A day as a Sheep

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Lights are red, yellow, and blaring, everything is fuzzy and clear as the blue light radiates. The world is cold and unforgiving. Everything turns from the blue light only to burst in a flash.

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A beam of light from the morning sun shines through an open window, right into your face as dawn makes itself known. “Some things refuse to stay buried.” you say to no one in particular. As your vision focuses upon the world around you, you realize that once more you had rolled upon your back during the night.

With a grunt and a forceful shift of your body you roll over and off the hay that was your bed, a few static sparks coming from your sheep-like fur as you land flat on your feet. It has been about a month since you returned from your adventure past the Crystal Cave and even after being in this world for almost three months, some things are hard to let go. Still, it's morning, and it's time for the morning routine.

From the bed you ‘grab’ a few of your things, the map case you always have on as well as your inking supplies. Putting things on as a quadruped had gotten easier since the adventure you had. With everything in place you head out of your room and down to the gathering hall, immediately putting up your mental shield from the Guildmaster. It has become a habit at this point, a reflexive thought process that you’re not sure you can stop doing anymore. Probably for the best.

“Macom!” You hear the Meowstic call, making you stop in place to turn towards him.

“Good morning Lliam. Is there something you need?” Part of you fears that it's going to be yet another card game.

“Nope! Just wanted to let you know that the map you requested is on your desk! It’s a mess you know!”

You mentally sigh. “Yes, I know it is a mess, that's why I’m requesting something from the Expedition Society.”

“You are? What is it?!” He is quite insistent today..

“You will see when it gets here, if it ever does.” The image of the Mawile flashes in your head and it makes you shake your head. “She is a hard negotiator…”

“What was that?” Lliam asks.

“Nothing, Thank you all the same.” With a bow of your head you turn down the hallway and start heading to your office. You always slept across from it after all

Inside your office, the “Map Room” As people have been calling it you find everything in place, even the new map that Lliam brought in. So far, you’ve mapped out most of the Grass Continent, save for the southern part of the continent. Looking over the new map you found there was maybe a route going down a place called ‘Little Canyon.’

Before you could write down any more notes a familiar voice came from the door.

“Macom?” It was Booker, the Ribombee.

“Can I help you Booker?” You ask, turning to the small pokemon.

“Uh.. Sneasel and I are here to pick up the next map?”

It took you a moment to remember which one you had tasked the duo with, turning towards your ‘pile’ and pulling out a map of the eastern side of the Continent, meeting Booker half way. “Here you go, this should help with your adventure for the day. Stay safe.” Soon after, the Sneasel in question rushed in to grab the map before it overwhelmed the small bug type, forcing you to step back.

You always wondered what Sneasel was thinking, but the two of them were partners, and they were damn good at what they did, so you didn’t question any further than you had to. With their departure you once again return to your pile.

About an hour later hunger strikes. ‘Hopefully Beast is making something simple.’ You ponder to yourself as you make your way out of your office and into the lounge. There, plopped down on what appears to be a white and blue feathered cushion was Wooper and Chespin. The two of them always unnerved you, though you could never pinpoint why. Their hatred of Pelliper’s and Wingulls was well known to everyone and with a slight shudder you hurried towards the stairs.

Now on the ground floor, the main lobby of the guild was a lot more populated. At least more than two dozen pokemon milling about either at the job and outlaw boards, or talking amongst themselves. Almost every single one was part of a team and though you never really knew them on a more personal level, you at least knew some of their names as they have visited you in your office in need of maps or for deliveries.

You take a moment to pause as you watch all of them, more memories flowing through your head of your previous life.

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“What was your name?” A hand is offered. “Name’s ----” Unheard words are spoken back. “Well ----, Hopefully we don’t get blasted out there, eh? I’m kidding. I have faith in you Macom”

“Macom? Macom, Hey, Macom? Are you alright?”

You shake your head as you wake from a stupor and you are face to face with Lliam again. “Yes, I’m fine. I assure you.” You say, more trying to reassure yourself than the guildmaster.

You can feel the Guildmaster try to pry your mind, though the concern is obvious. “Alright, if you say so.” The Meowstic steps back, giving you some space.

“What has Beast made for breakfast?”

“Breakfast? Macom it’s mid-day. You’ve been sitting there for over an hour!”

You shake your head. “Maybe I will relax the rest of the day. I didn't mean to worry you.”

“That sounds like a good idea, but.. Uh, Macom? Did you know your tail was glowing off and on while you stared off into space?”

You look at the Guildmaster in disbelief. “No, I did not. How interesting.” You contort your face in thought. “Either way, I am hungry, and I have lost track of time. Excuse me.” You bow your head to the Guildmaster and quickly make your way to the mess hall.

Inside the Mess hall you thankfully find some food still remaining from lunch. A mixture of berries and apples. A simple meal but your stomach growled at you enough that it looked tasty enough. Grabbing a plate of the mix you quickly chow down. Looking around between bites you see a few other late eaters, Nick the Vulpix with their Partner Amelia. You’ve always seen the two of them together, practically inseparable. They have brought some research topics to you and given your thoughts on them, but beyond that? You did not know them well beyond them being very playful with each other.

As if on cue though, the two of them start fighting.. Or was it playing? You couldn’t tell what they were doing until they knocked over each other’s food. Finishing your meal you clean up and head back out to the common area where pokemon are starting to file in through the entrance. Many of them had their own cheers and bags of well gained loot and coins from jobs well done. As you stood there you couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride at the strangely familiar sight.

Satisfied that all was mostly well, you made your way back to the stairway heading upstairs, only to hear the words “It’s Pizza Time!” being shouted from the direction of the Mess hall. “Oh no.” That could only mean two things: One. Beast actually made Pizza, or two, Cyndaquil is trying to do something in the kitchen. You waited a moment to listen for any screams of agony and almost on cue, you hear one! It's Cyndaquil yelling as it goes flying out of the mess hall like a black and orange ball, heading straight to you! Thankfully, all you had to do was dash to the side and the flying creature of depravity and insanity flew past, into the hall behind you. “Beast, Extra ten points for actually landing the shot this time!” You shout, peering around the corner only to see a big blue thumbs up from around the corner of the Mess Hall.

Back upstairs you look around the second floor and the empty lounge with its newest addition of that really weird white and blue cushion. You ‘shrug’ as best you can and head further up to the third floor. The Common room had a few pokemon talking, specifically you saw Linoone and Charm talking. You didn’t want to interrupt them so you went along your way to the landing area, moving towards the edge of the canopy, staring into the distance. You promised the Guildmaster you’d take it easy for the day. Fresh air, a nice view, it reminds you of the time everyone gathered for a park outing near that tree only now you are by yourself. You preferred it that way to be honest. Not that you don’t want to get attached to folks, you weren’t cold to them after all. The guild is your only real source of ‘human’ contact, if you can even call it that.

Here, in this world, you were alive, and the people around you were proof of that.

As the sun set in the distance you turned around to return to your room. Perhaps an early bed would settle your mind. Slipping off your gear and map holder you step back onto the hay bedding and close your eyes, falling asleep almost instantly.


”Hello Commander."

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Pub: 06 May 2023 07:04 UTC
Views: 469