Sweet's Dreams: A Team Magic Story

by skorupi-anon

“Sweet, I'm going over to Capim Town to buy supplies. Try to avoid blowing the house up while I'm gone, will you?”

“No problem-o, Atom! See you later!”

I hear the front door close. I've got the house all to myself today!


(music: https://youtu.be/YfPaBPfaU00?si=jQhelQooOotV5lyJ) My name's Sweet. I'm a Hatenna, and a psychic-slash-magician in training! I've been pushing myself extra hard in an effort to hone my psychic abilities. In the past, I hit a mental wall, and when I thought all hope was lost... I discovered magic!

That's right! Magic is real, and it's intrinsically linked to mastery of one's psychic powers! But, don't let Atom hear you say that. He insists that magic is just made-up fairy tale stuff for little kids and stupid people, but he's wrong. I mean, my magic is pretty sloppy, sure, but that doesn't mean it's fake or a waste of time! In fact, I've got a little project planned for today that's gonna prove once and for all that my magic isn't a joke!

Using telekinesis, I lift a heavy, dust-covered tome from the wooden bookshelf beside my bed, and gently drop it onto the floor in front of me. Apparently, this is a “grimoire”, also known as a spellbook, written by a revered magician who lived long ago. I had to save up for a whole month to afford this bad boy! The guy who sold it to me says he got it from some sort of rift, or something like that. I don't know what he meant by that, but it must mean that this book is the real deal!

I flip through the pages until I find the one I'm looking for. Page three-hundred seventy-nine, the page on the right. I've spent lots of time studying its contents...

The well-worn page features an intricately drawn circle, with a smaller circle inside of it. Six lines extend from the inside of the circle's border, meeting together in the center. Between the lines are several runes that I can't quite understand, but I'm sure that they hold some kind of deep, mystical significance. As a finishing touch, six eerie, unlit candles are placed at the origins of the six lines.

According to the caption underneath the drawing, this circle is called a Magic Circuit. Supposedly, lighting the candles and standing in the center of the circle is supposed to drastically increase your magic and psychic abilities! I've wanted to perform this ritual for a long time, but Atom always gets all whiny when I try to set it up. Something about “making a huge mess in the house,” or something like that. But who cares what that party pooper has to say?! Today is the first day I've had all to myself in what feels like forever, so I'm going to make this circle, whether Atom likes it or not!

I've got all the time in the world. Let's get started!

I look to the left, at page three-hundred seventy-eight. Listed on the paper are instructions on how to construct the circle. Let's see here... to start things off, it says the circle must be drawn along the ground using the blood of a virgin.

...Yuck. That sounds pretty unsanitary. I don't really want to lose any blood, and I'll bet Atom doesn't want to donate any of his, either. It won't be a problem if I find a substitute, right? I mean, it does specify blood, but, I think it's probably okay if I use something else, as long as it's a similar color. But what could I...? Aha! That's it!

I head over to the kitchen and hop up on top of the stepstool next to the elevated pantry. The inside of the cabinet is starkly empty, except for a glass jar filled with Razz berry jelly. This'll be the perfect substitute!

Back in the main room, I open up the jar. It smells funny, the color seems off, and it looks a bit chunky. Now that I think about it, this jar has been sitting in the back of the cupboard for a while... I think it's gone bad. Well, I guess it'll have to do. I telekinetically open the jar and pick up a glob of the expired jelly. Clumsily, I begin to smear it across the floor, using the art of the ritual circle as my reference.

Step one!

It looks a bit rough around the edges, but... I think I did a pretty nice job overall! The room smells a bit stinky now, though.

Right! Time for step two. Next, it says I have to collect the freshly molted skins of three elderly Ekans and grind them into a fine powder. Then, sprinkle the powder all along the surface of the circle in even amounts.

...How in the world am I supposed to get those?? Hmm... I suppose no one said the life of a magician was an easy one.

...Oh, that's right! A family of Ekans lives somewhere in the forest behind our cabin. Atom gets cranky because they sneak into his garden at night and eat the berries without asking. They're really rude! I don't like the idea, but, maybe if I go ask nicely, they'll have what I'm looking for.


(music: https://youtu.be/dZCWU1q3xAs?si=qHnhcaww1zreFhtl) After a short stroll through the woods, I find the Ekans family's home. Well, I say it's their home, but to me, it looks more like a pile of dirt and stolen berries. The Ekans themselves are coiled around tree branches suspended far above my head. They don't look happy to see me.

“U-um, excuse me!” I call out to the group. They're glaring daggers at me... it's making me really nervous! Okay, calm down, Sweet, calm down... it's just a simple request. All I have to do is make a good first impression, and I'm sure they'll be okay with it! Here goes nothing.

“M-my name's Sweet! I, uh, want to take your skins, please!”


I sit on the cabin's floor, dejected, and covered in tiny bite marks. I'm sore all over... I don't think they'll let me borrow their molts any time soon. Looks like I'll have to come up with something else. Think, Sweet, think...

...Aha! Those stupid snakes are always loafing around in our garden, so I'll bet that they've molted in our yard at some point. I walk outside and closely inspect the berry plants. Sure enough, there are plenty of discarded skins half-buried in the ground! All I have to do is collect some of them and head back inside. Should be easy... it's just, there's a slight... problem.

There's not just skins among the plants... there's tons of fertilizer, too! That's disgusting! Somehow, it smells worse out here than it does inside. I don't know how to go about this... I could use telekinesis to lift the molts, but then they'll be covered in... ugh! Just thinking about it makes me cringe! Maybe if I close my eyes, then it'll make the job a little less gross...

Step two!!

Lookin' good so far.

Moving on to step 3! The pieces are falling into place! Now, the book says I have to place the six ritual candles in their proper positions around the circle. Um, we probably have some spare candles laying around. This should be easy, right?

I scour the entire house, every shelf, every cabinet, and under every table and bed. Not a trace of any spare candles. Darn. Looks like I'll have to improvise again. But, there's nothing to worry about! Every true witch has a backup plan.


After a grueling sprint down the beaten road that cuts through Capim Town (I really hope Atom didn't see me!), I come to a stop before a huge, creepy-looking forest. I know it better as the Misguiding Forest. I have some acquaintances who live here, and I think they'll be willing to help. I'll be in and out in no time! Well, right after I finish catching my breath, that is...


(music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ac8XIBEGtIA) The spooky atmosphere of the forest tickles me to my core. As an aspiring witch, I feel right at home here amongst the otherwordly spirits, creepy crawlies, and whatever weird things live in dark forests. This place feels so spiritual! Anyway, my buddies here are usually a shy bunch when it comes to strangers, but they recognize me, so I should be able to draw them out easily. I stroll through the woods, and suddenly, eerie purple flames begin to light my way. “Hey there, guys! It's me, Sweet!” I say out loud.

Nobody responds at first, but the silence of the woods is permeated by hushed whispers. From the darkness, a voice asks, “Is that really you, Sweet? As in, that annoying little witch girl, Sweet?”

“Hey! I am NOT annoying!” I whine, pouting in an exaggerated fashion. “...But, yes, it really is me! I need a favor from you today, little Litwicks!”

Many voices groan in unison. Geez, why are these guys always so rude to me?!

From the shadows, a Litwick steps forward. “What do you want now?” he asks.

“I'm glad you asked!” I exclaim. I'm picking up loads of snarkiness in his voice, but I'm in a good mood today, so I'll bite my tongue for now. “I need to borrow six of you for a ritual that I'm performing!”

The Litwick thinks to himself for a moment, before returning to the shadows with the rest of his crew. After some deliberation, and lots of complaining, a group of five Litwicks steps forward.

“I'm super grateful that you cuties are willing to help,” I say, “but I'm only seeing five of you! Where's the sixth one?”

“We're the only ones who could be bothered to babysit you today”, says one of them.

“I do NOT need a babysitter!” I cry. “If anything, I'm going to be the ones babysitting YOU! Atom always complains when I bring company over!” I really wanna chew them out some more, but I can't afford to scare them away. Without my candles, I won't be able to perform the ritual! I guess I'll have to resort to some underhanded tactics to have them see things my way.

“Okay, okay, if you guys come help me with this, I'll pay you--”

“Deal,” they say unanimously. Who knew money made negotiating so easy? Though, now that I think about it, I kinda made the offer without knowing if I actually have any spare coins to give them. Well, you know what they say; what you don't know, won't hurt you!

I exit the Misguiding Woods, a crowd of five whiny little Litwicks following in my stead. I'm short one candle, but... eh, it'll be fine, right? Maybe I can just convince one of them to burn their flame a little brighter than usual to make up for it? Whatever! I'll worry about it when I get home.


(music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7tBmNvwaNg) One more exhausting marathon later, the Litwicks and I enter the cabin. “Alright, everybody! Ignore that terrible smell and gather 'round the circle!

Step three!!!

Wait a minute... why do I only have four candles now?! “Hey! We forgot someone!”

“Oh, yeah,” one of the Litwicks mutters. “One of us got hungry on the way here, so they turned around and went home...”

“Ugh!!” I yell, angrily. “Really?! And to think I was already going to have to do the ritual with just five of you... fine, fine! Four is probably enough.” I'm really ticked off, but there's not much I can do about it. I guess step three is completed, then. That means...

It's time for step four! It's hard to stay mad when I'm so excited! I consult the grimoire for instructions... I see! It says that the recipient of the Magic Circuit's power must stand in the middle of the circle and light the candles in clockwise fashion. Finally, an easy step, for once! “Okay, guys, time to light up those flames of yours!”

Step four!!!!

The Litwicks obey my order with minimal complaining, for once. Good job, guys!

All that's left is the last step! All my hard work is finally going to pay off!!

The final step is for me to close my eyes and recite the chant of spiritual and mental power. Cool!! The lyrics to the chant are already ingrained in my memory after spending countless hours studying the grimoire's pages. To any ordinary Pokemon, the lyrics would be difficult to say out loud, but I've practiced for this, and now I can read it, no sweat! I don't think I've ever been more ready for anything in my entire life than I am right now!

I exhale deeply and say, “Prepare yourselves, little Litwicks. You're about to witness an apprentice witch's magic in action!” They all have looks of uncertainty, with a touch of morbid curiousity.

Step five!!!!!

Clearing my mind of doubt and stress, I close my eyes and imagine the magical power coursing throughout my body. Once I'm entirely focused on channeling my magic and psychic powers, I begin to utter the sacred words of the chant.

Nigriv a fo doolb eht

Htrae eht yb demialc seidob eht

Thgil ni deduorhs ,lessev siht nihtiw morf

Dehtrib eb kcigam fo rewop eht llahs!

The ground beneath me begins to shake, and the entire cabin trembles!

I can feel immense power welling up inside of me! Could this be my latent magical energy, being drawn forth by the ritual?!


Something huge is coming...!



(music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkgbuXsAYSI) ...I don't think it worked.

Suddenly, I hear a knocking at the door.

“Hey, Sweet, I'm home with the-... u-ugh, what the heck is that smell?!”

Welp. Sounds like Atom is back, and I don't think he's gonna be happy about what I did to the cabin. Sadly, I'll have to chalk this experiment up as a failure. Hmm... aww, y'know what? I'll bet it was because that Razz berry jam was expired, wasn't it? Dang...

Better luck next time, I suppose!

Pub: 28 Dec 2023 05:43 UTC
Edit: 28 Dec 2023 06:19 UTC
Views: 276