Enter the Federation - Introduction

Near the edge of Capim Town, two Pokemon walked up to a large building, which was made from a hollowed tree. The structure had a circular base, a pond off to the side, and a garden in the back.

“Are you sure this is the place?” squawked Chatot.

The Alakazam to his left stared at an Oshawott relaxing in the pond. “Yes,” said the psychic, “I’m certain this is the Clover Guild.”

Eventually, the Oshawott noticed the two Pokemon standing at the front of the base. They seemed as if they were waiting for a greeting from someone, so he got out of the pond and waddled his way over to greet the two strangers.

“Hi,” he said. “My name’s Gus. Are you looking for someone?”

“We have important business with the Combusken that resides here, so bring me to him, human,” demanded Alakazam.

To stay out of trouble and not draw attention to themselves, the transformed humans of the Clover Guild came up with a story to explain their human mannerisms and actions. Gus, being one of those transformed humans, had memorized the script to tell the native Pokemon. “There must be some mistake. You see, we aren't really humans, but we like to role-play as them.”

Alakazam, having already read the aura of the creature claiming to be an Oshawott, wasn’t buying that tall tale in the least. “If you think I’ll fall for that,” he growled, “you must be dumber than the average human. And that’s already a low bar to reach… now human, take me to the Combusken before I have to apply force.”

Gus, intimidated by the Alakazam’s direct threat and tall stature, froze up for a moment. Impatiently, Alakazam reiterated, “Take us to the Combusken now, or you’ll figure out there’s only one thing I hate more than your kind: repeating myself.”

Gus snapped back to his senses and uneasily led them to the dojo where he knew the Combusken usually was.

Alakazam and Chatot walked into the Clover Guildhall only to be hit with a smell so putrid that even some of the paint on the walls was stripping off. The floor was covered in dirt like no one had bothered to sweep in months.

Alakazam, disgusted by the guildhall’s inhabitants, couldn’t help but complain, “It smells awful and it’s a total mess. I know humans are filthy, but how can you actually tolerate living like this?”

Before Gus had a chance to respond, Alakazam caught a glimpse of a Cyndaquil and exclaimed, “And what is that one doing to that Liechi berry?”

Cyndaquil, overhearing Alakazam, started to cut a very small, circular hole into the berry. “Well, you see,” he elaborated, “I’m gonna use the hole I’ve cut into this berry to —”

Before Cyndaquil could start to violate the berry’s hole, a Phany rushed into him and dragged him out of the lobby with his trunk. “Not in the Lobby, you idiot!” scolded Phanpy.

Chatot, recognizing the two of them, whispered to Alakazam, “I remember Cyndaquil. He’s a pervy little freak. Best to steer clear of him.”

After what felt like an eternity, Gus successfully escorted Chatot and Alakazam to the guild’s dojo, then quickly ran off back to the pond. Chatot remained outside of the room to shoo away any would-be nuisances, while Alakazam went inside.

In comparison to the rest of the guild, the dojo was relatively clean. It was equipped with various makeshift weights and equipment, and one of the weights was being used by a dark Pokemon with large claws- a Sneasel. On the other side of the dojo, the Combusken of interest finished speaking to a small yellow Pokemon, Ribombee.

“... And that should boost the power of your Fairy Wind, Booker, if only by a little,” Combusken said.

“Hope I’m not interrupting something important,” Alakazam lied.

The Combusken shifted his gaze over to the Alakazam and furrowed his brow. “Ugh… you showed up earlier than I expected. Just tell me what you want so we can get this over with.”

Alakazam sternly responded to the blatant disrespect. “Is that how you greet a superior? Address me properly, Combusken.”

Knowing that this conversation wouldn’t go anywhere until he showed Alakazam undeserved respect, Combusken played along. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, sir?”

A short distance away, Sneasel heard the clear sarcasm in his tone. She couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle as she made her way over to her Ribombee partner.

Alakazam replied to Combusken: “Several things, as a matter of fact, but first I’d like to discuss this…”

He plucked out several documents from his satchel and threw them over to Combusken.

After rummaging through the papers for a moment, Combusken finally said, “This is my first expedition report. I wrote it over 3 months ago. After all this time, now you wanna discuss it with me?”

Alakazam clarified, “It took time for all the requisition, acceptance, and removal forms to be processed. And I had to process a lot of them for this visit, so indulge me, won’t you?”

Before Combusken could speak, Booker managed to work up the courage to ask the question that had been weighing on his mind since this stranger showed up. “Excuse me, sir, but... who are you?”

Alakazam ignored the human’s question, so the Combusken answered instead. "This is President Alakazam."

"President?” Booker asked, shifting his attention to Combusken. “I didn't know Pokemon had presidents."

Alakazam, not one to miss an opportunity to belittle a human, chimed in with, "I'm not surprised. There are very many things humans don't know.”

Sneseal gave this stranger who insulted her partner a death glare. "Wow, rude,” she said. “KFC, what's with this guy?"

Alakazam, also not one to miss an opportunity to belittle a disrespectful Pokemon, said, “KFC? That’s a stupid name. Is that what the humans call you?”

“Well, t-technically…” Booker stammered, “...it’s an acronym.”

Alakazam pressed further, ignoring Booker while maintaining direct eye contact with Combusken: “Then what does ‘KFC’ stand for?”

KFC looked down at the floor. A little embarrassed, he mumbled, “...I’d rather not say.”

For a few moments, the room was quiet. Then KFC felt a small tap on his foot. He looked down to see Booker, who asked him, “Um... so, what's he the president of? We don't live in a country here, so..."

“He’s the president of the Exploration Team Federation,” KFC elaborated. “In other words, he is our boss. Anyway, knowing him, this will take a while. Let’s call it for training today.”

Booker nodded, then used Fairy Wind to launch himself up onto Sneasel’s head. As they made their way toward the exit, Sneasel whispered to Booker, “Don’t let that psychic jerk get to you.”

With them gone, there was no one left in the dojo except for Alakazam and KFC. Everything was still for a brief moment, until the president spoke up. “Finally that human’s gone. Honestly, how do you put up with them?”

“Ehh…” the Combusken said with a shrug, “They aren’t so bad once you actually get to know ‘em. In any case, what’s wrong with my expedition report?”

“I never said there was anything wrong with it.”

“So you came all the way from the Water Continent to only compliment my report?”

“Good point…“ the President paused to collect his thoughts, then proceeded to lambast the report. “It was awful! You didn't use any of the dungeon codes, put a mission number, or list any topographical features of the dungeon. You didn’t put a forwarding name on the header, and to top it all off, you formatted the report like it was a letter. Need I go on?”

“How was I supposed to know what to include?” the angry Combusken complained. “It was my first report and you didn’t tell me anything!”

President Alakazam almost raised his voice again, but took a moment to keep his composure. In a stern voice, he said, “I expect a full rewrite submitted a week from tomorrow. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?

KFC opened his beak to argue, but decided it would be a waste of time. “Yes, sir...” he said, swallowing his pride.

“Great…” Alakazam switched topics like he was checking off items on a list. “Now, as part of your deal, we’ve kept a close eye on your clan. Our scouts reported that a small group of them are traveling to Luminous Spring. It's in a small clearing at the end of the Mystifying Forest that is North North East of here.”

“What?!” the fireless Combusken yelled. His eyes widened and his legs shuddered. He felt his heart beat faster against his chest and the blood rushing in his ears. No longer able to control the volume of his voice, he cried out, “That should’ve been the first thing you told me! If I run, I should be able to make it in time!”

KFC twisted his body around and attempted to make a beeline for the Mystifying Forest in hopes of cutting them off. However, before KFC could take a single step, his entire body began to levitate and glow with a faint psychic energy.

“Hold it!” Alakazam shouted, his left arm raised and his glowing hand pointed at the Combusken. “They’ve only just left their camp near Brine Cave and still need to cross that mountain range. In addition, we’ve already put multiple countermeasures in place. You’ll have plenty of time to catch them, so relax.”

A few seconds passed with KFC still firmly held in the air until he was noticeably calm enough for Alakazam to agree to let him down.

“Now, if you’ve completely recomposed yourself,” said the psychic, “take me to whoever runs this dump. I have something of the utmost importance to discuss with them.”

KFC, back in sound mind, said, “Yeah, yeah… Guildmaster Lliam is probably in his office. Follow me.”

As they exited the dojo, Chatot perched on the Alakazam’s shoulder. “Took you long enough,” squawked Chatot. “Are we heading to the Guildmaster, now?”

The Combusken nodded. He stepped ahead of the president and his passenger to lead the way to the Guildmaster’s office.

Alakazam wasn’t usually one to bring up personal subjects or questions, but in this case, he believed it to be important. “So… umm… how is your Aura training going?”

With a hint of frustration in his voice, KFC explained, “Slow and steady, I guess. At the very least I can manipulate the shape of concentrated Aura now, although I am having problems with expanding it further than half a meter outside my body.”

“Well, it’s necessary that you improve your abilities as quickly as possible. After all, you did promise.”

KFC instinctively tugged on his scarf “...Yeah, I did…”

There was a brief moment of silence until Chatot broke the ice. “Aura… Ah! I remember you now, you’re that kid who barged into our most recent Lively Town meeting, demanding to speak with the President. I thought you were going to join the Wigglytuff Guild in Treasure Town. What happened?”

KFC got a gleam in his eyes. “Heh…I can’t remember.” He looked over to Alakazam, and asked in a sarcastic tone, “Can you, Mr. President?”

Alakazam, reluctant to describe his blunder, dodged the question. “It’s hardly important now. Ahem… anyway, is this his office?

The Combusken stopped at two large wooden doors. They were varnished and had a large four-leaf clover carved into them. “This is it,” KFC replied. “Let me check and see if he is in there.”

KFC slowly cracked open the door and peeked inside. The office was wide, with one sweeping bow window overlooking the expansive forest behind the Guildmaster’s desk. The traditional executive-style desk was made of dark oak and had a glass top littered with unorganized papers. Over on the left wall, there was a bookshelf where a variety of orbs were displayed. To the right of the doors stood a coat rack with the Guildmaster’s familiar garb hanging from it. There was a display case with assorted wands mounted to the back panel. Guildmaster Lliam was sitting behind the desk in a cloth upholstered chair, while vigorously writing something. Less than a moment later, Lliam’s head popped up to see who opened the door.

“Oh-! KFC, is there something you need?” asked Guildmaster Lliam, as he started to shuffle the papers away on his desk.

KFC shook his head. “Not me, but…”

Before KFC could finish his sentence Chatot and President Alakazam barged into the office.

“Chatot and…” Lliam looked toward Alakazam and, in a vain attempt to maintain the charade from his past, feigned ignorance. “I’m sorry, but I don’t recognize you.”

Alakazam snarled. “Lying to my face… as expected of the garbage student of that Delphox.” he sniped, already sick of the human put in front of him.

Lliam kept his true thoughts of Alakazam hidden to keep the peace as he finished cramming all his unsorted paperwork into the desk drawer, Lliam said, “As you can see, I’m very busy, so make this quick and tell me why you’re here.”

Chatot, waiting for this moment all day, could barely contain his excitement as declared, “We’re here to shut you down!”

Lliam stood up and slammed his hands on his desk. “What?” he exclaimed. “Shut us down? On what grounds?!”

Alakazam, trying to gain control of both the situation and his associate, elaborated for him: “What he is trying to say is that without proper authorization, your claims of being a guild are unfounded and illegal. Therefore, we will be issuing you a cease and desist and we expect you to terminate all forms of operation at once.”

The president took a few steps closer to the human and flung over the manilla folder containing numerous legal papers. It would have hit Lliam in the face if he hadn’t caught it.

Lliam opened the folder and read the cover document. Then a realization hit him. “Wait. This building is designated as a guild base by Capim Town, so if we aren’t a guild—”

“You’ll be evicted immediately!” interrupted Chatot.

Lliam’s face became grim. “I won’t let that happen,”he said. He knew the consequences if the humans were evicted and the inevitable happened. “What do I need to do to get us authorization?”

President Alakazam was still bound to the rules of the Federation, and thus explained to the human, “The only way for you to get authorization is to undergo the Federation Entrance Exam, which is a test, administered by me, that requires multiple teams to complete a mission of my choosing.”

Lliam, without missing a beat, jumped at the opportunity. “Great! Then I’d like for my guild to take the Federation Entrance Exam as soon as possible.”

“Certainly. I can give it to you as soon as you pay me the 100,000 Poké administration fee.”

The Guildmaster’s heart sank. “...I don’t have that much. Is there anything I can do to get you to give the test right now?”

“No, but it’s for the best anyway…” Alakazam said as he turned to leave. “After all, a bunch of filthy humans led by a filthy human guildmaster living in a filthy guild doesn't stand a chance of passing anyway.”

KFC, who had stayed silent the entire time, decided to chime in now. “Well, I think they do. Despite how they look, most of the teams here are competent.”

Chatot laughed. “Ha! Are you willing to bet on that?”

“I am,” KFC replied. “In fact, I have 100,000 in the bank, so I’ll pay the test fee. But if the Clover Guild passes, you reimburse the cost.”

“And if I win?” asked Chatot, now starting to take this proposal seriously.

“I’ll transfer to the Wigglytuff Guild and I’ll pay you 100% of everything I make from missions, forever.”

The stakes were too good, especially for a bet like this. “You’re on!” squawked Chatot. Then, he and KFC shook wings, sealing the informal agreement.

Overhearing the bet and the stakes his guildmember put up, Lliam knew he had to say something. “KFC, you can’t! That’s a lot of money and a guildmaster shouldn’t rely on handouts. I formed this guild, and I should have expected this to happen. It's my responsibility and my fault that I didn’t see this coming.”

“That money was gonna pile up in the bank anyway, so just take it,” KFC replied.

“Well then…” Lliam thought about his options. “At least let me pay you back. I can even take out a loan and get you the entirety of the money back tomorrow.”

“Why?” KFC asked. “I’m gonna get the money back anyway.” Lliam looked confused for a moment, so the Combusken continued, “I’m certain that the guild will pass and then I’ll win the 100k back… Unless you think there’s some reason your guildmembers will fail.”

“No, you’re misconstruing my words, that's not what I meant. I—”

“Then there’s nothing to worry about…” KFC gave Lliam a firm pat on the back. “...And besides, I don’t really have a use for money, since the guild provides me with everything I need. So think of this as me paying off a tab.”

Alakazam thought this back-and-forth wouldn’t finish until the sun blew up so he decided to cut it off short. “So, are you going to cover the cost of the fee, or not?”

The guildmaster opened his mouth to say something, but the Combusken beat him to the punch and said, “Yeah, I’m gonna cover the cost. And you’re the one paying me, so you know I’m good for it.”

“Very well… Combusken, go to the bank and withdraw the exam fee.” The President, frustrated that he would have to put up with humans a little while longer, gave Lliam a glare that looked like he was trying to shoot daggers into his soul. “You, stupid human, gather everyone into the lobby, while I prepare the test you’re going to fail.”

Lliam said, “Alright sir,” but thought, “Jackass.”

As KFC set off for the bank, the Guildmaster had to figure out a way to round up the hyperactive autists known as members of the Clover Guild. He left, leaving President Alakazam and a riled-up Chatot in the office to create the exam.

Flapping his wings in excitement, Chatot laughed, “Ha! This is the safest bet I’ve ever made in my life.”

“You sound pretty confident,” Alakazam said as he began to take out several papers and a jar of black ink from his brown satchel. “Are you sure that was a good idea?”

“I’m familiar with one of the teams here,” Chatot said, “and if that's the lowest bar that the so-called Guildmaster set to join their band of misfits, then I know I’ll come out on top.” Alakazam utilized his psychic powers to pluck a wing feather from Chatot’s plumage. “Ow! At the very least could you warn me in advance if you’re going to do that?”

“If I remember. Now, what test should I give them?” Alakazam scanned through the myriad files he laid out on the desk. “I don’t want to take any chances that they’ll pass. It wouldn’t look good on me if any humans taint the Federation's good name.”

Chatot looked puzzled. “Why not give them an impossible task like ‘Collect all Seven Treasures in 10 minutes’… or something similar to that?”

“Then they could appeal to the Board and contest the results of the test on the basis that the test was biased–and the humans would have a reasonable case.” Alakazam started to scratch his chin and closed his eyes. “It needs to be almost impossible. Something that they could do in theory but not in practice.”

Chatot played through many ideas in his mind of an exam they could give and get away with, then realized, “Wait, don’t you have those secret rank missions? Just give them one of those and our victory is assured! And I can have that kid work off all the damages that Phanpy’s Team caused me.”

“Actually, that’s not a bad idea, and I think I know the perfect one to give…”

Alakazam tucked all irrelevant files back into his bag and Chaot flew onto the desk, so they could prepare to administer the almost impossible test.

Several minutes went by while Alakazam finished preparing the exam materials. As soon as he was done, Guildmaster Lliam reentered the room.

“...Couldn’t even get five minutes of rest before this trash showed up…” Alakazam mumbled to himself.

Lliam, pretending to ignore that insult, declared, “I finished getting everyone together!”

The president scoffed, “I’m surprised you managed to do that much.”

Unsure if Alakazam had the ability to read minds, Lliam kept his thoughts and actions silent and obedient to be safe, for himself and the safety of the guild. Moments later, KFC burst into the office carrying a comically large sack of money, but he fell backward as the bag got jammed in the doorway. The Combusken got up like nothing had happened and started to pull the bag through the doors.

“Sorry it took so long…” KFC said, still pulling the bag, now halfway through the double doors. “....Apparently, the bank doesn’t like it when you withdraw 100 grand all at once.” With an audible snap, the sack of Poke flew into the room. Alakazam, unfazed, caught it in midair with his Psychic, while KFC tumbled forward into the desk and knocked over some of the exam files.

Chatot and Lliam stood, silent, in awe at the comedy routine that had transpired. Scrambling to his feet once again, the Combusken gathered the fallen paperwork off the floor, sneaking a peek at the exam file. Meanwhile, Alakazam was distracted by the bag of money. “...99,999, 100,000… Alright, everything seems to be in order. You may leave, Combusken.”

KFC furrowed his brow, a perplexed expression plastered on his face. “Why? I should be able to stay and participate in the test.”

“You could…” Alakazam paused for emphasis. “But did you forget about Luminous Spring?”

The fireless Combusken was struck by a sudden realization, and his face snapped from confusion to panic in a matter of milliseconds. “Shit, I completely lost track of time, I need to go now!” As KFC had one foot out the door he whispered to Lliam, “Repeat this to the others: To find a rift, you need to find what does not belong."

Donning a similar puzzled expression as the Combusken had a mere moment prior, Lliam was about to ask, “What does that even mean?” However, KFC was already gone before the Guildmaster could get the chance.

Lliam looked back at Alakazam, who had neatly stacked several packets of exam materials. “Let’s get this over with. Come on Chatot …and human.” All three made their way toward the lobby silently as Lliam felt the importance of the exam’s results start to sink in.

The lobby was abuzz with activity as all the guild members crowded together, a plethora of voices filling the air.

“What’s going on?”

“Beats me. Never experienced an emergency meeting here.”

“Did some team set fire in a forest again?”

As Lliam, Chatot, and Alakazam filed into the foyer, the chatter of the rowdy guildmembers continued.

“Guildmaster, what's the matter?”

“Whoa, is that Chatot?”

“Attention everyone!!” Alakazam demanded. However, the order was drowned out by the sound of everyone else’s conversations. Lliam fired a large thunderbolt into the crowd, immediately putting the room's focus on himself. He pointed over to President Alakazam, who cleared his throat to start his lengthy speech.

“Ahem…” he said, drawing everyone’s attention to himself. “This human next to me has opted to enter all of you into the Federation Entrance Exam. It–”

A whiny voice interrupted Alakazam: “I don’t wanna take a test!” It was quickly followed by a shrill “Me neither!"

The president took a deep breath and continued, “Based on the number of you here, some can opt out. However, if an inadequate number choose to take the test, my associate Chatot and I will shut your guild down. Now, as I was expl—”

Upon hearing the threat, the crowd erupted in furor.

“How come you get to decide that? You’re not the boss of us!”

“Does this retard think we’ll listen to him?”

“Let's rush him, he can’t stop all of us.”

Cut off for a second time by the unruly humans, Alakazam’s rage finally boiled over. “Quiet, filthy humans!” he roared. A large wave of psychic energy washed over the room, forcing almost everyone’s mouth shut. He glared at the crowd and said, “Now, use what little brain power you humans have and try to stay silent while I finish explaining the rules.” The Federation’s President waited a few seconds, then released Psychic.

With the room quiet, Alakazam continued his speech. “First, the guildmaster may not participate, as the main purpose of the exam is to assess the guild's rank and file. Second, the participating members will pair off into groups…” He took a packet from the top of his neatly stacked pile and held it toward the crowd. “And each group will explore an assigned dungeon, the name of which will be specified in this folder–unless the dungeon was discovered recently and is still unsurveyed. In those cases, the dungeon has been given a code name. If your group wishes to propose an official name at the end, you may do so. Now for the important part: each of these dungeons contains a rift, and the objective of your assignment is to seal it.”

Lliam’s ears perked up as Alakazam paused his spiel to open a packet and grab a small bottle from inside it.

All the guildmembers remained quiet, not wanting to experience another Psychic or Thunderbolt. However, Llaim utilized the dead air to relay KFC‘s vague parting words: “To find a rift, you need to find what does not belong." The guild stared at Llaim with an identical confusion to the one he had.

Alakazam continued, “As I was explaining… A rift is an invisible tear in the fabric of space-time. No one knows the cause of their appearance, and they cannot be entered. Furthermore, a rift is completely invisible to almost everyone, but their unique effects on mystery dungeons make them detectable. Some of the rift’s effects on dungeons are noted in each group's folder.” Alakazam displayed the small bottle to the examinees and added, “In addition, I will provide each group with one bottle of rift sealant. When a group believes a rift is within 5 meters of them, they should open the bottle. After a short period of time, the small white paper on the underside of the bottle cap will change colors. If the paper turns red, no rift was sealed. However, if it turns green, then a rift was found and sealed. For the guild to pass the exam, all groups must return with a green rift sealant bottle cap, within 48 hours.”

With that, the crowd’s chaotic chatter resumed in earnest. Some exploration teams decided to form groups with other teams or solo Pokemon, while other teams decided that they would do their mission alone. Other Pokemon believed they weren’t up for the challenge and stayed behind.

After every group was formed and received an exam packet with the rift sealant, Federation President Alakazam looked them over and loudly announced, “Commence the Federation Entrance Exam!... you filthy humans.”

Pub: 01 May 2023 20:39 UTC
Edit: 17 Aug 2023 03:07 UTC
Views: 770