Tybo's Mt Freeze Misadventure

Your name is Tybo. You are a Skitty who two days ago set out to Mt. Freeze. Unlike the other mons who venture here, your goal isn’t to meet the legendary Ninetales and get yourself killed. Rather you’re just here for the sweet, sweet loot that’s in this place, whether it be on the ground or from adventurers before you who were unlucky enough not to get out, all of it is yours for the taking.

You’ve heard a lot about the feral pokemon here, you’ve heard that they were really dangerous, and you came equipped appropriately, but it seems most of the feral pokemon in here are pretty lethargic, most are either asleep or don’t seem to notice you. Or they do and they just don’t care? You’re unsure, but it all works to your benefit so you decide not to question it for the time being.

So there you are, walking around and picking up whatever looks mildly valuable, you even find some money in your search. It becomes surprisingly mindless effort, perhaps because you were closer to the base of the mountain, maybe it’s because you didn’t care for the Ninetales legend.

But a few hours later, a bizarre group bursts into the mountain. It’s a Pikachu, a Totodile and a Absol. They look exhausted, scared, and determined all at the same time. But what really alarms is that they are just beating the shit out of any feral pokemon they see. Even the sleeping ones aren’t shown any mercy. You are terrified. What the fuck is this group’s problem? Why do they look so scared while doing it? You hide in a cramped hallway within the cave, praying that they don’t find you, and they are quickly approaching.

You hear footsteps getting closer and closer, and then you see them right down the hallway.

And they turn to face you.

You immediately start pleading that your not a feral pokemon and beg them not to kill you. They seem just as shocked as you are, begging you not to hurt them. You take the risk to get closer, and you more calmly explain who you are, but you do decide to lie about the looting thing and just say you were “exploring”. You didn’t want them to get the wrong idea. Their story is much more interesting. They say they are being chased by a mob and that the Pikachu is actually a human and they want to see Ninetales about some curse thing. They talk so fast you can barely process the information. (Although you’d probably still be lost even if they spoke clearly) Now that you think of it, you do remember an odd group of unusually angry people who were weirdy insistent that they were just an explorer team, you’ve never seen a explorer team that big, you wouldn’t be surprised if that was the group they were talking about.

You don’t know if the trio were telling the truth or not, you’ve heard about humans being turned into pokemon and wandering about but have never seen one yourself. You’re scared they’ll kill you if you don’t tag along. The four of your traverse to the summit, suffice to say you can see why people don’t make it up here, the feral pokemon get much more aggressive when you get to the top. Although that might be because the other three are adopting a “kill on sight” strategy.

You collect loot while they massacre up the mountain. By some miracle the four of you make it to the summit after what seems like hours. At the top there is a Charizard, an Alakazam and a Tyranitar, and they look pissed. The Tyranitar says they’ve been looking for that Pikachu and Totodile for a really long time, apparently they were fugitives? They seem to completely disregard you or Absol though.

Before you know it, the six of them are duking it out, and you’re stuck in the middle. You panic and look in your bag, looking for anything, anything that could be used as a weapon without you getting too close to the fight.

Blast seeds. Twelve of them in fact.

Here goes nothing!

You chuck them haphazardly around the summit, and they’re really effective too. (Although in the process you may have accidentally had a case of friendly fire.)

All of you are utterly exhausted, Pikachu’s group seems a bit afraid of you. You see a bright light, you aren’t seriously dying are you? You sure didn’t feel dead, as the light fades you hear…

“Cease this at once!”

It’s Ninetales.

You’re too exhausted to even process the sight, at this point you really just want to go home. You do catch on to some of the conversation though. Something about a human abandoning a Gardevoir? And most importantly you do learn that the Pikachu was actually a human, he wasn’t bullshitting like you feared, but appearently he’s not the human that was cursed. Just how many humans are there in this world, anyway? They also talk about a lot of natural disasters happening around the world, I guess you did hear a lot about those recently…

After about a hour of zoning in and out they finally stop talking. Alakazam’s trio seems pretty chill now, guess it was some sort of gigantic misunderstanding. All of you save Ninetales go back down to the base of the mountain and part ways. The Totodile makes sure to thank you for accompanying them on their journey (although I guess you didn’t intentionally) Either way, you got a good amount of loot from it, you wonder how much you can sell it for.


You never met that Pikachu again. You never met any of them again after that day.

Yet you couldn’t get that question you asked yourself out your mind: How many humans are in this world?

From what you knew they were pretty important, capable of saving world, apparently they’ve done so several times. Was that human you met one of those people? You remember the talk of natural disasters stopping shortly after you parted ways.

You’ve been doing research on humans on occasion, little pieces of info here and there, but nothing really explicit, all the information you found was either the same stuff you’ve already heard or just really cryptic.

That was until recently.

While you do live a pretty isolated life, you occassianly go to towns and villages to pick various things you need. You eavesdrop quite a bit in there, and you keep hearing about some mysterious “Capim Town” and there’s rumors that there’s multiple humans there. It’s just rumors but… could it be? You felt like you’d have to see it yourself. It doesn’t seem to be labeled on any map you could find, although with the information you’ve got out of people as well as your own research on the matter you have a rough idea as to where it could be.

About a week later, using some of the money you’ve amassed from your personal adventures, you take a ferry to the place you think might be nearest to Capim Town. You start to have second thoughts when you’re on the ferry, if this was just a completely bogus rumor you’d be wasting a lot of money. Although, I guess you didn’t really use much of your money anyway, despite being a treasure hunter. Either way, there was no going back now.

You wander around the place, wandering towns, repeatedly realizing that it wasn’t the place you were looking for, you’re about to give up for the day travelling roads when on the path you see the sign: “Capim Town, East Path” Your head perks up and you run across the path to see a small town, not even a town really, more like a village? Could this be it? It seems like no one was outside at the moment, you go to the largest building, hoping it is some sort of town hall, I guess there’s only one way to answer you questions.

You knock on the door.

A Meowstic answers it, gathering your courage you ask:

“Hello? This is Capim Town right? I have a few questions.”

Pub: 25 Mar 2023 02:49 UTC
Views: 541