Percival's Extended Introduction
A Clover Guild Story
By Corviknight-anon

Towering above all those in his vicinity upon his landing, the blacksteel bird stood proudly and began to spew human inside-joke nonsense, completely unintelligible to some of those in attendance but knocking the rest on their backs either in complete shock or laughter. A Meowstic, whom he later learned was the guildmaster, was the first to recollect himself and approach.

"I am to assume I'm in similar company?" He asked the man- the Meowstic.

"Yes, quite! The Clover Guild is always open to new entrants, especially if you can prove your former humanity so easily.~"

"I would hope so. Will there be time for introductions later? It appears a cat has everyone's tongues at the moment." The imposing figure put faint emphasis on the feline mention.

"Of course. We were just about wrapping up, by the looks of it, so allow me to give you a tour." The guildmaster beckoned and began to walk off. "Ah, nearly forgot- My name is Lliam. You are?"

"My name..." He hadn't given it much thought. In his head, he was just referring to himself by an old alias. He quickly puffed himself up, armored chest put forward as he looked off to the side. "I am Percival."

"It's nice to meet you, Percival.~" He could swear Lliam was trying to stifle a chuckle. "Follow me."

Percival followed closely behind the much smaller Pokémon, ducking beneath doorframes as necessary. He was shown around to the storeroom, the kitchen, and even his own bedroom, which the two realized he couldn't fit inside of. He was somewhat disappointed, but spoke out before his guide. "It is no matter, I shall perch atop the building, if need be."

"That is hardly necessary!" The guildmaster began to object, only for Percival to extend a wing towards him.
"It is by personal choice. I won't have nearly enough room inside here."

"Alrighty then, should that be your wish I won't stop yo-~"

"You cannot stop me." Percival interrupted him with a joke, unknowingly being more threatening than he wished to. His glowing red eyes glared down upon his acquaintence, waiting to see if it'd land.

"A-aha.~" Lliam awkwardly laugh it off, but an awkward air that did not permeate the corvid knight's armored head set in between the two. By this time, their picnicking guildmates had returned inside. The two proceeded into the kitchen, and Percy had to restrain himself on commenting about how fitting it was that their cook would be a Munchlax.

"Ugh, don't you drag me into this tour shit, the kitchen is off-limits. You don't need to explain a God damned kitchen." Their cook groaned. Again, Lliam was about to speak but was cut off.

"When you need a grocery run done, do not hesitate to call upon me. Before coming here, I received my pay by doing transport and delivery jobs, and have become accustomed to them. I understand the importance of good food all too well, and will bear what I must to ensure that you may do your job." He offered to the chef, who seemed rather bewildered at the kind offer.

"Well! If I'm ever urgently in need of ingredients, I'll see if you're available." The Munchlax said, seemingly relaxing a bit much to the guildmaster's amazement.

"It seems you were trying to speedrun getting on our chef's good side!~" The guildmaster commented.

"I hate speedruns." Percival plainly stated. He decided against explaining himself after realizing that was a rather rude comment to make, instead opting to remain silent after saying that, which only aplified the awkward tension between him and the guildmaster.

"Ahahaha...~" Lliam attempted to laugh this off as he continued the tour, bringing the hulking bird to the storeroom. "This is where we store various items that we'll have need of in the distant future. Feel free to take a look around!~" Percival began to slowly walk through, hunched over and eyeing their inventory.

"Wouldn't it be a good idea to organize this in some way? We could use something like the dewey decimal system, so that we can organize things into groups and then alphabetically. Medicinal items, furnishing, campware, et cetera." Percival mused out loud.

"Huh! That's a good idea! We'd just need someone to do the manual labor.~"

"Had I hands, I would do it myself. As I am now, I can only really pick up things on the ground, like this." He mused, as one of his talons wrapped around a strange looking seed in the bag. He absentmindedly stepped his leg back down, causing a a small explosion as the blast seed was crushed against the ground. In surprise, he lept up with a mighty beat of his wings and a shocked caw, making their storage even messier and slamming his head against the roof. He landed after planting a nice crown-shaped dent in the roof, and his head whipped to face directly towards the guildmaster in guilt. He was silent for a moment as he thought about what to say.

"I apologize. I am unaware of my strength in this body. I should be more careful."

"..." Lliam didn't even try to laugh this one off. "OK! Let's get someone to clean that up and then continue with the tour!" He decided to ignore what just happened, and had gotten someone on the job by the time Percival managed to shuffle out of the room. "There's one last place to visit, being my office. Come along, now.~" He led the way, the massive new recruit following closely and trying not to trample anyone in his way.
"You're a big guy." Someone from the crowd said.

"Yes." Percival quickly confirmed.

Lliam sat behind his desk, and Percival entered until his shadow loomed over the feline. "You've certainly made... an impression.~" He said. "We could really use someone to help transport goods and Pokémon. Would you like to join us?"

"Of course. That's why I came here."

"Excellent! You can get a badge and accessory from the store-" He seemed to realize that Percival had no way to don a decorative piece of clothing on his own, or pick out a badge. "Leave it for now, just remember to get one at some point."

"Yes, sir." Percival said, then waited a few seconds before speaking again. "When's my first job?"

"You've joined us rather late in the day, I'll give you something to do in the morning." Lliam yawned, and waved the new guildmember away. "Go aquaint yourself with your allies!~"

"Yes, sir." This time, Percival left, and Lliam released a sigh of relief.

That night, he stood perched atop the guild's headquarters. Capim town seemed much more quiet and peaceful at night. He pondered what was in store in his future. His mind started to wander, and he wondered as to why he was here. For what purpose was he brought into this world? He racked his brain for a possible answer. A human is brought to the Pokémon world in a time of great strife, right? They're summoned to help avert a calamity of some kind. So... For what reason were so many people brought here at the same time? Why some earlier than others? He yawned, he really should be getting to sleep. He closed his eyes, and slept perched like a gargoyle.

Pub: 23 Apr 2023 02:27 UTC
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