An Expedition Report

To the Office of the Federation:

You were right! In all three dungeons you asked me to explore, I found rifts. I'm still shocked only trained aura sensors can see those things, since the energy they emit is so unnatural and vicious. Regardless, the sealant your researchers provided did the trick, all the rifts were patched.

Sunshine Keys Reef - B30F

  • It was one of those new dungeons where items have an absurbly low apperence rate and there are hoards of ferals, compared to the average dungeon. I vote to call them Barren-type or Wild-type dungeons. I found a strange metal box which was heavily rusted, and inside there was more metal, a flexable material I've never seen before, and some flat green board with little pieces of metal and engravings on it. I sent that to you in the package Corvisquire has with this letter. My guess is that it must have come through the rift.
  • The rest of the dungeon was nothing special and pretty easy to complete, if you have enough stamina.
  • The Pokemon found in the dungeon include:
    • Wishiwashi
    • Relicanth
    • Lanturn
    • Finneon
    • Lumineon
    • Krabby
    • Kingler
    • Corphish
    • Crawdaunt
    • Alomomola
    • Clawitzer
    • Electross
    • Corsola
    • Sealeo
    • Mareanie
    • Tatsugiri

Largo Trench - B55F

  • This dungeon was relatively normal and calm compared to Sunshine Keys Reef. However, at the end of the dungeon, right next to the rift, there was a massive Mantine. This pokemon was feeding off the energy the rift emited. My guess is that is the reason for the Mantine's abnormally large size and strange move use. After significant effort on my part, I took the Mantine and its Remoraid allies down. During the battle I cut its tail off. It should be in the package Corvisquire has. After the fight, the energy Mantine had aborbed from the rift was expelled and it shrunk to normal size.
  • Except for the final battle, the dungeon was nothing special.
  • The Pokemon found in the dungeon include:
    • Corsola (Ghost form)
    • Sharpedo
    • Bruxish
    • Tirtouga
    • Tentacool
    • Arrokuda
    • Barraskewda
    • Basculn
    • Starmine
    • Toxapex
    • Cloyster
    • Wiglet
    • Huntail
    • Gorebyss
    • Electross
    • Luvdisc
    • Carvanha
    • Sharpedo
    • Dewgong
    • Gyarados
    • Remoraid
    • Mantine

Evermarsh - 26F

  • The dungeon was easy and full of items. Two things of importance to note. An object, about the size of my hand, that flew through the rift as I was sealing it. The object is made of the same flexable material that is in the metal box. I left it intact and it should be in the package that Corvisquire has. Second, during my time in the dungeon the labrynth shook violently and changed it's layout several times, the hallways and corridors twisted to such an extent that the ceiling became the floor and vise-versa.
  • The Pokemon found in the dungeon include:
    • Cutiefly
    • Ribombee
    • Venomoth
    • Pinsir
    • Yanmega
    • Croagunk
    • Toxicroak
    • Ariados
    • Roselia
    • Ekans
    • Arbok
    • Seviper
    • Salandit
    • Slaazzle
    • Dustox
    • Skorupi

On the topic of your previous correspondence, no they do not have any malcious intent. And I refuse to do anything of the sort. If there is any issue, take it up with me, privately.

-Aura Guardian Trainee Combusken

Pub: 15 Mar 2023 05:02 UTC
Edit: 22 Apr 2023 22:03 UTC
Views: 717