The greatest*[citation needed] human hunter

"So... why humans?"

The question catches me off guard, breaking the silence that I had started to get used to. I turn my head around slightly, & look at him, wordlessly asking him to repeat himself.

He notices the doubt on my gaze & becomes nervous, turning his eyes to the side, it takes him a bit of time before he asks again "Why do you hunt them? What's so special about them?" he murmurs. If he wasn't so close behind my back I probably wouldn't have been able to hear it.

Normally, I would've been annoyed by a question like that, or in the best case scenario I would've ignored it altogether. How could he ask such a question? Back when I saved his life he promised to do anything I asked as a thanks, how dare he doubt me so much as to question the motive of my quest?! I should've shunned him for it, or showed him where his place is!

But... He's been so kind to me thus far, even if he's a coward he's been there for me every single time I needed him, got me out of dungeons when I fainted, given me berries when I was hungry, bailed me out of though spots multiple times, he even knows how to treat & sew a wound without even a little bit of pain.

I turn around slowly, making sure that the thread doesn't pull my skin, sitting sideways I look at him properly. He still doesn't want to look at me, with his head low & gaze fixed to the ground, I don't ignore the way he keeps his hands steady even in his anxious state, poor guy would fold himself in half if I were to raise my voice in the slightest.

I guess it wouldn't hurt to give him an explanation, I just wish I was good at narrating things.

"...Do you know where I come from?"

He looks at me for the tiniest of moments, but catches himself & breaks eye contact right away, and slouches even more than before. I take his silence as a no & decide to lower my voice a little bit before continuing.

"Up in the north, far away from here, between 2 icy mountains, there lived a pack of sneasels & weaviles. The strongests of the continent, taller & bulkier than others, we were numerous too, dozens upon dozens of the best hunters of this side of the world." Should I tell him? I look at him again, & notice how his ears are turned towards me, even if his eyes refuse to leave the ground they attached themselves to. "...I was the chief's only daughter."

I look at Morgel, & he looks at me. We stood there a good couple of seconds, just looking at each other.

Those eyes, those same eyes that were once full of fear & doubt were now replaced with eyes of wonder & curiosity. (Ahh, now I remember why I saved him back then...)

"What happened?"


"What happened with... them?"

"Oh, nothing, just... (Please don't make fun of me) I was born as the smallest sneasel of the whole pack, even the smallest of my brothers passed me by a head & more to spare, even when I evolved I kept being the smallest of my peers."
From what I had gathered in my time away from home, I was actually closer to having an average stature in my species, apparently my family was an outlier to this. Even then, it doesn't make me feel better, why was I the only one in my family that was born "average"?
"My mom always kept the others in check, when she was around nobody dared to look down on me, physically or methaphorically."
My mom, she always looked over me, even if she tried to hide her favouritism. Sometimes she could be a little overbearing, wether it be for
"But I knew how they talked about me, I could hear what they said behind my back..."
"I had enough one day, & decided to go out alone & bring something big to the pack to prove myself, something like a mamoswine or an abomasnow, heh, how foolish I was."
I still remember it, my blind enthusiasm when I left, my oblivious excitement when I found that alolan-ninetales, the sudden realization once the first moonblast hit, & the pain of it's fangs sinking into my neck.
I unconsciously reach to my neck, the scars of such event thankfully obscured by my dark blue fur, I don't think I'd be capable of showing my face again to anyone if I had to show such a shameful mark of my own imcompetence.

Morgel's eyes now tinted with a shade of sadness, I continue my story "I kind of bit more than I could chew, & I nearly didn't make it out of it back then."

"What happened?"

Oh yeah, that part, would he even believe me if I told him?
I don't even have to look at him for that answer.

"Just when I thought I was done for, somebody saved me."

"Somebody? Who?"

"I don't know, they were covered in a cloak, head to toes. Couldn't make out much of what they were."
The memory is still surreal, a hooded figure just dashing out of nowhere, smacking you out of your own demise, & then bringing you back to safety, it could only be described as the hallucinations of a delirious 'mon that was at the brink of death, & one would've been in all it's right to believe that, were it not for the strange individual staying besides me until I could regain my full conciousness.

"Were they..."

I let the question hang in there for a moment, he caught me off guard again, but this time I manage to play it cool.

"Human? Yes. I could, sense it in them."
It took me a long time to come to this conclusion, I almost never used my aura reading, since I wasn't the best at it (another thing I was the last at, ughhh), but their aura was something, completely, utterly different. you heard of the tales of humans that saved the world thousands of years ago, but to have actually come to face one?

"D-did you talk to-"

"No." I said flatly.
"The moment I woke up, he left. Didn't say anything, not before, not after."

"But then... why did you become a 'human hunter'?"

"Never heard of the legends?" Morgel gives me a confused look, & I grin as I recall the tales of my elders "Every time a human comes to this world, is because they're here to stop a big calamity that would destroy the world, & so far none of them failed."


"And... If I were to hunt one of them, that would make me the strongest pokemon out there, wouldn't it?" Ohh the thought makes me smile, I can alreay imagine it: Me, standing triumphantly over the body of a human, standing tall as the world kneels before me. Coming back home with my prize in tow, showing everyone what the chieftain's first & only daughter can do, & proving mom once & for all that she's not some weak, tiny, pathetic little-

"&~ I think that's done!" I hear from behind, before a light & short pull to my back snaps me from my monologue.

I never noticed when he started sewing again, checking with a claw against my back I also feel something sticky against the sutured wound, bringing it up to my face, the liquid looks yellow in apearance, very watery, & with a smell of... fruit? What is-

"I-is a sitrus berry, heard they help with wounds of any kind, very rare too." I bring the strange liquid against my face, & taste it. It's very sweet, the juice making the remnants of my back pain fade away almost totally.

"It was t-the last one, too..."

& to think I was mad with him moments ago.

I look Morgel in the eyes, hold his hands, & I thank him. I swear I sawa chill run up his spine, before answering "Y-y-you t-t-t-too~"

Not going to lie, his stuterring is probably the funniest thing about him, specially when he tries so hard to speak it almost becomes mumbling. A better pokemon would try to comfot him, & not make fun of his situation...

Yeah, a better pokemon...

Not me though.

It took me a good 5 minutes of non-stop laughing & a morgrem about to bawls it's eyes out crying to calm myself down.

"I'm hahah, sorry Morgel, it's just too funny hehehh..."

"Pssch, wh-whatever." He said, turning it's back on me, probably to hide the tears that were escaping it's eyes as he tried to act like it wasn't such a big deal.

We just sit there, the bright sun shiningdown upon us while we hide on a tree's shade, hidden from everyone, like fugitives, but unlike them, we chose this path, this way of life.

Mogel sniffs "So... Where now?"

"What do you mean?"

He faces me again, tears already shed, he looks at me with a look of seriousness that honestly does not fit him very well "Well, you couldn't see who the human was, & he left before saying anything. Do you have a plan for catching him or...?"

"Catch him? Oh no, I'm already past that." I get up for the first time since yesterday, I can feel the wave of worryness & fear coming from Morgel as I make my way to the cliff's edge. Past the trees that gave us cover & housing, I come to the open, & look over the small pokemon town.

"I have eyes on bigger fish now."
Morgel crawls to my side, eyes filled with child like wonder at the sight of Capim town. I would've done the same, but one of us has to at least kept an act of being all tough & cool, y'know?

"So, Morgel, are you ready for this?" I probably have the dumbest of smiles on my face, but who cares, this is what 3 years of non-stop traveling have culminated into, I think I deserve this.

"I'm with you until the end, lady Weezil."

I'm too slow to stop myself from conecting my fist with the back of his head. It's pronounced 'weasel' anyways.

Pub: 09 Jul 2023 02:17 UTC
Edit: 17 Jul 2023 01:14 UTC
Views: 387