A Detailed Guide to Aura

The Basics:

  • Aura is a form of spiritual energy that is the essence of every living thing.
  • All living things express some form of aura.
  • Each individual has their own distinct aura that they can be identified by. This is commonly referred to as the color of aura, however it is not literally a color. It is more like the feeling of a color.
  • Aura is stored in the soul at a finite volume.
  • Old Aura is leaked as new aura is generated.
  • Aura is naturally generated at a rate determined by overall health.
  • Aura is naturally leaked at a rate determined by overall health.
  • Aura is leaked evenly throught the body unless, aura concentration or suppression is occuring.
  • The color of aura is an immutable characteristic meaning the color of an individual's aura will remain the same through out the entire life of said individual.
  • Aura has a shape that can change based on a users expreession or interactions in the enviorment.
  • Individuals of the same species will have identical textures of aura, which is distinctly different from the color of aura.
  • If two distnct auras are both the same shape and in very close proximity to one another, they will attract and merge
  • The color of an individual's aura can be an indicator of their personality, but this is not always the case.
  • Aura can be seen by the naked eye through large, concentrated expressions of aura, such as aura spheres. Or aura amplifiers such as aura bows, which manifest the users aura into a literal color.
  • Those who can do at least three things with aura are called "Users."
  • Those who can sense aura without the use of concentration or amplifiers are called "Aura Sensors."
  • Those who can control their expression of aura are called "Aura Expressers."
  • Those who can fully sense and express aura are referred "Aura Masters" or "Aura Guardians."
  • Some will have a natural-born talent to aura sensing or aura expression or both.
  • Psychics are more likely to be natural-born sensors.
  • Fighters are more likely to be natural-born expressers.
  • All living things have the potential to be Aura Masters.

Aura Sensing:

  • Aura sensing is commonly the first step to aura mastery.
  • Aura sensing is associated with breathing in, the mind, and connection to others.
  • A mastery of aura sensing requires the the abillity to fully relax the mind while simultaneously having strong concentration on nothing.
  • The stronger a connection a user has with another individual the further way the user can sense the individual.
  • Aura sensing allows a user to sense the aura of all living things.
  • Aura sensing allows a user to sense the interactions between their own aura and the environment.
  • Aura sensing allows a user to receive telepathic communications, including visions.
  • Aura sensing allows a user to receive large concentrations of aura from Aura Expressers.

Aura Expression:

  • Aura expression is commonly the final step to aura mastery.
  • Aura expression is associated with breathing out, the body, and connection to oneself.
  • A mastery of aura expression requires the the abillity to fully tense the body while simultaneously moving.
  • The stronger a connection a user has with themselves the further way the user can express thier aura.
  • Aura expression allows a user to control the rate of aura leakage.
  • Aura expression allows a user to send telepathic communications, including visions.
  • Aura expression allows a user to concentrate their aura into a single point.
  • Aura expression allows a user to send large concentrations of aura to Aura Sensors.

Properties of Aura in Practice:

  • Aura is generated and stored in the soul of a living being. Training can increase the rate of aura generated and the amount that can be stored.
  • Old age will cause the amount of aura that can be stored to diminish and cause the rate of aura generated to exponentially decay to zero. Once the rate of aura generation is less than the rate of aura leakage the volume of stored aura will decrease. If the volume of aura stored is zero, the individual will die. Advanced Aura Expressers, usually Aura Masters, use this mechanism to greatly extend their lifespans, however indivduals who do this eventually undergo a process called "Aura Rot."
  • Aura Rot is a peculiar condition that effects every indivudal differently but every instance of Aura Rot shares one common trait: it destroys what a user cares the most about themselves.
  • If one has a stong enough aura or will in death, it leaves an imprint on the world.
  • Certain items can amplify the rate of aura generation.
  • Certain items can amplify the rate of aura leakage.
  • Certain items can instantly replenish aura.
  • Certain Items can instantly deminish aura.
  • Aura expressers can supress their aura by changing the rate of aura leakage to zero, but aura will still be generated in the body. Too much aura build-up will strain the body causing physical damage. Aura that stays in the body too long will decay causing physcial and mental damage to an individual.
  • The denser the aura the longer it takes to concentrate, which reduces attacking speed and dodging speed.
  • The speed at which an individual can concentrate aura can be increased through training.
  • The denser the aura the more force it can exert.
  • The density at which an individual can concentrate aura can be increased through training.
  • Aura will flare up in a particular muscle of any living thing just before it moves. Aura sensors can take advantage of this by noticing and reacting to the aura flare up. In essence, aura sensors have boosted accuracy and evasion.
  • Aura can be concentrated into any part of the body, if that body part happens to be using a move it will become "Aura-boosted" and it will increase attack power. However, if the aura is concentrated into a part of the body that isn't using a move it will become "Aura-weakened" and attack power will decrease. In essence, aura expresssers can control their attack.
  • If a user is attacked where their aura is concentrated, damage will be reduced. However, if the user is attacked where the aura is not concentrated damage will be increased. In essense, aura expressers can control their defense.

Physics of Aura:

  • Non-Aura users autonomically (control without thinking) leak the aura before it decays.
  • Aura users somatically (control with thinking) control aura and can choose to leak the aura before it decays.
  • Concentrated Aura Generation
    • When generating concentrated Aura the F value (F = ma) is set. meaning the size, mass, density, acceleration, and speed are determined from that.
    • If an individual generates an Aura Sphere, then the more time they put into making it the more Force it will have, increasing either size or density, at the discretion of the aura user.
    • The smaller the aura sphere (Concentrated Aura) the smaller the mass but the larger the acceleration. However, due to square cube law the larger the ratio of the Surface Area to Volume of Aura then a higher % of the aura is exposed to the open air meaning the sphere will degenerate faster. Denser Aura takes longer to degenerate.

Color of Aura:

  • Aura Color is predetermined at birth and will predispose an individual to act a certain way. However the personality of the individual can change due to memories or trauma (Nature vs. Nurture).
  • Personality may change but Aura is immutable.
  • When Aura is leaked and unconcentrated, the color can be a mixture of several colors. (Silver, Brown, Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow, Lime, Green, Viridian, Mint, Blue, Sky Blue, Cobalt, Purple, Violet, and Fuchsia)
    • For example an individual could have an aura color that is 25% blue, 20% brown, 55% silver.
    • An individual cannot have the highest % value equal to another % value. This means that an individual could have 25% blue, 25% brown, 50% silver, but not 20% blue, 40% brown, 40% silver.
    • When Aura is concentrated (into a sphere or bow) it will "default" to the literal color that makes up most of the individuals aura. For example, an individual with an aura make up of 25% blue, 20% brown, 55% silver, will create Silver Aura Spheres.

Aura to Move Pathway:
Aura will autonomically convert to Type Energy then when a Pokemon calls a Move that type energy will convert into the chosen move, if the move used is the same type as the Pokemon. Otherwise, the type energy will be converted into a different type as soon as the pokemon calls a Move. This is why when, for example, a fire type using a fire type move will be stronger than a fire type using a ground type move.


Aura Q&A:
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Pub: 06 Mar 2023 08:22 UTC
Edit: 09 Jul 2023 00:15 UTC
Views: 1030