Some of these might be a stretch but managed to think of at least one question for almost everyone. Anyway, Prompts!: (Do not feel compelled to answer a prompt directed to you, or conversely /not/ answer a prompt not directed to you (if applicable). They're just to spark discussion/writing.)

General Questions:

Based on one of the earlier discussions, what's your favorite food? And did it change when you became a pokemon?

Charm: Sushi as a human the Dragon rolls, funnily enough, probably still sushi as a Charmander. Don't imagine that i'd lose my taste for seafood in general. Favorite berry is probably something along the lines of Shuca or Occa though. Sweetness is great, and spiciness would be more than beneficial.

Lliam: My favorite food would be either Lava Cake or Pudding can't decide which. I mean, should it change? I supposed if I eat a gold gummi, maybe it changes since psychics do love these but idk the taste. Besides I have the materials, all I needed is an egg, chocolate does exist in this world... I'll make 'em myself if I really missed it!

Macom: Favorite food is a hard call. Sushi, Pizza, Ramen, Chicken sandwiches. Don't make me choose. However, upon becoming a Pokemon, especially what I can assume to be an herbivore. Apples, Berries, Gummies. The prospects are interesting.

Linoone: Apple pie. And did it change when you became a pokemon? I always liked pies! But I bet perfect apple pies taste incredible, yet they're probably luxury food.

Gus: Well shit, I don't really have a favorite food. Maybe a nice cheesy pasta dish, like a lasagna or baked ziti. I don't see that changing, barring lack of access or ability to make it. Certainly wouldn't be getting my very berry gummy worms anymore; perhaps gummis could make up?

Beast: Apples, including rotten ones. those have good age. or any food really, munchlax doesn't have to worry about eating food off the floor.

Tooca: My favorite food is probably beef jerky sticks given I can eat those things for months on end and not get sick of them. Obviously that would have to change, both because of there being no more beef (would Tauros meat or other cow-mons even taste the same?) as well as the issues with meat in general as mentioned in previous threads. Though I feel like gummis would quickly become most anons favorite foods given how they're described and liked by the pokemon whose typing they have in the games. A shame they tend to be a bit rarer though. I know that GTI has donuts, and those are alrigth, the sort of donuts that appears to be in there at least are ones I am alright with. I might try to grab a few of those, and some extra for the guild because they're XP boosts. Thinking about it, I probably would go out to certain dungeons regularly to farm gummis and other foods that I like lol. I'm sure the other guildmons would appreciate the gummis I pick up along the way that is for their typing as well.

Lliam: Since I'm somewhat a logical person, I will always question where all of these came from, what is it made off till the end of time.

Tooca: Who knows, but someone I know on Telegram once joked to me that they're made of the cum of a Pokemon with that typing I also wonder just why they taste so good to the pokemon of a particular typing too though. Maybe its just a pokemon thing, eh?

Lliam: Sometimes it's better not to overthink on certain aspects, I guess.

Describe how your team would tackle a dungeon.

Charm: We'd probably go in with minimal supplies since we're both after loot for the most part. Natu would scout out the floor with a quick flight around the area, and teleport back if he encounters any danger. When he returns, we'd make a game plan in which we go for the weakest areas first and kind of circle around the whole floor taking out opponents and nabbing their loot until we end up at the stairs. Then we'd go to the next floor and repeat the process.

KFC: Head on only attacking moves, berries, and seeds, orbs are for wimps

Lliam: Well, I will just focus on researching around the continent for information and find more about the anon-turned-pokemon phenomena. But I might go into a dungeon during investigation so I might bring guild members with me or I'll just do it alone if I'm confident with my abilities.

Linoone: Omega based. Imagine how hype a rookie explorer would be to go into a dungeon with the guildmaster

Lliam: I would be a very exhausted person trying to keeping up with their hyper activeness.

Linoone: cute

Macom: I am studying. Geography is one topic. Learning about the various environments the guild members explore is an ongoing process to make sure there are no unforeseen issues during missions. Weather patterns, habitats, everything must be documented.

Linoone: Super useful to have a geographer around!

Kaiji: I ask Ab-lex Jones over here what he sees about our mission in the dungeon, and try to decipher whatever gobbeldygook he spits out as we make our way through it. He has a really erratic all-out-offensive style of battling, and you should see how fucked up his Psycho Cut comes out looking since his horn is incomplete... It sure isn't any stronger than regular, and I'm pretty sure his accuracy is down (in more ways than one), but damn if it ain't cool. It's like one-a those Indonesian good luck swords, all wavy. Anyways, we avoid Bug- and Fighting- types whenever we can, but I'll be DAMNED if we run from a damn Fairy type. I AIN'T SCARED-A NO DAMN [You can't enter that text.] ...Damn it, I hate this world. It never does that shit back home. Anyways, if it ain't one of those, we just gang up and slash the hell out of 'em. If it's multiple, we still usually pick 'em off one at a time.

Linoone: What a devilish cat, love it

Lliam: I could imagine a fairy type two faced, act two faced, acting all kind and holy but far more vile than you from the inside

Tooca: Well I suppose it depends. If its a particularly rough dungeon and a job on a floor that is far off, we might just search straight for the stairs to the next floor and head on through to get the job done. If its not a particularly hard or lengthy dungeon, it would be nice to take a look around for any money, items, or anything unusual in the dungeon like hidden rooms or treasure chests or something

Chespin: Use pretty much just what we find laying around, travel light.

Booker: I could scout around with my stealth capabilities to gather intel. But I'd have to act like a Pokemon trainer in battle, siccing my partner on the enemies and supporting her with items or pollen puffs, rather than fighting by myself. Playing into that, I imagine her loving combat, to contrast with my own character, who's more timid.

How did you meet your partner, if you have one? (Or perhaps other anons/guild members, if you don't.)

Charm: Oh, that's an easy one. Natu was just picking berries for a harvest and a saw me passed out by a lake. When you see fire near a lake, it generally catches your attention. He brought me to town and let me sleep, then interrogated me once I woke up. I don't know why he decided to stick with me even after I started spouting gibberish about the human world, but I guess he was just too baffled to tell me to get the hell out of his house. Granted, I did have to help with cooking his food for like a week because he didn't have an oven. I guess that was supposed to be my payment for staying over or something. I'm half-convinced that's the only reason he keeps me around to this day...

Linoone: You and your partner seem legitimately fun to hang around with

KFC: I don't have a partner, but maybe I can find a classy dark-type broad to cover my psychic weakness.

Lliam: I don't think I'll have a partner, 'cuz I have you guys~ but for guild members, I'll gather them up since I'm psychic, I can tell if that aura is former human or not.

Gus: I don't have a partner, so perhaps one of the guildies?

Macom: I used to have a partner once. His name was Siggy. I hope he does not think of me a failure anymore.

Kaiji: Found him in a ditch. Not really the most exciting of stories. His character arc would probably be realizing that to the townspeople, he seems like just as much of a schizo as the Absol, talking about "NPCs" and "humans" and crap, and that they're not so different after all... and eventually stop seeing the other Pokémon as NPCs altogether and realizing they're alive like him and have feelings and stuff too. He will NOT stop scamming them, though :^)

Tooca: I've been thinking about that one with the short story I've been musing on from last thread. With how I can be timid at times, I would imagine that rather my partner would find me, probably in some sort of trouble, like lost and confused at the end of a mystery dungeon after just having been turned into a pokemon and being attacked by the feral mons there. I actually kind of like the idea of the typical roles of where your partnermon follows absolutely everything you say and do, maybe not being outright reversed, but rather your partnermon, who has more experience and knowhow with this world, being the one to generally take the lead. Obviously seeking your input on things as you're supposed to be a team, but still it strikes me as an interesting idea where this is the partnermon's story that you're here to help him out with.

Linoone: Actually interesting perspective
Nick: I have to third this as an interesting idea.

Tooca: Yeah, its something that I find interesting, and would imo make a bit more sense with the pokemon world, to be there to give a native pokemon the support they need to be the hero, which still leaves you with your own role to play out of course. As for socializing with others, as mentioned I'm timid and shy with that sort of thing irl lol. I think it would be a little bit better as a pokemon, but I'd still for sure be with my pokemon partner the most. To have someone like that who sticks by your side and adores you no matter your faults is a dream come true.

Chespin: He popped out of a pond I walk past every day and just started tagging along.

Booker: I haven't mentioned a partner yet, but I decided on one last night: Sneasel. I mentioned before how Ribombee and Weavile are my favorite Pokemon, so I figured I might as well incorporate Sneasel in my team. I'm still working on the story of how we'd meet. Maybe she got warped from her home and wants to explore dungeons to try and find a portal back, so she reluctantly pairs up with my character to join the guild, since the guild doesn't accept native Pokemon unless they partner with a human-turned-Pokemon.

Linoone: She would protect you well =)
Lliam: Wait ya mean our guild? I don't remember adding that rule...

Booker: I thought that was discussed in a previous thread, but the threads are going so fast and so full of information, I may have misremembered.

Lliam I think it's a misconception. The goal of the guild is help out those anon-turned-pokemon and provide a place to stay or something like that. But any mons are welcome. Logically, we need native mons to help us out on what's our surroundings and the mystery dungeons otherwise we'll be headless torchics with no idea on what we're doing lol.

Booker: So the guild will accept anyone, but will secretly screen them to figure out which ones are human? Is that the idea? I remember some people talking about giving applicants a set of questions about memes and the internet to determine who's a transformed human, but maybe that was just a joke instead of a serious idea.

Your body doesn't move the same as you remember. It's not just walking - though that's a large part of it, but holding objects and interacting with the world, and so many other things we normally take for granted too. It seems like these struggles are often glossed over in the games, but they would probably be larger problems than that. Describe a time when your new form hindered you from doing something you wanted to. Alternatively, describe a time when you found success using it.

Macom: It is one part of my study to see how one can contribute without hands so to speak. Sure we can go on our hind legs, but what about those without claws or anything of the sort? I will find a way.

Linoone: Lorewise, it seems quadrupeds can at least hold and even throw objects, but I suppose they would lack the ability to finely manipulate them. Anyway, there's that anon with slight OCD that really dislikes when I use my mouth to deliver his mail. But trying to use my front paws instead would be way too much of a hassle. So he proposed to me the idea of installing a bell in front of his home that I would ring, so that he can come get the mail himself from my bag instead. I don't know if I like this idea though, what if he isn't home? What if he takes too long to get his mail? I don't have time for this! And for success, I don't have a particular time in mind, but I never feel intimidated by bipedal pokemons, no matter how strong they are because I know I can outrun most of them if things get sour!

Lliam: I could imagine children pokemon pranking that poor guy.

Linoone: I could imagine myself encouraging them hehe

Would you be able to retain your favorite human hobbies in the pokemon world? would your form prevent it, or would there just be some external source completely preventing it?

Linoone: I'm a drawfag, and now I'm a Linoone, so nah I wouldn't. I wouldn't mind spending my time chilling with other mons instead. If I really needed a hobby, perhaps I would practice running long distance! Would be useful for the job.

Gus: My favorite hobbies right now are collecting playing cards and listening to music. I doubt I'd be able to retain these hobbies, due to the subject no longer existing. Collecting playing cards would probably transition into collecting something else; maybe seashells? The music would, unfortunately, be dropped entirely, as it's hard to listen to EDM when the means of producing or transmitting it no longer exists. My life would be a lot more silent. More time to contemplate my new form in silence, I suppose.

Lliam: Well, if we locate a Meloetta or Primarina, maybe it's still possible. But for EDM, maybe the lab has equipment for that, idk.

Gus: I think I missed where we discussed the technological level of our setting. But yeah, I suppose one of those two mons could replace my Loreena McKennitt.

Beast: Drawing I guess? I wonder if getting pens/pencils or paper would be easy. I do love reading though, reading would be easy.

Tooca: Hm, well I imagine for a lot of anons here some of our favorite hobbies would be gone entirely due to no computers or internet, for me in particular it would be nice to find some good books if there are any around in the PMD world, I've also generally liked tinkering with stuff though I've never taken any engineering classes or anything. Still it would be useful to figure out how to make stuff like what i mentioned last thread about indoor plumbing and the like as I don't really see that sort of thing around in the games even when they have experienced carpenters around like Gurdurr from GTI. I'd probably keep some sort of journal or something, I keep a dream journal right now irl, and just tend to write down interesting thoughts and ideas in general even if I lack the confidence to turn that into writefagging really. Though the only one I'd share that stuff with would be my poke-partner, I'm too shy to show my writings, much less just thoughts and ideas to anyone else! Other than that, I guess I'd have to find something. I sometimes just go out and wander around to look at whatever weird things there are around outside. That would probably be something I'd be doing a lot more often in the PMD world. A lot more interesting things to see!

Linoone: Oh yeah, I would also read so many books. If I'm not socializing with others, it's the #1 solo occupation.

Tooca: I grew up without internet myself in the 90s, and I did read a lot of books. And explore the woods nearby too at the time a lot. I'd likely be doing much the same, so being an explorer-mon would work great for me I think.

Lliam: Same, I tend to be overcautious on my writings like, "Is this good enough? Or did I do it badly? Despite not showing it to anyone yet so often times I keep it to myself.

Tooca: Y-yeah, same... That would be neat to be something to work on with my poke-partner though. I did get halfway through writing a short little thing with that Gardener-mon prompt I mentioned before, but I feel like even when/if I finish it that it will be nowhere near good enough to post, even if we're all anons here...I do rather like the idea of creating an overall/longer story with a lot of the ideas that were posted in these threads, so that's been good at least.

Lliam: Yeah, at first, I joined in just to find some inspiration on writing from these threads but it has been so fun I wouldn't mind if it's not what I was looking for

Tooca: Yeah, these threads have been pretty useful for that. Its been fun too. Meanwhile I'm still playing GTI rn in-between posting both to try to get in the mood for more writing and to try to recruit 1 of every mon in the game kek. The genies are gonna be harsh even with that one guide on gamefaqs. I really should try out some of the romhacks sometime. I still want to do Adventure Squad and Super before doing that though.

Booker: I love writing/playing music and writing stories. A lack of fingers would make both of those hobbies harder. But I bet some instruments could still be playable. I could use a thumb piano like a full-size piano, for instance.

Charm: I mostly just draw/write/play vidya/read so I'd probably be fine. Since Charmander has opposable thumbs and all. I might miss the extra finger or two I'd lose, but really all that'd affect is typing (which isn't possible in a world with computers). Vidya would be gone, which would suck, but I'm pretty sure by that point real life would be cool enough to make up for it.

Lliam: No vidya gam? Just kidding, I mean for real, I guess books still exists in the pokemon world so writing with this bipedal cat pokemon... wait a second! I can't even hold a pen with my hands! Actually it took me a while to figure out and I guess I could still write with my Telekinesis. I think it should be fine but what to write, I often write diary entries so I'll go with that if any guild member finds that diary they will be drafted to the level 1 dungeon

Mon-Specific Questions


Based on the description of your species, you seem to be pretty much one of the more powerful members of the guild. Perhaps even almost overpowered, if the Pokedex is to be believed, and thus practically living in a 'world of cardboard,' so to speak. What is it like to hold back all the time, if you even do that?

Lliam: For me, I'm a type of person that never goes full power, instead I adjust myself to be equal power to the person in front of me. Strategizing on beating the opponent is the fun part and beating them with all my power, effortlessly might come off as boring and sort of makes me unapproachable like everyone fears me when they realized I'm just so strong and as Guild master, that's no good so I need to gentle ...for the sake of the guild's reputation if you guys didn't ruin it through your lewd tendencies that is!

What sort of situation would cause you to go all out, regardless of the consequences?

Lliam: Either myself, my beloved guild members or my friends are in peril, I will not let that vile mon get away with it!


How does it feel to photosynthesize/eat sunlight? "Eat" might not be the correct word, but it's the best approximation I can think of.

Tooca: Well, I would imagine it would be like a combination of like the sort of pleasant sensation you get sliding into warm water for a bath or something, and the sensation of feeling the sun on your skin after being stuck indoors for a bit, as well as the energy boost you'd get as a human when you had something like a protein bar or something. In short I would imagine it would feel pretty good, and refreshing.


Pretty much every isekai shrank, but at approximately 8 inches, you're certainly the shortest now. How does that help and/or hinder you?

Booker: Applying real-world logic for small animals: I'd be weak to cold and need to eat a lot, but could resist fall damage and have good reaction time. Also, I'd be able to sneak around more easily, but I'd be fragile and unable to do any physical damage. I'd have to rely on special moves, trickery, or teammates to win in a fight. By the way, this prompt inspired me to try writing a little story. I'm super nervous about showing off my writing, but hopefully I'll manage to polish and post it soon.

Linoone: Show it!!!!!!!
Lliam: Good luck~ looking forward to reading it.
Gus: I posted mine, now you post yours. Please, don't let me be the sole resident writefag I'm not at that level yet


Uh, something something tails something something. I dunno. Sorry, maybe I'll think of something for you later.

(Nothing happened after this post)


Describe the best prank you and your partner have managed to pull off in your opinion, so far. Who was involved, and what happened?

Charm: Almost certainly the time my partner convinced everyone he'd been itemized. Spoke telepathically through an apple for a week and made sure he was Teleported out of sight each time. I'll admit I feel a little bad about it, but he's still decently proud.

How does it feel to be sheered, if that's ever occurred? Who, if anyone, in the guild would you be willing to let do so if it became absolutely necessary? Alternatively, I believe you mentioned studying; what is your research about?

Macom: It can be a pleasant feeling but it is hard to dismiss the inevitability that I will be going bald. I would at the very least trust the Guildmaster to do so, otherwise, wait till summer for it to fall off.

???: You should sell the wool to the seamstress Levanny, I heard she wanted to work with Mareep wool

Macom: If it can be used to help another? Then so be it.

Lliam: But I dunno how to do 'em! But I'll try I guess


What is the most interesting thing anyone has ever sent in the mail (that you know of) if you're allowed to tell?

Linoone: Thing? It wasn't even a thing. A retarded Joltik came to our office asking to mail himself across the continent, inside an envelope. I assume he wanted cheap transportation? We told him it was unsafe and against post office policies. But then he looked so sad we ended up mailing him anyway... Little guy was about to cry

Lliam: Wait until he figured out to go across different continents, that would be free shipping


Why aren't you interested in joining the guild? It's not a bad thing that you don't, but I'm sure your reasoning would be interesting to hear. How would you feel about, for whatever reason, having to work with some of the guild-mons on a mission/exploration/expedition?

(There's no answers for this question)


Oshawott may only be a partially-aquatic pokemon, but they're still water types. Describe how it felt the first time you entered a significant body of water.

Gus: Believe it or not, I'm not actually much of a swimmer. Whenever I do get in a pool, I usually take my time, waiting for my body to acclimate because of how cold the water always seems to be. Despite this I figured, as the only water type in the guild, I should be the one to test the pond out back. First I wave my paw(?) around in the water a bit to stir it up, making sure it isn't nasty. There appears to be a creek feeding into the pond, and it probably drains out underground, so it's not standing water. Good, it'd suck to enter this world and immediately die to a brain-eating amoeba. Well, looks like the water's safe enough, time to dive on in. I take the leap, expecting a cold shock as I enter the water, but much to my surprise, there... wasn't? It actually felt quite comfortable. Quite comfortable, in fact, like the warm embrace of a friend or loved one you haven't seen in quite some time. As I'm still processing this fact I instinctively rise to the surface and start swimming. I hadn't even the time to come to grips with the water not being cold before I instinctively started swimming around, feeling quite at home. Sure, I'm no fishmon, but I still found myself with a level of agility in the water that any mammal would envy, even a one "Phelps, David." Not wanting to spend all day in there, though I easily could've, I left to met back up with the rest of the guild, telling myself I'd return again. And return again I did, that very evening, for some post dinner relaxation and a bit of alone time after the heticness of the day. Not wanting to stress myself after eating (don't want those cramps, you know), I opted to just float there for a bit. The perfect time to throw on some music! If I had any, I lament. Instead I figured I'd watch the remainder of the sunset and then head in to sleep. But even the best laid plans fail when put into action. I couldn't get the best view of the sunset over the trees from my position, but as the last light faded, the varying oranges and reds retreated and the stars emerged. Now, I've never been much the stargazer, mainly due to light pollution. But out here, no such exists, and the stars shine with all their might. Their brilliance leaves me enraptured, as I float and stare for a while. Whenever I got the chance to see the stars well, I'd always try to spot familiar constellations. After the initial shock wore off, I began my search. But these stars, while beautiful, are not my own. No familiar constellations shined down on me; another reminder of our new situation, but one that somehow hits the hardest. Sure, our forms may have changed, but if even the stars are different, then just how impossibly far from home are we...? I banish the thought. There will be time enough for that later. For now, I take the stars and their beauty at face value, and let their light guide me to slumber.


Whether pre-existing or inherited from the species, has your appetite ever gotten you in trouble?

Beast: I imagine it would b typical comic relief shit, kinda like diamond in adventures where every time you see him he's chowing down on something


Of the entire cast so far, Chespin is probably one of the most human-like. But still not human. How is it different? Alternatively, describe a time when you were jarringly reminded of your new species.

Chespin: The less defined hands and vines are certainly new, last one scared the shit outta me the first time they came out. Also winter sucks a whole lot more.

Linoone: I wonder if staying inside around a warm fir would still suck for grass types


As a pokemon carrying an open flame on your back, have you ever accidentally set something on fire without meaning to?

(There's no answers for this question)


All about those gains, huh?

KFC: I'm very focused on my training since I can't use fire-type moves. Or more accurately, I take damage when I try to use them, so I gave up on fire-type moves to focus all my attention on my fighting-type moves. Interestingly enough, my fighting-type abilities are far stronger than the average Combusken. My current objective is to learn aura sphere, I know my evo can learn it but Combuskens normally can't. However, I just have this feeling that it's possible, y'know?

If you wish to say so, was this an interest of yours before getting yoinked

KFC: I have always been interested in getting stronger since my parents were always disappointed (to say the least) that I can't control my fire. They were the type to take great pride in their firey strength. I wanted to be a strong fire-type like them, but I guess It wasn't meant to be.
Linoone: It's great that the guild has a Dragonball-tier fighter Combusken willing to go all out in training

If so how does training as Khonen Fried Chicken compare?

KFC: I don't understand what you mean, but if you're talking about my cooking ability. it is subpar.

Alternately, being a bird, have you ever tried to fly?

KFC: As a Torchic I tried flying once, probably shouldn't have practiced by jumping off a cliff, though.

Describe one of your successes or failures.

KFC: My greatest success was in a monster house, I was alone and was able to successfully defeat every mon. I sky-uppercut 5 Tyranitars, 3 Golem, and a Steelix. I was very close to biting it, but I pulled through.


What wares do you usually carry? Legally sourced, I'm sure.

Kaiji: Hello, my friend! Meowth has wares, if you have Poké... My hottest product right now are my lootboxes. In this world, they don't really have much of a concept of it... at most it seems to remind them of some sorta treasure from dungeons, so it's actually very convenient for me, since they don't realize it's a big ripoff. I'll fill the vast majority of the boxes with cheap junk, maybe once in a while have someone who's in on it come and pick out a winner of a box in front of everyone so they don't lose hope that maybe THEIR box could have a Reviver Seed or TM or somethin', not knowing he returns the item to me after dark and I pay him. I'm like this world's EA, it's great.

Lliam: What a crafty feline. I love it!

Alternatively, describe a time when your partner's warnings were unexpectedly helpful.

Kaiji: They're always helpful if you can figure out what the hell he's been smokin' and decode his nonsense. For example, once he was all worked up over "the giant magnet that attracts disaster with its poles" and I quickly realized that meant the fuzz were on their way and got the hell outta there. Don't get me wrong, he's not being clever or anything, he believes everything as literally as he says it, somethin' musta broke in his head when his horn broke (I never bothered askin about it, it's probably a sensitive topic). When the police finally came around, he seriously thought they were there to get rid of that "dreadful doomsday magnet" and wanted to go back and thank them.

Pub: 24 Aug 2023 00:39 UTC
Edit: 02 Sep 2023 00:04 UTC
Views: 746