Grandma's Cookies

Beast stared at the nightmare before him. Granted he had seen worse nightmares about his precious kitchen, but experience told him any unauthorized personnel in the kitchen was most likely going to be a nightmare.

Ingredients were strewn across the counter at seemingly random, various pans and bowls had been removed from their place on the shelves and set aside, the intruder having been interested in only one size or shape and didn't have the decency to put the rest back.

A mixing bowl filled with greasy dough and dotted with specks of dark brown bits sunk his heart as he turned to look at the cupboard where his expensive cooking chocolate had been. It had cost a fortune, and now it was all gone… all used up for some third rate snack.

"Get out of my kitchen." He growled as he took a step in to confront the stranger.

The Lilligant stopped humming and looked to the chef in surprise. She had been in the process of trying to work out the stove, and he would've bet she would've burnt the guild down if he hadn't caught her in time. Her surprise changed into delight as she stood up, clasped her leaf-arms together on front of her and walked over to Beast. She towered over him, a third higher than he was, and leaned down a little to address him like a grandmother does to a grandchild.

"I'm sorry dearie, I didn't know it was off limits. Perhaps you should lock the door next time, wouldn't want any ruffians getting in and making a mess." She sounded ancient too. Ancient, but kind. A few wrinkles were visible on her face up close.

Beast felt his anger dissipate a little. He didn't like this, but at least this old pokemon seemed to mind her manners and, admittedly, appeared to at least have a handle on cooking.

"I'm Margaret, a pleasure to meet a cute thing like you… Muchlax, was it? Dearie me, there's so many Pokemon that I can barely remember them all! Haha! My grandchildren tried so hard, but I didn't really learn many besides Pikachu until recently." She extended her leaf-hand in greeting, and Beast took it.

"Beast Winchester. Can I ask what you were making in my kitchen? And why is everything strewn around when it's not being used?" He eyed the kitchen suspiciously, expecting to see something broken or spilled. Despite the messy placement of items all around, they looked surprisingly clean.

"Oh I am sorry for the mess, Mr. Winchester. I just couldn't manage to lift the heavy pans back onto the shelves. And I was making some cookies for the grandchildren! The guildmaster allowed me to rest my feet here, so I thought I could make something nice for everyone as a thank you!" She explained excitedly as she picked up the mixing bowl of cookie dough and began to put down small batches of it in a row on a wide baking pan. "Could you be a dear and get the oven heated for me? I couldn't make heads or tails of it. I'm quite lost without my Magic Chef range."

Beast sighed as he trudged over to the oven and started to heat it up. Strange words, unknowledgeable of Pokemon, yeah she was another human alright. He couldn't get mad at the old lady however, so he figured the best option was that he just help her and get her out as soon as possible. At least she seemed normal...

Pub: 06 Jul 2023 19:38 UTC
Edit: 06 Jul 2023 22:50 UTC
Views: 470