Cold awakening

Be me, noibat
be me, was not noibat before, was human
Surrounded by fucking snow and ice in a cave
Im 4 times weak to ice, walking arround like this hurts
alredy wasnt used to cold before
is that a glaile
Son of a bitch, run away
fly into the hallway, find it second nature to move like this
There's another glaile in the hallway
Try and scream in horror, Use screech instead.
Glaile2 gets confused and bashes his head against the wall
Run away
Next room is empty, there's a bright ass orange disc
Thats a fucking TM, how do i use it
autism moment, bite the TM
Glaile duo enters the room
Actually screaming, hug the tm
accidentally learn the TM
Use new move, is heatwave
Glailes defeated, they fall
Fuck yeah
one of them gets back up
Im fucking done for
Orb of fire comes from nowhere, Launching the glaile and leaving half its face burried on the wall
A trio of female pokemon including a Armarouge, a Medicham, and a indeedee show up
MFW they all have killer butts
MFW the Armarouge tells me i gotta stay behind them if i wanna live
yes Ma'am.
They introduce themselves as team craftheart,
Gwen the Armarouge, the leader
Fa the medicham, the intel gal
Mimi the indeedee, their aprentice
shit shes kinda cute too
They ask me for my name
Fuck, i cant tell them my name or they will know im human
Just say i dont renember, that i woke up here.
Gwen nicknames me bullet because im small
Rude but ok
the indeedee heals me
They tell me we are on a mystery dungeon
Ah fuck
Its called Frozen Ravine
They gotta aprehend a criminal at the very end of this dungeon
We keep pushing foward, they keep questioning me as we progress trough the dungeon together.
The medicham gives me the stink eye
Is something wrong?
You're lying, i know what you are
Get an idea
Well i still just woke up with no way to fight, if you finish rescuing me ill explain with honesty, not like i have much to show thanks with
They think its fair enough
We reach the end of the mystery dungeon, floor 30
Large ass frozen waterfall
Theres a large abomasnow, the groups target and aparently a criminal
It begins to hail
The abomasnow eats something and begins to glow
It mega evolves
Decide to use heatwave as support, while letting The team fight it head on
I dont deal much damage
Notice the frozen waterfall cracks as i use the move
The indeedee gets hit and is badly hurt
I pull her to the side, noticing shes not doing too hot
The other 2 eventually are badly wounded, they are thrown to the other side
Use heat wave one final time
The waterfall cracks loudly, the abomasnow turns towards it
It breaks open, falling a mixture of water and large chunks of ice
The large mon is washed away and thus defeated
The others were not caught on the waterfall
Feel myself get much stronger from defeating the large abomasnow and braving the cold dungeon
Begin to glow myself
Evolve into Noivern
I look fucking sick now
Bring the indeedee to the other two with my larger body
They heal up
Get thanked for saving them, but they remark they need to leave asap.
We warp outside the dungeon
There's a metagross, magnezone and Vikavolt
They are police officers
They have police in this world, fuck
They assume team craftheart defeated him
I helped
They mention i could be a great explorer or police
Tell them i wanna get my bearings first
Fair enough
The police leave with the criminal
The medicham apologizes for before
Tell her she was right, i was a human that suddenly woke up as a noibat
They are very shocked
There are no humans in this world
Aparently no one has seen humans in ages, but the stories of human being turned into pokemon to save the world are the same as on my world
They begin to disscus my very nature in front of me, as if it were gossip.
They decide that the best way for someone like me to do whatever he has to is to see the world and become a rescue or explorer team
Indeedee volunteers to be my partner inmediatly
I ask them if i have any choice
I could say no, but if i say yes they will get me a house all for myself
Thats more than what i had in the human world, sure, ill make a rescue team.
Suddenly begin to loose balance
Realize im fucking fatigued
They invite me to eat
Procced to enjoy dinner in a restaurant where a munchlax is shouting and ranting as a top chef
Maybe this wont be so bad

Pub: 15 Mar 2023 03:06 UTC
Edit: 16 Mar 2023 04:19 UTC
Views: 460