I awoke early in the morning, the sun just beginning to rise over the horizon. The cool morning breeze blows across my face as I open my eyes, the trees of the forest stretching tall overhead and...Wait, forest?! Sitting up, I look at my surroundings once more, trying not to panic. I see...just a bunch of trees. I've lived my whole life around trees, but forests tend to look pretty similar everywhere. Could I merely be a few miles from home? Maybe I have amnesia? ...No, I definitely remember my past, and I know for a fact I went to sleep in my own bed last night.

As I look around confused, I glance down and see a small brown body, along with dark brown arms.
Standing up, I look myself over, spotting green bits on my side and behind me, a tail?! I feel my blood run cold as I realized what's happened, I've become a Chespin! I can't help but let out a loud, terrified scream, not only am I lost but I'm not even human anymore! I feel my heart pounding as I try to brainstorm about what I should do.

My first thought is that I, through some sick twist of fate, somehow ended up in the Pokemon world. The real question there is, is it the “normal” one, or the one with only Pokemon and no humans? Of course, I can still be in the normal world, but that'll be far worse for me right now! If that was the case, it'd only be a matter of time before I got captured by some scientist or something equally horrifying!

No matter how bad my situation actually is, one thing is for sure, I need a drink. Maybe it'll help clear my mind? Standing up, I take my first, wobbly steps as a Chespin towards a nearby pond. At least I still have arms and legs, there's no telling how bad it could have gotten if I got turned into something without either one of those!

Crouching down near the water, I stare at the faint reflection. Yep, I'm definitely a Chespin. Sighing in frustration, I scoop up some water, sipping it up. At least the pond looks clean, most of the ones back home looked too dirty to drink out of. As I drink, I see a figure rising towards the surface. Scared, I quickly back away, not wanting something trying to take a bite out of me!

As I turn to leave, I hear a gentle splashing sound as the figure breaks the surface.
“Hey! What's got you so spooked?”
The voice sounded small and non-threatening. Turning back around, I spot a big blue head, with pinkish gills on both sides. I let out a sigh of relief as I realize that it's a Wooper...wait, a Wooper?! That means this isn't the “normal” world after all! Feeling thankful that the first other Pokemon I've found wasn't an immediate threat, I answer.

“I...probably shouldn't say. You wouldn't believe my if I told you”
“Aw, c'mon! Just tell me, I ain't gonna laugh!”

I pause for a moment. It's not like telling the truth could make things worse at this point.

“I woke up like this not too long ago. But last night, I was human! I don't know where I am or what's going on!”
“Human? You mean like those stories?”

I pause for a moment as I realize that his response means this is definitely the world with only Pokemon! At least that means there's no risk of getting kidnapped by some scientist or ten year old with a magic ball.

“Maybe? But I definitely didn't look like this until now!”
“Well...okay, I believe you!”
“Wait, really? That easily?”
“Yeah! Why not? Besides, in all those stories, the human's always got another Pokemon along with him to save the day!”
“Are you trying to say you want to come along with me? Do I look like I know where anything is?”
“You look completely clueless! You'll want me along, I know it! Besides, I'm stronger than I look!”

The Wooper walks out of the pond, and I am instantly taken aback by how tall he is. Or rather, how short I am, since we're both the same height! I stare into his tiny eyes, debating if I should agree to it.
Ah, what the heck, anything's better than being totally alone in a strange world.

“Alright, you can tag along. What should I call you?”
“Wooper! How about your name?”
“A-well uh...Chespin will do.” Walking around with a normal, human name would only make me stick out even harder, after all.
“Okay! C'mon, follow me!”

I follow Wooper through the forest as I try to come to grips with my new reality. My steps feel slow and sluggish, and I feel as though I've been awake for days instead of mere minutes. Wooper looks back at me, a small frown on his face.

“What's wrong?”
“I feel really tired...”
“Now that you mention it, you DO look a little discolored! Hmm...Oh! Maybe you just need to get some sunlight! The canopy's pretty thick here, after all. Follow me, there's a clearing pretty close by!”

I take a deep breath, putting what little energy I have into making it to the clearing. Wooper has a point, if I'm a Chespin now, surely sun will help me. It isn't long before I spot it, rays of light shining down from the sky. I pick up the pace, my steps feeling almost desperate.
As the first bit of sunlight hits me, I fall to the ground, overwhelmed by the sensation. The sun felt nice as a human, but this was unlike anything I had ever felt before in my life! A pleasant tingling sensation enveloped my body as I felt my fatigue melt away. In just a few moments, I've gone from feeling sleepy and sluggish to totally revitalized! Jumping back up, I turn to Wooper.

“Oh yeah! That stuff really works!”
“Alright! Now I feel ready to take on whatever comes around!”

Stretching the last bit of weariness out of my body, I tense up my shoulders, suddenly feeling a bizarre ticklish sensation! Confused, I reach back to feel around, finding something coming out of me!

“Ah! What is that?!”
“It's your vines, dummy!”

Calming down a little, I turn to look at them. They were dark green, slender, and strangely enough I could feel every inch of them as though they were another pair of arms. “I-I knew that!” I say unconvincingly. Beginning to test out my newfound abilities, I find that flexing my shoulders makes the vines extend out even further, and relaxing made them retract.
Extending them once more, the vines seem to obey my thoughts, snaking towards wherever I told them to go. Curious, I guide them towards a small nearby rock, lifting and throwing it with ease. This feels...almost natural, somehow. Was it pure instinct helping me out? Whatever it was, it certainly made me feel better about myself! At least now, if we ran into any kind of threat, I'd be able to put up a fight.

“Looks like you got the hang of it! Nice job, Chespin! So, you ready to see the town?”
“This soon?! Won't I stick out pretty hard? I mean, with how I walk, how I react to stuff, how I-”
“You worry too much, you'll be totally fine! C'mon, the town's this way!”

As we walk, I can't help but wonder about something. This Wooper seemed a little too eager to tag along with me, something didn't quite feel right here. Finally, I can't help it, I have to know.

“Hey, why're you so trusting of me, anyways? I'd have thought you'd call me crazy after I said I was human.”
“You're certainly clueless enough to be one! Seriously, you didn't even know that sunlight helps you? That's something you'd have learned about ages ago!”
Now that he mentions it, he has a point. That'd be like a human not knowing they need food. “Alright, but...why do you want to stick around and help me? You don't even know me.”
“Oh, I just love those old stories about the humans who come to save everybody! Helping others, hunting for treasure, fighting the bad guys, I've always daydreamed about going on adventures like that. Maybe we'll be like those heroes!”
“You're...awfully eager, you know? What if I got to town and told you to get lost?” I'd say this Wooper is trying to strong-arm me, if he had arms to begin with.
“I'd be all sad, but I don't gotta worry about that. No way you'd tell someone like me to take a hike! After all, I'm the only Pokemon you know right now!”
It felt an awful lot like I was being pressured to stick with him, but he was right. Besides, I certainly feel safer now than if I was completely alone.

Stepping out of the forest, we reach a large plain, with small rolling hills and single trees dotting the landscape. Off on the horizon, I see what looks like a town. Before I can think of anything more to say, I hear a loud screeching noise from the sky! I look up, stunned to see a gigantic bird swooping down towards me! Fear grips me as I recognize what this is, it's a Talonflame, and an angry one at that!

“GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU HAVE ON YOU, OR ELSE.” Another loud screech accompanies the bird's demands as it lands in front of us.

“I-I don't have anything, honest!” I begin to shake, I've never been in a fight before, especially not against something this huge!
To my surprise, Wooper steps in front of me! “Get away from here before we beat you up!
C'mon, think! What would a human-turned-Pokemon do in a situation like this? Run away? ...No, not a chance. We fight! Despite my nerves, I take a pose, ready to battle. “W-We're not afraid of you!”
Tensing up my shoulders, I shoot my vines out and smack the Talonflame across the face. To my dismay, it barely even reacts! “I LOVE IT WHEN MY PREY FIGHTS BACK!” With another cry, the Talonflame takes to the skies, swooping across the plains.

“What do we do, Wooper?! That didn't even hurt it!”
“You really ARE clueless!” Strangely, there wasn't a hint of concern in Wooper's voice.
“Aren't you worried even a little? Any moment now it's gonna come back around and dive at us, breathe fire at us or something horrible!”
“Did you forget what water does to fire too? Just follow my lead, we'll be okay!” Wooper points his tail towards a nearby tree. “Quick, get to that tree, I'll keep it away until we can hide under it.”

Spotting the Talonflame closing in, I run as fast as my new body will carry me, which isn't very fast. Looking behind me, I see Wooper spitting out powerful streams of water, more water than I thought something that small could hold. His shots fall just short of hitting their mark, but thankfully force the evil bird to give up its dive. Wooper catches up with me, out of breath. “It's no good, it's too high up to hit!”

I need to come up with a plan, fast! If Wooper could get just one good hit on that thing, we might be able to get it to crash, but how do you hit something that's flying? My vines are completely useless, and that's all I can do right now! ...Wait, that's it! Tensing my shoulders once more, I wrap my vines around the Wooper.
“What are you doing, Chespin! I'm not the bad guy!”
“I have an idea!” I shout, extending my vines and lifting Wooper up off the ground. “I'll move you around and you keep trying to shoot it!”
“Got it!”
As the Talonflame begins to close in, I stretch my vines skyward and point my new friend as though he were a living gun. Holding him steady, I wait for just the right moment. Closer...closer...”NOW!”

Wooper's attack hits home, a powerful jet of water slamming into Talonflame's wing! Its wing disabled, I watch as the bird comes to a crash landing, tumbling across the ground and towards me! Running away, I get out of its path just in time, the Talonflame slamming into the tree trunk with a loud thump!
Gently placing Wooper down, I retract my vines and look upon our enemy. They lie at the base of the tree in a miserable heap, down for the count!

I can't help but let out a victory cheer. “YEAH! WE DID IT! WE ACTUALLY WON!” Though Wooper was the one that did most of the fighting, I felt like I had just accomplished the impossible. “C'mon Wooper, high five!” I raise my hand up, getting only a confused look.
“What's that?”
“It's where we um...nevermind. It's a human thing.”
“Ooh, you didn't lose your memory like the other humans from those stories? Can you tell me more about them? Please?”
“I can do that later, but for now? We showed that thug a thing or two, didn't we?”
“See Chespin? I told you'd be glad to have me around! We make a good team, right?”
“Yeah! But let's get away from here, I don't want to be around here when that crook wakes up!”

Wooper leads the way once again as we make the long trip towards the town. There's no telling what'll happen from here on out, but I'm sure things will work out somehow.

Pub: 08 Mar 2023 03:01 UTC
Views: 647