• (You) notice a small letter on the ground
  • Pick it up?
  • Yes <--
  • No
  • (You) read the letter

Hello, if you're reading this, it means that I either left this somewhere, left, and then you found it, or that I... well..... uhhh, nevermind

So, you must have heard what happened, or god-

  • you notice the next word is scribled over, it's practically unreadable

-forbid, seen it happen, but if you don't, drop everything that you have (except this page), and HIDE, you're in danger

Okay, did you do it? Are you in a safe place now? I hope so.

You're probably wondering what happened, why everyone's gone in Capim town, & why this place has been quarantined by the Federation

I'll try to summarize it the best as I can, since I wasn't there, & the guy gal who was there almost didn't make it

It all started with a new mistery dungeon popping up very close to Capim town, everyone was really worried because of how close it was to everybody else, by the time the guildmaster & other guild members arrived, there was already a large crowd of pokemons around the entrance.

  • (You) notice the hand writting getting a little shakier
  • (You) continue reading

Lliam..... He chose the strongests of us and some of the natives that offered, fearing this might be a rift dungeon. He packed a lot of supplies and rift sealant with him, and headed down into the cave with the other guild members. He told us to try and disperse the crowd before leaving, and so we did.

I still remember it, me in the guild hall, trying to reassure lady Kangaskhan that we got this all under control, when she popped in the middle of the room, panting, curled up in the ground, horribly shaking and crying.

We instantly recognized her as one of the natives that went down in the dungeon, & rushed her to one of the rooms, and after some minutes got her calm enough to tell us what had happened.

Apparently, the dungeon was actually really easy, looking like a normal cave, & only having some traps and no dungeon pokemon at all. At first they thought that this was a low level dungeon, and they started talking about colors or something that she didn't fully understand.

What she did notice, was all the pictures & sculptures of angry faces, & all the writting over the walls, writting that not even Lliam or the locals could understand, except for one word that repeated all over the dungeon: Avarice

It was like that until the 4th floor, where they just found a lonely chest in the middle, and the exit across it.

Lliam told everyone to stay back, in case it was a trap. He went alone, and slowly opened the chest, & from it he took a small bag, & he oppened it.

Lliam apparently stood there, frozen in place for minutes, while everybody else was calling for him. One of the guild members, Gus the oshawott, decided to get closer, and said to the others that there was a shine coming from the bag, and Lliam was seeing it directly.

When Gus tried to get more close, Lliam took an itemizer orb from the bag, and turned, looking directly at the others, and...

When we tried to ask her for more, she just kept crying and mumbling nonsense. I had already sent some guild members to the place to see if everything was okay some time ago, they wanted to go, I just gave them permission, I just did as I thought was best then, I just

The story, the girl crying, the guild members not returning, my mind started to weave it all together, but I didn't want to believe it at the time.

No, I just couldn't believe it, there was just no way that that was what had just happened, right??

Or so I wanted to believe, until I heard the screaming outside.

  • The next paragraph is almost illegible, (you) barely make out what's written next

I shouldn't have gone outside, I should've followed my gut feeling, I knew this wasn't right, that it wasn't safe out there, I should've taken her with me, I should've warned them all at the guild. I should've known better I should've known better I should've known better I should've known better I shouldve

I already tried to escape, don't try it. They got all the routes covered, water, air, those scumbags aim to kill anyone that comes out of here, even the children and elderly. They didn't even say anything, massacred half of us before we could go back to the woods.

Some of the guys went back to the dungeon, hoping to find something, anything about that bag. It's been weeks since they left.

We tried to ambush him, burn him alive, pile on him, nothing worked, they're all gone now

Our last attempt at escaping was a total failure, I'm the last pokemon alive here I think, at least I won't have to dig any more graves

I'm so tired

Its all my fault

I'm sorry everyone

I'm going back to town, give it a shot, y'know?


Whatever you do, don't get close t


  • It's all scribbles
  • Turn the page?
  • No
  • Yes <--
  • (You) turn the page

Please bring more people here, I'm running out of apples

Pub: 08 May 2023 03:41 UTC
Edit: 08 May 2023 06:30 UTC
Views: 487