Togetic's Recruitment


(Dewott... I'm sorry...)

This has been the only thought running through Togetic's head for the past few days. He's stumbled aimlessly through the forest after abandoning his partner, and only friend in this world. Togetic had barely slept, only falling asleep when too exhausted to continue walking. The moon in the sky shone enough light for Togetic to navigate the forest at night, however Togetic's thoughts were interrupted when he felt a raindrop on his head.

(Rain?... Well, I can fly, so mud shouldn't be a proble-)

Togetic then suddenly realized the moon had just been obscured by the clouds. The trees and ground he could clearly see around him moments ago had turned into complete darkness. The rain continued to fall, steadily falling more heavily by the second.

(Oh... Well, time to take it slow, I guess.)

Togetic let out a sigh, as he flew into the air. While the rain dampened his fur and made him shiver, he was still able to fly into the air with relative ease. Despite being a pokemon for a while, he had only recently evolved, so he was still getting used to the idea of flying.

(Alright, forward!)

With a lunge, Togetic flew forward through the rain, and the raindrops striking Togetic's face forced him to close his eyes.

(Wait, I'm going too fast-)

His thought was cutoff as he bashed head-first into the trunk of a tree, knocking him down to the muddy soil. Dazed, Togetic slowly regained his composure.

(Ow... Ugh, why didn't I just think of flying up above the trees!? I really am useless...)

Slowly crawling out of the mud, Togetic tried to wipe himself off, only to accidently spread more of the mud over his fur. Frowning, Togetic gave up and started flying upward towards the tree canopy, even if the darkness didn't let him see it. However, only after a few seconds of flying, an invisible force kept him from going any further!

(What?!... Oh, OH NO!)

Togetic almost forgot to flap his wings as he came to the realization that he had somehow accidently stumbled into a mystery dungeon!

(Damn! Alright, surely I have an escape orb or something...)

Frantically rummaging through his bag, Togetic was unable to find an escape orb, or any kind of orb at all, as the bag was mostly full of a couple random seeds and oran berries. Togetic kept searching, as he was sure he found an escape orb while he was still with Dewott. Once again however, Togetic came to a realization, he had been dragging his bag behind him limply the past few days, and some items must've fell out! Starting to feel panicked, Togetic flew back down to the dungeon floor.

(This rain... Was it natural, or caused by some other pokemon? And was the moon getting covered actually me just stepping into the dungeon?)

Feeling around for a wall, Togetic stumbled through the muddy dungeon, constantly looking around, out of fear of being caught alone with some feral pokemon. Togetic knew he didn't have any fighting chance against even the weakest of dungeon pokemon due to his limited moveset.

Suddenly, Togetic heard something fly through the air! WHAM! Togetic felt a sharp pain on the back of his head, and the darkness of the forest was replaced by stars flying all over his eyes. Crying out in pain, Togetic clutched his head, and attempted to face his attacker. Once the stars faded from his eyes, he was barely able to make out the shape of a Geodude standing before him, getting ready for another Rock Throw!

Togetic jumped into the air and used his wings to propel him to the side, which allowed him to narrowly dodge the second rock. (I need to run!)

Now in the air, Togetic used this chance to try and fly over the Geodude in an attempt to disorient him, but as Togetic heard another projectile flying towards him, he realized his mistake! The rock connected, hitting Togetic in the chest and sending him crashing back down to the floor of the dungeon! With a loud splash, Togetic got a face full of mud and water. (Smack Down... I should've expected that, ugh!) Togetic cried out in pain as he struggled to stand up, only to see the Geodude getting closer.

(Please... Please work this time!)

Togetic used his last remaining energy to wag his arm back and forth to use Metronome! Togetic felt a light envelop him, and his body started moving on its own, charging straight at the Geodude!

(Its... Double Edge!)

Togetic bashed his entire body against the Geodude, sending him flying! The effect of Metronome wore off, and pain returned to Togetic's body all at once. Wincing from the pain, Togetic looked up and was barely able to make out the Geodude dissolving into light through the darkness. For the first time in a few days, Togetic smiled.

"I... I did it.... Hah..."

Togetic's victory was short-lived, as he saw two more silhouettes heading his way. Resigning himself to his fate, Togetic collapsed back onto the floor of the dungeon, listening to the rain fall on his back and the footsteps of the two approaching pokemon as his consciousness faded.

(Well... It was fun... While it lasted... Dewott...)



Togetic felt something he wasn't expecting: Anything at all, considering he thought he was certainly dead. Before he even opened his eyes, he could feel his entire body sore with pain, though it thankfully wasn't as bad as it was during the fight. Opening his eyes, he soon also felt the cot under him and the soft blanket laying on top of him. He attempted to raise his head to get a better look around, but felt a sharp pain the moment he moved his head.


"Oh, you're awake!"

Togetic moved his head to the side slightly, and saw an Audino wearing a nurse's outfit with a hat, apron, and bow around her neck. She walked right next to Togetic's cot. "You're lucky Chespin and Wooper found you when they did, you were banged up so bad I wasn't sure you would ever wake up! You had a massive gash on your head and bruises all over your chest, but luckily for you I was able to heal most of it. You're going to need to keep that head bandaged up for a while so the wound doesn't re-open, though."

Togetic slowly nodded as he tried to process everything that was happening. (I'm alive. I'm hurt, but currently healing up. I have no idea where I am, and I have no idea who this Audino is. I guess I can assume those two shadows I saw were the Chespin and Wooper she mentioned. Ugh...) Togetic winced in pain again as he felt a sudden headache.

The Audino gently put her hand against Togetic's face as she saw him wince. "It's okay, you shouldn't worry about anything right now, just get some rest and I promise I'll get the Guildmaster to explain what happened once you're in better shape."

(Rest... That sounds nice- Wait, Guildmaster!? I'm in a guild?!) Togetic couldn't hide the shock on his face once he finally realized where he was.

Audino chuckled as she noticed Togetic's expression. "Don't worry, I know the Clover Guild has a certain... Reputation, but you'll be safe here. Try not to think about some of those nasty rumors other pokemon spread about this place."

(Clover Guild... I can't believe I made it here...) Togetic relaxed and closed his eyes. Back while he was with Dewott, Togetic had heard about how the Clover Guild was rumored to be full of humans that turned into Pokemon and wanted to join it, but Dewott was adamant about staying an independent exploration team. (I guess wandering alone for days wallowing in self-pity can pay off!) Togetic leaned back farther into the pillow under his head. (Now... I should really... Get some... Rest....... Zzz...)

After another day of rest, Togetic finally felt well enough to sit up in his cot. He looked around, and once again spotted the Audino handling some bottles of medicine in the corner of the room. Audino heard Togetic getting up and turned to face him with a smile. "Finally feeling better?"

Togetic nodded. "... Y-Yeah... I'm f-fine..."

Audino smiled back at him. "Good to hear! Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet, have I? I'm Kina, the nurse of Clover Guild." Audino did a little bow towards Togetic.

"I-I'm... Uh..." Togetic couldn't even mumble out an answer. He questioned how much information he should be willing to share, he still didn't know much about the Clover Guild apart from rumors. After a few moments of awkward silence, he finally mumbled out "J-Just... Call me w-whatever you like..."

Kina tilted her head and looked a little concerned. "Are you really feeling alright? I hope that hit to the head didn't give you some permanent damage."

(Huh? I feel fine- Oh. She means how I talk.) Togetic felt embarrassed upon realizing what Kina meant. "S-Sorry... I'm just... N-Not very good at... Talking-g."

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to-" However, Kina's apology got cut off by the sound of someone rushing into the room.

"Is the new guy healed yet!?" An energetic Wooper ran into the room, and ran right up next to Togetic's cot, with a large smile on his cheerful face.

Soon after, there was a voice from the hall. "Wooper! Wait up!" A Chespin ran into the room right after Wooper. "Kina will yell at you again for trying to wake him up!" As the Chespin was about scold the Wooper even more, he looked up to see that Togetic was awake.

"He's awake! Hey, are you a human?" Wooper looked even more bright and happy as he continued to ask Togetic questions.

Togetic was completely taken in by Wooper's earnest joy and curiousness that he almost instantly answered the question, but just barely stopped himself. (... Should I answer this, what if this is a trap-)

Wooper noticed Togetic hesitating. "Oh, I know the perfect trick to figure out if you're human! AMO-"

"WOOPER!" Chespin yelled before Wooper could finish what he was going to say. "He just woke up, give him some time to adjust first!" Chespin turned to face Togetic. "Sorry, he's a little excitable. We're both glad to see you've recovered, fellow human!"

"W-what?! How d-d-did-"

Chespin laughed. "I was just joking, sorry if you wanted to keep that a secret. Don't worry, a lot of the pokemon here were humans. You'll be safe here!"

Togetic nodded and smiled back with a sigh of relief. "T-Thanks. Are... Um... W-Were the t-two of you-"

Chespin looked like he just realized something and interrupted Togetic. "Oh, we forgot to introduce ourselves! We're Team Cozy! You can call me Chespin."

"And I'm Wooper! What's your name, human?"

(The fellow human seems to have secrets of his own he likes to keep. Or maybe he just thinks his parents gave him a shit name.) "Erm... C-Call me Togetic. T-Thanks... For sav-v-ving me."

"It was no problem! Chespin used his vines to carry you back here after we found your near-dead body!" Wooper said a little too cheerfully.

"Wooper also used Water Gun to help clean off some of the mud off of you."

Togetic felt a little odd and embarrassed hearing about what happened to him while he was unconscious, but still was glad the guild members helped fix him up. "Y-You're all too k-kind... I c-can't thank you enough." Togetic said with a small grin. Wooper's cheerful energy must've rubbed off on Togetic, as just talking with them made him feel more energized. (Well, I can't sit in this cot forever. I might as well see if I can talk to the Guildmaster here.) Togetic slowly began to crawl out of the cot, doing his best to not visibly wince from how sore his body felt while moving.

Kina noticed Togetic climbing out of the cot and walked over to help him, but Togetic put out his arm to stop her and mumbled "I'm f-fine.", as he jumped onto the floor. The soreness was manageable enough for him to walk around, even if he did feel lightheaded. "C-Can you two... B-Bring me t-to... Uh..." Togetic's mumbling and stuttering was becoming more incomprehensible by the second, much to his own dismay, but Chespin seemed to catch on to what he wanted to say.

"You probably want to see the Guildmaster, right?" Chespin asked. Togetic immediately nodded his head, glad he didn't have to continue speaking. "Great! Come on, follow me!" Chespin and Wooper led the way to the Guildmaster's room.


Still woozy from just waking up, Togetic barely had time to absorb his surroundings as Chespin and Wooper guided him to the Guildmaster's room. While walking through the guildhall, he noticed a bunch of other pokemon, but his lightheadedness was making his vision blurry so he had trouble making out specific pokemon through the hustle and bustle of the hall. (Is that... A munchlax? Oh, there's a Sneasel over there, but what's that thing on its head? Huh, that Numel looks pretty mad-)

"We're here!" Chespin opened the door to the Guildmaster's room, revealing a desk and chairs, with a male Meowstic sitting across from them. "Well, you're on your own now. See you later, soon to be fellow guildmember! Come on, Wooper." The pair walked back into the guildhall, and Togetic couldn't help but feel nervous as he slowly entered the room.

"Come on in! I'm glad to see you've recovered!" The Meowstic greeted Togetic with a bright look on his face, and he gestured towards the chair on Togetic's side of the desk. "Sit down, I'm sure you have a lot of questions."

Togetic accepted his offer and flew up to the chair, but he couldn't help his nervousness as his eyes started around the room. (Ugh, there's no way I'll be able to hold a conversation when I'm this nervous. I'm hopeless.) Togetic took a deep breath as he prepared to introduce himself to the Guildmaster.

"... H-Hello. I'm Togetic... I w-would... W-wait, No... Urm.... T-Thanks for taking-g me in... I-I'm i-indebted to you, you... Uhh..." Togetic was already on the verge of completely breaking down, something the Guildmaster would be able to notice even without his psychic powers.

"You don't need to be so formal~" The Guildmaster leaned back in his chair, obviously trying to relieve some of Togetic's tension. "I should've introduced myself first. I'm the Guildmaster, Lliam. Glad you meet you!" Lliam put out his hand over the desk.

Togetic nodded back, but was visibly shaking. He stretched out his own arm and shook Lliam's hand, which managed to calm him down a little bit. "Now, if you're comfortable, why don't you tell me more about yourself? You must have some interesting stories to tell~"

(Interesting is one way of putting it. Alright, maybe if I just calm down a little, I'll be able to complete a sentence without fucking it up for once! Here goes!)

Renewed with a feeling of vigor, Togetic attempted to explain what happened to him. "W-Well... I-I.... Uhrm.... W-Was wandering t-through the fores-st... Ah... Alone.... A-And..." The wave of energy Togetic had quickly disappated as he once again failed to string together a simple sentence. "FUCK! THIS IS HOPELESS!" Togetic smashed his face against the desk as he cursed, nearly making Lliam fall out of his chair! While gaining his bearings, Lliam had a thought cross his mind.

"I have a suggestion that might help solve your... Language barrier problem, at least for this conversation." Togetic immediately looked up at Lliam upon hearing this. "I happen to have psychic powers. While I don't enjoy reading people's minds, if it would make this conversation easier for you, I would happily make an exception. I promise not to be too invasive~"

(That would certainly make things much easier. I'd rather keep most of my past secret to avoid questions, so I'll have to try and not think about him at all. Alright, lets give this a shot!)

Togetic sat back up in his chair and nodded to Lliam. "Alright. Try not to think of anything too embarrassing, okay~?" Lliam closed his eyes and delved into Togetic's mind.

(Guildmaster Lliam? Are you there?) Lliam kept his eyes closed, but nodded back. Togetic couldn't help himself from grinning. (This works! Damn, this Guildmaster's pretty cool.) Lliam smirked. (Ugh, already forgot I have to be careful about what I think! Alright, so...) Togetic, via thinking, explained to Lliam how he's a human turned pokemon, and how he got lost in a mystery dungeon and then saved by Chespin and Wooper. He left out anything about his old partner or what he was like back in the human world. In turn, Lliam explained how the Clover Guild operates, and even explained some of the guild's members to Togetic.

"... Well, that about covers it~" Lliam, with his eyes still closed, once again leaned back in his chair. "So, do you think you want to join our guild? You can take some time to think on it-"

(I absolutely want to join! I don't have anywhere else to go, and from the moment I heard of Clover Guild I wanted to join. Please, accept me as a guild member!) Togetic leaned in on the desk, non-verbally pleading with Lliam, which only made him chuckle and re-open his eyes.

"Hmm... You know, we have been kind of full recently, with new recruits and all. I'm not sure if we even have an empty room for you." Lliam said, while scratching his right ear.

"P-Please! I'll s-sleep on the floor, I don't care! I'll find my own food! I-I could sleep outside if necessary!"

Lliam continued to smirk. "Well, when you put it like that, how could I possibly say no~"

Togetic jumped on top of his chair and bowed as far down as he could. "T-THANK YOU!!!... a-ahem, I mean... T-Thank you very much Guildmaster L-Lliam. I-I hope I won't be t-t-too much of a burden..."

"I'm sure you'll be just fine, maybe you should take it easy for a few days though, considering your injuries."

Togetic had been so focused on his conversation with Lliam that he completely forgot how sore he was. "Y-Yeah... I'll t-try."

Lliam climbed out of his chair and walked around the desk. "Well, I should probably show you to your room now, shouldn't I?" Lliam guided Togetic out of his office, and led him through the hall. On the way they passed by Team Cozy, who ran up to them.

"Well? Did you join the guild, Togetic?" Asked Wooper, with his head tilted to the side.

"Y-Yes." Togetic nodded, and Wooper's infectious smile made one appear on Togetic's face as well.

"Yay! Always more fun with more humans around!"

"Kyukyukyu, seems like you've made some friends already~" Lliam said while chuckling to himself. "Come on, the room is right over here." Lliam brought the group to Togetic's new bedroom, which housed the usual desk, lamp, chest, and hay bed.

Chespin peeked in. "There's cotton and bedding in the storeroom if you find the hay too uncomfortable!"

"I-I'll be fine, but thanks..." Togetic mumbled as he walked into the room. Feeling tired, Togetic turned around to face Lliam and Team Cozy. "I-I... I think I'll j-just rest for now.... See you.. T-Tomorrow...." Togetic let out a yawn as he waved goodbye to his new guildmates, and closed the door to his room. Glad to finally have some peace and quiet compared to the hustle and bustle of the guildhall, Togetic flopped onto the hay bed with a thump.

*(I can't believe it. I'm actually in a guild now! To think just a few days ago I was ready to let myself die in the wilderness, maybe this is just my luck finally taking a turn for the better after how many unlucky Metronome attempts I've done. Heh, I still remember that one time I accidently used Self-Destruct and sent Dewott flying into a tree.)

Togetic let out a sigh, and rolled onto his back, staring at the celiling of his room. (Dewott... No, I can't think about him anymore. I've chosen my path, and he's chosen his. I've made some new friends now... I think.)

Togetic rolled over on his side. (... Can I really trust the pokemon here though? The Guildmaster, Team Cozy, and Kina seem nice enough... But I'm sure they think of me as some kind of loser who can barely communicate... Ugh, I wish everyone could just read minds like the Guildmaster!... Wait, what if the Guildmaster read deeper into my mind without telling me?!)

Togetic rolled over to the other side of his bed. (What if he ends up asking about... No, I shouldn't get this paranoid already. I should have some trust in them, at least get to know them better first... Even if I'm utterly unable to talk to them at all.) Togetic sighed once again. (The Guildmaster said a lot of the humans here are outcasts, so maybe I'll fit in well here...)

Togetic continued to toss and turn in his bed, his thoughts constantly bouncing between whether or not he should have faith and trust in any of the guildmembers. After about an hour of deliberation, he was unable to hold back from saying what was really bothering him:

"This bed is REALLY fucking uncomfortable!" Togetic jumped out of the bed and stared at it disapprovingly. (I forgot how good that cotton cot in medical felt, it's impossible for me to put up with hay now! Alright, I guess I'll go check out the storeroom.) Togetic sneaked out of his room and wandered the halls, staring at random other guildmembers that he didn't know that seemed to ignore him. (Oh, there's that Munchlax again! He seems to be the one that's mad now, maybe that empty wine bottle he's holding has something to do with it? Wonder who-)

"OW!" Togetic had bumped into someone and fell backwards onto the floor. Rubbing his head, he stood up to see a Duskull on the floor, rubbing his own head as well.

"I-I'm s-sorry!" Togetic was about to help him up, but then realized, how do you help up a pokemon that floats? "E-Erm... You n-need any h-help?"

"Ow... I'm okay, I think." The Duskull shook their head and floated back up into the air. "Oh, are a new recruit? I'm Elm!"

(Elm? What, was he a pokemon professor in his past life?) Togetic kept his snide comment to himself. "Y-Yes, I just j-joined today. P-Pleasure to meet you, E-Elm.... I'm T-Togetic."

"Nice to meet you as well! I'm still a bit new here myself, but if you ever need my help I'll be happy to lend a hand."

"I-I could use some h-help now, a-actually... D-Do you k-know where the st-t-toreroom is?"

"Of course, this way." Elm motioned for Togetic to follow him and Togetic complied, and after a short walk they made it to the door of the storeroom.

"T-Thank you, Elm."

"Not a problem! Just a fair warning though, it's a bit of a mess in there, try not to get hurt." Togetic nodded, and Elm floated away through the guild hall.

(Surely it can't be that bad-)

As Togetic opened the door to the storeroom and laid eyes on what atrocity laid before him, a rush of emotions hit him like a truck. All at once he felt intense disappointment, sadness, but most of all fury. The room was a crime against all pokemon, with boxes, chests, bags, fabrics, and absolutely anything and everything was completely unorganized and haphazardly tossed around. It didn't take long for Togetic's emotions to fully take over.


Going completely berserk, Togetic flew into the storeroom at full speed, not noticing the crowd of other guildmembers that had formed behind him during his rant.

"Now I'm really wondering if those injuries gave him permanent damage..." Whispered Kina to herself, as she peaked through the crowd.

Pub: 19 Apr 2023 07:43 UTC
Edit: 20 Apr 2023 01:41 UTC
Views: 775