"I know what you are."

The sound of a voice cut through the air, and I spun around to see where it'd come from. I saw a Chespin standing before me, wearing a red scarf adorned with a small green badge. He must be another one of the clover guild members. His face was marred with a scowl, and the disdain he felt toward me for some reason was palpable. Was he onto us? I knew our cover story was shabby, but I didn't think we'd be found out this quickly.

I instinctively tensed up, before trying to calm down and compose myself. I'd been through situations like this before, I'm certain I could easily talk down a Chespin. I looked back away, before quickly straightening my hat and trying to make myself look a bit more presentable. I still felt ridiculous in this outfit, but I was hoping I could use that to my advantage.

I turned back around, flashing the most affable smile I could conjure, and started to introduce myself. "Hey there, friend! My name is-" was as far as I got before the Chespin's cold voice interrupted me.

"I'm not your friend. Don't think you can come in here acting all cool and win everyone over. I know what you're capable of." The Chespin continued, his wintry demeanor remaining unflinching in spite of my attempted nicety.

Shit, he WAS onto us! All I'd heard about this guild was that the members were kinda weird, this guy must be some sort of aspiring bounty hunter or something. If I didn't defuse this situation now, our plan would be ruined! I could take most of the the Pokemon here easily, but there's a few I'd rather not get involved with if I could help it. Time for the diplomatic touch.

I mustered my friendliest tone, and replied, "Hey, chill out! I'm not here to cause any trouble, promise!". I sauntered closer to the Chespin, and moved to place a paw on his shoulder to give him a reassuring, yet friendly pat.

The second my paw neared him, he swatted it away, and bitterly snapped, "DON'T touch me. And who do you think you are, telling me to "chill out" anyway?" he continued, the frostiness in his voice melting into a furious tone.

As I stood there desperately trying to think of a way to cool off the Chespin in front of me, I heard a voice call out, "Chespin? Is everything okay?" from the other room. The source of the voice quickly made itself apparent as a Wooper rushed in, also wearing a scarf adorned with that same green badge. Great, another one of these guys. I could feel myself tensing up for a fight as I looked the Wooper up and down. I could easily take these two.

I forced myself to calm down though - the last thing I needed was any witnesses. The important thing is to try calm this Chespin down and maintain this ruse. I calmed myself down as best I could, before turning to the Wooper and giving it that same friendly smile I'd been trying to maintain this whole time. "Hey there pal, everything's okay, don't worry!"

That turned out to be a mistake. As soon as I started speaking to the Wooper, Chespin's entire attitude shifted completely, the relatively calm if cold position he'd been taking until this point was completely overcome by pure, unbridled fury.


I froze.

This was all because I'm an ice type???

Pub: 23 Apr 2023 18:59 UTC
Edit: 23 Apr 2023 22:03 UTC
Views: 480