An Unexpected Find

“C'mon Chespin, let's take a trip out of town again!”
Wooper's as eager as ever as I let out a long yawn, walking out of the guild and into the sunlight as my day truly starts. Even with the cotton, leafy blankets and pillows I've worked so hard to get, falling asleep is still pretty hard on nights where I'm thinking about a lot of things. It's not enough, I need something more.
My mind wanders back to the hot spring we visited the other day. I recall how sleeping inside of the bush filled me with an odd, peaceful sensation. Just like that, I have an idea! Could that be the solution to my sleep issues? Is it as simple as filling my room with various plants? Maybe I'm just an idiot for thinking like this? Whatever the case, it'll be that trip out of town Wooper's looking for.
“Hey, I've got an idea. Do you know a place around here with a bunch of flowers? I want them for the guild.”
“Yeah, I know where we can go! Follow me!” Once again, Wooper leads the way out of town.

Wooper nods towards a distant forest as we begin our walk across the rolling fields. Along the way, we pass by a large tree with a big hunk of bark ripped out of it, as if something had crashed into it. Looking around, I can't shake the feeling that this all seems a little familiar...that's it! “That tree...Wooper, isn't this where we fought that Talonflame?”
Wooper curiously looks at the tree, a mild look of surprise crossing his face. “Hey, it is! We've sure come a long way since that fight, haven't we?”
I stop for a minute, thinking back on everything that's happened since arriving in this world roughly a month ago. The times I've had to fight for my life were really hard on me, even traumatic at times, but the days where we get to simply relax make it all worthwhile. Even if the guild is full of weirdos, and even if Wooper still gives me strange vibes, it's all been pretty fun so far. Despite my new form, or maybe thanks to it, I've been able to do things I'd have never imagined before all of this.
“Yeah...and you know what? It's all been pretty great so far!”
Wooper lets out a small cheer. “I knew you'd like it here! Let's hurry, those flowers aren't gonna pick themselves!”

We continue on across the plains, crossing into a forest. As we cross through a clearing and near a pond, I quickly begin to recognize this place. This was where I woke up for the first time! An odd sense of nostalgia washes over me as I remember my first day here. Things felt hopeless at first, but then I met Wooper and things have been uphill ever since. Looking at Wooper's old pond, I find myself wondering something for the first time. Thinking back on our first meeting, I still can't help but feel that something's off about him. Even though he explained why he was so eager to join me, was that the full truth? ...No, it's gotta be! I can't be so suspicious of Wooper, especially not after all we've been through so far!
Shaking the negative thoughts out of my head, we continue until we come across another large clearing. The clearing is absolutely packed with vibrant flowers! Tulips, roses, sunflowers, and many more kinds of flowers filled the area. As I step forward, a strange calming sensation fills my body. Between the sunlight and the flowers, it is as though all the stresses of the world have completely vanished. As if driven by instinct, I lie down in the middle of the clearing, soaking it all in.
“Ahh...this is the best...I could stay here forever...”
“Uh, Chespin? It ain't THAT great.”
Before I can respond, I hear a small voice from behind me that I've never heard before! “Welcome to my garden! You must have walked quite far to come here. Now, relax...” A gentle whistling tune fills the area, triggering something deep within my mind. I don't have time to process what's happened before a powerful wave of sleepiness slams into me, knocking me out in mere seconds.

“mmm...what happened?” As I open my eyes, I find that I've been asleep for a couple of hours. Wooper's out cold as well, using me as a pillow. Feeling very awkward about how we fell asleep, I nudge him awake.
“Huh? How'd I fall asleep?”
I stand up, grabbing my bag once again. Mildly paranoid, I check it to see if anything got stolen. I breathe a sigh of relief once I find everything's been untouched. Confused, I say, “There was a voice, then some strange musical tune?”
Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a couple of flowers approaching me. Giving them a closer look, I manage to make out a Roselia blending in among all the flowers. “Ah, that was my doing. You seemed so relaxed and content just being among all the flowers that I thought I'd help you.”
“You thought putting me to sleep was helping me?” To her credit, whatever she did definitely worked...hang on, that's it! “Wait, that song!” Digging out a Frism from my bag, I hand it to her, saying, “That tune you whistled, could you please record it within this? Some nights I have trouble falling asleep, and I'd love to listen to that whenever I want.”
“Certainly, dear. I'll be right back, wouldn't want to put you to sleep just after you woke back up!”
The Roselia heads off into the forest, Frism in tow. Shortly after, she returns with it, the Frism having frozen over.
I gratefully pocket my express ticket to dreamland, a smile crossing my face. “By the way, you wouldn't mind if we took some of these flowers with us, would you? The guild we live in is a little barren, and something about these flowers makes me feel good.”
“Not at all, dear. There's plenty to go around! Speaking of which, I have more flower seeds to plant. Take care, adventurers.” The Roselia walks off into the flowers, her small stature making her blend into the scene. I go around the garden, picking dozens upon dozens of flowers. We can make a small garden at the guild with these, and then I could use the rest for my room.

It isn't until my bag is completely filled with them that I decide to head back to the guild. Wooper and I start the walk back, but it isn't long before we're stopped by a very unusual sight. A pink Pokemon lies in the middle of the forest, not far from Wooper's old pond. They look like a cat with a very long tail, and it doesn't take me long to recognize what it is. It's a Mew! But...what are they doing here? They shudder in their sleep, almost as if they're in pain. Did they get jumped?
Curious, I shake them a little. “C'mon, wake up...”
“Ugh...everything hurts...” The Mew finally opens their eyes, looking at Wooper and I. “Huh...AH! Get away from me! Don't hurt me!”
“Wha...?” A little startled by their reaction, I say, “No, it ain't like that! We found you knocked out here.”
The Mew calms down a little, taking a shaky breath. Still on edge, they say “Y-you're a Chespin! And that's a Wooper next to you! How are you talking?”

It doesn't take long for me to realize what's going on here. “Oh boy, where do we begin...” I never dreamed I'd be on the other end of this kind of situation. “Let me guess, you're a human?” The Mew nods, to which I respond, “But you look like a Mew from every possible angle.”
Confused, the Mew looks themselves over, their eyes going wide as they let out a loud scream. “NOOO! How'd this happen?! What do I do? How'd you know?”
Wooper lets out a cheer, hopping up and down. “Yay! Another human to go on adventures with!”
I can't help but let out a tiny chuckle, her reaction mirroring my own when I first woke up. “Simply put, you're not the first human-turned-Pokemon I've seen. Or the second, or the third, and so on. In fact, I used to be human too! What's your name? If you're anything like the rest of us, you at least remember that.”
The Mew hesitates for a moment before speaking. “...It's Mindy. do I get back?”
I shrug. “Beats me. I've been here for about a month. It ain't all that bad here, honest.”
“I can't stay here! I've got places to go! People to see! I can't spend the rest of forever as some useless...THING!”
The panic in her voice was clear. I have to talk her down before we can get anywhere. “Hey, it's fine, really. There's a place in town filled with Pokemon like us, almost all of us used to be human.” Thinking on it more, I can't help but cringe as I imagine what might happen at the guild hall if I just walked in with a Mew. The things some of the guild members might say, especially Cyndaquil, would be enough to make a saner Pokemon want to run for the hills. But I can't just leave her sitting in the middle of nowhere! Trying to cheer her up, I say, “Though I gotta say, you really lucked out with what you became! You should be able to fly, use psychic powers, breathe fire, teleport, all kinds of crazy things!”
Mindy gets to her feet, wobbling around a ton. She walks towards us, teetering with every step. “That's easy for you to say, I can barely even walk...”

I hold out a hand, saying, “Why don't you come with us for now? It'll be better than being in the woods without a clue where to go, after all. The blue guy over there's Wooper, and you can just call me Chespin.”
Wooper butts in, saying, “Yeah, and together we're Team Cozy! We go on treasure hunts, mostly to find comfy things for the guild.”
Mindy hesitates, debating what to do. Reluctantly, she shakes my hand. “Not like I have much choice in the matter...”
I nod, saying, “Now that that's settled, we should get back to the guild before dark. Just a bit of a warning, the others there are...a little strange.”

As we walk back to town, we are forced to move slower thanks to Mindy's slow walking. Impatient and not wanting to be stuck outside at night, I grab her with my vines, carrying her so we don't have to walk so slowly. Unsurprisingly, she cries out in panic. “AAH! LET ME GO!”
“Hey, relax Mindy. I do this to Wooper all the time. Right?”
Wooper nods, saying “You betcha!”
Continuing, I say, “Besides, we'll get to town faster if we don't have to wait for you to walk. Of course, maybe you could fly instead?”
“I don't have wings, I can't fly! Now let me go, I'm claustrophobic!”
Suddenly feeling really bad, I quickly set her down. “Whoops, didn't know, sorry! Anyhow, I'm pretty sure Mews can fly. Or float. I'm sure you'll figure it out someday. Anyways, we gotta pick up the pace!”
Mindy grumbles to herself as she continues walking. “Unless I'm about to fall off a cliff, don't do that again!”
“Sheesh, I said I was sorry!” I'm starting to have second thoughts about helping her already. Hoping it's just her being nervous from waking up as a Mew, I say, “We're not too far from town now. We'll head into the guild hall, get some dinner, and I'll see if I can find you a room to stay in.”

The other guild members look on as the three of us enter the guild hall, gawking as though they've just seen someone ultra-famous. Mindy looks down at the floor, mumbling “They're all staring...I don't think this is a good idea.”
Letting out a sigh, I say, “It's the best I can do on such short notice. Besides, the guildmaster's a Psychic type. If there's anybody around that can teach you how to use psychic powers, it's him!”
For the first time, I see Mindy's expression lighten. “So I might be able to pick stuff up from across the room?”
“I don't see why not. Anyways, let's get something to eat before bed.”
We opt for a few berries and apples from the kitchen. Leading Mindy down the dorm halls, I check each door, trying to find a spare room.
“Phanpy...Kaiji...Charm...oh great, the only spare room is a complete wreck!”
“Oh, I know! She can stay in our room until it's cleaned out!”
I can't help but feel like I've made a mistake bringing Mindy here. Still, she can't do anything at all for the time being, so maybe it'll be okay? “I've got a spare blanket, so it'll have to do until we have something better ready.”
Mindy nods silently, clearly unhappy with the situation but having no other options.

Once inside my room, I begin sticking all the flowers I collected into pots and various containers, sticking them all around. Once everything's in place, I take a look at everything. Simply being surrounded by the flowers begins to fill me with that weirdly peaceful sensation once again. “There we go, much better!”
Mindy gives me a strange look, saying, “Why's a guy like you enjoy flowers so much?”
“Ever since becoming what I am now, just being around other plants makes me feel good. Maybe it's some kinda instinct thing? Speaking of which, maybe we should get you some catnip, or a ball of yarn.” I can't help but let out a chuckle at my own lame joke.
“Yeah yeah, very funny.” Mindy grabs a spare blanket, curling up as best as she can in the corner of the room. “How am I supposed to fall asleep like this, anyways?”
“Funny you should mention that, I've got just the thing.” Reaching into my bag, I pull out the Frism from earlier. “I sure hope this works.”
I warm up the Frism in my hands. As the lid thaws, a gentle whistling melody echoes throughout the room. Seconds later I feel something shift in my mind, my eyelids growing very heavy. Before I realize it, I'm out cold.

I jolt awake in bed, the panicked screaming making my heart race. I frantically look around, wondering what's going on. Glancing up, I relax a little as I spot the source of the screaming. Up near the ceiling is Mindy, kicking and flailing uselessly as she hovers in midair.
“Hey, you're floating! See, I knew you could do it!”
“I'm serious, get me DOWN!” Mindy struggles uselessly up in the air.
“Relax, everything's going to be okay! You can float, so you should be able to use it to move around. Wouldn't that be better than walking?”
Mindy takes a deep breath, still hanging up above Wooper and I. “How am I supposed to control it?!”
I shrug. “I dunno, instinct? It's kind of like how I learned to use my vines.” I let my vines out, waving them about a little before retracting them. “Using them has felt natural from Day 1. Umm...Just think about how a superhero would fly? That's what I'd do if I was in your situation.”
Mindy nods, taking a few shaky breaths. Pointing her body forward, she slowly begins to float forward, quickly speeding up. “Hey, I'm...doing it! I'm doing it, I'm actually doing i-OW!” She slams face-first into the wall, letting out a small cry of pain.
“You definitely need to work on it, but see? It ain't all bad!”
Wooper smiles up at Mindy, saying, “See, she really can fly! So, when are we gonna go on an adventure?”
“Maybe later, Wooper. I've got to leave the Guildmaster a little message before we do anything else.”

I leave the two of them alone for now, walking over to the Guildmaster's office. Knocking on the door gets me no response. Figures he's not here today, must be out in town for now. Grabbing a pencil and paper from a nearby basket, I jot down a little note for him.


Yesterday, Wooper and I came across another human-turned-Pokemon. Not wanting to leave her alone in the forest, we brought her back here. She seems pretty irritable, but I hope that is simply because she is a recent arrival. As such, she is extremely inexperienced, but I think you have what it takes to teach her the ways of the Psychic type. You'll know her when you see her.
Also, we will need one of the spare rooms cleaned out for her. Though Wooper and I found her, she may not be the best fit for Team Cozy. Maybe she could join one of the other teams on various jobs? Failing that, she could possibly help in the kitchen?
I leave this message here in hopes you can help her grow used to her new life, or at least teach her a little.


P.S. Don't let Cyndaquil anywhere near her.

I feel my hand hurting after writing the very short message. It's only just occurred to me that this is the first time I've written anything as a Chespin. I wasn't sure if my message should sound as formal as I wrote it, but at least it'll get my point across. I fold up the message, sticking it underneath the Guildmaster's door.

Walking back to my room, I find that Wooper and Mindy had fallen asleep again, the latter still up in the air. Looking around, I spot the Frism laying near the window, its message having been activated by the sunlight. I pick it up, getting back into my bed. It can't hurt to get just a little more sleep, right? I warm it back up, letting its lullaby play once again. Once more, a strange feeling of comfort and peace fills my mind, knocking me out in a matter of seconds.

Pub: 03 Apr 2023 02:03 UTC
Views: 617