Crusader's Intermission Hour

Story 2: Four Legs to Stand On

“Mornin’ Beau!” a female’s voice permeated Beau’s restful sleep.

Beau jolted awake, jumping onto all fours as his eyes darted around the room to find the source of the voice.

He hated being woken up like that, seemed like every time someone had tried to get him up, no matter how quietly they spoke, it always felt like
someone had shouted right into his ears. He couldn’t tell if it was because he was still not entirely used to his more attuned hearing; or if it was just a
holdover from being human.

He looks up, seeing a familiar face leaned over, looking down at the quadruped.

“Didn’t mean ta spook ya!” Charolotte said with a dainty, yet hearty laugh.

Beau shook his head, waking himself up and shaking off the startle she had given him.

“You’re fine, I’m just not used to being woken up like that.” Beau responds, brushing off her honest mistake.

He looks to the door left wide open.

“Let yourself in again?” The Espeon asked.

“Yeah, I thought Dav would’a told ya.” She replied.

“He probably forgot.” Beau replied. “He’s in his room.”

Charlotte nods, giving Beau a pat on the head before walking off, much to his chagrin.

He knows in his heart she means well. And she’s extended her kindness to the rest of the team after officializing her and Dav’s relationship a few months

However, she started letting herself in once Dav found out how much she had left to pay before getting her license to open up her own gear shop.

One he was told that she had only four thousand Poké left before she could open business, Dav pooled together his own savings and joined as an
“investor”. Beau had never seen a Pokémon so happy before.

Now that she runs her own business right in Capim, she drops by way more often.

Beau meanders to the other side of the living room, where the group’s kitchen is, hopping up onto the counter to inspect their stash of fruits.

Picking an apple up with his telekinesis, he sits on the counter, taking small, tired bites.

He hears some shuffling coming from the hallway, and glances over. Mako trudges out, stopping when he notices Beau on the counter.

“What’re you doing up there?” He asks.

“Eating breakfast, what does it look like?” Beau replies.

“Get off the counter man.”

“I had to get up to see the fruit.” Beau sneers back.

“You could’ve waited, we have a system.” Mako reciprocates. “You wash your paws before getting on the counter. I assume you didn’t do that.”

“You know that I’d have to also walk back from the bathroom with wet feet before jumping onto the counter. Wouldn’t they just get dirty again?”

“They’d be cleaner than if you didn’t.”

Beau groans, hopping down onto the floor; he glares at mako, before taking his apple to the large circular cushion next to their bureau.

“’preciate it.” Mako responds.

Beau only lets out an irritated huff in response.

Dav and Charlotte join the others in a living space, Charolotte manifesting a large cloth and a pair of scissors from her satchel.

“What’s going on here?” Mako asks; watching Dav sit on one of the stools.

“Haircut.” Dav responds, his voice still half asleep.

“Haircut?” Beau asks, finishing his apple, floating the core over to the waste basket.

Charlotte jumps into the convo, grabbing a comb, from her bag, and taking her tools in her hands.

“I got really good at keeping Dav’s crest the same length. Every time I’ve cut it; it seems to not grow back as quickly. I think if we keep this up we could
be looking at this being his permanent style.

“Isn’t that bad for him? What if he wants to grow it out again?” Mako asks.

“He still can! It just won’t grow as fast. Though I did some reading, and it looks like every time his feathers burn off, it’ll just reset the process. So he’ll
just have to wait.” Charlotte responds.

Dav doesn’t add to the conversation, instead using all his willpower to keep himself awake enough to sit still as Charlotte manipulates his head. She
turns and sees Beau watching from the Cushion on the floor.

“What’re you laying on?”

“It’s my bed.” Beau responds.

“You don’t have a full bed?” Charlotte asks.

“Doesn’t need one.” Dav manages to drowsily reply.

“Plus we only have two rooms here.” Mako adds. “Mine, and Dav’s.”

“This is technically my room.” Beau snaps back.

“It’s the living space man.” Mako says.

“You can always bunk with me. Got enough room at the foot of my bed for ya.” Dav replies with a chuckle.

“I wouldn’t be caught dead doing something like that.” Beau sneers.

“I certainly wouldn’t mind having ya there. It’s not weird, you’re a cat.” Dav says.

“I’m not a cat.” Beau says sharply.

“I think it would be cute.” Charlotte replies.

“Whatever.” Beau responds, taking this chance to get up from his bed. He goes to stretch, before stopping himself, feeling the eyes of everyone in the
room on him. And just opts to go outside.

Before he can head out the open door, he hears a distinct crunch from the kitchen.

He turns around to see Mako had also taken an apple, though it wasn’t from the bowl Beau had taken his, it was from the cabinet.

“Where’d you get that apple?” Beau asks.

“From down here.” Mako points to the bag of apples in the cabinet.

“Brother, those were perfect apples.” Beau coldly responds.

“What’s the difference, They taste the same.”

“I was saving them.” Beau replies.

“For what?”

“I wanted to make something; but it doesn't matter, I’m going to have to get more.” Beau sneers. “You don’t know how hard those things are to find.”

Beau walks over to the Chest next to his bed cushion, and opens one of the drawers, grabbing a small pouch of money. Putting it on like a necklace; he
heads for the door.

“I can go with you.” Mako responds. "You're going to need help making it regardless."

“No.” Beau says sharply. “I’ll go by myself. I need to take a walk anyways.”

“If you’re leaving,” Charlotte says, taking a break from trimming Dav’s feathers. “I made you something.”

“What is it?” Beau asks.

Charlotte grabs a small item from her bag, it looks like a leather strap.

“C’mere and I’ll show you.” She says.

Beau reluctantly walks over to Charlotte, who sets the bag upon his back. Only now does Beau realize that she’d put a saddlebag on him.

“Th…thanks.” Beau says through gritted teeth.

“Now you’re able to carry more things!” She says with a smile, proud of her work.

“Yeah.” Beau responds, before heading out the door.

Stepping onto the path leading down the hill to the road, he takes this opportunity to work out the stretch he wanted to do; away from prying eyes.

The saddlebag is already uncomfortable, sliding up when he stretches.

He shakes his body, readjusting the bag.

“I’m not some pack animal.” He mumbles to himself.

He tries to take a deep breath, and continues down the path into Capim.

Walking gives Beau some time to think. While he was appreciative of Charlotte’s gift, he should’ve just rejected it outright. He’s only going into town for
another Perfect Apple, he doesn’t need it. He’s got telekinesis. He can handle it on his own. Now he’s walking around with this stupid leather bag
dangling over his body.

He’s uncomfortable, he’s annoyed, and he can’t stop running the whole morning through his head. Spiraling at the fact that he’s basically
been relegated to a tracking animal in the team’s group. He sleeps in the living room on a bed made for a pet, Dav and Mako certainly weren’t backing
him up on justifying that; Dav encouraged the Idea, and now the only native that knows them all personally sees him that way enough to give him a

Each step makes him even more annoyed. Knowing that Mako’ll probably ask him to wash his paws when he gets back; followed by him just watching as Mako does most of the work for something he wanted to make. That's how cooking always goes. Beau being the one who hands things over, like a child "helping" their dad. While Mako does all the mixing, cutting, and kneading. All while Beau spectates.

"Mako doesn't even like baking." Beau snarls to himself.

Upon reaching Capim, he starts making his way down to the market. He scans the stalls, each one a different type of item or food being sold. Then
he spots the stall he’s looking for, apples lining the table, and a smiling Bayleaf behind the counter.

“Hey Bayleaf.” Beau says, approaching the counter.

“Hello Espeon!” the Pokémon replies, with a smile. “Don’t you look dashing with that bag.”

“Yeah. I don’t feel dashing.” Beau responds. “I feel like I look stupid.”

“I’d love a bag like that, would make harvesting these apples a breeze.” The Bayleaf laughs. “What can I do for you?”

“I’m short a Perfect Apple, I need another one.” Beau asks. “You wouldn’t happen to have one more would you?”

The Bayleaf pauses, looking through their layout of apples, and under the table.

“Looks like I have one more.” Bayleaf replies, “Lucky for you!”

“Yeah, you’re telling me.” Beau says. “I’ll take it.”

Beau floats some coins out of his coinbag and to the table, Bayleaf responds by setting the apple down next to the coins.

Beau picks up the apple and holds it in the air.

“Thanks Bayleaf.” Beau says.

“No problem!” The Pokémon responds, before pausing. “You’re just going to hold it?”

“Huh? Oh. Yeah.” Beau replies, realizing that the shopkeep was waiting for him to put it in his bag.

Beau puts the apple into one of the sides of the saddlebag, before bidding the Bayleaf goodbye.


Back at the house, Charlotte is done with Dav’s trim, and Dav has finally woken up. Charlotte grabs a broom, and begins sweeping up the discarded
feathers on the floor.

“Is Beau alright?” Charlotte asks.

“He should be fine, probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Mako responds.

“Seemed like something was bothering him.” Charlotte adds.

Dav pauses for a second.

“What is it?” Charlotte asks.

Before Dav can respond, Mako makes a groaning noise.

“What’s up?” Dav asks.

“I forgot we’re out of Oran Berries. Someone’s going to have to go into town.”

“Really? Already? I thought we had enough?” Dav asks.

“Not since the last day we pulled jobs from the board. Someone’s going to have to go into town.” Mako responds.

“We could just tell Beau.” Charlotte says.

“What’re you talking about?” Dav asks.

“We could just, tell him, Through telepathy.”

“He can do that?” Dav asks.

“Well of course, he’s a psychic type. Does he not know that?”

“We’ve never had to use anything like that before.” Mako replies.

“Oh, well I’ll get ahold of him, and he should be able to use it from there.” Charlotte says.

She sets the broom down, putting her hands to her head. In her mind, she tries to focus in on Beau’s psychic energy.


Beau is trudging to the Entrance to Capim, the saddlebag feeling more and more uncomfortable against his back. He can see the stairs climbing up one
of the tree trunks leading back to the road. He’s a couple steps up when he hears Charlotte’s voice.

“Beau, can you hear me?”
Beau jumps at the voice seemingly coming from nowhere, tumbling down the steps. The saddlebag flying off into the bushes.

A couple Pokémon run up to him to help him, but Beau stumbles up onto his legs.

“Oh my! Are you okay?” a Roselia asks. “You poor thing, you took quite a tumble!”

”Beau I can’t hear you If you talk out loud, it’s me Charlotte.”

A Politoed picks up the saddle bag placing it back on Beau’s back.
“There ya go buddy.” The Pokémon says. “Good as new.”

”Beau, if you can hear me, talk with your mind.”

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Beau shakes off the two patronizing Pokémon and starts walking up the stairs.

”What is it?” Beau snaps at Charlotte.

”Oh good, you can hear me.” She replies. ”I’m using telepathy to talk to you”

”You scared me again. Stop it.”

”Oh, I’m sorry, are ya alright?” Charlotte asks.

There’s a brief pause.
”I’m fine.”

”Okay Good.” Charlotte replies. ”While you’re out, It seems like you guys might need some more Oran Berries. Think you can get some?”

Beau stops, he’s already halfway up the stairs. As he goes to turn around. He can feel the lopsided weight of the saddlebag slipping.

Right as he’s facing the opposite direction of the steps, the saddlebag falls off, plummeting to the ground.

Beau takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Before responding to Charlotte. ”Sure.”

”Awesome, Mako and Dav appreciate it.”

Beau doesn’t bother to respond. He trudges down to the bottom of the steps, where some Pokémon have gathered around the saddle bag; slumped
onto the floor.

Beau wades through the onlookers and finds the bag, opening the pouch with the perfect apple, only to see that what’s inside is a squished mess.

The crowds voices close in on him.

“Oh no! you lost your snack…”

“Do you need money for another one?”

“You aren’t lost are you?”

“What a poor thing.”

Beau can feel himself shaking with anger, the crowd continues to bombard him with questions and offers to help.

Their voices ripe with coddling and condescending tones. He wants them to all go away, he wants to push them out of his way.

If he just had a pair of hands. Why didn’t he get to have hands…

Then it clicks in his head.

He pushes through the crowd with his body, picking the bag up and placing it on himself with his telekinesis.

The crowd continues to surround him, and he focuses. Forming a pair of ethereal hands. They’re crude, but they’re human shaped. He uses his new psychic conjuration to push the other Pokémon away from him, giving him some room to breathe.

Finally out of the crowd, he storms off deeper into Capim to find the berries that he was asked to get.

Stopping by one of the many streams connecting the upper levels of capim’s water to the lake at the bottom of the city; Beau begrudgingly washes the
mushy remains of the last Perfect Apple from the bag. As he sits there stewing in his anger, he smells something.
It’s the scent, of another Apple.

He looks to the source of the smell, and sees two Pokémon walking towards his direction. It’s an Abra, and another Pokémon he’s never seen before. It’s
a cat-like Pokémon, though it’s fur is red, with accents of black.

The Abra is carrying an Apple. Maybe they’ll be willing to give it to him.

As they approach close, beau shakes the saddle bag off, and turns to face the two approaching Pokémon.

“Hey, can I bother you guys for a second?” He asks.

“Wedon’thaveanymoney” The Abra says quickly, before attempting to walk away.

“Hang on, please, I don’t want any money.” Beau replies.

“What do you want then? Huh?” The cat-like Pokémon sneers at Beau.

“That apple wouldn’t happen to be a Perfect Apple would it?” Beau asks.

The Abra looks down at the apple he’s holding, before looking to the red and black cat; who addresses Beau again.

“What if it is?”

“Can I buy it off you guys? I came here to get one and I smashed the last one they had.”

The two pause as if they’re not sold on his offer. He looks around for anything to give the two of them, before his eyes settle on the saddlebag.

“I’ll throw in the bag too.”

The cat-like Pokémon seems interested in the bag, but their expression remains skeptical.

“Money, and a bag? What’s wrong with the bag?”
Beau looks down at the bag, actually inspecting it, the leatherwork is well made, intricate flourishing is pressed into the leather along the stitching. It’s
not half bad of a bag. But, when Beau looks at it, he can feel himself starting to twitch with frustration.

“Nothings wrong with it. I don’t want to wear it and I’m sick of having it.”

“Why?” The cat asks.

“Cause I don’t need some stupid bag to carry things like a pack animal. It was given to me, with good intentions I’m sure; but I just can’t stand to look at
the damn thing. I have psychic powers. I can do things on my own. I don’t need to walk around with some stupid bag.”

The feline Pokémon looks at the bag, before turning to the Abra.

“I’d take it. Besides, we could definitely use the funds.”

The Abra shrugs. “I'm sure we could find something else to eat out here anyway.”

“I’ll take you up on your offer.” The cat replies.

“Thanks.” Beau responds, pushing the bag towards them, taking a couple coins out of his coinbag, and handing it to the Abra, who gives him the Apple.

The Abra takes the saddlebag, putting it onto the feline’s back.

“Oh, this is nice! Where’d you say you got it?”

“It’s from the new gear shop in town. It’s ran by my friend.” Beau says.

"Really? What kind of gear do they make?" The Abra asks.

“Anything you can wear as gear she’ll probably sell it to you.” Beau responds, his interest in the conversation waning.

“Definitely wanna go there sometime." The feline Pokémon says to her companion. “Pleasure doing business uh…”

“Beau.” The Espeon replies.

“Bethel.” The feline says. “And that’s Alphonse.”

The Abra waves with his free hand.

“Thank you for giving me the apple, I hope you like the bag.”

“No problem, glad to take something that was giving you so much trouble off your hands. I’ll never say no to free stuff, even something as nice as this.”

“Yeah, you enjoy it.” Beau responds, turning back to go make another visit with the Bayleaf. “See ya around.”

“Totally!” Bethel replies.

“Oh, back again?” The Bayleaf says as Beau approaches the stand once more. “Where’s your cute little saddle bag?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” Beau responds. “I’m… done with it.”

“But it was such a nice little bag.”

“I’m sure it was, but I don’t need it.” Beau responds coldy. “I just… I need some Oran Berries.”

“Alright.” The Bayleaf replies. Placing some onto the table.

Beau puts some coins on the table, and takes the couple Oran Berries, carrying the rest of the supplies with his telekinesis.


The walk back to the house was a long one. There’s a nagging feeling inside Beau, one that is already chastising him for giving away the saddlebag. But
there’s another feeling that is almost drowning it out. A feeling that tells him he’s better than that. That he doesn’t need any specially made bags, or any
kind of help from someone else. He may be stuck like the way he is, but he can still pull his own weight.

He approaches the house, opening the door, Mako is laying on the floor watching Dav and Charlotte draw on some paper, Dav’s paper portraying
pictures of him and Charlotte, and her paper portraying designs for new gear. Beau places the berries on the counter, the last apple into it’s spot under
the cabinet.

“You’re back.” Mako responds.

“Yeah, I got your stupid berries.” Beau responds.

“Where’s your bag?” Dav asks.

Beau was partially dreading this moment.

“I… got rid of it.” Beau replied.

“You what?” Charlotte turns to Beau. “Why’d you get rid of the bag?”

Beau can feel himself starting to twitch again.

“I couldn’t stand wearing it, it slid off me, smashed the only apple they had. I had to buy more of them. And everyone kept treating me like some kind of petting zoo attraction.” Beau says through gritted teeth. “So I gave it to someone who’d appreciate it more.”

“You should’ve brought it back.” Mako responds.

“You could’ve just not accepted it.” Dav adds.

“I know that.” Beau says. “You know me, I can’t say no.”

“You shouldn’t have given it away.” Charlotte says, her expression shifting from surprise to a welling sadness.

“I’m sure it was a really nice bag Charlotte.” Beau replies. “But I am a person too, I don’t need a bag. I don’t need to be coddled or treated like some kind
of mascot.”

“Hey that’s not true.” Dav chimes in.

“You say that, but look at how I’m treated here! I sleep in the living room on a cushion for someone’s pet! I don’t have my own room, Mako’s telling me
to stay off the counter like a animal, and you’re telling me I can sleep at the foot of your bed? Fuck you man! I was a person too!”

“I thought you liked that stuff!” Dav snaps back.

“I DON’T!” Beau shouts. “And I don’t appreciate you and your girlfriend playing dress up with me like I’m some second-rate part of the team!”

“Don’t you drag her into this.” Dav sneers. “You threw away her gift to you.”

“I’m sure it was your idea to have her make me that stupid fucking bag so you could all laugh at me like I’m some kind of Mudsdale carrying your items
everywhere! You don’t even see me as a person just cause you’re all human shaped!” Beau snaps. “It would’ve only been a matter of time before you
would’ve put me at the back of the line and only used me for the things you can’t do! But hey! Maybe Mako can learn psychic abilities, and I can catch
Rattatas or something.”

Beau can feel himself shaking again, his emotions boiling over.

“That’s total bullshit and you know it.” Dav responds. “You’re important to this team.”

“Important?” Beau lets out a sarcastic laugh. “Get real! I’m the least important person here! I could sleep all day and you both would do fine without

“Dav’s telling the truth.” Mako chimes in.

“Coming from the guy who doesn’t want the cat on the counter.” Beau sneers.

“That’s not you.” Dav replies.

“You sure treat me like it is.” Beau snaps back. “I spent all day looking for one measly apple, and I’m being treated by NATIVES like I’m someone’s ‘little
friend’, or ‘poor thing’!”

Beau manifests a finger to point and wave at Dav and Mako.

“And I expect you guys, my best friends, to treat me with the respect I don’t get in public. Instead, I get it here too! It’s drives me mad!”

“Where’d you learn to do that?” Mako asks.

“I learned it while I was surrounded by people calling me ‘little buddy’ and ‘fella’; Mako. After I dropped the stupid bag down a flight of stairs. Cause I
was trying to make it work. I felt stupid, and weak, and useless. Just like I do now.”

“You’re not that.” Dav says.

“And how am I supposed to believe you when this morning you said I could sleep with you at the foot of your bed? HUH? I just want to be treated

Beau’s shaking, he feels like he needs to break something. But he knows he can’t. He just stands in the doorway, fuming, before storming out of the


The evening breeze and orange light does little to quell Beau’s frustration. He storms out of the house, over to the tree overlooking the cliff. He lays
down, and stares off into the landscape.

They built that house together, he was a part of it. He didn’t mind sleeping in the living room, or on the small cushion. It was his size. But, was that an
omen of things to come? What happened to the Dav that asked him to help lift the logs up to him? Even Mako stopped having Beau take point when he
could sense missing items in dungeons, instead he stayed between his friend while they “protected him”.

Beau watched the water in the stream roll down towards Capim. Hoping that spending some time outside would cool him off.

He hoped that Mako or Dav would come to their senses, realize that they were the ones at fault, and come apologize to him. Maybe things would be

But seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours. And night was already encroaching the horizon.

Beau laid in front of the tree, defeated. His suspicions realized, his worst fear had come to pass.

Though, he didn’t move, he didn’t go back inside, even as the bitter chill of night poked and prodded at his motionless body.

“How’re ya feelin’?” a voice said.

Beau looked back towards the house, and saw Charlotte standing by the tree.

“Dav send you out here?” Beau growled.

“No, I came out here on my own.”

Beau can only respond with a grunt.

“Y’know they don’t think that about you, right?” She said to him.

“Shouldn’t be you telling me that.” Beau retorts.

“I came out here to tell you I did make that bag for you, Dav didn’t ask me to.”

“Why? So I could look cute or dashing, or whatever?” Beau hisses.

“No, cause it was the first time I had made something for a Pokémon like you.” Charlotte continues. “You’re the only quadruped I know. Seeing you
without any way to carry things, I wanted to make something special. Your name was stamped onto the bag. It was yours.”

Beau couldn’t bring himself to respond.

“I’m genuinely sorry Beau, I don’t know what it’s like to be in your position. I didn’t know you saw it that way. I should’ve asked.”

Silence from Beau again.

“Good night.” Charlotte’s somber tone appears to fall on deaf ears as she walks down the path away from the house.

Beau did hear her though. For once, it felt genuine. Beau couldn’t see it. That frustration faded, it faded into sadness.

Beau’s breaths became heavy, whimpers as he lay in the grass. It felt like forever before Beau could stand up again. He trudged inside. The house was
dark, everyone appeared to be asleep.

Beau sat in the living room, he was too wired to sleep, too irritated by today’s events and his friend’s lack of apology to go to sleep, especially on that
stupid cushion.

He wished that he could prove to them he’s able to do something on his own.

He glanced to the cabinet where the apples lay.

He was saving it for a rainy day; but he could make that.

He looked around, before climbing onto the counter and grabbing the flint starter for their hearth. And a pan.

He gently set everything down on the counter before hopping down and starting their oven.

Once he had that, he pulled the rest of the supplies from the cabinets, trying to remain quiet. The last thing he wanted was any kind of argument
about late night snacks. Opening up one of the drawer, Beau fumbled through the papers, taking out one that was labeled with his name on it. He remembered when they wrote this recipie down. Much like Dav had remembered something through a dream, another memory came to Beau in the night. One of him, and this particular recipie.

He grabbed one of the knives, and by candlelight, he peeled, and cut the apples into thin slices.


It seemed like it took all night, he opened the oven and pulled the pan out with his ethereal hands, setting the steaming pan onto a cloth on the table.

Sitting in one of the chairs, he stared at the hot, sugary dish. Taking a spatula from the rack, he cut into it, retrieving a caramelized slice of the dessert
and placing it onto a plate.

The smell of perfect apple, sugar, oats, and a hint of butter wafted through the air. It was much too messy and hot to eat without hands; But Beau had a
pair of his own. He took a fork, cutting through the crumbling crust, and slicing through the apple slices with ease.

Blowing on the bite, he brought it to his mouth, eating the first thing he had ever made on his own, without help, without any kind of interference from natives, or Dav, or Mako. Something he knew how to make, something he could do all by himself.

It tasted just like he remembered. For a moment, he felt normal, and it brought him to tears.

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Pub: 31 Dec 2024 08:05 UTC
Edit: 31 Dec 2024 23:09 UTC
Views: 202