Summer Festival Rules and Prompt


After Clover Guild’s troublesome reputation with the locals reaches its limit, the Guild is tasked with hosting a summer festival to make up for the destruction of the Blue Claw’s stage.

Read the intro story here


  • It is NOT required that stories take place throughout the entire week. It's fine for your story to only take place during the festival, but the prep-time is there if needed!
  • The deadline for the project is AUGUST 31st

Festival Details

  • The events of the Summer Festival Intro take place on Friday
  • The guild is informed of the festival and the guild's role in it by Lliam on Saturday
  • The guild has one week to prepare for the festival
  • The festival itself takes place the following Saturday
  • The festival will cost Poke to enter, and additional activites also cost money. The funds raised first go towards recouping the Blue Claw's losses from the destroyed stage, but excess profits will go to the guild.
  • The festival itself will take place in a grassy clearing just on the edge of Capim Town.
  • The festival stage is 2&½ feet tall, with enough space for some shorter pokemon to go underneath.

Story Summaries

Author(s) Characters Involved Short Summary
Kiyo-anon, Tropius-anon, Ross-anon Kiyo Tropius and Ross Kiyo Tropius and Ross form a band to play a song at the end of the festival.
Ribombee-anon Sneasel, Booker, KFC, Kiyo, Charm, Natu, Cooper, Testa, Tybo, Mustel, Serpes Sneasel loses Booker and searches all over the festival grounds for him, asking various guildmons if they’ve seen him.
KFC-anon KFC, Toge, and others KFC runs an aura reading tent, and has to learn customer service.
Phanpy-anon Team Misfits After a week of hard work planning the festival, Phanpy is pressured into enjoying the fruits of his labor while the rest of Team Misfits run a dunk tank. This leaves him free to run into a group of old adversaries, who are looking for trouble.
Vee, fern Rain, Cory, Fern, Ciel, Minun, Raichu While helping out Minun with her booth, Rain and Fern run into some trouble.
IV-Anon Team Fangclaw, and others Team Fangclaw attend the festival and find themselves in pursuit of a mischief-making Pokemon.
Togetic-anon Toge, Pika, Beast(?), and more Pika and Toge decide to set up a cuteness competition contest where they’re the judges and rope Beast(?) into being the third judge. Various guildmons enter or get pressured into entering.
Chespin-anon Chespin and Wooper Chespin draws on his past experience with running some event as a kid and builds a series of rigged carnival games. Wooper helps draw customers in with his cheer.
Beau, Adrian Adrian, Beau, Dav, Mako Dav’s caricature stand gets robbed and Beau heads out to find the thief. He runs into Adrian along the way and the two team up
Gus, Nick Gus, Nick, Amelia Nick, Amelia and Gus are put in charge of the firework grand finale - but with setback after setback, can they give a show to remember?

Lore Notes

  • If you include Booker in a story, note that he can fly at this point, but it’s tiring, so he doesn’t do it very much
  • This would take place after Banana Blues is done, so Tropius has a nice little house behind the guild.
  • Rain, Fern, Ciel and Cory enter Capim Town for the first time 2-3 days before the festival
  • Takes place on a warm sunny day with clear skies? (Note from Toge-anon, can change this if it contradicts a story idea)
  • Behind the stage is a bunch of random stuff like crates, extra planks Cassie left there, etc. (may need more approval before we canonize this idea)
  • Team Crusader: Dav’s hair is now short. Beau can use shortwave telepathy to talk to his team, as well as some psychic moves (This includes Beau’s “Green Lantern Hands”)

Character Roles & Positions

  • Booker volunteers to direct the festival preparations (locate venue, map out festival stalls/attractions, determine what materials are needed for construction, design posters to advertise the festival, create an event schedule, etc.)
  • Toge and Phanpy act as direct assistants to Booker, and Macom helps procure supplies.
  • Cassie volunteers to lead the construction effort, and is assisted by KFC and Testa.
  • Percival is put in charge of security, with Team Fangclaw (Mustel & Serpes) and Bean on his team.
  • Ross, Kiyo, and Tropius are reluctantly performing a finale concert for the festival, with posters for their band set up in town beforehand by a prankster hoping to embarrass them


We are using a Google Doc to keep the events of anons' stories straight during this collab. Although information from that doc is periodically added to this document, it may be less comprehensive than on the Google Doc. To prevent griefing, this document is not publically editable. Please ask for the document link in the Magma/Aggie if you plan on contributing to the collab!

Continuity Timeline

NOTE: Details of this section may be out of date. It's best to verify a plot point with the author if it is imperative to your plot!
This is taken from the continuity doc. Some formatting may be lost.


The events of Growlithe-Anon’s intro to the summer festival take place. (


9 AM- Lliam gathers all guild members into the main hall to officially announce the plan to host the summer festival. He announces the date of the festival will be just one week from now- Saturday, starting 9 AM.

Booker volunteers to direct the festival preparations (locate venue, map out festival stalls/attractions, determine what materials are needed for construction, design posters to advertise the festival, create an event schedule, etc.). He is aided by Toge and Phanpy directly. Macom also helps produce supplies, and Cassie volunteers to lead the construction effort, assisted by Testa and KFC.

Afterwards, Ross leaves the guild meeting, and decides to see the destruction at the Blue Claw for himself.

At the Blue Claw Inn, Ross picks up an intact guitar. Before he can explain, he’s spotted by Lliam, who’s in need of a closing act for the festival. Ross is assigned to the role before can explain he doesn’t actually play guitar.

~12 AM- Booker informs Percival he is needed by the guildmaster. Percival gets assigned security duty for the festival, and calls Mustel, Serpes, and Bean to the roof to join him.

Throughout the day, Ross manages to recruit Kiyo and Tropius to join his ‘band’, as neither have plans to contribute to the festival otherwise. They agree to meet at the guild the next day.


In the morning, Ross Tropius and Kiyo meet in a shaded eating area in the Guild’s ‘backyard’, set up their band equipment, and after debating which song to play, begin practicing to find they’re awful. Other guildmons come by and admonish them for how terrible they’re playing. Smith and Furret also arrive, but Furret is supportive of the band, which Smith goes along with.

Cassie takes a look at the planned festival grounds and makes a plan for construction (PLACEHOLDER EXAMPLE)
Chespin and Wooper get to work building the carnival games they plan on running
At the end of the day, the three band mates haven’t made much progress, but Furret and Smith return with ice cream to share with the band, which they enjoy.

MONDAY - 5 Days Until Festival

(NOTE: This section is especially liable to change/rearrange!) Starting in the morning, Kiyo Ross and Tropius continue their practice. The band considers changing location so less people have to hear them practice. They move to a small clearing outside the guild.

The bandmates make minimal progress. After a long day in the heat, they decide to head into town for some ice cream.

(Not necessarily monday, but certainly early on in the week) Order for fireworks placed at Delibird Deliveries

TUESDAY - 4 Days Until Festival

The Band practices as usual, in the same spot as last. Slow results.

Cassie finished up the stage.

At sunset, Cassie invites Ross, Kiyo, and Tropius to visit the town and take a look at the stage they’ll be performing on. They happen across the ice-cream parlor Furret visited, and decide to get ice cream before heading back.

WEDNESDAY - 3 Days Until Festival

(NOTE: This section is especially liable to change/rearrange!) Although the band makes some progress, it's minimal, and they have a falling out. Ross has no one to get ice cream with.

THURSDAY - 2 Days Until Festival

(NOTE: This section is especially liable to change/rearrange!) The band meets up again, and after lengthy and heartfelt discussion, resolves to do better and actually try to succeed. They make relatively solid progress.

Rain and Cory enter town for their first time. Minun catches her going off over flowers and invites her to help with her festival stall.

FRIDAY - 1 Day Until Festival

(NOTE: This section is especially liable to change/rearrange!) The last day of practice, the whole band shows up and works hard. At the end, they realize they did make progress, and that they don’t sound too terrible all things considered.

Fern and Ciel enter town for their first time. They meet Rain and Cory and accept Minun’s invitation to also help with the festival stall.



KFC sets up his stall, which is just a dark tent. Toge gives him a luminous orb for the aura reading tent to look more “official.” Some guildmon (idk who yet, but open to suggestions) gives him the stereotypical fortune teller’s hat. Guildmon with time to kill before large crowds start to arrive check out the tent and get readings. (Currently planning: KFC, Toge, and anyone else who wants to be involved)

Kiyo arrives at the Festival early with Cassie, who’s still running overtime checking the structures.

Booker and Sneasel prep their stall: a dart game with ice shards, with plushies as the prizes. Booker is exhausted after working so much over the last week and dozes off among the plushies.

Chespin and Wooper set up their games, with things like berries and baked goods from Beast as prizes.


The festival goers start giving KFC shit about his readings. So, he has to find a way to pacify the unruly guests. (Currently planning: KFC and anyone else who wants to be involved)

9AM: Team Fangclaw attend as security due to the need of having some guildies that are at least remotely competent working the position. They decide to initially split up to cover more ground. They agree to regroup at noon.

10AM: Mustel is informed of a thief nicking people’s festival food. He makes rounds around the festival trailing the food thief to find himself one step behind.

10AM: After the stall has been running for an hour or so, someone takes the sleeping Booker, thinking he’s a plushie. Sneasel notices after the fact, and searches for him. She wanders around the festival and interacts with various guildmons (currently planning: Percival, Kiyo, KFC, Team Buckler).

11AM: Sneasel visits the stage (nobody is performing right now), and soon after, reunites with Booker. They also find a masked thief of an unrecognizable species, and they spot a strange figure with lights on its body in the woods outside the festival.
Following this, Booker and Sneasel will occasionally take breaks and leave their stall, allowing them to interact with other characters.

11AM: Beau, Dav and Mako are running a stand sketching caricatures. Somebody steals their money and Beau gets sent out to search for the thief. Along the way, he runs into Adrian and teams up with him. They go around asking if anyone else has spotted the thief (currently planning on Team Fangclaw. Let us know if anyone else is interested).

11AM: Serpes encounters Adrian and Beau. He is informed of a thief.


12PM: Team Fangclaw reunites and come across Sneasel who presents Mustel with a piece of evidence of the masked thief.

Toge and Pika relax under the shade of the stage to escape the noise and commotion of the crowd. While under the stage, they argue about the cutest guildmembers and then strike up the idea for a cuteness competition, since the stage is empty until the concert. They rope Beast into being a judge due to him running out of food to cook for his stand (maybe)
(Though maybe it’d be better if they come up with the idea earlier in the day)

While Kiyo is off elsewhere, Tropius and Ross realize his drum set (or part of it) is missing, and go on a wild goose chase to find them before the show starts.

Adrian and Beau explore the forest based on the rumors given to them from Booker and Sneasel and catch a glimpse of something, but nothing conclusive. They’ll run into Toge and Pika around this time on their way back, and then into the Fireworks group, where they give the idea to join the content. Fireworks co gives Beau and Adrian the general direction of the real thief

3PM: Adrian and Beau make their way to the Thief, Adrian can’t beat him without Beau’s help, and the duo eventually stops the thief and retrieves Crusader’s money.


6PM: Adrian and Beau return the money, and Adrian gets some advice from Crusader, as well as his portrait drawn. The group goes to the concert and fireworks at 7:30.

7:30 PM: At sunset, just in time for the finale of the festival, Ross, Tropius, and Kiyo make it to the stage with all their instruments. They play their song.

Fireworks go off after the finale song.

Stage Schedule

NOTE: This section is in need of double-checking.

  • 10-11 AM: Empty
  • Noon: Cuteness Competition (1-2 hours)
  • Apple (and kiyo?) play a few Cajun songs (?)
  • Sometime inbetween - Bill & Gill singing (?)
  • 7:30 Ross, Kiyo, and Tropius perform a rock song for the finale at sunset
  • Fireworks go off (If everything goes to plan)
Pub: 09 Jul 2024 20:43 UTC
Edit: 18 Aug 2024 04:36 UTC
Views: 536