Aura Bow Personalities

Picrel Aura Descriptions

Aura Color is not a Literal Color

Only Aura Amplifiers, such as Aura Bows, show color. See A Detailed Guide to Aura for more details.


Those with this aura color are mature and dignified. They don't let others boss them around. However, they are also stubborn perfectionists, so they take their time with each task, as they cannot rush perfection.


Those with this aura color are quiet and subdued. They can best be described as relaxed introverts. However, sometimes they can be too relaxed and won't take things seriously even when it counts.


Those with this aura color are hot-headed and passionate. They are quick to anger and strong-willed. However, logic may sometimes be lost in the heat of their emotions.


Those with this aura color are friendly and cheerful. They live to help others and love when everyone in the room is as happy as them. However, they also tend to be gullible and easily tricked.


Those with this aura color are valiant and self-assured. They are the center of attention and the life of the party. However, they also tend to be arrogant and may be hostile to those who don't show them the respect they are accustomed to.


Those with this aura color are outgoing and energetic. They love to be around others and always want to be up and about. They get things done as fast as possible. However, they are also hyperactive and tend to lose focus easily, so don't expect them to complete any long projects.


Those with this aura color are witty and creative. They enjoy the fine arts and are excellent at debate with their quick thinking. However, they tend to disregard others' feelings. They are great liars and may feel a sense of pride when successfully manipulating others.


Those with this aura color are calm and helpful. It is difficult to stir them up as they always think before they act. They are the voice of reason and are natural-born problem solvers. However, they tend to have a hard time connecting with others as they have trouble grasping others' feelings.


Those with this aura color are wise and self-reflective. They usually have the answer to a question and love to be right. When they make a mistake, they will always take it to heart and learn from it. However, they also tend to overly scrutinize themselves which leads to them being anxious and slow to act.


Those with this aura color are gentle and kind. They are intuned with others' emotions and they will go out of their way to comfort their friends in distress. They do their best to treat everyone with respect. However, it is very easy to hurt their feelings, and they crumple easily under pressure.


Those with this aura color are studious and insightful. They are hard workers and refuse to give up. However, they tend to have a one-track mind and will overwork themselves, disregarding their own well-being in the process.

Sky Blue

Those with this aura color are independent and shy. They enjoy their own company rather than the company of others as such they keep to themselves and rarely bother anybody. However, they are also uncommunicative and tend to get nervous, especially in large crowds.


Those with this aura color are perceptive and intelligent. They work smarter, not harder. They are efficient and can easily understand others' feelings, but are unaffected by them. However, they tend to be pessimistic and will be quick to point out anything that bothers them.


Those with this aura color are strange and mysterious. They are out-of-the-box thinkers and great at keeping secrets. They always seem to be preoccupied with something. However, they are hard to understand and unwilling to explain themselves to others.


Those with this aura color are confident and well-mannered. They are humble and acutely aware of their surroundings. However, they tend to care about how others perceive them rather than how their actions may adversely effect others.


Those with this aura color are spontaneous and bold. They are loud and easily excitable. They march to the beat of their own drum, and their daring personality entices and encourages audiences. However, they tend to be control freaks and hate opposition to their ideas.

Pub: 13 Apr 2023 20:07 UTC
Edit: 20 Jul 2023 07:43 UTC
Views: 456