Static Wool, Part 1

It was about mid-morning in the Guild, a few hours before most of the teams went out for their own missions, jobs and rescues. On the second floor Macom the Mareep toiled away in the Map room, organizing the mess that always showed up every morning. With a sigh Macom looked over his supplies after cleaning the massive mess, only to realize that he was all but out of ink and parchment. “Blast it all.. I swore I ordered more supplies.”

With a disgruntled sigh, the Mareep put his map case back on and walked out of the Map room, turning left immediately as he passed by the empty lounge room. With a brief pause the Pokemon looks over the couches and green carpet and with a heavy sigh he continues on his way towards the stairwell.

In the main hall on the first floor were a few groups of Pokemon, most of them the Mareep recognized. The Vulpix and Shinx duo were excited for some reason or another and Lucario once again talking to their shadow self. On the green carpet was Tropius-who was struggling to fit in the Guild hall properly-talking to a Flareon and a Sylveon. He knew Tropius always had something bothering him, but did not wish to press the large ‘mon at the moment.

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‘I need to get to the market quickly.’ He thought to himself as he moved past the groups of Pokemon.

“I do not know who you are, and I don’t care about your mission.” Macom overheard the Flareon, Adrian, say as the sheep passed them by. ‘Once again, someone being rude. Go figure.’ the Mareep thought to himself, not slowing down and keeping his pace as he left the Guild hall.

Once outside, the sheep looked at the clear sky, pausing for a moment to take in the warmth from the sun.

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There was very little time to admire the scenery, even if Capim Town’s surroundings were quite nice this time of year. The longer he delayed the bigger the chance someone ‘borrowed’ one of his maps without checking with him or even writing it down in the rental log. Normally, Booker would help out, but he mentioned something about him and Sneasel having plans for a job and already borrowed one of the maps.

Shaking his head to clear it of distractions, Macom quickly made his way down the road into Capim Town proper. The forested pathway was mostly quiet, save for the occasional chatter of some of the local bug types in the trees. Once Macom left the forest and Capim Town came into view proper, the Mareep looked into town. The Guild always had a poor reputation with the residents and that made getting supplies a little more difficult even with how calm Macom was compared to the others.

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Walking into town, the small sheep remained quiet, despite the occasional glance from a few of the locals. Macom paid them no mind as he picked up the pace. The center of town was rather busy as he arrived. Several of the Guild’s teams were already chatting and organizing their destinations, much to the annoyance of a few locals. Next to one of the buildings in the town center was the Kecleon stall Macom frequents for supplies. “Ah! Macom!” The female shopkeeper called to him. “What brings you in today?”

“Good morning Prism. I’m out of parchment and black ink. Do you happen to have any today?” Macom asked in return, walking towards the counter and immediately the Kecleon darted behind a few boxes.

“Just a moment! Just got a new shipment yesterday!” She was excitable as always, though the sounds of boxes being shuffled or opened concerned the Mareep until the Kecleon returned with a box.

“Here it is!” Prism says as she places the chest onto the counter. “Now, how much did you say you needed?”

Macom takes a moment to think. He was practically out, and he uses at most half a bottle a day on average. “I’m going to need at least twenty bottles of ink and about thirty pieces of parchment.

Prism immediately searches the box. “I’ve got fifteen bottles in here. I can sell you ten and order a new shipment. You are not the only artist around here.”

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“I’ve told you before, I’m not a-”

“Yes, you have, and what you do is no different than painting if you think about it.” She interrupted promptly, her voice teasing as usual. “And your tail is glowing again.”

The banter from the Kecleon was irritating at times, even when she was right. “Fine. How much do I owe you?” He asked, wanting to get on with the day.

“Two-fifty for the lot. I know. More than I normally charge you.” Her voice dropped into a more somber tone, almost apologetic

“Another problem with supply?” Macom asked skeptically, tilting his head.

“Yes. I’m tempted to put out a bounty to investigate. My supplier is having the same issue.” She sorted ten bottles and parchment into a box.

“Send it to the Clover Guild. I’ll look into it.” Macom quickly pulled out the required Poke.

“I’d love to, but... You know your guild’s reputation.” Prism closed the box up and gave it to the Mareep.

“I know it well, much to my annoyance. While our methods and people are questionable at times, we do get the job done, one way or another.” Macom reassured her. “And I did just say I’d take the job. Supply lines being disrupted affects everyone.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll write something up and send it your way. Thanks, Macom.”

“You are welcome, Prism. Have a pleasant day.”

“You too.”

And with his business concluded, Macom strapped the box against his side and quickly made his way back to the Clover Guild.

“Supply lines.” Macom starts to mumble to himself. “The Lapras Liner isn't having any issues, so it can’t be them.” As the Mareep quickened his pace back to the Guild. He’d need to reference his maps and known Mystery Dungeons. Did a new one appear somewhere? There are many possibilities running through the old military mind, none of them good.

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Pub: 31 May 2024 05:22 UTC
Edit: 31 May 2024 05:25 UTC
Views: 168