Team Petal-Purr

Part 1d-"Spice Tunnel(Heidi)"

Part 1a-"The Apple Woods Fire"
Part 1b-"The First Day"
Part 1c-"Practice (Zzapp!)"
Part 1e-"Firestone"

Ch 7.

As the two travelled further north up the slow incline of the road, the terrain had begun to slowly change around them.
The soft rolling valleys of bright heathers had given way to the harsher, drier climate of a higher altitude. Here by the mountains the ground was rocky and the trees grew thinner and sharper, carrying less foliage. It seemed to Blossom that they looked harsh, mean and angry, as though they were suffering a great anguish. She had never before seen plants that grew like this, and it unsettled her.

Shelby had stopped running off the path to investigate objects that she could zap with her Thunderbolt. The jagged pebbles hurt her soft feet and what was left of the grass cover grew hard and spiny, offering no protection on the rough ground.

The trail was slowly arching west as they went on, where thick clumps of brambles were growing more numerous, sprouting so close together that they tangled up into seemingly impenetrable walls.

The sun was past its highest point now and the team knew they must make it to Firestone before nightfall. The camp by Oran Forest had been pleasant enough, but they knew they did not want to be caught out in a place like this after dark.

Luckily for them, they would be nearing the end of their trip in an hour's time, where they will come upon the entrance to Spice Tunnel, a wild area just like Apple Woods; also known as a Mystery Dungeon.

The pair lingered outside the entrance for a while, periodically gazing down the dark tunnel opening, which was partially obscured by scary looking thorns and vines that the pair had never encountered before.

Blossom shivered as a chilly wind blew down from the mountains, colder than she had ever expected to feel in the middle of summer. The heavy brambles shook behind her and she convinced herself it was only the winds.

"Blossom, I'm scared."
Shelby said, peering down through the arc of thorns.

"Me too."
The Bulbasaur replied immediately, breathing a small sigh of relief. Maybe the two could just take the longer path around to get to Firestone. Maybe they didn't need the practice at all.

"But I'm really excited, too."
She turns and grins back at her sister, who grimaces.

"I'm not."
Blossom's ears droop as she looks down at her feet, ashamed to admit that she feels like a coward.

"Not even a little?" Shelby asks, genuinely shocked at her sister's hesitance. "I'm so ready to zap something in a REAL battle! You knocked that HUGE branch off that tree back there."

"That was just for pretend." She reasoned, looking back up.

"Then don't use Bullet Seed." She scoffs. "As if you even need it. You battled just fine without it in the forest."

At this, Blossoms ears picked back up and she puffed out her chest a little, inspired. Though she couldn't help but blurt out.
"But this isn't the forest, we'll need to be more careful."

"Of course!"
Shelby giggles, pressing her sister's snout with her paw before leaping away and beginning to run in circles, chasing her own fluffy tail.


"Are you going to go in there?"

The unknown voice was soft and quiet, but still both sisters jumped at the sound. They swung around to the source, but saw only the thick wall of brambles behind them. Something was moving within the low branches.

"Who was that?"
Shelby whipped her head around in all directions, her ears seaching like radars.

Just then, the thorny vines parted and a small orange snout appeared. The wet, black nose sniffed the air as the stranger slowly poked the rest of its head out of the bush. It was a young Houndour, its pointed black ears stuck straight up as it looked at the two of them with large, curious eyes.

"It was me." The creature spoke with a timid, gentle voice as she ducked her head lower and crept out a little further. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't scare me."
Blossom mirrored the little dog's energy, speaking gently as she smiled at her. The shy Houndour gave a smile back and wagged her stumpy tail as she pulls herself fully from under the brambles. The spikes did not catch on her thick glossy pelt and she slid out without a scratch.

"You scared me a little bit."
Shelby laughs and hops forward to meet the stranger, who shrunk back a little at first. The Skitty stuck out her nose to sniff and the Houndour brightened up, lifting her snout to meet noses as they both sniffed at each other. This must have been seen as a sort of greeting for her kind, Blossom thought to herself.

"I'm Shelby" She announced brightly, before pointing to the Bulbasaur. "This is my sister."

"Your sister?" The Houndour looked between them, confused. Blossom simply nodded to confirm.

"My name is Blossom. What about you?"

"My name is Heidi. I'm a Houndour."

"Do you live in Firestone? We're going there!" Shelby jumped in.

"I-I do." Heidi stammers, feeling startled by the overwhelming barrage of two questions. "Are you going through Spice Tunnel?"

"I guess we are." Blossom sighs in response while Shelby looks at her and nods furiously. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, um..." Heidi looked nervous and scratched at the ground. "My little brother went in there, but I was too scared to go after him. He promised he'd come back and get me before we went home." Her ears fell flat against her head as she looked down the tunnel opening and shuddered. "But it's been ages now and he hasn't come back. He wouldn't go home without me."

Even though Heidi seemed about their age and old enough to take care of herself, she shook like a leaf at the thought of facing the dungeon alone. She was obviously not a strong battler.

"Oh that's no problem for us." Shelby stepped forward and puffed out her chest. "We're a Rescue Team!"

"I heard your Thunderbolt from all the way up here. And I watched you." Heidi said, looking embarrased to admit she knew they would be coming. "You're both really strong. Not like me at all."

"Did you want us to help you go find him?" Blossom asks, reaching out a sympathetic claw.

Even though the three were clearly alone, the shy Houndour crept closer to them and dropped her head, as if she were whispering a secret. Both of the sisters leaned in close to listen.

"I've only ever been in there once, with my mom. It was so scary, I said I'd never go back in."

The two of them looked at her sadly, feeling terrible for the little dog. Her fear was crippling her. It was clear to them that she didn't just need a rescue team, she needed someone to help her find her courage.

"You know, we've never been in there at all." Blossom looked at Heidi, who was trembling less now. "We'd all do a lot better if we had you there to tell us what to look out for."

"Yeah, there's three of us now!" Shelby dropped into a play bow, growing excited at the idea of bringing their new friend along. "We could do the fighting and you could show us the way through!"

Heidi still spoke quietly, but her wagging tail gave away her happiness.
"If, um, if you really want me to. Only if you're sure I wouldn't be in the way."

"Shelby's always in the way, it's never bothered me."
Blossom grins as the Skitty bristled her fur and slapped her sister's head with a soft paw.

"YOU are!" She replied as she bounced out of reach, running to the tunnel entrance and sticking her whole head inside. "Quick! Let's go now before Blossom loses her nerve!"

The Bulbasaur scowled at her sister, before turning back to look at Heidi with a gentle face.
"You can walk in between us if you like. I'll be your backup."

Heidi smiled sweetly and dipped her head in gratitude.
"Thank you."

Watching the two disappear down the tunnel, Blossom took a deep breath and crawled behind them into the darkness.

Ch. 8

The darkness of the entrance didn't last long as the three crept further through the rocky opening. Soon enough, the cave walls opened up and the sun broke through the tiny gaps in the thick bramble ceiling, casting a low, dappled light over the dungeon.

They travelled down the tunnel until they came to a fork in the path, one side veering around a corner out of sight, the other opening up into a small room a little further on.

At the front of the party, Shelby sniffed the air down both tunnels.

"There's two items in there." She points to the path that would lead them into the room.

"How do you know?" Heidi asks, cocking her head to the side.

"I just do. I can smell them."

Heidi stuck out her nose to sniff, but could identify nothing.

"Well, do you want to go get them or not?" Blossom sounded impatient, she was nervous to be bringing up the rear.

Shelby thought for a moment. "Hmmmmm. Yes. Yes I do."

Paws scuffling on the ground, she quickly turned right and led the trio into the room. Across its dusty floor, there was indeed two items, a seed and a lone Rawst berry on either ends of the wide corridor.

In between them, the form of a Pokemon lay sleeping; a Graveller! If it weren't for its breathing and slow rocking back and forth, one could almost mistake it for part of the environment.

Heidi yelped in terror and flung her body back against the wall, cowering at the sight of the creature. Immediately, Shelby was by her side to offer comfort, rubbing along her body with a gentle purr.

"It's alright. You don't have to be scared. He's sleeping."

"For now..." Heidi's voice trembled with fear.

"More like forever." The Skitty leapt out in front of her, shielding the frightened dog. "Besides, they aren't real. Not really real, like us. If we blast him, he'll turn into light and disappear."

Before she could take another step, Blossom cut across her path.

"Please don't use Thunderbolt!" She begged. "My ears couldn't bear it."

"Duh! It's a ground type! It's all on you!" Shelby's tail shook with excitement. "Oh, you HAVE to use Bullet Seed!"

Blossom turned to look at the Graveller, who continued to sleep on the other side of the room. Shelby was right, it was the perfect opportunity. With time to get her bearing, she could focus her aim precisely and strike before the opponent even knew she was there.

She crept up on it slowly, making sure not to get too close and risk waking it. When she was within striking distance, she took a giant breath and reared up on her back legs.

Her Bullet Seed went off smoothly and she landed her feet firmly on the ground this time, able to watch as the attack hit spot on. The seeds struck the Graveller hard in the side, knocking it off balance as it woke with a startled growl. Blossom steadied herself as it gazed into her eyes with the empty fury of an unfeeling monster.

She did not move as it began to charge at her, simply staring it down until the right moment. Before it could reach her, the Bulbasaur unleashed a vine from around the leafy bulb on her back. It uncoiled like a spring, whipping out with extreme force and striking her opponent hard across the face and eyes.
It staggered back, wincing in pain and temporarily blinded, while Blossom took the opportunity to dash forward and charge into it with her head.

The force knocked them both back and the Graveller let out a final growl as it's body lit up and then faded away to nothing. Blossom rubbed her head, where there was now a light scratch, then turned and looked back at the two with a proud smile.

"See? Nothing to worry about."

"Wow!" Heidi stared at her with giant eyes filled with admiration. "That was amazing!"

"Well, that one was easy because I'm a grass type." The Bulbasaur blushed at the compliment. "It's not always like that."

Expecting nothing less from her sister, Shelby had already made her way over to pick up what she discovered to be a Blast Seed. Not particularly impressed by it, she simply shrugged and placed it into her bag.

Then she skittered over and picked up the Rawst berry, holding it in her paws to inspect it.

"Bleh! I hate bitter. Do you two want it?"
She holds it out for them and Blossom gently takes it in her teeth. She holds it in her claws and takes a bite, offering the other half to Heidi.

"Don't you need that for burns? Why are you eating it now?" She asks, looking horrified at the idea that they are wasting medicine.

"Oh I can use Heal Bell." Shelby explains. "And Blossom doesn't get poisoned. We don't need to use most berries, so we just eat them."

"Oh. That's lucky." Heidi looks at the Rawst berry, taking the rest and finishing it in one bite. "I can't get burns."

Since this room had only one path, the three were forced to go back the way they came, continuing on down the other path that led deeper into the tunnels. With the skills of the three of them combined, they are confident they will find Heidi's brother without too much trouble in this small dungeon.

FINAL-Part 1e

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Pub: 13 Aug 2024 12:38 UTC
Edit: 24 Aug 2024 11:44 UTC
Views: 221