The marvelous Carrot and Hazel archive

(AN: Here i will keep everything Carrot and Hazel (And maybe other OCs) related for the sake of having just one main link, for the non-canon story go to

Prelude 1: On the tale of a valiant wolf, and a mischievous cat so far

“It’s as beautiful as always, don’t you think?” the Lycanroc affirms with a bark
“Sure, for you! You were not drowning just down there in the ocean” The Liepard replies slightly annoyed with a hiss, “But yeah, sunsets will always make me happy, it’s an omen that the night is finally arriving”
The Liepard keeps watching the sun being swallowed by the darkness of the ocean close to the edge of the ravine, where they first met, the golden orange sky, the same tones of the Lycanroc, being taken over by the purple hue of the incoming night, the same color as hers
“I guess it’s your call, Carrot, somewhere between the light and darkness, serving two lords, or rather, a lord and a lady”
“Whatever you say Hazelnut, I will always be part of the light path”
“That’s Hazel for you, I’m starting to think that it’s not an accident anymore, not after ten times” she says, slightly sarcastic
“Eye for an eye, you keep calling me Carrot” he answers, unfazed by the large cat
“Because you still don’t remember your name, and refuse to take another, oh well, we should start moving before it’s too late” Hazel says, starting to walk away, Carrot following him
“Are you going to miss this place? You still have time to turn back, Carrot”
“Not without you, it was a promise, remember? And besides, we already told guildmaster Chesnaught that we’re leaving”
“Yeah, you think that he’s going to miss us?”
“I hope, Arcanine will do at least”
Deep in the forest, both Pokemon walk, the sounds of hundreds of other critters moving around, ready to slumber once again, and others waking up to roam around the dark, starry night
“So, a new start, huh? You really can’t stop thinking about adventuring, don’t you Rocky?”
“Never, that’s the best we do, and the only thing really…”
They stop near a clearing, the same place where both evolved almost at the same time
“You never told me why you decided to reject the moon carrot, and the sun too”
“I’m not sure, I just didn’t feel like either of them were calling me particularly strong, both wanted me, so I decided to embrace the sun and the moon, and it worked”
“And not only that, here we promised to stand by each other, and never let the other down, remember?”
“Just like it was yesterday…”
7 Years prior
“This sucks…” A small Rockruff whined, kicking the dirt and pebbles on his path, just some weeks earlier, he had been a human, or that’s what he thought, not remembering what was his name, looks, or even where he came from, just a memory deep inside him, saying that he was human
“Maybe I should just surrender, those mean dogs keep beating me…” he thought, weakened, his last meal… just some hours prior, he got lucky and a nice Wurmple gave him an apple, it was not much but he wolfed it down in mere seconds, making the terrified worm slither for her life
“No! I will not stop! I have to find a way back! I just need a small chance for… what is that?”
In the distance, he could see a weird purple thing floating on the ocean, it looked like a Pokemon!
“Hey! The currents are too strong! Come back!”
No response
“Hey! Can you- keep afloat!”
Not waiting for an answer, the small dog jumped straight into the water, paddling was still alien to him, but he had to learn quickly or he might be too late by then! He kept paddling as fast as possible, quickly closing the distance on the floating Pokemon
He noticed that it was unconscious, so not asking a question, he grabbed it by an arm with his mouth, and started dragging it back to the shore, it was a daunting effort, but with lots of effort, he was able to clear the five meters to the edge of the beach where the sand was dry, the cat was immobile
“Come on! Wake up!” The Rockruff barked, before doing what he thought could double as the Heimlich maneuver (AN: Compressing the cat with his front legs lol), after some bumps, the cat started coughing the water while starting to open its eyes
“Are you ok?” The Rockruff asked, doing laps around it, nervous
“Ughhh Cough cough… Arc-“ The cat passes out once more, but just for some seconds, before jumping back, still coughing water
“Hello? Can you understand me?”
“Y-ye Cough cough yes, I can understand you… what happened?”
“I found you in the deep water and I dragged you here, what were you doing there?”
“I wa- I wa- Cough… I don’t remember”
“That’s bad, are you feeling ok? Anything hurts?”
“N-no… I don’t think so” The cat stands up wtf
“Phew, I was on time… what’s your name?”
“My name? It’s… i-“
“Amnesia too?”
“Good! I- mean, not good, but I have amnesia too!”
“…” The cat sits, Rockruff can see a small piece of metal with a string, like a collar
“Hey, you have a tag, maybe I can read it…”
It was more of a courtesy, as Rockruff clearly couldn’t read whatever language Pokemon used, but to his surprise, the medal was in what seemed to be plain English! How convenient!
“Here it says…” He reads the medal, it says “Hazel”, there’s something else written on it, but it’s scratched beyond reading
“Hazel? Is that your name?”
“I- think it might be it if was on my neck… and what is yours?” The Purrloin asks
“Well, it’s easy, I have a name but I don’t remember it, so while I remember it… I have no name!”
“… I’m going to call you Rocky”
“Rocky, Rockruff, simple”
“Rockruff? What is that?”
“Your specie? You don’t know your specie? What I am?”
“I- don’t know…” he looks sad
“It’s ok, you have it worse than me, I’m a Purrloin”
Hazel quickly gives him a rundown of the world, thinking that he might just be even more amnesic than her, while they’re talking, Hazel started walking into the forest, getting as far away as possible from the beach
“And what about humans?” Rocky asks
“Humans? Those are a legend, some say that they still exist, but- “Something clicks on her
“S-something’s wrong Hazel?”
“… are you a human?”
The dog is unable to hide his surprise
“It’s that obvious?”
“Not really, from afar you look like a normal Pokemon, but if anyone asks you anything, they might discover you”
Both stay silent for what are seconds but feel like hours
“… thanks for saving me, Rocky, and I want to repay you, but I don’t have any money…”
“I know! Come with me!”
“… what?”
“Yes, come with me! I need to learn more of this world, I promise I will never leave your side!” He jumps to a rock that was in front of him
“… what?”
“Oh, cmon, it’s not like we have anywhere to go anyways, let’s stick together while we remember who we are”
“… fine, but just until we remember who we are”
And that’s how the partners came to know each other, 7 years prior
Present times
The Lycanroc and the Liepard keep walking through the forest, maybe for the last time, their few belongings in bags, tied up to their backs, courtesy of guildmaster Chesnaught
“So, shall we stick together Hazel?”
“As you say, Carrot”
The barking and hissing continues for a while, walking far away from the place they call home, ready for their new adventures

Prelude 1.1: On the subject of food gathering and poor planning of meals

Deep in the forest, the orange wolf/dog and the purple cat keep on walking, dissapointed and with their stomach empty
"Maybe eating all the food in one go wasn't a good idea..." Carrot whimpers
"Don't think about it, we coulnd't expect that no one is taking new recluits in..." Hazel purrs hungrily
Overconfident, they thought that they could get a place in any guild they wanted, but most guilds were not accepting new 'mons or veterans, and although they directed the duo to a relatively new guild (It was not even registered yet), it would still take some days for them to get there
"Well, we have no other option, we have to forage for something, anything" Carrot stops, ready to hunt
"Like... berries? I saw a Chesto bush while we were walking" Hazel points
"Perfect, i have some Pechas, and surely we can find some Rawsts close" Carrot barks
Decided, the duo start foraging, it's not long until they find the bush Hazel mentioned, taking all the berries they can take (And planting two), they're now only missing one for Hazel's signature dish
"I still wonder why i still remember how to make berry salad, maybe Arceus really wanted me to keep that memory?" Hazel ponders, still hunting for the missing berry
"Or you really liked it and it's ingrained deep in your mind, in any way it's incredible" Carrot barks closely, sniffing for any traces of the berries
"I don't think we're finding any here" Carrot whimpers, defeated
"Eeh, we can still make it without the Rawsts, it's not that important"
"If you say so..." Carrot gets ready for the cutting
Hazel lines half the berries on a piece of bark with a rock on Carrot's side and half on hers, ready for the game
"Ready?" Hazel asks
"Always ready"
The dog/wolf and the cat keep a keen eye on the other, waiting for the slighte-
"Fetch!" Hazel jumps on the improvised catapult, throwing a berry at high speed directly to Carrot
"Who-" Splash, the berry explodes on Carrot's muzzle, dripping in berry juice
"Heh! You're slowing do-" Hazel can't finish the tauting before a berry hits her in the faze, covering her in berry juice
"Said something?" Carrot is proud of his almost perfect throw
"... good hit, maybe we shouldn't be wasting our food" Hazel huffs
"Correct, last one!" Another berry is thrown at great speed directed to Hazel, but she was expecting it, cutting it perfectly with sharp claws
Now with the game over, the duo cut the rest of the berries and mash them together, before serving a portion on each's wood bark
Crunch Crunch Crunch Crunch
After a relatively fast meal, the duo is ready to keep on advancing... if it wasn't too late, the sun showering them with radiant (And hot) beams
"... maybe we should nap" Carrot mentions, pointing at the convenient tree that almost perfectly covers the sun beams
"Absolutely" Hazel accepts
Both curl up side to side, cowering from the radiant sun
"Have a nice sleep, Carrot" Hazel yawns
"Yawn, you too Hazel"
It's not long before both are deep asleep

Filler 1: Combat and spar

The orange wolf and the purple cat stand vigilant, ready for a fight to (not) death.
"You first; I started last time," Carrot barks.
"You know that hitting first is not my thing, carrot." Hazel purrs, almost an invitation for those unaware of her tactics.
"If that's the case, Surprise sand!" Carrot kicks a small but dense cloud of sand straight at Hazel, who masterfully dodges the low blow.
"You should open in another way; you always start with a sand attack, and I can simply" copycat Carrot's sand kick, this time hitting Carrot dead on.
"Heh, you too should start changing tactics." Carrot barks, keeping a keen eye on Hazel, although the sandy feeling is not as horrible as you think.
Carrot stomps the ground hardly, making some stealth rocks grow on Hazel's side.
"Stealth rock? That's new; when did you learn it?" Hazel asks
"Some days ago, in that dojo, I remember not learning it at first, but maybe entrapping works well."
"In that case, let's see how you play now." Hazel uses torture! Her deep eye burns through Carrot's soul, making him incapable of doing the same move more than once!
"The eyes again? I know what you're going to do, so let's get going!" Carrot bunnyhops, accelerating before finally crashing into Hazel with his signature Accelerock! Hazel is launched backwards but, as always, is able to land perfectly.
"Blaw! I forgot that you can run, Wolfie, but can you outrun this darkness?" Hazel uses Dark Pulse! A series of dark pulses emitted from her, affecting Carrot!
"That still feels weird, but I can do that again!" Carrot howls to the moon, smiling upon him in the sky! His howl revigorates him!
"Checkmate!" Hazel jumps forward on the pointy rocks, hurting her a bit before rolling just below Carrot before...
Throat Chop! She kicks him straight in the throat, sending him back! Ouch
Carrot wheezes and coughs a lot for a few seconds before trying to stand up. Still weak, Hazel is already on his side.
"Tie?" Hazel asks mischievously:
"Cough cough... tie" His voice is raspy.
With that, Hazel gets another win.

Filler 2: The cave

The gathering storm echoed along the forest, distant but powerful, the wind turned cold and the day darkened to a gloomy state, almost reserved for a funeral
"Come in! The storm is hitting at any time!" Carrot barks desperate
"Just one minute! I almost got these berries!" Hazel meows from afar, biting the sweet fruits off the bush from the stem, procuring to not pierce the soft skin even if her stomach wanted it
After a few more minutes, the orange wolf and the purple cat reunite in the cave entrance, ready to be swallowed by the darkness
"Cmon, we need to go deep, this storm is going to raise hell outside" Carrot barks serious
They start walking inside, after mere minutes their eyes are already used to the darkness inside, but even then they needed to walk slower
"Well, at least there's no Zubats so far..." Hazel purrs in an ironic way
"I don't think they would stay here, there's too much light" Carrot says, looking at every step like it could be the last
They keep descending into the darkness until they finally stop hearing the wheezing wind, although still feeling the cold strands of it
"Here, let's settle" Hazel purrs before taking a carefully prepared stick with fabric, dipping it in some (Quite convenient) oil they had, before lighting it with a flamethrower
The dim torch lights a chunk of the massive cavern they're in, the clinking drops noisy as expected
They settle their improvised camp (A small fireplace and some cloth to lay and sleep) before finally starting to roast the berries Hazel gathered before
"How long do you think we have to stay here?" Carrot asks
"Until the wheezing wind stops or at least it's not as cold" Hazel points out
"In that case, we should at least wait until the m-yaawn morning" Carrot yawns hard
"Yeah, that's the best way" Hazel also yawn
Deciding against sleeping in different places as to keep the heat in the moist, cold cavern, they both snuggle.

Filler 3:Rememberance

Hazel wakes up in the middle of the night, feeling movements, she opens her eyes to try to identify what's making the movement, quickly pinpointing it to her partner, that is kicking the air
"Nightmares... do you still remember that day?" Hazel whispers to herself before snuggling closer to Carrot, hoping that it will help him
. . .
"Hazel! Don't move!" The Rockruff barks desperate, looking for his partner, around him hell is let loose, consuming everything around him
"Rocky! I'm here!" He can hear a desperate meowing, time's running up
He rushes through the dense smoke, shadow figures following him close, trying to catch up to him, their fingers almost stroking the small dog
"Hazel? Hazel!" He keeps running, the branches hitting him, starting to damage below his dense, almost rock-like fur
The fire rises up, the smoke columns threatening to fully cover the dark sky with it's orangle light of destruction
He stills runs, lungs burning hot, his small legs starting to falter and becoming clumsy as he approaches his partner, stuck between a fallen branch
"Haz-" the world is consumed once again as he jumps off the cloth, almost confusing the real world with his
. . .
After some minutes of convincing, he finally accepts that he's awake, Hazel still sleeping hard, like she didn't notice
Exhausted, Carrot snuggles once again with Hazel, hoping that his next dream is sweeter

Chapter 2: Arrival

"Almost there! This should be it!" Carrot barks, excited, after several days of travel, they have arrived to the last known guild they knew about, their last chance
"..." Hazel follows behind, silent, nervous about their future, "What happens if they're also not accepting old guildies like us?"
"Heh, don't say that, Hazel, you aren't that old! We still have just enough strenght for a last dance with the dangers of the world" Carrot barks, still excited about the prospect of the new adventure soon to start, "Worst case we go independent ynow? Maybe we can do odd jobs, nothing too complicated, no quotas, no fees to pay, just the two of us going strong for another day"
Both the orange wolf and the purple leopard stride along the beaten path, everytime more eroded by the hundreds of pokemon that had adventured through it before them, leaving their mark in the form of new prints in the dusty ground and rocks moved
"Ynow, i've enjoyed this trip a lot, we've got to bond as a team, and maybe we'll be eating an actual dinner this night, catty"
"I hope, doggy, because i'll go insane if i eat another ber-"
They both stop at the sight of a magnificent building, the Clover guild
"Ready for another adventure H?"
"I was born ready, C"
They both run into the dusk to their future

(AN: As Carrot and Hazel get ever closer to the guild, a single event that was a mere choice for a pokemon has broken the orange dog and purple cat's destiny in ways even the lord of the world Arceus couldn't predict, creating an alternative line, one A world of Marvels, the other A world of Ruins)

World of light: The arrival

"... maybe we should turn back" Carrot whimpers
".... maybe you're right" Hazel agrees as they both see an Absol with a broken horn screaming to the wind about the imminent rapture, crazy, both though
"No, we're already here, we have to at least try, otherwise we should have not left the guild" Carrot barks decided
Hazel nods, still unsure if this is the place she wants to stay in, but also inspired by Carrot's commitment to their adventure promise
Entering the hall of the guild, they can see several pokemon, including some neither Carrot nor Hazel had seen before, by the tone and convos some of them had, Carrot knew
"Psshh, Hazel?" Carrot whispers
"Yeah?" Hazel purrs softly
"They're humans, i can recognize the jargon"
"How do you know it?" Hazel asks, still unsure if she should trust Carrot's knowledge in humans after some years
"Watch" Carrot paces to a random pokemon, a yellow fox
"Hey, so what's a featherless biped?" Carrot barks happily, excited to meet more ex-humans
"Sounds like a Combusken that's lost it's feathers", the yellow fox answers, somewhat bluntly considering Carrot randomly approached him
"Oh... thanks... where's the guildmaster office?" He asks, dissapointed
"Just up the stairs, take a right and to the left"
"Thanks" Carrot quickly paces back to Hazel, ears down, while Hazel is giggling
"Don't worry, i have heard some of them and they've said stuff only you say, but that was hilarious, you didn't even said your name!" She giggles even more in a soft purr
"Well, i don't have one, so i have an excuse" Carrot cuts the convo before directing Hazel to the guildmaster's office, easily finding it for the sign that says in plain english 'Guildmaster - Office'
"See, Hazel? This is human speech, it says Guildmaster" Carrot barks even more excited, there truly are more humans like him
"Huh... you weren't lying then" Hazel looks at the writting, still puzzled about suddenly there being even more humans; "But why suddenly there's a ton of you here? Didn't humans just appeared during natural disasters and cataclysms? Isn't that bad?"
"Idunno, maybe? In any case we should stick together" Carrot brushes off Hazel's concern before headbutting the door softly as to knocking, waiting for a response
"Yes? Come in~" a voice tells from inside, prompting Carrot to push the door with his back
"Oh, hello, new members i see, welcome to the guild" the cat in the large chair says, changing his voice tone as they notice that Carrot and Hazel are outsiders
"Greetings, guildmaster, my name is... and her name is Hazel, we're adventurers from another guild but we decided to look for new horizons" Carrot quickly unloads the info dump before the guildmaster
Hazel, sensing that he was trying to take the attention off his name, and by the Meowstic's look, he was not buying it
"His name is Carrot, mine is Hazel" she simply purrs it out, followed by an angry look from Carrot, but the genie was out of the bottle already
"That's just a motto, i have... some memory issues, and she's mean, so that's how everyone knows me" Carrot barks somewhat annoyed
The cat, still thinking, finally concludes
"Heh, that's not an issue, several of our members have the same issue as you, it happens quite constantly with humans, so don't worry about it" he looks at both Carrot and Hazel for the last time
"I sense you're no evil, so you're welcome to join us, heh~"

(Mini) Hunt

"Ah, dammit! We lost em!" Carrot barks, exasperated
"They have to be close, criminals can't run that fast with loot on their bags" Hazel purrs softly, already devising plans to hunt down the criminals
Looking around, the small forest just in the middle of the plains looked like the obvious place to hide for the criminals
"They're rare too, uncommon besides those in the guild, I saw a Raboot, a Heliolisk and a..." Carrot tells
"Dewott, I'm almost certain" Hazel chimes
"In any case, pin?" Carrot whispers
"Pin, let's try to get the Raboot, it looked like the leader, the rest will be an extra bonus, push them here, I'll be ready to ambush them"
With that, Carrot jumps inside the lushy forest while Hazel awaits, trapping all exits
Carrot jumps into action, tracking the scent of the fleeing pokemon
"Dammit, the other two are gone..." Carrot curses, only being able to sense a faint scent from afar, it smells fishy
"Water type, not too far from here" he goes back into action, trying to not make much noise, but the dry twigs don't help him at all
"... moving DAMN" Indeed, the scent was becoming faint
Feeling that he was about to lose his chance to catch at least one of them, Carrot leaves all stealth intents and starts following the track and scent
"Ha! They tripped!" Carrot thanks Arceus before jumping a log, the same one the Dewott tripped, pouncing right in top of it
"Game over" Carrot barks triumphant
"L-leave me alone! I'm just helping my friends! I didn't know they were going to steal!" The Dewott cries
"Then why did you follow them once you knew they were doing crimes?" Carrot asks
"I- i- I wanted to buy fancy stuff! It was too much money!" The Dewott admits
"Where's the rest?" Carrot asks, applying more pressure on the otter
"Never! I'm no-" before she can finish, two detonations can be heard from the distance
"Hazel got them, I hope, now stay quiet and we'll decide what we do with you" Carrot barks as he ties a rope on the Dewott hands, taking her through the forest
At the forest entrance, Hazel stands triumphant, with a Raboot tied up
"Catched one, the Heliolisk ran away and abandoned them, but I don't think he's stealing again, he even left the full stash behind!" Hazel purrs, lifting up the smokey bag, it has some clear burn marks
"Great, what do you think? The Raboot is gone but she looks to be repenting about this" Carrot barks, pointing at the Dewott
"The Raboot is the ringleader, but they're not too old, they're teens at best" Hazel purrs
"Y-yes! We're almost kids!" The Dewott cries
"Hmm... Let's do this, we're taking both of you back to the town, you're going back to the market and will hand everything back, and will offer the merchants to pay them back by working for them, I don't think we need to leave you to the rozzers yet" Carrot proposes
"I don't see any issues with that personally, but this is a warning, next time we're not going to hold back" Hazel tells both of them
"O-ok! I accept!" The Dewott accepts the punishment

Summer adventure: The ice stone

Misc. Overviews


“Carrot” (Nickname), a male Dusk Lycanroc, he’s a seasoned explorer and former member of another Guild, arrives at the Clover Guild along Hazel sometime after it was founded, in the called “Second wave”, he’s brave, courageous, and some even say incredibly reckless, he will not stop at anything or anyone if he believes that Hazel or any innocent pokemon is in harm’s way or under any peril, at that point his eyes turn bright red like a Midnight Lycanroc’s, becoming almost unstoppable, unleashing his full power, in some cases excessively, after all those years he still doesn’t know his name, so officially he doesn’t have one, although Hazel decided to give him the “Carrot” nickname after he said that “He looked like a damn carrot” after evolving, he has great respect for the sun and the moon, calling them his “Guides” and “Masters”


Be someone new or an old friend, Carrot will always talk casually, cracking jokes (Sometimes a bit too far, and mostly lame) but keeping a high degree of respect for them, he will treat anyone equally, be a simple townfolk or a federation agent, this might cause misunderstandings and to some pokemon to even feel offended for his layback attitude
While in combat, however, any drop of casual talk disappears, becoming almost authoritarian, barking orders, and in some cases, even resorting to howls to be heard


He wears a purple scarf on his neck, and for a time, some broken sunglasses he found in a mystery dungeon, he keeps his badge on either the scarf or a bag he wears for quick access to his objects
He has an irregular white patch of fur on his side due to a powerful ice move that he tanked, burning the nerves and causing the fur pigmentation to stop of that patch
His ‘Sigil’ is of the chariot as told by a Xatu, he will not stop until the job is done, or he considers it to be done
Secret: He still misses the flavor of meat and cold cuts like Salami, and has wondered how different pokemon would taste, but those are just intrusive thoughts and he will never even try it


Hazel, a female Liepard and Carrot’s partner, she’s a seasoned explorer and former member of another guild, arrives at the Clover Guild along Carrot sometime after it was founded, in the called “Second wave”, she’s quite mischievous, calculated, and some even say incredibly reckless, unlike Carrot she prefers to trap her foes with the use of almost-guerrilla tactics and pre-planned traps, that sometimes are not marked at all, triggering by other pokemon, she didn’t remember her name, but a small collar with her name was found alongside her, so she supposes that Hazel is her real name, she considers Carrot’s idea of the sun and the moon to be foolish


Hazel is a trickster by default, her entire personality is being mischievous or at least a jokester, so she might laugh a bit while talking
While in combat, her voice turns slightly softer and even seducing, an omen of her traps and trickeries she has prepared to her foes, to the point of almost being enticing, but when things truly become desperate, she will not doubt to charge at full speed, bag of blast seeds included.


Her 'Sigil' is that of an inverse star as told by a Xatu, her loss has bringed her fortune in her new life
She wears a golden scarf, with her badge(s) on it, along with a secret oran berry she keeps as a safeguard in combat
Along that, she also has two small bags that work as quick access to blast seeds and healing/reviving items
Secret. One of the only things she can remember of her past is a black and red shadow, that, although is scared of, knows was important in her past, and had feelings for it

Pub: 20 Apr 2023 02:29 UTC
Edit: 27 Aug 2024 07:15 UTC
Views: 967