from days long
past, now reused by the denizens of the Clover Guild. A sign sitting above the door, written in those same strange markings again. But, clear as day
underneath, the words “Clover Guild” are written in plain English.

Dav looks to the door, seeing a small group already standing there, He recognizes one of them already. The color purple sticks out like a refreshingly sore thumb.

KFC and Dav approach the group as they stand around the grate on the door.

“Hey Beau, glad you made it.” Dav says.

“One of your friends?” KFC asks.

“Nice to see you KFC!” Cassie exclaims, in her usual peppy attitude.

“Cassie, Kiyo, Bean.” KFC replies, his expression unwavering, albeit a little cold.

“Hey Dav.” Beau says to his friend.

“They were showing me the sentry post.”

“Sentry post?” Dav asks.

“Yeah, it’s where we have someone verify your identity.” KFC answers.

“I could’ve told them that!” Cassie says.


Cassie steps onto the grate, where a voice shouts up from underneath.

“Pokémon Detected. Pokémon Detected.” The unenthusiastic voice echoes from the bottom.

There’s a silence for a moment. Before the voice speaks up again.

“It’s Cassie.”

“Damn right it’s me! Now let me in!” She shouts down the grate.

“Where’s Kiyo?” The voice asks.

“I’m here.” Kiyo responds, stepping onto the grate.

“I see you.” The voice replies.

“We’ve got others too!” Cassie shouts down again.

A irritable sigh is heard from the grate.

“Fine. Have them step onto the grate.”

Beau’s the first to step onto the grate. There’s a slight silence for a bit before another audible groan is heard from the bottom of the pit.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me, you brought another eeveelution with you?” The voice says.

“I didn’t ask to be this way.” Beau snaps back.

“Whatever man, you’re good, next.” The voice says.

KFC is the next person to step onto the grate.

“Oh KFC, good to see you.” The voice says.

“Yep.” KFC says, stepping off of the grate, his attention turning to Dav.

“Your turn.”

Dav takes a step onto the grate, waiting to see What the voice has to say about him.

There’s a pause, a bit of silence before the voice speaks up.

“A Blaziken? Interesting. Guess we’ve got them all now. You’re good.” The voice says.

The door begins to open, Dav and Beau are waiting in anticipation to see what lies on the other side…

Before any of them can take another step, they hear a whiny voice call out to the group.

“Hold on!”

Everyone turns around to see Ronnie and Mako walking up to the group.

“Oh, Hey guys.” Mako says to the two of them.

“You know them?” Ronnie asks.

“Yeah, they’re my friends.” Mako says.

“I didn’t know you had friends other than me.” Ronnie remarks.

“Look, man, I…. nevermind.” Mako responds, fed up with the Numel’s insistence on his reality.

“Good to see you dude.” Dav says.

“Looks like we’re all here now.” Beau adds.

“You guys coming?” Cassie asks the group, she’s already halfway in the door.

“Yeah, we’re coming.” KFC says, turning to the trio.

“Do you need anything else from me?” He asks.

“No, I don’t think so, guess we’ll talk to that Lliam guy next. Thanks for the help.” Dav responds.

“He’s easy to find, big office up on the third floor, you can’t miss it. Your welcome, just let me know if you get lost, I’ll show you around if you need help.” KFC says, heading into the guild with Cassie and her teammates.

“So, we’re heading in?” Beau asks.

“Yep, sure are.” Dav says.

“I’ll join you guys upstairs in a minute.” Mako tells the group.

“I have to help this guy first.” He gestures to Ronnie.

“You gotta do more than help me, Lunch is supposed to be ready soon.” Ronnie says.

“You just don’t get it do you?” Mako responds, before heading into the guild, Ronnie following behind him like a lost puppy.

“I’ll meet you guys upstairs.” Mako says, stepping into the guild.

Beau and Dav exchange confused looks with one another, before walking into the building in front of them, the doors closing behind them as they’re greeted with the lobby of the Clover Guild.

Beau and Dav are faced with a slightly bustling lobby area, as they watch their tour guides revert back to their natural routines. KFC wandering down a hallway past the stairs, and Cassie and her team heading up the stairs to another floor. The building isn’t anything to scoff at, albeit a little underkempt. It’s not dirty, but it’s starting to get that way.

Dav looks to Beau.

“So, third floor?” He asks.

“That’s what the other bird said.” Beau responds.

The two begin walking to the stairs.

“Did you know his name is KFC?” Dav says.

“Seriously? Fuck off.” Beau responds.

“No I’m not joking dude.” Dav says.

“Someone should tell him.” Beau adds.

“Let’s hope it’s not us.” Dav responds.

Meanwhile, Mako rounds the corner into the mess hall with Ronnie. Mako can’t help but notice that it’s slightly cleaner than the lobby. Finally being in this building feels like a weight off of his shoulders. Though, before he links up with his friends, he’s gotta give these ingredients to The Numel’s boss.

Mako and Ronnie enter the kitchen, where they’re both met face to face with the other Munchlax, who doesn’t notice them right away, he seems to be focused on cutting ingredients on a rudimentary cutting board, throwing the items into a pot.

Before long, he finally catches a glimpse of Ronnie.

“Oh, Ronald. You’re Ba-“ his words cut off as he makes eye contact with Mako.

The two share a look with one another, before they both look to Ronnie, who is downright shocked to see more than one Munchlax.

The other Munchlax speaks up.

“Did you at least-“

Mako cuts him off.


The other Munchlax nods, gesturing to an open spot next to the cutting board.

“Set them there, if you will.” The other Munchlax requests.

Without a word, Mako walks over, taking out the ingredients The Numel was supposed to get, and setting them down on the table for the Apron wearing Pokémon.

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The two share another look, before Mako speaks up.

“I don’t see the similarities.” He says.

“Neither do I.” The other Munchlax responds.

Mako turns around, both of them silently choosing to not speak of this situation again as he walks out of the kitchen to meet his friends, passing by Ronnie, who’s still stuck in the shocked expression from realizing the absolute blunder he made.

As Mako exits the kitchen, he can hear the other Munchlax let out a sigh.

“Ronald, you absolute buffoon…”

Team Crusader

Beau and Dav stop on the second floor on their way up to the guild master’s office. It’s here where they find the common room. It’s a lot more unkempt than the lobby. It seems like a lot goes on during the day, and this is where most of the Pokémon in the guild mingle.

There’s a couple of chairs, a table, some rudimentary tabletop games, and papers lining the floor, on them, crudely drawn images of varying degrees of quality. The room has three exits, one with the phrase “Library” and two hallways that round out the edges of the building. Seems like this is where the living spaces are for Pokémon. It also appears like the place is quite crowded.

As they’re about to go up the stairs, they’re stopped by a voice.

“You guys new here?” The voice says.

The two turn around to see a Smeargle standing in one of the openings towards where the living quarters are There's nothing really defining about him, aside from the gaudy brown fanny pack he's wearing, it looks like both the fanny pack, and the belt around it are covered in dried splotches of paint.

“You could say that yeah.” Dav says.

“Nice to see someone new, I’m Ross.” The smeargle says, walking up to the two, holding a hand out.

Dav reaches down, and shakes the Pokémon’s hand. Beau can’t help but notice the large trail of green paint that lines the floor. Actually, now that Beau’s paying more attention, he’s noticed that there’s a few stained green lines on the ground already, snaking in different directions.

“Nice to meet you Ross.” Dav says.

“What’s your guys’ names?” Ross asks.

“It’s Dav.” Dav says. “That’s Beau.”

“Hello.” Beau says.

“So, you guys thinking of joining the guild?” Ross asks.

“Yeah, we’re thinking about it. Place seems a bit crowded though.” Beau says.

Ross turns his attention to the Espeon.

“It’s a pretty big place, but yeah, it get a bit crowded sometimes. I don’t blame you for being hesitant.” Ross says.

“Do you have to share a room?” Dav asks. “Or do we get our own living spaces?”

Ross ponders for a moment before speaking up again.

“All the teams I know share.” Ross says, "It helps keep rooms open."

Dav and Beau share a look, considering their options when it comes to sharing a room with three people. It doesn’t sit right with them.

“We’ll consider it.” Beau says.

“I don’t blame you.” Ross replies. “I’ll let you guys get to it.”

Ross starts walking away, the paint trailing off of his tail glazing the floor in green. Ross stops, looking down to see he stepped in the paint trail, letting out a small groan. The two watch as Ross grabs the end of his tail, and storing the end in the belt of his fanny pack, before disappearing into the hallway once more.

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Dav and Beau look to the stairs, and continue their way up.

Soon enough they’re on the third floor, rounding the stairs, they’re met with a large intricate double door.

“That’s the guild master’s office yeah?” Dav asks.

“Has to be.” Beau replies.

The two wait patiently as Mako makes his way up the stairs. Finally reaching the top, he trudges over to the group.

“Sorry that took forever.” Mako said.

“That’s fine, we’re just about to go in.” Beau replies.

“Let’s do this.” Mako says, walking towards the door.

As they reach the door, Dav raises his hand to knock. Before he can, the group hear a voice from the other side.

“Come on in!”

The trio look at one another, before opening the door.

The Guildmaster’s room is one of the more clean rooms of the building. Papers lined the desk in a orderly fashion, a bookshelf to the left houses multiple books, and even more, on the other side of the room, lies a shelf with what looks like a handful of wands.

This place definitely looks like it was made for whoever is in charge, and that Pokémon was sitting at the almost comically larger than him desk.

The guild master was a Meowstic, wearing a cloak, This must be the guild master that KFC was talking about.

“Welcome! How can I help ya?” Lliam says, his voice surprisingly enthusiastic.

The trio pause for a moment. It all occurs to them they have no actual reason as to why they even came here.

Beau, Mako, and Dav all wrack their brains for an idea on what exactly they wanted out of the guild, before one of them, Beau, speaks up.

“Uh… We came here cause we saw the writing on the sign, it was in our own language.”

The Meowstic nods.

“Ah, yeah, we’re the only place that puts English on their signs…”

Lliam takes a moment to hop up onto the desk, scanning the three of them up and down.

“You’re all new arrivals I assume?” He asks.

“By new arrivals…” Dav says.

“Humans, yes.” Lliam finishes Dav’s thought.

“Yeah, we are.” Mako says. “How’d you guess that quickly?”

Lliam let’s out a small chuckle, before beginning his explanation.

“The first thing is that you know what English is.” The Meowstic laughs.

“Secondly, it’s your auras.”

“Auras?” Dav asks.

“Oh yeah, your auras. I don’t blame you for not knowing, since you three only just got here.” The Meowstic continues.

“Actually, you can see the auras, can’t you?” The Meowstic looks to Beau.

“Me?” Beau asks.

“Yeah, certainly you know about Auras?” Lliam asks again.

“I Don’t think so.” Beau says. “Frankly... I don’t actually remember much. I just learned how to use PSI today.”

The Meowstic nods.

“I see, and you two, do you remember anything?” He turns his attention to Mako and Dav.

“No, we probably remember as much as him.” Mako says.

“We only grouped up because we all knew each other from before.” Dav adds.

Lliam raises an eyebrow as he processes Dav’s words.

“Hmm. That’s certainly interesting. You’re not the first group of Humons who’ve woke up together.”

“Humons?” Beau asks.

“Yep, Humons. Humans who are now Pokémon.” Lliam says. “It’s slang.”

The three all give a nod in understanding.

“Regardless, Humons have a different aura from native Pokémon, so if you’re a psychic type, you’ll be able to spot us pretty easily.” Lliam says, looking
at Beau.

“I’m sure you’ve done it once before, haven’t you?” Lliam says.

“Have I?” Beau turns to his friends and asks.

Mako pauses for a moment, before snapping his fingers.

“Oh! Remember in the mystery dungeon? You could sense the brooch that one Pokémon had us look for.”

“You’re right.” Beau replied to his friend, turning his attention back to the guild master.

“That’s aura?” He asks.

“It’s a subset of it yes, Items holding significant personal connection to a Pokémon cling to the aura of their owner, it makes psychic types very good trackers in Mystery Dungeons. Especially if you three plan on taking on more journeys like that. Which I assume is partly why you’re here as well.” Lliam says.

Mako nods. “I’d personally like to go on more expeditions in Mystery Dungeons.”

“I wouldn’t be against it.” Dav says.

“We’ve already got a team name.” Beau adds.

“I can sign the three of you up right now if you want.” Lliam says.

The three look at the Meowstic.

“I actually have one question.” Beau asks.

“What’s that?” Lliam looks to the Espeon.

“Do we have to live here if we join?” He says.

Lliam pauses for a moment.

“No, we won’t force you to. Some of our members already live in different places, and commute here every day. We do ask you make regular appearances though, why be in a guild If you don’t show up?” The Meowstic chuckles.

“Fair enough.” Beau responds.

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“Tell you what.” Lliam says, pulling a piece of paper out from a drawer.

“Sign your names on the page, and once you are ready to properly join the Guild, I’ll notarize it and make you three official members.”

Dav looks around for a pencil or something to write with. Lliam sliding a pencil to dav, who signs it with a surprising amount of muscle memory. He
hands the pencil to Mako, who signs his name next, albeit a little bit crudely.

Setting the pencil down, Beau looks to the writing utensil, taking a chance to raise it up with his PSI, he brings the pencil to the paper. But as he goes to press it into the paper, the pencil slams into the desk, snapping the lead right off, and leaving a dark mark on the paper.

Mako and Dav look to beau, who’s ears fold back in embarrassment.

Lliam lets out a small chuckle, before hopping off of the desk with a small black pad and and the document.

“Here, we’ll do it this way. Easier until you figure out how to control that PSI of yours.”

He lays the document down, on the ground next to the darkened pad. Beau knows exactly what he’s supposed to do. He raises a paw, Placing it on the wet pad, before placing his paw print in his section of the signature line. He lets out a sigh, yet again he's handicapped by his lack of hands. He looks at his ink covered paw, hoping that his friends don't make any comments about his mistake.

“There you go, now you’re done!” Lliam says, taking the paper and pad from Beau. “Now, once you’re ready to officially join, come back and we’ll get it officiated!”

The trio exit Lliams room, Beau taking extra care, to not mark the floor too much with his inked paw. Soon enough, they find themselves outside once more. Taking in the fresh air of the outside.

"So." Mako says. "We just have to find a place to live?"

"I guess so." Beau replies. "I'm sure we could find a place to shack up."

Before Dav can speak, he's interrupted by the echoing sound of something, rumbling.

"The hell was that?" Dav asks.

Beau and Dav turn their attention to Mako, who's looking at his own stomach.

"Jeez... didn't know it was that loud." he says.

"Maybe we should get something to eat first?" Dav asks.

"Sounds like a good idea to me." Beau responds, "I'm actually kinda hungry myself."

"It's settled then, we'll head back into town to get something to eat, then, we'll find a place to stay for the night." Mako says.

Next Chapter

Pub: 06 May 2024 02:19 UTC
Edit: 04 Jun 2024 01:06 UTC
Views: 407