Enter the Federation Rules and Prompt


  • KFC plans to write the opening and ending (though He’d still like input from better writers such as Ribombee or Phanpy).
  • Anyone who wants to participate writes about their group's adventure in the dungeon they were assigned. Each writer gets to name their own dungeon and what Pokemon are found in it.
  • Each story needs to be uploaded onto Rentry with the first part of their title being Enter the Federation - (whatever the author wants to title their story)


  • The Federation President, Alakazam, (with Chatot in tow) shows up at the Clover guild because of the Expedition Report KFC wrote
  • They also threaten to forcefully shut down the guild since it is unauthorized. However, if the Clover Guild joins the Federation, the guild can stay open.
  • Entering the Federation requires passing a test. However, due to Alakazam's hatred of humans and Chatot being asshurt about Phanpy's team, they decide to make the test seemingly impossible.
  • KFC is forced to take care of something else, so he can't help
  • Lliam is forced to stay on the sidelines since the test involves seeing how well he selected guild members. (Basically, if he has let incompetent Pokemon join the guild, they'll fail the test)


  • Several (the exact number of dungeons will be determined when I know how many writers will be participating) dungeons are popping up all along the grass continent, reports indicate these dungeons contain rifts.
  • New unexplored dungeons are given code names, Dungeon (Two letters followed by a dash and a number from 00 to 99), (EX: Dungeon AA-01). But Teams must give it a real name once they complete it.
  • Already Existing Dungeons, which a rift fromed in, already have real names
  • The Federation Entrance Test is to find and seal these rifts in the dungeons.
  • Before KFC leaves to take care of his business he leaves the guild with the parting, yet vague, words. "To find a rift, you need to find what does not belong."
  • The guild spits up into groups and each group takes a dungeon. One bottle of "Rift sealant" is provided to each group. Each group must return with a green Rift Sealant bottle cap. (See Lore Section for more details)

Lore about Rifts and Rift Sealant:

(Everything in parentheses isn't told to the characters, it is there just for the writers as extra information/clarification)

  • Rifts can only be seen by those with advanced aura sensory skills (at this time only KFC has that ability).
  • For non-aura users, "To find a rift, you need to find what does not belong."
  • However, rifts have a noticeable effect on the dungeon itself and its inhabitants.
    • Rifts can spontaneously appear anywhere in the world. When a rift appears it forms a new mystery dungeon. If a rift were to naturally appear inside a mystery dungeon, the rift would change the dungeon's structure so much that it might as well be considered a new dungeon.
    • All dungeons emit a frequency and if a rift is located in a dungeon then that frequency has a lot more noise in it (noise referring to signals, not sound), which psychics may be able to detect.
    • Dungeons that contain rifts have level 5 Mysteriosity. (Please see Mysteriosity Study for more details)
    • Dungeons, at random times, may suddenly shift, twist, and distort themselves or completely change their layout.
    • The amount of dungeon distortion (not to be confused with the Mysterious Distortion Effect) is inversely proportional to the distance from a rift. (Closer you get to the rift, the more distortion occurs)
    • Dungeon Inhabitants grow more violent and unruly the closer they are to a rift.
    • Dungeon inhabitants may feed off the energy emitted from the rift which causes extreme growth in the Pokemon’s form (Dynamax). They also become violent.
    • Rifts are seemingly connected to other worlds. However, all the rifts are exit rifts meaning you cannot enter them.
    • More often than not, otherworldly items are found near the rifts. All electrical items that entered into the PMD world through a rift have their circuitry completely fried.
  • Rifts can be sealed with something called Rift Sealant.
    • Rift Sealant comes in a small glass bottle.
    • It is a liquid in the bottle, but when the bottle is opened it turns into a gas that seals rifts
    • Each bottle can only be opened only once
    • For Rift Sealant to be effective it must be opened within 5 meters of the rifts opening.
    • The sealant particles bond to the edges of a rift's opening which causes the particles to change their structure and attract other sealant particles making the rift slowly shut (it takes about 20 seconds after opening the bottle for the rift to shut completely)
    • To use Rift Sealant, the bottle must remain still and in one place for 10 seconds, uninterrupted. Otherwise, the Rift Sealant won’t work.
    • There is a small piece of white paper on the inside of the bottle cap, which will turn green if a rift is sealed. If no rift is sealed, it will turn red.
  • Some of the dungeons may be “Wild-Type Dungeons,” which cause low item appearance rates (one item per floor) and increased spawn rates of dungeon inhabitants.

Sample Ideas:

  • Two teams may go into the same dungeon and then get separated when the dungeon distorts.
  • You see a Pokemon start suddenly growing, indicating a rift is near. You must fight it off to reach the rift
  • You find a dungeon Kecleon selling a broken TI-30XS calculator and you have to get him to tell you where he found it. (I actually really like this idea for teams that don’t like to fight)
  • You lure dungeon inhabitants around and use their behavioral changes to find the rift.
Pub: 19 Apr 2023 01:55 UTC
Edit: 30 Apr 2023 01:41 UTC
Views: 917