Cyndaquil's Christmas

The sharp sound echoed through the Clover Guild hall, silencing all present and turning all the eyes to the mission board. Cyndaquil, Linoone and Debby were standing there, the latter two frozen in place.

"Got a real Christmas cake on you Debby." Cynda chuckled a moment before he was silenced by a Headbutt from Linoone and sent sprawling on the floor, holding his snout. "What the hell Linoo-"

The pervert's words were cut short by Linoone stepping between Debby and Cynda with an expression of pure wrath. No one had ever seen the two in a spat like this before, in fact, Linoone was one of the few who seemed to like the rodent. The mailmon's words were low and icy "Don't fucking do that again, and apologize to her right now you coomer."

Cynda stammered and looked between the mailmon. The one he considered a friend looking at him like a piece of trash, and the other still facing the mission board eerily silent. "C-come on, man! It was just a prank, bro!"

"Prank!?" Linoone's face twitched and he took a step forward, causing Cynda to crawl back in fear. He wasn't letting this slight against his boss, best friend and loved one go that easily and took another step before a hoot snapped him out of his rage. Turning around, Linoone's eyes fixated on the massive Present next to Debby. It was 5 feet tall, white wrapping with a red sash to tie it up with a neat bow, and not a single soul had seen where it had come from.

Debby slapped the package with a smile. "Y'all wanna see a prank?" The words held barely contained fury, and the Delibird's eye was twitching as she forced herself to keep smiling. Debby's wrath was about to explode, both literally and metaphorically.

Linoone ran over to her in a panic, but flinched away as her gaze landed on him. It was as if she was daring him to try and stop her, and he took a careful step back, raising his front legs in the air "D-Debby, calm down. You don't need to do this."

"Just a lil' prank, hun. I'm sure Cynda here will love it." Her eyes locked on the Misfit who had just gotten off the floor. He'd been looking for a quick getaway, or someone to back him up, but every other guild member was paralyzed by the appearance of the Present.

Everyone in Capim Town knew of Debby's presents. No one dared move as now the biggest explosive anyone had seen stood in the middle of the room, and the bomber had a tight grip on the bow that held the lid secure. One pull, and the guild hall would be in orbit.

Cynda was the first to break the silence with a nervous laugh "H-haha, yeah, just a prank Debby. No need to ACK-" He was once again cut short by his face making contact with something hard. This time it was the floor, as Linoone forced him into a kowtow.

"He's saying he's sorry! Just dumb human phrasing. Right Cynda!? How about you drop that and apologize normally for once?" A nervous smile was plastered on Linoone's face as he tried his best to defuse the situation. Several guildmembers nodded along with him, yep, totally not just Cynda being an idiot.

Debby's grip on the red velvet sash tightened and everyone felt the temperature in the room drop by several degrees. The reality of the situation finally seemed to hit Cynda and he whimpered "I'm sorry for slapping you Debby! I swear it'll never happen again!"

"Sorry for slappin' my what?"


"What'd'y'all slap?"

"Y-your behin-"

"Say what I got."

Silence fell as Cyndaquil thought long and hard that these were about to be his final words.

"A C-Christmas cake."

"...Y'all're goddamn right."

She pulled the sash, untying the bow. Barely contained energy emerged as light as the seal was unbroken, and everyone instinctively jumped on the ground, hoping against hope it might save them from the incoming-

Jingle bells?

Linoone and Cynda looked up in shock at Debby, her smile genuine and warm again. Streamers and confetti was bursting out of the Present as bells rang with Christmas cheer.

"Y'all just got pranked, bro! Hoot!"

Pub: 09 Oct 2023 20:35 UTC
Edit: 09 Oct 2023 20:36 UTC
Views: 363