Personality blurb :)
Name: Smith
Species: Skorupi
sex: Male

(still subject to change but stuff is more established now)

Quiet natured. He typically only speaks when necessary, and often keeps his statements as brief and to-the-point as possible.

Thinks to himself all the time, usually zoning out into daydreams without even realizing it.

Remembers culture and memes from the human world, but tries to avoid bringing it up, to not make himself look like a dumbass.

Speaks crudely and casually in friendly conversation. Much more professional and polite speech mannerisms around strangers/superiors.

He's susceptible to becoming anxious and sometimes overwhelmed in unfamiliar situations.

He doesn't like seeing strong emotional outburts from others, it makes him uncomfortable.

He tries to remain stoic, but his mask starts to slip when he becomes emotional or is praised, and he has to struggle to retain his composure.

Pretends to not be interested in cutesy things, but secretly, he loves them.

Loves fighting. Wants to become "overpowered". (Nobody knows exactly what that entails)

Won't provoke people who don't want to fight, but is willing to accept challenges from others.

Skilled combat adept. His time spent training in the dungeons and surviving on his own has hardened him, and he is much stronger than an average feral. Stronger "boss" pokemon are much closer in power.

Picks his battles. He's not afraid to refuse a fight against if he knows he has absolutely no hope of winning. However, he won't try to escape a fight that's already started.

Terrible skills at navigation, puzzle solving, resource management, and other crucial aspects of dungeon exploration. Most of the time, his adventures in dungeons end in failure, unless he gets incredibly lucky.

Despite this, he's willing to assist guild members on their expeditions if there's a reward for him, or he feels it will be good for training.

Ability: Sniper

Moves: Poison Jab, Crunch, Rock Tomb. (maybe he'll find another TM later...)

Pub: 18 Apr 2023 18:04 UTC
Edit: 28 Apr 2023 15:56 UTC
Views: 533