Wooper's Family

I awaken early in the morning, hugging my blanket closely. Even after a couple of weeks, I still love this thing. If anything, the fact I had to fight so hard to obtain it makes it feel all the softer. The morning sun streams through the window onto my face, perking me up. Wooper wakes up a few minutes later, picking his head up. I can see a slight frown on his face, one that implies he's deep in thought.
“You okay, Wooper? Have a bad dream?”
Wooper shakes his head. “No, but I had a dream that reminded me of something...We've been here for a few months now, right?” I nod, and Wooper continues with, “In all the excitement, I never told my parents about what happened.”

“Your parents? But you were alone when I found you that first day, just how old are y-”
“Oh, I moved out awhile back.” Then, as if flipping a switch, Wooper's usual cheerfulness comes back. “That's right! We should go visit them! You remember all the stuff I said about 'em, right? Wait'll they see the two of us, part of a real-deal guild!”
Wooper's mood whiplash takes me by surprise. I swear, no matter how many times I see it, I'll never get used to that. “Where are they?
“They're just a ways south from where you found me that one day.” Wooper gets up, heading for the door before stopping. “Oh! We should give them one of those Frisms, my parents really love those old stories after all!”

I get up, packing an extra Frism into the bag. I got more of these things than I know what to do with, so why not? Grabbing a few drinks as well, I take a peek at the table in the room, two badges resting atop it. The middle of the badges holds a silver circle with a yellow gem in the center. Green clover-shaped 'leaves' adorn the outsides of the badge. In the chaos of the past couple weeks, I had never gotten around to swapping our lousy handmade badges with the brand new official ones everybody had gotten after we had all passed that test.
“Well, we had better go there looking our best, then.” I swap out the old badge for the new one on Wooper's scarf, doing the same for myself. “How's it look?”
“Oh yeah, these look way better than those old badges! Now c'mon, let's head out!” Wooper pushes the door open, nodding for me to follow.

It feels oddly nostalgic walking across the southern plains once again. Even now, I can't help but keep an eye out for that Talonflame we battled back then. Wondering just how much stronger I've become since then, I actually find myself wishing they'd show up again. However, our walk is peaceful and uneventful, the weather warm and pleasant all the way. Every now and then we see a Pokemon or two heading towards town or wandering back home, none of which seem to pay us much mind.
Heading into the forest, I remember the few things Wooper's said about his parents. If they trained him, they must be incredibly powerful, right? I can't help but recall the times I had to meet the parents of the few friends I had as a kid. Some of them weren't too bad, while others were downright nasty. Hopefully that won't be the case here. Wooper's parents also imprinted their human obsession onto him, how will they react if...or rather, when they find out what I am? Will they see me as the legendary hero that I'm clearly not? There's no telling what'll happen, and I can't help but feel nervous.

“Chespin, you okay?” Wooper seems to have noticed my concern.
Rubbing the back of my head, I say, “I'm fine, but...Meeting someone's parents for the first time is always a little worrying, at least in the human world.”
Wooper shakes his head. “You got nothin' to worry about! They're as nice as can be. That is...unless someone had hurt me. Boy, you should have seen what happened to that Snover! It made what you did to that Cryogonal look like a relaxing day at the beach!”
I find myself at a loss for words. I hit that Cryogonal with a beam of energy so hard it shattered into a million pieces, and Wooper's parents went further than that?! “...You're just talking them up, right?”
“...Alright, I never actually saw what they did. But the next time that Snover saw me? Nothing but pure fear in those eyes!” Wooper picks up the pace, nodding for me to follow. “C'mon! We're almost there!”
I shrug, following behind him. His parents sound a little scary, but it'll probably be fine.

The forest clears up a little, opening up into a swampy area with a large pond in the center. The water is murky, the earth feels softer, and the plants seem just a little darker around here. Patches of mud are here and there, and even the sunlight seems just a little dimmer. It looks like a pretty gloomy place but to someone like Wooper, it must be a perfect fit. At the edge of the pond sits a wooden house, the back half of it sunken partially into the water.
I take a second look at the house. “Is that...where they live? Is it supposed to look like it fell into the pond?”
“Yep! You'll see why, now c'mon!” Wooper skips towards the front door, knocking with his tail. “Mom, Dad, it's me, and I got a friend with me!”
I can hear a gasp from the other side of the door. “Woopy, is that you?” The voice sounds strange, as though the speaker is underwater. “Berry, he's back! Would you please get the door?”
“Hmm, okay!” This second voice has a happy, yet relaxed tone to it. It's obvious to me that this has to be Wooper's mother.

The door opens up, and I am met with an oddly familiar sight, reminiscent of the last “adventure” I went on. A Quagsire looks down at us, a gentle smile on her face. She reaches down, pulling Wooper into a hug before setting him back down. “Woopy! It's been quite awhile, hmm?” Taking a second look at the two of us, she continues with “Oh? Who is your friend?”
I clear my throat, and say, “You can just call me Chespin.” I reach a vine upwards, holding it out for her to shake. “Wooper and I are Team Cozy from the Clover Guild.”
The Quagsire shakes my vine. “You can call me Berry. Now, the Clover Guild, hmm? ...Oh! That's that place that just got officially recognized, isn't it?” She smiles, continuing with, “My little Woopy, part of a real-deal guild, how about that? Looks like all that family training we did paid off, hmm?”

Wooper nods, saying, “That's not the best part! See, Chespin here's a former human! No joke! He's told me about all kinds of stuff from the human world, even!” I knew Wooper was going to blab about that, but I didn't think it'd be that quickly!
Berry takes a step back, gasping. “A-are you certain he isn't simply pulling your tail, hmm?”
Wooper shakes his head. “No way! He didn't know a thing when I first met him. Didn't know that sunlight was good for him, and he even got spooked from his own vines! Only a freshly-changed human would be so clueless!”
Berry's expression changes to one of amazement. “I never thought I'd see the day...I knew the stories were true, but for one to partner with my own son...Woopy, you got your wish after all!”
“Yep! Check out what we can do! Chespin, grab me and I'll shoot down those apples!”

This is getting a little too weird for me, especially with the near-idolization Berry seems to have over humans-turned-Pokemon. Shrugging, I grab my partner with my vines, aiming him like a gun as I usually do. With me aiming him, Wooper quickly snipes down roughly a dozen apples in a matter of seconds before I set him down.
Berry claps for us, saying, “You two make a really good team, hmm? ...Oh! Why don't you come inside? You have to meet Woopy's father as well.” She beckons for us to head inside, so I follow Wooper into the house.

The interior of the house is unlike any home I've ever seen. It is all one room, with a small kitchen alongside one wall. The kitchen holds a few counters, as well as a rack for cooking set over the fireplace, which also sits in the kitchen. In one corner sits a rocking chair and a small...couch? It looks more like a bench with cushions tied onto it, with a large red treasure chest resting nearby. In the center of the room, a stepped dining table sits, allowing for comfortable eating no matter the eater's height. Stepping into the home, the floor itself feels damp. Even the air feels more humid in here. As my eyes adjust to the dimmer light, I notice the strangest part of the house.
The entire back wall is partially submerged into the pond. There isn't even a floor back there, it's just water! I open my mouth to comment on it, but decide against it. It'd only make sense to have something like that with homeowners like this, after all. Yet despite it all, the strangest part about this house was that it made me feel...strangely comfy? Was Wooper's attitude about things rubbing off on me? Maybe it's because it looks intentionally built this way as opposed to being poorly built? Whatever the case, being in here makes me feel at ease, somehow.
Curious, I peer into the water, spotting a blue and green...something arising out of the water! With a gasp, I jump back as I spot a large slug slithering into the room!

Wooper runs up to the slug with a big smile on his face. “I'm home, Dad!” My eyes go wide at his words, this thing is his father?! They look absolutely nothing alike!
The slug begins to speak. “Welcome back, Woopy!” Wow, even above water he sounds like he's underwater. He turns to me, saying, “And you must be his new partner and friend, 'eh? What's yer name?”
Before I can open my mouth, Wooper answers for me. “This is Chespin! Dad, you won't believe it, he used to be a human!”
'Dad' rears his head back in surprise. “My word...To have found a human just like in those stories...I knew all that trainin' I put you through would pay off.”
I rub the back of my head, feeling a little awkward. “I know I used to be a human, but uh...Wait, you're the reason Wooper's so strong? What should I call you, anyways?”
The slug nods. “Ohoho, where are my manners? You may call me Squishy. And yes, I have spent many a year training Woopy here, all to ensure he could help a human someday if he found one.”
“That's...oddly specific.” Wooper told me about this, but something about hearing it straight from the source of Wooper's 'power' felt different.
Squishy lets out a small chuckle. “Is it, Chespin? The stories're more than mere myth, after all. You alone are proof of that.”
“Oh, that reminds me...On our first adventure, Wooper and I found a bunch of these.” I dig into my bag, placing the spare Frism on a counter.

Squishy lets out a loud gasp at the sight of the treasure. “Oh, oh! It's a Frism! Do you see that, Berry? Go on, test it out!” His voice sounds completely awestruck.
Berry picks up the Frism, holding it up to her mouth. “These are incredibly rare, hmm?” The mouth of the Frism freezes over. With a quick rub, the ice thaws, replaying Berry's message.
“That there is the real deal, no doubt about it...incredible!”
“Yeah, real deal is right, Wooper and I nearly died trying to get th-”

My words are cut off in an instant by Squishy. “You WHAT?! YOU RISKED WOOPY'S LIFE FOR SIMPLE MATERIAL GAIN? FOR TREASURE?!” There is nothing in his voice but the purest anger and vitriol I have ever heard in my life. “I SHOULD BURY YOU ALIVE FOR TREATING HIM SO HORRIBLY! PREPARE TO TASTE JUSTICE!”
I gasp as I feel the floor begin to shake, Squishy staring at me with a look of unfiltered rage. I couldn't have possibly picked a worse thing to say. Now I'm really starting to get scared. Giant hornets and evil snowflakes are one thing, but there's no way I can fight against Wooper's father! “W-wait! I-I-It isn't like that, h-honest! I-I'm a human, remember?!”

Wooper jumps in front of me, shaking his head. “No, dad, it really isn't like you think! Chespin protected ME from being hurt back then! He always uses himself to protect me! It was just an exploration that got dicey, honest! You know how things can get!”
The shaking settles down as Squishy's expression lightens up. “...Really? Well and truly, Woopy?” Jeez, do mood whiplashes run in this family or what? I said one wrong thing and suddenly it's like I'm standing in front of an executioner!
Wooper nods. “Yeah! I'd trust Chespin with anything!”
Still caught off-guard from my moment of sheer terror, I say, “A-And I'll guard Wooper with my life. I-In fact, I have, numerous times!”
Squishy frowns, saying, “Oh dear, I must apologize for my actions. I tend to be rather...protective of little Woopy.” Talk about the understatement of the century! “Hmm...Oh! I hope this will make it up for you. Berry, reach into 'that' drawer.”

Berry opens up a drawer in the kitchen, pulling out two red scarves. I can spot a badge in the shape of an arrow already affixed to them. She places the two in my hands, saying, “We had found these long ago. We saved them just in case Woopy ever became part of an exploration team, hmm? Go on, try them on.”
I hold the scarves, taking another look at them. They definitely feel much softer than my current scarf, and that's good enough for me! Letting out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in, I untie my scarf, setting it on the counter before trying on the new scarf. As I finish tying it around my neck, I feel something in my body change. For some reason, I feel...lighter? No, that ain't it. I feel more agile, as if I can now run faster and dodge quicker. I pin my Clover badge onto the new scarf, helping Wooper get his on as well. “Hey, it looks pretty good on you, Wooper!”
“Same to you, Chespin! ...Uh, sorry about Dad. He's usually as nice as can be!” Wooper turns to Squishy, saying, “You don't have to worry about a thing, Dad! He's my best friend, you know!”

It's a little embarrassing hearing Wooper talk about me like this to others, but it also feels good. “That's right, if anybody lays a hand on Wooper, their number is up!”
Squishy nods towards me. “Once again Chespin, I am deeply sorry for my earlier actions. I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me.”
“It's okay. After you, nobody's going to protect Wooper as much as I! But just so you know...” I pull Wooper close, holding him in my vines. “...This is just a thing we do, okay? It's part of how we work as a team.” I set him down gently, watching as Squishy nods in understanding.
Berry speaks up, saying, “Mmm, that got a little scary for a moment, hmm? Now that everyone is acquainted, I hope I can treat our guest of honor to some dinner!” Pulling out some cookware as well as ingredients I can't see, she gets to work on the food.
Wooper and I take a seat at the lowest part of the dining table. Calling Wooper's parents unusual would be selling it short, I still can't believe I was nearly attacked! Still, Squishy seems genuinely sorry and Berry has been nothing but friendly towards me, so the worst of it is behind me at least. With how protective they are of Wooper, they wouldn't dream of harming someone that they know also protects him, right? Still, something doesn't feel right, maybe it's just me being paranoid again?

“Dinner's ready, mmhmm!” Berry sets bowls out on the table along with mugs of what looks like Oran juice, straws thoughtfully stuck inside them. I take a look at the bowl placed before me.
The bowl is filled with chopped up berries of various flavors, as well as a bunch of light-green Gummis. A strange brown syrup is drizzled over everything. It looks less like a dinner and more like a strange take on fruit salad. Something about the smell seems familiar, but I can't quite place it.
Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever actually eaten a Gummi that wasn't blended into a drink. Spooning up the lone Gummi untouched by the syrup, I bite into it. My eyes go wide as the flavor spreads through my mouth. The initial hint of bitterness quickly gives way to a pleasant sweetness, tasting like a mix of lime and kiwi.

Berry seems to notice how slow I'm eating. “Something wrong, hmm?”
I shake my head. “Not at all. I just...don't know what some of this stuff is, that's all.” Dinners at someone else's place are always so awkward for me, it always feels like I'm pressured into enjoying whatever they make.
I scoop up a little bit of the strange syrup, the taste taking me by surprise. Now the smell makes sense, this is maple syrup! This stuff exists in this world?! Did they find a bottle from a rift? “Th-this syrup, where did you get it?!”
Berry frowns slightly, saying, “From the trees, hmm? You've never had maple syrup before, Chespin?”
I shake my head. “This stuff is everywhere in the human world, I had no idea it existed here!”
Now that I know exactly what I'm eating, I stop hesitating, eating big spoonfuls of food. Looking at the others, I notice that Wooper and Squishy's bowls are much flatter than mine, allowing them to eat from it easier without the arms that they lack.

“So,” Squishy says between bites, “What kind o' food do humans eat?”
I shrug. “You name it, humans have probably tried it. Fruits, vegetables, milk, fi-” I fake a cough as I realize what I'm saying, that's something I REALLY can't tell him! Faking a cough, I continue. “Find anything that looks even remotely edible, and there's some human back in my world that's eaten it. Of course, I won't eat just anything and everything.”
“I see...Do humans have any special powers?”
“Nope. The most we could do is build machines to do things for us. Humans can't shoot water or fire, but they could build something that can. Without any tools, we couldn't do much of anything. If there was a normal human in this world without his tools, he...wouldn't survive for very long.”
“Ohoho, you truly are the real deal, Chespin!” Continuing, Squishy says, “A liar woulda made humans sound mystical, not talk as though they're mundane, everyday occurrences. I must admit, I had my doubts!”

Was that really the thing that eased his doubt? Confused, I finish the rest of my food, chugging down the juice. Standing up, I say, “Well, it's getting late, we had better get back to the guild.”
Berry tilts her head, looking at me. “Mmm, leaving so soon? Why not stay the night?”
“I dunno...” I look around the room. There's no way the 'couch' is as comfortable as my bed back at the guild, and I've never slept well away from home. Trying to think of something, I say, “Ah...Humans can't sleep without a blanket.”
Berry reaches into another drawer, pulling out a light-blue blanket. Setting it on the 'couch', she says, “Mmm, I don't want to be pushy, but it's been a long time since my little Woopy's been back home. We won't force you two to stay, but it'd be nice, hmm?”
It feels like I'm being strong-armed, but it makes sense. Any mother would want to see her son for longer than just a couple hours. “But...where will we sleep? There ain't enough room for all of us to have a bed tonight.”
With a nod, Berry says, “All of us except for you can sleep in the water over there, mmhmm! We have a cozy little spot down there that suits us perfectly.”
“Umm...” Wooper speaks up for the first time in awhile, saying, “I'll stick by Chespin for tonight, okay? We share a room at the guild, after all!”
Berry nods. “Not a problem, Woopy. It's getting late, so we'll be headed to sleep. Squishy'll light the fireplace for you two. Good night, you two.” With a splash, Berry slips into the water.
“Don't be startled, Chespin. This may be a little loud.” Squishy looks at the fireplace, and I feel the ground begin to shake slightly. Squishy lets out a shout, a small streak of red light racing towards the wood underneath the fireplace. With a small BANG, the floor bursts with power, knocking the wood around a little. The energy catches the wood on fire, a sight that makes me feel incredibly uneasy. That nearly happened to me! With another nod, Squishy wishes us a good night, slithering back into the water.

I let out a sigh, relieved to be alone with Wooper. “Your dad might be the scariest thing I have ever seen in my life.”
“I'm really really sorry about that, Chespin! I shouldn't have had you bring that Frism, I didn't know he'd react like that to your story! He's not a a bad guy, honest!”
Even if I feel a little unsure, I say, “It's fine, he seemed like he regretted it a lot. But man, I'd hate to see what happens when he follows through on that kind of anger!” I glance at the window, the sun having just set. “Well, no sense staying up now that it's dark, we better get to sleep.”

Climbing onto the couch, I unfurl the blanket. It is a decent size, but pales in comparison to my new blanket back at the guild. The blanket is decently soft, but is a far cry from what I had grown used to over the past week or two. It's only as I lay down that I realize something. “Wait...There's only one blanket, Wooper!”
“Oh, that ain't a problem! We can just share it!” Wooper hops up onto the couch.
Oh boy, I know where this is headed... “Uhh...won't your parents think it's a little strange if they wake up and see us?”
Wooper tilts his head, looking at me. “There's nothing strange about helping someone sleep easier by letting them share a blanket. Do humans give others a hard time for that?”
I sigh. “Humans give each other a hard time for a LOT of things. But...ah, forget it, get over here.” Giving in, I open up the blanket, allowing Wooper to crawl underneath it. Once he's in place, I put an arm around him, holding Wooper in sort of a half-hug. Screw it, it was comfortable the one time, I may as well quit fighting it. I'd probably end up doing this in my sleep anyways. As awkward as this feels, I can't deny that it feels kind of nice.
I half-expect Wooper to comment on this, but he says nothing. Guess he's fallen asleep already. An odd sense of peace washes over me as my eyelids grow heavy. It doesn't take much longer for sleep to arrive.

A strange chill greets me as I awaken in the morning, Wooper still asleep next to me. I hold him even closer, making sure he's completely covered by the blanket. Man, why's it so cold? Isn't it supposed to be summer? Or spring, or...what season is this, anyways? Whatever the case, I don't want to get up right now. Maybe if I wait, the chill will go away.
I don't get to lay like this for long before I hear a voice from behind me, causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. “Chespin, we have to go!” Well this sucks, I got caught in this situation yet again!
“Wh-what? Who is that?!” Even though I'm startled, I whisper so I don't wake Wooper.
“It's Squishy, something's wrong with the weather. And...What?!” Squishy's voice fades to one of restrained anger. “...Where's Woopy?”
What's with this guy?! Irritated to be putting up with this kind of thing so soon after waking up, I say “SHHHH! He's...under the blanket.” I reluctantly tug the blanket down quickly before covering both of us once more, proving that Wooper is safe and sound.

Squishy's brief anger fades into a much happier tone. “Using yourself to help keep Woopy warm...You really do protect him!”
I let out a relieved sigh. At least the ground didn't start shaking that time. “So what's this about having to go? And why's it so cold?”
“There was a snowstorm last night, one that continues to rage as we speak. It can only mean one thing...HE has returned.”
I cover my face with my hands in frustration. You've got to be kidding me! “Can't I ever leave town without having to put up with snow?! ...Who is 'he' and what do you plan on doing?”
Squishy speaks, raw determination in his voice. “'He' is someone that used to give Woopy a hard time. If he's back, that means he didn't learn his lesson the first time.”
THAT was enough to get me to climb out of the blankets. Wooper having woken up by now, I set him down next to me before saying, “Ice AND messing with Wooper? You bet I'm coming with to teach him a lesson!”
I spot Berry climbing out of the water, rubbing her eyes. Before she can say anything, Squishy shouts “Berry! Get THAT bag. We have a score to resettle.”
“Mmm, I see...” Berry digs into a cupboard, taking out a large bag. “I would have thought the first time would have been enough, hmm...We'll just have to take it even further this time.”
Wooper looks at me, saying, “He won't stand a chance against Team Cozy AND my parents at the same time! Let's go beat up a bad guy!”

I walk with the others out into the cold snowscape. Between the snow and wind, I feel myself start to grow numb in a matter of seconds, shivering uncontrollably. Not even Cryogonal's cave was this cold!
Berry looks at my sorry state and reaches into her bag. She holds out a strange blue berry with an unusual pattern adorning it, not unlike the frost you would find on a window. “Hmm...This should help you.”
I don't know what it is, but anything's better than freezing! I stuff the berry into my mouth as fast as I can, the sour and dry taste making me cough as I force myself to swallow it. Instantly, I feel warmth flow through my body, feeling returning to my limbs. Even the cold winds feel less intense, as though the berry is insulating my entire body. Was facing the cold really as easy as simply eating one of these berries? “This stuff really works, do you have more?!”
“Mmmhmm! But first, let's show this bad guy what for.”
“Right! But...” I look around the swampy area. I just see a bunch of white. No tracks in the snow to follow or anything. “...How do we find him?”
Berry holds an arm upwards for a moment, thinking for a moment. “We walk straight into the wind, directly to the source of the blizzard, mhmm!”

The trip deeper into the swamp takes longer than I'd like. Squishy might be strong, but he sure isn't quick, and it feels like he's holding us up. The berry I ate earlier does its work, shielding me from the cold. I wrap my vines around Wooper, holding him behind me to protect him from the wind.
Off in the distance, we hear a low roar, causing me to pause. Undeterred, Berry says, “Onward, mhmm! We have a bad guy to get.”
“He thinks he can turn this swamp, OUR home, into a snowy wasteland for his own sick personal gain!” Furious, Squishy continues with, “This is the second time he's done this, Chespin! Prepare yerself for a fight.”
I nod, continuing through the snow with the others.

The winds increase in speed and intensity as we near our destination. Pushing through the brush, we come to a hill with a lone tree at the top. Near the tree, I spot something white and green, snow swirling around it.
“...He's evolved!” Wooper says, sounding worried.
“Fear not, son!” Squishy shouts at the top of his lungs. “PINE! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU EVER RETURNED HERE!”
The figure arises, sliding down the hill. Fear builds within me as it approaches, its gigantic size quickly becoming apparent. It's an Abomasnow, and it utterly dwarfs me! “I-I-It's huge!”
The Abomasnow laughs loudly, snow whipping around the five of us. “You can't stop Pine, master of blizzards, that easily!” He turns his attention to Wooper, saying, “Ah, there's the stupid looking blue thing. Too chicken to fight me alone? Had to call for your parents again?”
Pine raises an arm, and I instinctively leap in front of Wooper, arms out. “Is this how you get your sick kicks? Turning this swamp into an icy hellscape and picking on my best friend? I'll show you whose boss of this swamp!” Wait, did I really just say that? Those idiots in the Clover Guild are getting into my head!
Pine lets out another loud laugh. “You? Boss? Maybe the boss of looking like a living t-”

I don't wait for him to finish speaking. I shoot my vines around his head, slingshotting myself head first into his face! As he holds his face in pain, I hope one of my quills got his eye.
As I land and look back up at Pine, something inside of me snaps. It's another evil Ice type trying to attack Wooper. “I am SICK AND TIRED of having to put up with all of you stupid CHILLERS acting like they're so cool for making everything all cold and awful! Everyone! Attack him all at once, don't hold anything back!”
“Mhmm!” Berry slams her tail into the ground, causing the earth to shake. A couple seconds later, the ground underneath Pine juts upwards, a series of massive, sharp-looking stones jabbing into him from all around! As Pine lets out a loud roar of pain, I'm dumbfounded at what I just saw. That was one of the strongest looking attacks I've ever seen! Compared to that, my slingshot Headbutt looks like throwing a useless wad of paper at someone!
“A father has to defend his home and family!” Before Pine can recover, Squishy opens his mouth, firing a purple blob of...something that slams into Pine, causing a small explosion on impact! The force knocks Pine backwards, but he gets right back up, holding a hand to his chest.
Wooper looks a little nervous, but shoots a Water Gun at Pine, the attack glancing right off him!

“Hah...Look at how weak Wooper still is! This is for that time you snitched and got me arrested!” Pine swings his arms forward, sending a series of razor-sharp leaves flying directly at Wooper!
I leap towards Wooper with surprising speed, my new scarf aiding my movements. I pull him close as I take the attack for him. The leaves sting a little, but it's nothing I can't take!
“So that's how it's gonna be, I'll have to put your guardian on ice! Face the power of a mighty blizzard and despair!” I brace myself for the inevitable. Even if this berry's protected me from the cold so far, this is still going to hurt a lot. But I can't let Wooper get hurt!
The blizzard picks up in intensity, the snow and ice tearing at my body. The winds of my attacker block out all other sound, and the windchill itself...the pain is too much to bear! I let out a scream of pain as I force myself to be a living shield for Wooper.
As the winds finally die down, I can't help but continue to cry from the pain. This...MONSTER is worse than that Cryogonal ever was!

My tears freezing to my face, I look around for some kind of solution. I spot Squishy looking at me, pure hatred in his eyes as he looks back at Pine. “How DARE you hurt my family!”
“Hah! Once I'm done with you four, it'll be easy to swipe all your treasures.” Pine crosses his arms, basking in his own power.
“What is someone as small as you going to do abo-”

Pine doesn't get the words out. Squishy opens his mouth once more, a flash of incredibly bright light illuminating the snowscape! With a shout, an orange beam of pure power flies out of his mouth, slamming directly into Pine's face. Upon impact, the beam explodes with energy, engulfing everything around the monster! The snowstorm finally dying down, I feel the area begin to warm up once again, our foe lying defeated in front of us. Before I can comment on anything, Squishy shoots another beam at the unconscious Abomasnow, causing him to let out a low groan of pain. Despite our enemy being down for the count, Squishy is still beyond furious.

Gasping for breath, Squishy says, “Berry...Oran Berries for Chespin...Reviver Seed for our...'guest of honor', please."
With a nod, she throws me a few Oran Berries. I shove them all in my mouth at once, shuddering in relief as the pain from the blizzard eases away into nothingness. Now able to speak, I shout, “Y-you're showing mercy to that THING?!”
Squishy looks at me, shaking his head. A sadistic smile crosses his face as he utters his response to me. “...Mercy?”


Berry shoves the seed into Pine's mouth, and he begins moving again! Before I can question her actions, Berry shoves something else into his mouth, halting his movements again.
“Good...The MONSTER is awake, but cannot move.” Continuing, Squishy says “Tie his limbs, dear.” His voice fades from anger, taking on a cold, almost authoritarian tone.
I watch as the Abomasnow's arms and legs are bound. It looks like I'm about to get a front-row seat to...whatever it is Wooper's parents do to those who try to hurt him. This is reminding me a lot about what we did to that Smeargle.
“Just like we rehearsed, Berry.”

“Mhmm!” Kneeling down near Pine, Berry says, “Hmm, I wouldn't want to be you right now, nope. Should have stayed away from Woopy like we said, mmm?” Berry pulls out a black seed covered in thorns, shoving it into Pine's mouth. “Vile Seeds for a vile Pokemon, hmm?”
Next, Berry pulls out several handfuls of dark purple seeds, all shaped like a smoke cloud. There must be several dozen of them. She force-feeds them all to Pine, who struggles against his bonds as he gags on the taste. “Doom Seeds for a, mmm, soon-to-be-doomed Pokemon.”
Berry then throws a seed towards Squishy, who eats it in a hurry. “Violent Seed for a loving father, mmhmm!”
Finally, Berry pulls out an Orb, the sight making me gasp. It is red, with two heads depicted on it, one smaller than the other. “...Devolve Orb for a dirty, no-good bully who tries to harm my only son.”
Pine struggles even harder upon seeing the orb. “Y-you're mad! A-Anything but that! D-do you have any idea how hard it was to find somewhere to evolve?!”
“That's, mmm, not my problem. Shouldn't have tried to harm my only child, especially not in front of me.”

Berry throws the orb at Pine's face, a red light enveloping him! As the light fades away, the towering monster is replaced by a much smaller, much weaker-looking Pokemon. Pine lets out a cry, realizing what's happened. He's been turned back into a Snover!
Unable to resist, I take out a bit of my own anger. Lashing at him with one of my vines, I shout, “Looks like it's Snover for you, huh? This'll teach you to attack my best friend!”
Squishy approaches Pine, looking him in the eyes. Visibly restraining his anger, he says, “I told you that things would be far worse for you if you ever returned to cause trouble for us. Have I made my message clear?”
“P-Please! No more!” The once-intimidating Pine has been reduced to a shaking, shuddering mess.
“I did not hear a 'yes'. You know I cannot let you leave here until you learn your lesson, even if you learn...by force.” Squishy opens his mouth, a flash of orange filling the area as he readies another attack.
“YES, yes, your message is clear! I'll never come anywhere around here again, j-just STOP!” Pine begins to cry, having lost his once-powerful form on top of being severely weakened by the buffet of seeds he was fed.
Squishy closes his mouth, smiling. “Good, I'm so glad you saw reason. Get as far from us as possible, and mark my words, if you try to harm Woopy a third time, it will make today look downright pleasant in comparison.” Looking towards Berry, he says, “Let him go. I think we've made our point.”
The instant his limbs are freed, Pine runs for the hills, his movements sluggish due to his greatly-weakened state.
Squishy fires off another Hyper Beam in Pine's general direction. Powered by the Violent Seed, the explosion from the impact completely destroys a tree near him, leaving nothing but a small crater. The miss looks intentional, but scares Pine enough to force him to run away even quicker.

I can't believe what I just saw. Between the forced devolution, the force-fed Doom Seeds, Pine being reduced to tears, and the threat of a max-power Hyper Beam...That wasn't a punishment. That was someone's spirit being completely and utterly shattered before my very eyes. I actually feel a little bad for him due to the sheer brutality of what just occurred...ah who am I kidding, no I don't. Anybody who tries to attack Wooper deserves it.
Wooper finally speaks up, saying “That was so incredibly cool, Dad! I've never seen an evildoer fall apart like that before!”
Squishy's rage fades into happiness as he looks at me, still keeping Wooper in a protective hold. “You truly do shield him no matter what! I must admit, even earlier I had my suspicions, but all those doubts are gone now!”
Standing back up, I say, “His blizzards, ugh...Nothing in my life has ever hurt like that did.” I recall Squishy's words from earlier as he saw me get hit. “Hey, uh...You yelled at him about hurting your family, but...Wooper's unharmed.”
Squishy laughs loudly. There isn't even a hint of the rage-fueled Gastrodon that was just a few moments ago shooting Hyper Beams. All I see in his face now is pure joy. “I may have only known you for a short time thus far, but your actions speaks volumes about who you are. Consider yourself part of the family, Chespin!”

I can't help but cough at those words. Family? With someone like him?! “I dunno...I mean, you do remember I'm a former human, right?”
“All the more reason for it! I'd consider it the highest honor of all if a human was part of the family!”
Squishy seems awfully insistent on this, but this is getting real awkward real fast. “But I'm not...I mean, I-”
“Sure, you're not literally family, but you can be like family. You understand, yes? Like a very good friend of ours.”
He acts like I don't know what he means, but it sounded like he was headed somewhere totally different just a second ago. “In that case...I guess I can work with that.”
“Splendid!” Turning towards the south, Squishy nods for us. “Let us return home.”

The snow that once blanketed everything is quickly melting away, the usual summer warmth coming back full force. Questions swirl around in my mind as we head back to the home. What ARE Wooper's parents, anyways? There's definitely more than meets the eye here. Unable to restrain my curiosity, I say, “Hey, Berry, Squishy? I gotta ask some things, that alright?”
“Not at all.”
“Mmm, go right ahead!”
I clear my throat. “Alright, so don't take this the wrong way, but...What are you two? I've never seen such power before in my life. Squishy straight up disintegrated a tree with his attack earlier!”

Squishy nods, taking the lead. “Berry and I used to be explorers, much like you and Woopy are now. We hunted treasures, took down outlaws, and fought many dangers over on the Air Continent many years ago. In our glory days, we were known as Team Marsh. Through our adventures, we grew stronger and stronger. Together, there was almost nothing we couldn't accomplish!”
“ALMOST nothing? Was there something else?”
Squishy nods once more. “While we were accomplished explorers, there was one thing we had searched for all those years, but never found. A human. 'Course, Woopy managed that one for us, so I still feel like I succeeded!”
Figures, this guy is obsessed. “Honestly, it was more me finding Wooper than the other way around. But...why search for a human, anyways?”
Continuing, Squishy says, “As a young child, I was fascinated with the tales of humans coming to this world, becoming Pokemon themselves to save it! Saving the planet from a meteor, destroying the very embodiments of evil...All of these stories enchanted me. I had always wanted to meet one in person, to see just what they were like, how heroic their actions were.”
I rub the back of my head, his expectations leaving me feeling even more awkward. “I'm...not really hero material. Most of us ain't. The ones from that story might save the world, but...Wooper and I just hunt for things like good food, hot springs, and comfy beds. We stopped an outlaw once, but that's all. Not to mention, some of the other former humans at the guild a-”
Squishy gasps loudly. “Th-there's more humans at that guild?!”

That's right, I had never told him. “Yeah, but most of them...aren't the picture of heroism you're thinking about. Some of them can't even defend themselves, while others can't stay out of trouble with the other villagers. Don't get me wrong, not all of 'em are bad, but...I wouldn't exactly call any of us heroes.”
Squishy lets out a small laugh. “Perhaps I'll pay the guild a visit fer myself someday!”
Berry speaks this time, saying, “While you may not be saving the world anytime soon, you saved Woopy. If you ask me, that's good enough to be a hero in my eyes, mhmm!”
I can't help but feel flattered at her comment. “Ahah...maybe I do some very small heroic things every now and then.”

But there's still one main question on my mind. “That...stuff you did to that Abomasnow back there. That was...I don't even know how to put it into words. And it's not that I don't disagree with it, but...why the brutality?”
Berry thinks for a moment before responding. “When Woopy was little, Pine always caused trouble for him. Getting him to do dangerous things, stealing his lunch, and generally being a mean bully all around. One day, Pine summoned a horrific blizzard as a way of getting to everybody. In the confusion, he stole many of our old exploration team supplies, hurting Woopy in the process. At that point, we decided enough was enough, mhmm! So we used our old methods for outlaws on him, with the intent of...convincing him to give up his evil ways.”
“Uhh...Wasn't Pine just a kid? He's bad, but it seems kind of...messed up to do that to a kid, even if he's a bully.”
Berry shakes her head. “Oh, no no no, it isn't like that at all. He's much older than Woopy. He used his older age to push around the others in the swamplands.”
That reminds me! “How...old is he? Wooper, I mean?”
Berry stops in her tracks, thinking deeply. “Mmm...It has been quite awhile, and I can't seem to remember how many years it has been. The years, hmm, tend to run together living out here. If it makes you feel better, Woopy is old enough to have decided to move out on his own.”

I let out a sigh. That doesn't answer anything! What kind of an answer is that?! Do Pokemon just not think about birthdays or that sort of thing? I guess at least this means Wooper isn't just some little kid.
Remembering the topic at hand, I ask, “How...effective were your methods in the old days?” These methods sound less like convincing and more like a mob's intimidation tactics.
“Incredibly! Most outlaws were so terrified of Squishy and I that they would run towards the sheriff when we brought them in, mhmm! No matter how hardened the criminal, nobody wanted to endure our little Doom Seed feast a second time. It was...very foolish of Pine to return, so we had to teach him the lesson we only reserved for the truly evil.”

That still doesn't answer everything for me. “Is that why Squishy went berserk?”
Squishy speaks up with “If there's one thing I hate more than criminals, it's a criminal that tries to attack my family. It isn't enough to feed them Doom Seeds. I want to make sure the truly reprehensible remember me for the rest of their life. Nobody has angered me as much as Pine, so I saved the most powerful of my tools just for him.”
“The Devolve Orb? I reme-” I catch myself before I say too much. If I said that I used a Devolve Orb on Wooper after all that, it wouldn't be pretty. “I remember finding one of them, really helped me out against this one bad guy.” It's a lie, but he doesn't need to know about that.
Squishy laughs. “If there's one thing crooks fear, it's losing power over others. Hence the Doom Seeds Berry and I feed outlaws. Ah, right, would you like some?”
I shake my head no, backing away. “...No offense, but I don't want to go anywhere near those things.” Spotting something through the trees, I say, “Hey, looks like we're finally back to your place.” I pick up the pace, Wooper and I getting to the door before the others.

Once back inside, Berry instantly heads towards a kitchen cupboard. She waves for Wooper and I to come near her, so we walk on over. Opening the cupboard, she pulls out two reddish-pink Gummis, placing one in each of my hands. “Mmm, I'm so proud of my little Woopy, having found such a good friend to form a team with. I've saved a few things for just such an occasion.”
I look down at the Gummis in my hands. They seem much larger than any other Gummi I've seen before, and almost seem to shine in the sunlight streaming through the window. “I've never seen a Gummi like this, what's up with it?”
“Wonder Gummis! I can guarantee you, nothing else you eat will, hmm, taste as good as those.”
I take another look. There should be enough here for two bites. Unsure of what to expect, I bite into one.

The taste takes me by complete surprise, forcing a gasp out of me. The taste...it's exactly like my favorite dessert of them all, caramel cheesecake! I thought such a wondrous food had been thrust out of my grasp for the rest of my life, but this...this is exactly the kind of thing that keeps me adventuring! I chew slowly, savoring every second of the experience. Tears form in my eyes as I take my time eating the first half of the Gummi. I didn't even know you could cry from something tasting so incredible!
“Chespin! Are you okay?” Wooper notices my reaction to the Gummi.
“It's...it's so good...” is all I can manage to say. The first half of my Gummi finished, I chomp down onto the remainder, closing my eyes as I try to make it last as long as possible. When I finally swallow it, I feel a small surge of energy run through me. Somehow, I feel a bit tougher now? What are these things, anyways?

“What does taste like, Chespin?” Wooper looks excited to eat his next.
“It's exactly like my favorite dessert from the human world! Here, give it a try!”
I feed Wooper half of his Wonder Gummi. The taste makes him recoil from shock, and I can swear his eyes sparkled as he chewed.
“It tastes just like a Blue Gummi, but way way better!” Wooper's smile is enormous.
His response confuses me. “Wha...but, it tastes just like a dessert from my old home, and we definitely don't have Blue Gummis there. What's with these things?” Confused, I feed him the second half of the final Gummi.
Berry answers my question with, “The, mmm, Wonder Gummi is a peculiar little treat. They change their flavor to match the eater, causing them to taste only their favorite foods. They were, hmm, among Squishy and I's favorite treasure to hunt.”

Her answer reminds me of another question I have. “Do you still have anything left over from your adventuring days?”
Nodding, Berry opens up the red chest near the couch. The inside of the chest is full of little compartments, the interior well-sorted. Dozens of orbs, seeds, and even a veritable rainbow of different scarves sit inside. I even see a few of those strange CD's, not unlike the one that taught me Solarbeam. Stuck to the back 'wall' of the chest's inside, I spot two badges. A golden egg-shaped symbol sits in the center of each badge, with red and blue wings coming out the sides of them.

Squishy slithers up to the chest, a look of pride on his face. “Hah! Ace Rank, we were! Ah, the glory days...Very few teams grow accomplished enough to reach such prestige, I'll have you know.”
Still gazing at the impressive-looking badge, I say, “What made you two stop? Both of you still seem perfectly capable of fighting.”
Squishy stares off into the distance, a wistful look in his eyes. “After so many years of exploring and hunting outlaws, we grew tired. Once Woopy came along, we decided it was time to go into semi-retirement.”
“Of course! How would Woopy learn to become an explorer just like us if we didn't take him on a few adventures of his own? Besides, I had to ensure he was capable of assisting a heroic human, just like from the stories.”
I let out a small chuckle. “I wouldn't choose anybody else to have at my side than Wooper.”
Squishy lets out a gasp. “Ah! So I have succeeded in all I had set out to do...That reminds me. Woopy, Come with me outside. I have but one final thing to teach you.”
Wooper nods, leaving the house with Squishy.

Now left alone with Berry, I ask “So...Is 'Woopy' a nickname, or...”
“Not at all, nope! Woopy is his name.” Berry tilts her head, saying, “Has Woopy truly never told you his name?”
What kind of name is that for a parent to give? Somehow that's less original than me calling myself 'Chespin'! Shaking my head, I say, “I've always just called him Wooper.”
“Mmm, I see...I suppose your name is not truly 'Chespin', either?”
“No, but let's just say it is. I've...actually sort of grown used to it by now. It'd feel weird to go by my old human name at this point.”
Berry nods, saying, “Perfectly understandable, mhmm! That reminds me...”

She reaches deep into the chest, digging underneath the multitude of scarves. She pulls out two large, clear bottles, each filled with a reddish-pink liquid. I can see the liquid fizz a little as it sloshes around. “I-It's two of those Spinda drinks!” I yell.
“Not just any Spinda drink. We had these custom-made long ago. We vowed to save these for a, mmm, special occasion. Woopy finding a human to form an exploration team with is, hmm, a perfect fit! They're yours now, mhmm!”
Berry hands me the bottles, the weight of them catching me off guard. They are much larger than any of the drinks I had bought back in Capim Town. Just one of these looks like it could last me entire weeks if I savored it! I turn the bottle over, reading the label.
The label reads: 'Spinda's Super Spectacular Specialty Soda: Made with a magical mix of Wonder Gummis and Sitrus Berries. Guaranteed to bring a smile to even the sourest of faces. Not for children.'
“Wonder Gummis?! I-I dunno if I can take these, these must be incredibly valuable!”
Berry grabs the drinks out of my hands, stuffing them into my bag. “Mmm...looks like you already took them! Think of it as a treat from Team Marsh.”
My mind races with the thoughts of what these drinks must taste like. The normal drinks made out of Gummis were good, so I can't imagine how much better these are! “Thank you! Wooper and I will make sure they last!”

It isn't much longer before Wooper and Squishy return. Wooper eagerly runs up to me, shouting, “Chespin, Chespin! You gotta check out what I can do now!!” Following Wooper back outside, I watch as he lets loose a massive torrent of water, completely unlike the Water Guns I had grown so used to him firing at our foes! “The bad guys aren't gonna handle THIS very well!
With my partner having learned a new ability, the Abomasnow having been taken care of, and me having just received some mystical drinks, I think Wooper and I have made the most out of this trip. Turning to his parents, I say, “Thanks for everything, honestly. But we have a life at the guild to get back to.”
Squishy nods in understanding. “But of course. It was an honor to finally meet a former human, Chespin! You are welcome to return any time you wish. Consider this your home away from home!”
Berry picks Wooper up, giving him a hug. “Mmm, remember that we love you, Woopy.” Setting him down, she turns to Squishy, saying, “Mmm, maybe it wouldn't hurt for us to take on some rescue missions for old time sake.”
Wooper nods towards the two, waving his tail. “Love ya, Mom! Love ya, Dad! C'mon Chespin, let's get back to the guild!”

The two of us begin our long walk back to the guild hall. This past day had been very eventful, with a ton of my long-standing questions having finally been answered. I found out what Wooper's parents were really like, the kind of things they do to outlaws, why they were obsessed with humans, and even a little about Wooper's own past.
Breaking the silence of our walk, I say, “So, Woopy, your parents sure are interesting!”
I see Wooper cringe a little at my words. “Um...Please don't call me that. I never really liked the name, it sounds...too kiddy. Once I moved out, I decided to go with the default name a lot of us go with.”
Kiddy? Wooper? The two seem like they'd fit perfectly, but who am I to judge? “I know what you mean. Back in my world, there's people that are named things like 'Timmy', but once they grow older they decide to go by just 'Tim.'
“Oh! Chespin, that reminds me. Since you know what my name really is, how about you tell me what yours is?”

“A-” I pause for a moment, sighing as I remember my old life for a brief moment. “It's Arthur. Named after a king from some human fairytale. It's not the worst name, but walking around with a name like that? In this world? It'd feel really out of place, so that's why I ditched it. No reason to use a human name when you're, you know...not a human anymore.”
Wooper's eyes light up. “Can I call you Arthur from now on? I think it'd be really cool to finally call a friend by a human name!”
“I hate to say no, but...”
“Aw, c'mon? Pleeeeeeeease?”
There's that look on his face again. Relenting, I say, “Well...Maybe if it's just the two of us. I don't want to go around to everybody in the guild reintroducing myself, especially when I've gone by 'Chespin' for so long now. I don't want to go blabbing to everybody we meet that I used to be human, but if it's just you? I guess I don't see any harm in it if it's just every now and then.”
Wooper lets out a small cheer. “Woohoo! In that case, let's go home...Arthur!”

We continue through the forest, coming out into the warm sunlight of the plains. It isn't long before I spot something above us, casting a shadow over us. I don't need more than a moment to recognize what it is. It's the Talonflame from our first battle!
Quickly, I grab Wooper in my vines as they swoop down to land in front of us! The Talonflame glares down at us, laughing. “Well well, fancy meeting you two again! And with so much incredible loot on you! This'll be easy pickings for sure.”
Wooper and I exchange a knowing glance. Glaring at our foe, I shout, “Your number's up, monster!”
I jump back, aiming Wooper at our enemy. Wooper inhales deeply, blasting forth a huge rush of water into the Talonflame's face! This wasn't the Water Gun I knew so well, this was like the water cannons the humans used to stop rioters! The force is so great that I feel my feet skid on the ground as I'm pushed backwards, and it takes all I can muster to keep Wooper aimed properly.
A deafening cry echoes through the plains, accompanied by a loud CRACK as our foe slams into a tree trunk, his movement ceasing. Just like the first time, the Talonflame's pitiful mugging attempt ended in failure.

I set Wooper down, laughing a little. “That was amazing, Wooper! With that kind of power, we'll make short work of the bad guys from now on!”
“You betcha! Dad said this was the strongest attack he could teach me.”
“How's about a celebratory drink?” I uncork one of my normal Gummi drinks, holding it upwards. “To Team Cozy!"
I take a long sip from the bottle. It'd be nice to try the Wonder Gummi drinks right now, but the sheer size of their bottles would make it hard to drink while walking.
I pass the bottle to Wooper, letting him take a long sip as well, and he responds with, “Thanks...Arthur!”
It feels really bizarre having Wooper call me by my old name. “Are you going to call me that all the time?”
“Well...Maybe just once in awhile...Arthur!” Wooper laughs a little.
“Yeah yeah, whatever you say...Woopy.”
Wooper glances at me, a look of surprise on his face. “Hey! I thought I told you not to call me that!”
I rest a hand on Wooper's head, taking another sip. Chuckling, I say, “Aw, relax, I'm just giving you a hard time! Ain't that what friends are for?”

The two of us continue to chatter like this as we walk through the sunny countryside, sharing our Gummi drink. With a bunch of cool things from Wooper's parents in my bag, our brand new scarves, as well as us having wiped out that Talonflame once again, I'm feeling pretty great! But...those Wonder Gummis...I need more of them, even if that means going on even more explorations and missions than ever before!

Pub: 13 May 2023 03:35 UTC
Edit: 14 May 2023 09:28 UTC
Views: 755