One morning at the Clover Guild, Team Moonshine woke up early to find a mission on the job board. After many days of practicing as a Flareon, Adrian regained enough of his skills to return to guild work. The one thing he hadn't been able to fix yet was his sleep schedule. Waking up early was still exhausting for him. So, this morning, he went to find a chesto berry around the kitchen to keep himself awake.

While Adrian was away, his team scanned the job board for any missions they could handle. Vilepume was reading aloud the missions he was looking at.

“Here's one from a zoroark. ‘I need a tough pokemon to help me!’”

“A zoroark?” Bellossom asked. “Don’t those guys make really powerful illusions?”

“Yeah, they do,” Vileplume confirmed. “They're pretty dangerous from what I’ve heard. Very tricky, too.”

“And handsome,” Enny added.

“And dangerous,” Vileplume reemphasized.

“Sounds like my type.”

Vileplume sighed as he reached for another mission. “Here's a bounty. ‘Buizel the swift: Last seen at Fogbound Lake.’”

“That's pretty far away,” Bellossom pointed out.

Vileplume shrugged. “That's what Adrian asked for.”

Enny chimed in, saying, “I don't know if Addy will want to go to a dungeon like that right now. Fogbound Lake isn't a walk in the park.”

“Plus the target’s a water type,” Bellossom added.

“You're right,” Vileplume agreed as he put the mission back and grabbed a third. “Huh, this mission’s been translated to your language. Can you read this Enny?”

“Sure thing,” Enny said as he took the paper from Vileplume. ”Ahem. ‘My stepbrother got me stuck and I don't know what he’s do’… oh boy.”

“So where's it at?”

Enny stifled a giggle as he looked up from the paper at Vilepume. “I don't think this one's a real job, Viley.”

“Is this another human joke?”

Enny looked back down at the mission he held in his ribbons while holding back laughter. “Yep. I don't think I should explain it, though.”

“Why not?”

“Trust me, you don't wanna know.”

“No, I do. Tell me!”

The two went back and forth, with Vileplume trying to get some sort of explanation and Enny refusing to give even the slightest hint as to what it could mean. Bellossom shook her head and looked at the job board herself. She scanned the board for anything that stood out to her.

Eventually, she found one post that caught her by surprise. She took the job off the board and stared at it, reading through it twice to make sure it said what she thought it said.


Vileplume paused his conversation with Enny and turned to her. “What is it?”

“Look at this job!” She said as he held the paper for her brother.

Vileplume took the mission from her and started reading. “‘A thief made off with my husband's necklace. I need someone to get it back.’ What's the big deal?”

“Look who sent it!”

“Alright, let's see- oh my god.” Vileplume stuttered with his mouth agape.

Enny looked at the two of them, confused. “What’s the big deal? Who's the client?”

Vileplume turned to Enny. “Oh, sorry dude. It's just… this job’s from-”

“You three find a job yet?”

Adrian's voice grabbed their attention. He approached his team slowly. The bags under his eyes were still visible, but his movements were less sluggish than when he’d woken up.

“We did find one,” Bellossom answered.

“Let me see it,” Adrian said. Vileplume laid the paper on the ground, and Adrian caught it with his paw. He read through the page carefully. “Vileplume, I told you yesterday we're going somewhere far away. This is just past Cotton Valley.”

Vileplume stared down at Adrian. “Your antisocial expedition can wait. We're making the collective decision to take this job.”

Adrian returned Vileplume's look with a glare. The air started to heat up around him. “What makes you think you can just override my decisions like that?”

“This job is way more important,” Vileplume said while crossing his arms. “The client for this job is-”

“I don't give a fuck who it is. Last fucker barely paid us. Plus, there are serious criminals out there for us to deal with. Not petty home invaders. I’m not about to do another fetch quest for a wealthy bitch in the middle of nowhere for a meaningless necklace.”

Vileplume growled, “You don't even know who you're saying that about.”

“Doesn’t matter who I’m saying it about, it’s fucking true,” Adrian said. “I know you want me to be professional and all, but I really do not give a fuck about these pricks we work for. While evil bastards are running loose, they’re posting guild jobs about worthless family trinkets-”

“It's our mother, Adrian!” Bellossom cried, cutting off Adrian's rant. She then grabbed him by his mane and stared him down. “Someone’s stolen our father’s necklace. It’s all we have left of him since he disappeared! Please, don't argue with Vileplume! I know you wanted to do another job, but we need to do this one!”

The team went silent as the awkwardness of the situation set in. Vileplume and Enny watched as Adrian and Bellossom stared at each other for a moment. His angered look disappeared, and he tugged away from Bellossom’s grip.

“Careful with the mane. You’ll burn yourself.”

“So what's the plan?” Vileplume asked. “Are we doing this job?”

“Looks like it,” Adrian replied with a softer tone. “I’m not stupid enough to get between family matters. We're leaving immediately after breakfast so be ready. I’m gonna get some more chesto berries from the shop before we go.”

He then turned away from them and left towards the guild. The rest of his team let out a sigh of relief before going to the cafeteria to eat.

The team had all their gear packed up already, so their preparation was short. For the first time since he devolved, Adrian tried to put his defense scarf back on. He wanted to tie it himself but obviously couldn't, so Vileplume had to help him. When he started tying it, however, both of them remembered that Adrian's mane was where he vented most of the heat his body generated. The walking fire hazard became pretty apparent. Adrian told Vileplume to tie it around his right foreleg instead.

“Do you think this will even work as a band?” Vileplume asked.

“No fuckin’ clue,” Adrian replied as Vileplume finished tying the knot. He capped it off by pinning Adrian's badge to it.

Once everyone was finished preparing, they set off on their journey. Adrian mapped out a route with Vileplume’s help that kept them away from any dungeons, (and the Cotton Valley village, as Adrian hated the locals). The weather was also kind to them. The sun in the sky kept Bellossom and Vileplume energized, and the wind was cool enough to keep everyone comfortable.

While it was a simple route, it was also longer than the normal path taken by travelers. This gave Vileplume and Bellossom time to think. The two hadn’t seen their mother since they left for the guild. While they were both excited to see her again, the two had no idea how she would react. They both felt a little nervous about their upcoming visit.

When the sky began to darken, the team abandoned the road and entered the open plains in search of their client’s home. Adrian and Enny both suggested setting up camp, but Vileplume and Bellossom assured them they were getting close. The eeveelutions groaned and begrudgingly continued through the dark prairie.

Adrian was getting more and more tired as the night progressed. Chesto berries were pretty much the only thing keeping him walking. He spoke very little, usually just to ask simple questions about directions. As time went on, he started taking out some of his frustrations on his team.

“How much further is it?” He asked Vileplume.

“Not far,” Vileplume answered. “Maybe thirty minutes.”

“How do you know that?” Adrian questioned.

“I know the path.”

“What path? We're walking in a big, empty field. How can you possibly-”

“I just know,” Vileplume interrupted. “Bell and I have been playing around these parts since we were kids. I know this place better than I know Capim Town.”

“We’re walking in the middle of fucking nowhere! Just hills and rocks everywhere! What's there to know?”

“I’ll get us there, alright? Just lay off me, I need to focus.”

Adrian grumbled, “You better if you’re keeping me awake.”

Silence started to return to the group. Enny felt uncomfortable with everyone being so quiet, so he tried to start up a different conversation.

“Hey Bell, what's your mother like?”

"Oh, she's really nice,” Bellossom replied. “She can get a little overbearing sometimes, though.”

“What do you mean?” Enny asked.

“Well I don’t wanna be mean, but... I don’t know how to say it.”

”Mom’s got bad anxiety,” Vileplume inserted.

Enny tilted his head. “I think that’s pretty normal for moms.”

"Well, when you’re explorers...” Bellossom trailed off.

"Oh, I see," Enny said. “She was fine with you leaving, though?”

“Somehow, yeah,” Vileplume responded. “Sends us letters all the time, though. Always wants to check in; make sure we’re doing okay, you know?”

“You think she's gonna be alright with you two doing this mission for her?”

“Uh, probably not,” Bellossom answered.

“You should’ve considered that,” Adrian remarked.

“Addy, rude!” Enny scolded. “We just gotta keep that in mind when we show up.”

“Guys, I see it!” Vileplume said, cutting off their discussion.

Everyone was able to see a building off in the distance, illuminated by flickering lights. As the team got closer, they were able to see it in more detail. Lanterns were strung up across the overhang with some sturdy vines.

“She’s probably still awake,” Adrian commented. 

Enny looked over at him. “What makes you say that?”

"Well, I’d hope she doesn’t keep her lanterns burning all night. It’s a waste of oil and an easy way to burn down your house.”

“Let’s see if you’re right,” Vileplume said before walking up to the door.

The door was pretty ornate. It was made of pine wood and engraved with detailed carvings of flowers. In the center of the door was a knocker, which Vileplume grabbed hold of and struck the door with. 

A muffled voice inside shouted something the team couldn’t understand. A few minutes later, a latch clicked on the other side, and the door slowly creaked open. Another slightly larger bellossom stood in the doorway. It wore a red silk scarf and a silver necklace. Its wide eyes locked in on the visitors at her doorstep.

“Bell? Viley?” She muttered in shock as she pushed the door aside.

“Hi Mom,” Vileplume and Bell said together.

The mother lunged at the two and pulled them into a hug. Vileplume and Bellossom wrapped their arms around her and each other. The three held onto each other tightly, feeling each other’s warmth and joy. After what felt like ages, they finally let go and spoke to each other.

“What are you two doing here?” The older Bellossom asked. “And who are your friends?”

Bellossom gestured towards the two humans who were sitting back and watching the exchange. “These are our teammates, Mom.” 

“Hi Miss Bellossom!” Enny said while waving a ribbon. “My name’s Enny! And the sleepy flareon is Adrian.”

"Well, it’s nice to finally meet you two!” The bellossom greeted. “You can call me Rose. I've read so much about you two from Viley and Bell. Why are you all here, though?”

“Can we talk about it inside?” Vileplume asked. “We’ve been walking all day, and it’s cold out here.”

“Oh, of course! Come in!”

Rose led the team inside the home. It wasn't much brighter than the outside. It had a smooth wooden floor covered in a large, green carpet. A crackling light flickered through a doorway to the left, which Rose led them towards. Inside was a lit fireplace with two couches and a rectangular table sat between the two. Rose gestured for the team to take a seat as she left the room.

Adrian looked around the room they’d been left in. He was able to see shelves along the walls with a variety of potted plants, some of which appeared even more exotic than the native ones he’d seen in this world. 

“Figures the grass type would be into plant keeping,” he mumbled.

“She has a hobby. So what?” Enny said in her defense. “It’s not like you do anything interesting in your free time anymore.”

Adrian’s irritated silence got a giggle out of Enny.

Bellossom looked around the living room as well. She wasn't paying attention to the plants, though. She noticed the empty cups and plates cluttering the table in front of her. How dusty the shelves were becoming. The stains left on the rug.

“Mom’s not been taking care of the house since we left.”

“It’s cleaner than the guild,” Vileplume shrugged as he laid back on the couch. The cushions were a little too firm and the fabric was rough, but it was better than wet grass and mud. Bellossom wasn’t able to relax like her brother, though. 

Eventually, Rose returned to the living room, carefully balancing some cups and bowls between her arms. Bellossom got up quickly to help her mother set everything down.

“Sorry for the wait,” Rose said as she walked over to Vileplume’s bench with Bellossom and sat down between the two. “I made hot drinks for everyone. Raspberry tea with a bit of extra sugar. Enny, I didn’t know if you could use a cup or not, so I got you a bowl.”

"Oh, it’s fine,” Enny said as he carefully grabbed a bowl with his ribbons. “My ribbons are more dexterous than they look. Why I could even help Ad-”

Enny cut himself short as Adrian let out a growl.

“Um… that’s nice to hear,” Rose said, ignoring Adrian’s casual threat towards Enny. “I’ve never met a sylveon before, so I wasn’t sure. I hope the bowl isn’t demeaning or anything.”

“Mom, don’t sweat it,” Vileplume said. “He’s never used a cup anyway. His ribbons are for show more than anything.”

Adrian added, “Using them for practical purposes would require some form of self-control. Something he could surely make use of.”

“Addy, you have no right!” Enny protested. “Of all people, you? Every time we go to Blue Claw, you’re starting arguments with strangers! And me!”

“Asking me to keep my mouth shut, yet you proposition every drunk guy we see there.”

“I don’t do it to everyone! You’re blackout drunk every time, but I don’t try it with you!”

That often.”

Vileplume and Bellossom stifled laughter as Vileplume shifted the subject. "So, Mom, we got the job request you sent to our guild. We heard about-”

“That’s why you’re all here?!” Rose yelled, catching everyone in the room off guard. “You two can't go out and fight that bandit! They could really hurt you, and I-”

Bellossom pleaded, “This is Dad’s necklace! We can’t just let some random team handle a job as important as this.”

“Yeah, it’s way too important to us,” Vileplume added.

“No! It’s way too dangerous!” Rose said. “I’m not gonna let you two go out and kill yourselves! It’s not worth it!”

“Woah, woah!” Enny cut in. “Things just went from zero to one hundred real fucking quick!”

“Rose,” Adrian said, grabbing her attention. “They’ve done dozens of jobs with us before. We’ve tracked down bandit gangs and swarms of beldum. One fucking burglar is nothing.”

“See?” Vileplume said. 

“I… If you two...” Rose stuttered.

Bellossom leaned in to hug Rose. “We won't mess this up,” she promised her. 

Rose pulled her daughter in closer. “I just don't want you two to get hurt. I know you have teammates, but so did your father, and he... he still hasn't come back.”

"Well, we're not traveling far,” Vileplume assured her. “Outlaws tend to set up hideouts in dungeons, and Lush Prairie is just a few miles away. Adrian's fire will handle any natives there, and he's got a defense scarf—or band, I guess. Point is he can take a beating. If anything goes wrong, our guild is just a day away, and our house is right here. We won't go anywhere else unless we're prepared to go there and we know we can handle the dungeon.”

Rose took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. It seemed Vileplume's confidence in was enough to ease his mother's anxieties. She let go of Bellossom and spoke calmly.

“If you're really going to do this, you should get to bed early so you're ready tomorrow. You two can stay in your old bedroom. I haven't touched anything since you left. As for your friends, there's a guest room you two can sleep in. There's only one bed, so-”

“I’m sleeping down here,” Adrian said. 

The team awoke early the following morning (much to Adrian's annoyance). As they gathered all the gear they’d need for the dungeon ahead and prepared to leave, Rose stopped them at the door. She went up to her two children and gave them a tight squeeze before letting them leave. As they set off on the trail, Vileplume and Bellossom turned to see their mother still standing at the doorway.

The two weren't sure what to think. They looked at each other, expecting the other to say something to ease their worries. They found a mutual feeling of guilt between them for putting their mother through this. The anxious look on her face as they left made it harder for them. They had to come back from this job safe, more than any other job they'd done before.

Eventually the team arrived at the dungeon entrance. Adrian stopped everyone to discuss the plan. 

“I want this to be quick, and I'm sure you two do as well. The longer she's waiting, the worse she’ll be feeling, and I don't need that negativity being taken out on me when we get back. As such, we’re gonna split up so we can cover more ground.”

Vileplume immediately stepped forward. "Adrian, that's not a good-”

“Did I ask you for your fucking input?” Adrian snapped. 

Vileplume stopped talking. He figured Adrian was still tired. Better not to provoke him.

Adrian continued. “Now, Rose doesn't want you two getting hurt. That's another thing I’m not gonna have hanging over my shoulders. That means you two aren't sticking together. The bugs here will tear you apart. Vileplume's with me, and Bell’s with Enny. You two are also not leading. We are. Am I clear?”

“Yes, Adrian,” everyone answers in unison.

“Good. Now, Vileplume, you have the Rollcall orbs, right?” Adrian asked.

“Yes,” Vileplume said.

“And they're synced with our badges, right?”

“Yes,” he repeated.

“Okay. Both groups are gonna take a rollcall orb then. If anyone spots the thief, you shatter your orb immediately. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Adrian,” they all say once again.

“Alright. Let's go then. The client’s waiting.”

As the teams paired up, Enny stopped Adrian for a moment. “You factored in feelings for once,” he whispered.

Adrian walked past without a word.

The two groups then entered the prairie and began their hunt. Adrian didn’t talk very much with Vileplume. He was just too tired to focus on anything besides the mission. It was a lot like their first week as a team.

Bellossom and Enny, on the other hand, were rather talkative. 

“Your mom’s got so many beautiful flowers. Where did she get all of them?” 

“Our dad would bring them back from his trips, apparently,” Bellossom answered. 

“They look so healthy, though! How does she do it?”

“It’s not too complicated, really. She just pays attention to the soil quality and does her best to minimize inbreeding.”

“That's a wonderful way to take care of them. A lot of human gardeners don't care about those things.”

“Well, we’re kinda related to plants, so it feels like an obligation to them," Bellossom explained. "Sometimes pokemon screw up these things. Especially the inbreeding. They always want to keep the flowers 'purebred' and it's just not good for them. Even grass types do it on occasion. I know we’re not like... literally plants, but it’s still messed up.”

“I can understand that," Enny responded. "The guild’s garden doesn’t do that at least.”

“The guild’s garden?” Bellossom responded, seemingly offended. “Look, I know it’s a passion project and it's not something we focus on, but whoever’s managing it is clearly... well, they’re new to it. The flowers are watered when the ground’s dry, which is good. They just don’t know anything about keeping the soil fertile. Also, some of the flowers they chose just can’t survive the winter. And also, someone keeps trampling the flowerbed! Every time I go out there, I see an imprint of someone who was just lying on it! It’s just messed up, you know?”

“I… well, I actually didn't know,” Enny responded. He didn’t know a thing about keeping flowers. He just liked how they looked. 

Bellossom calmed herself down. “I just hope we get a proper gardener at some point. Like a native grass type. I’d do it myself, but I’m too busy in the infirmary.”

“Maybe Rose could come up to the guild and help them out sometime. Show them how to treat flowers, you know?”

“I could ask her, but I don’t think she’d want to leave the house behind. It means a lot to her.”

“It is a very nice house. It looked really fancy,” Enny said.

“Didn’t start out that way,” Bellossom responded. “It was an old, rundown cottage when she bought it with my dad. They spent years fixing it up. Dad did a lot of the engravings you see around the house. He had a lot of time when he retired.”

“Wouldn’t that big flower of his get in the way?”

“Apparently not.” Bellossom replied. 

“Your dad wasn’t a bellossom like your mom, was he?” Enny asked.

“No, he was a Vileplume. I don’t really remember what he looked like, but I was told he was one. It’s why Viley evolved into one.”

“Takes after your father?”

“I suppose so.”

“Well your dad must've been- wait hold on!"

Enny and Bellossom stopped for a moment as Enny picked up a sound. Something was rustling in the grass. Suddenly, another yanma jumped out in front of them. The bug darted towards Bellossom. Enny jumped in front of her and blasted a disarming voice at the dungeon’s feral before it faded into mist.

Bellossom walked up beside him. “You’re getting better at fighting,” she said.

“Thanks,” Enny huffed. “I’ve been trying to improve. Sick of being the first one to go down in fights. What were we talking about though?”

“Talking about my dad and Viley.”

“Oh yeah. Your dad was probably a nice guy because Viley is. That's all I was gonna say.”

“Oh, that's sweet of you, Enny,” Bellossom said. “I’ve sorta said all I know about my dad, though. What about yours?”

Enny looked confused. “I thought I said he left before.”

“Oh, I’m sorry! I forgot."

“It’s alright. Don't feel bad. I don’t mind talking about it or anything. It’s just not an interesting story.”

Nonetheless, Bellossom was curious. "Well, if you don't mind me asking, what happened with your dad? He just didn’t want a kid?”

“Oh, that wasn’t it,” Enny responded. “I was the second child he had.”

“Oh! You have an older sibling?”

“Yup. Older brother. Also a half brother that’s like, ten years younger than me.”

“What about your older brother though?”

“Oh, he’s like, two years older.”

Bellossom could tell he didn't want to talk about it, but it only made her more interested. “What’s your brother like though?”

“Well, honestly... he was kind of an asshole,” Enny answered. “We were friends when we grew up, but when we got older, he just got bitter. Sorta like how Adrian treats me, minus the occasional bites and scratches. He made his own friend group in school and stopped hanging out with me cause I was ‘embarrassing him’. Really, he just didn’t like the idea of boys wearing dresses.”

Bellossom let a smirk slip through. “The humans in the guild think you’re pretty weird, too.”

“That’s just because they’re homophobic!” Enny said defensively. “They’re all from this trashy part of the human world. I mean, so am I, but I’m on the nicer side of the trash.”

“Still don’t really understand your whole culture. Was your brother from that trashy side too?”

“Rarely. He had real friends, unlike half the guild.”

“I see. What happened to him?”

Enny lowered his head and sighed. “He moved out the second he got the money, and I never saw him again. Said he was gonna try and get famous. Last I heard, though, he's been scraping by doing street acts.” 

Bellossom was surprised. She hadn’t seen him upset before. She moved up beside him and put an arm over his shoulder. “I’m sorry, Enny. I didn’t mean to make you upset.”

After realizing how he must’ve looked to her, Enny quickly pulled himself together. “Oh, it’s alright, Bell! I told you not to feel bad already. It’s just... part of me kinda misses him. Then I remember how much of a jerk he was and it gets a little confusing. Still, if I ever did get home, maybe I’d-”

A rustling in some of the tall grass surrounding them made them pause their conversation. Enny stepped closer to investigate the noise. As he moved closer, he heard the rustling move further away. The ferals in this dungeon never ran away.

“It’s the thief!” Enny exclaimed.

The two leapt into the grass and started chasing. They didn’t want to lose the thief, so they didn’t try to use their orb yet. They pushed through the layers of grass until they eventually saw light peaking through to the other side and the shadowy outline of someone.

They broke through the final layer of grass and called out. “Stop right there, you-”

But they both paused. Vileplume was standing in front of them with his back turned. He didn’t have a satchel though, and Adrian was nowhere in sight.

“Viley?” Bellossom asked, grabbing his attention.

Vileplume turned around and looked at her. It didn't quite look like Vileplume, though. It was slightly shorter, its petals were thinner, and he seemed like he was having issues balancing the flower on his head. 

The vileplume spoke. “Rose?”

Suddenly everything clicked into place. It wasn’t just some random vileplume in front of her.

“Dad!” Bellossom cried as she ran towards him and hugged him. 

The vileplume was seemingly caught off guard by the gesture. “You’re… my god,” he stuttered as he held her close. 

Enny watched the two holding each other. They held each other for so long. Enny was just stunned. It was just unbelievable.

Bellossom’s father took a step away. “Let me get a look at you,” he said. He examined his daughter. “You’re… You look just like her.”

“I never thought I’d get to see you!” Bellossom said, tears filling her eyes.

“My god, I’m so sorry, my baby girl,” Bellossom’s father said, his eyes getting misty as well. 

“Where have you been?” She cried.

“God, it's such a long story. I was lost for so long.”

“Mom said you left with your team. I just don’t understand.”

The father straightened himself up. “There’s just so much that happened. How’s your mother been, dear?”

“She’s just been so lost without you,” Bellossom muttered. “She worked so hard to raise us, and she’s been trying to keep a smile on her face.”

“And I’m so proud of her,” her father said. “And I’m proud of you, too! I see that badge on your scarf. You’re an explorer now!”

“We wanted to find you!” Bellossom said. 

“And you did! And I’m so glad you did, my god! It’s incredible!”

Enny had watched everything. He was happy for Bellossom to finally see her dad again, but he had to say something.

“Um… Mr. Vileplume?”

The vileplume turned to Enny. “You’re her teammate, right?” He asked.

“Yeah, I am. My name’s Enny-”

“And it’s great to meet you!” The vileplume said as he walked over and reached for a handshake. Enny grabbed his arm with a ribbon and shook it. He felt some of his emotions. There was a yellow-green hue to them, masked with a light pink. Enny’s knowledge of these colors had grown enough that he was able to recognize some of them. The yellow-green color was like fear or nervousness. The layer of pink must’ve been his love trying to mask that tension. 

Enny let go of the vileplume’s hand. “So, sir, I need to ask-”

“You can just call me Vileplume, friend,” Bellossom’s father interrupted.

“Okay, ‘Vileplume’, we gotta ask. Well, we’re looking for your wedding necklace. The one you gave Rose when you left.”

“Ah, you thought it was stolen!” The vileplume guessed. 

“Did you take it?” Enny questioned.

“Yes, I did,” he said before reaching behind him and pulling out a necklace.

“(Where was he holding that?)” Enny wondered.

Bellossom was confused, though. “You didn’t tell Mom, though?

“Oh… I just- I had something else in mind,” the Vileplume said. “At first I just wanted to show up, you know. But then I got this idea to surprise her. I wanted to make it more than just a sudden return.”

“That doesn’t make a lot of sense,” Enny responded.

“Look, just trust me on this. She’s going to love what I have in mind. I know her.”

“What are you planning?” Bellossom asked.

“I can’t really explain it, but it’s going to be great,” the vileplume assured them. “I just need to travel a little east. There’s a village out there with a couple of my things. I’ve got a gift for her there, too!”

“Do you want help getting there?” Bellossom offered.

“No, I should be fine. You should stay with your mother, though. I should get going now. Keep her company and don’t spoil the surprise.”

The vileplume then turned around and started to leave, but Bellossom followed him.

“Wait! You haven’t even seen Viley yet!”

The vileplume turned around. “Oh- well, he’s not here. I can’t really see him.”

“We brought a Rollcall orb! We can bring him now!”

The vileplume glanced around, seemingly nervous. “A-alright. I guess if we’re quick.”

Bellossom nodded to Enny. The sylveon reached into his bag with a ribbon and pulled out an orange orb. He then threw it a few meters away and it shattered. In an instant, two white figures appeared in its place. The light dissipated from them as Vileplume and Adrian appeared, looking directly at Bellossom and Enny.

“Where the hell is he?” Adrian asked, getting straight to the point.

“You’re not gonna believe it, Addy!” Enny said. “It’s not a thief!”

Vileplume tilted his head. “What are you talking about?”

“Viley! It’s dad!” Bellossom said, pointing past Vileplume towards their father.

Vileplume and Adrian turned around. The older Vileplume approached them.

“Viley! It’s me! I’m back!” He said, holding his arms out for a hug.

Vileplume stood silent, though. He just stared straight directly at the other vileplume.

“Is something wrong?” His father asked, “Come here, boy! Give me a hu-”

Before he could finish his sentence, Vileplume had reached into his satchel and threw a gravelerock directly at him. Everyone else was stunned.

“Viley!” Bellossom cried as she ran up to him. “Why would you do that?!”

“That’s not him, Bell!” He yelled at her. 

“What do you mean?!” She asked.

“Guys, focus!” Adrian shouted, drawing everyone’s attention back at the vileplume.

The body lying on the ground began to shift. Its limbs began to melt away into a formless, jelly-like substance. The gravelerock had embedded itself into its center. . The mass rose up and formed a face that looked directly at the team. 

“Just my luck,” the blob groaned. “Knew I shoulda killed you two while I had the upper hand.”

“You sick, sadistic motherfucker!” Vileplume roared. “You told her you were our fucking father!”

“She believed it,” the creature said. “Pretty stupid if you ask me. Probably like your dad if I had to guess.”

Bellossom was frozen in place. The whiplash of seeing the creature’s ruse fall apart. How it had tricked her. It was too much for her to handle.

Enny stepped forward. “How the hell did you know about Rose?”

“Every feral in the dungeon probably knows her name. You two kept yappin’ about her!” 

“W-were you stalking us?” Bellossom stuttered.

“For a while,” the thief replied. “I like to take notes on explorers I might fight. For instance, fairy boy there’s getting stronger. He oughta go first.”

The creature then reached into his chest with one of its appendages and launched the gravelerock directly at Enny’s face. It hit him square in the head, knocking him out cold. His body lay there in the grass.

Bellossom immediately ran to help Enny. Vileplume looked back to the gelatinous creature and watched it change shape, this time mimicking Adrian’s form. 

“Explorers always confuse me,” the fake flareon said. “You guys never look at the weakness in your own teams.”

It gave a vicious grin as it lit itself ablaze and charged at Bellossom. Before it could make contact, Adrian dashed in and rammed into the imposter, sending both of them a few meters away from her.

The two picked themselves up as Vileplume ran over. For just a second, he got confused as to which one was Adrian. The fake flareon took advantage of that distraction and lunged at Vileplume. It sank its teeth deep into his side, leaving a major burn on him.

Adrian pounced on the imposter, grabbing it by its tail. The tail melted away, however, as the creature reformed back into a vileplume. The vileplume shook its petals, releasing a powder that put Adrian into a hard sleep.

Bellossom stood up quickly. She was able to pour an oran berry’s juice into Enny’s mouth, but that was all she could do for the time being. She looked over to see her brother and Adrian both on the ground. They were both out of the fight for now. She had to deal with the creature alone. 

Bellossom looked into her bag. There wasn’t much inside she could use as a weapon. She didn’t know any moves that would stop the creature fast enough. She didn’t have time to build up enough powder or spores she’d need to stun it. She had to think of something fast. 

When she looked back up, she saw a flareon charging at her again. She jumped away instantly and rolled to her side. The creature drifted to its side and stared at her with a wicked smile. It ignited itself again, preparing for another attack.

Bellossom picked herself up and ran to her brother. His satchel had something for sure. She opened the bag and grabbed the first thing she could find. The flareon started running at her again. Before it could make contact, she threw something at it.

Whatever she threw at it caused the creature to trip over Vileplume and fly a short distance away. Bellossom reached into Vileplume’s bag and grabbed a gravelerock and a ban seed. She then started to approach the creature. It had returned to its original form and was looking around, seemingly dazed by whatever she’d thrown at him. 

She pulled its mouth open and placed the ban seed inside, taking away its ability to transform. She then took the gravelerock and proceeded to bash it in its gelatinous head. It fell over immediately, but she didn't stop. She just kept bashing it more and more. 

For the first time in her life, she felt what it was like to truly hate something. All she could think about was how it had stolen such a precious item from her family. How it used her own dad’s form to manipulate her. How it was trying to kill her and her friends. Every aspect of it was reprehensible, and it needed to go. All it deserved was pain and suffering, and-

“Bell!” Vileplume called.

She stopped and looked over to him. He had recovered from his burn and was staggering towards her.

Bellossom looked back down at the thief’s body. It didn't move at all. Its viscous remains started to seep into the grass, and her rock was covered in its slime. She must’ve looked deranged.

“Viley, I… I’m sorry, I just-”

Vileplume cut her off by placing an arm on her shoulder. “The least you could've done was let me hit him a few times.”

Bellossom dropped the rock in her hand and fell into Vileplume’s arms. She cried as he stood there and held her reassuringly. 

After standing together for a few minutes, Bellossom pulled herself together. She returned to treating Enny, sobbing as she worked on cleaning some of the blood and dirt off of his forehead. He slowly started to wake back up, still in a bit of a daze. 

Vileplume tried to wake Adrian back up, but he just wasn't responding. When Enny came to, he volunteered to carry him back. Vileplume pulled out an escape orb, and they all vanished from the dungeon.

Their trip home was, yet again, quiet. When they knocked on the door this time, it swung open immediately. Rose noticed Vileplume's burn and immediately started questioning him and Bellossom while Enny carried Adrian into the living room and set him on the couch. Once Vileplume and Bellossom had finished calming their mother down, Rose invited the conscious members of the team into the kitchen for a meal.

While they were gone, Rose had kept a pot of chickpea noodle soup ready. The four of them sat down with filled bowls, and they started retelling the story of the fight to her. One question hung over Bellossom’s mind, though.

“Viley, how did you know it wasn't actually Dad?”

Rose and Vileplume immediately looked at her, then back at each other. Vileplume sighed and explained. “The ditto didn’t know Dad had a missing eye.”

Bellossom’s eyes widened. She looked at her mom, who nodded. “He lost it early on as an explorer when he did an outlaw job. He was living at his guild at the time, so I didn’t know until he visited me around a month later.”

Enny finished his soup and set down his bowl. “Your guys’s dad was fucking badass.”

His comment got a light chuckle out of Vileplume and Bellossom. Rose just sighed. “More reckless than anything. Always listened to his heart, though.”

Rose got up and picked up hers and Enny’s bowls. Bellossom just stared at her half-finished bowl of soup, her head in her hands. Vileplume noticed.

“Hey, it’s not your fault,” he said. “You didn’t know. Honestly, I forget about it sometimes myself since I was so young.”

“I should’ve known though,” Bellossom muttered. “It was an obvious trick. What were the odds that he’d return now of all times?”

Vileplume slid closer to her and tried to cheer her up. “There was a chance. We have no idea where he could be. Yeah, he’s gone right now. He could show up at any moment, though. Could walk in the door right now for all we know.”

Rose came back to the table and nodded. “He’s right, you know. Don’t feel bad about it. He’s still out there somewhere. I promise.”

“I guess...” she mumbled. “I just wish we knew where he was.”

“We all do,” Vileplume responded. “We can’t lose hope, though. If we keep up on our adventure, I’m sure we’ll find him someday.”

Everyone finished dinner and turned in for the night. Bellossom and Vileplume slept surprisingly well. Being in their old room was comforting. Their mother truly hadn't touched a thing. All their old toys were lying around covered in dust, and their drawings were still stuck to the wall. Rose did clean the sheets on their beds, though.

Bellossom and Vileplume put their accessories back on, grabbed their bags, and walked downstairs. They heard a conversation in the kitchen, so they walked out to see what it was. To their surprise, Adrian was sitting in the kitchen while Rose was mixing something in a bowl.

Their mother turned away from the counter and saw them. “Good morning! I'm making gingerbread waffles. Have a seat.”

The two sat down and looked at Adrian. He didn’t react to their presence, but he looked well rested for once. Eventually Enny showed up, and the waffles were ready. The team ate breakfast together with Rose. Once they were all finished, they began to depart. Bellossom and Vileplume said goodbye to their mother, who gave them one last hug before they left. After that, they were all on the road again.

While leading the way home, however, Adrian asked a question. 

“You two still okay with being part of this team?”

This caught his team off guard. The two siblings looked at each other with confused looks before answering.

“Yeah,” Vileplume answered. “Why’d you ask?”

“Just making sure,” Adrian responded with a low voice.

“Is something wrong?” Enny asked.

“No. Nothing’s wrong.”

“Was it Mom?” Bellossom asked. “We heard you two talking this morning.”

Adrian growled before turning around, stopping the whole group and telling them, “It’s got nothing to do with any of that. This job ended up being a little more stressful than we thought. I want to make sure you two are okay.”

“You’re acting weird,” Enny pointed out. 

“I’m the team leader. I need to ask these questions once in a while.”

Vileplume got suspicious, though. “What were you and our mother talking about?”

Adrian paused for a minute before answering, “Plant keeping. That’s all.”

“That’s it?” Vileplume asked.

Yes.” Adrian answered. “Now cut the chatter. We can get back to the guild if we keep pace.”

Adrian then started to walk again. Bellossom, Enny, and Vileplume gave each other confused looks before continuing to follow him.

Pub: 03 Sep 2024 22:13 UTC
Edit: 23 Sep 2024 12:09 UTC
Views: 199