Ross Passes The Time

A (WIP) Anthology by Ross-anon

author note

These are planned to be a short collection of slice-of-life stories involving Ross interacting with the other guild members. I'm dubbing these as what I call "probably canon" - that is, they can be treated as canon unless something someone else writes contradicts them or the authors of involved characters aren't happy with how they're portrayed.

The sun glistening through my window was the herald calling forth another day at the Clover Guild, which to me meant only one thing - boredom. In a way you could say I'd settled in, but as the days went on I found that a lot of my hobbies weren't exactly transferable to this strange new world, and I wasn't quite up to putting myself through what was considered "normal" here yet. As the days went on though, I found myself succumbing more and more to ennui, and spending more and more time not doing anything. During a particularly bad episode though, inspiration struck me - surely I wasn't the only one who'd been through this here! I just had to ask around and find out what everyone else did to keep themselves occupied. But who to ask...

There was the pair I'd run into in the guildhall a while ago, the ferret looking thing and the purple scorpion.

Pub: 19 Jun 2023 03:44 UTC
Edit: 19 Jun 2023 04:05 UTC
Views: 554