The Race

Debby and Linoone compared their lists by the service counter of Delibird Deliveries. They'd gotten to the habit of checking their routes for any areas they might pass by at the same time to stop for a quick lunch break together, but today's rounds looked a bit off.

Debby turned to Delilah the Drifblim behind the counter. "Hon, y'all split a delivery between us. Says here we both start off at the same address."
Delilah slowly turned from wrapping up a package on a side table to face the pair. It was like she turned by the force of the small draft coming in from the window rather than her own volition. "I thought~ you'd enjoy~ the walk together.~" Her response was a faint whisper on the wind. Linoone had learned quickly that Delilah wasn't much of a talker, and when she was, she was a very quiet and slow one.

Debby furrowed her brow as she double checked the lists "Sure hon, always nice to have company, but..." She veers off in concentration, some deep calculations running through her head.
Linoone turned from his boss to coworker and smiled "You plan the routes often? I thought Debby handled that side."
It took a few seconds for Delilah to stop staring and respond. Probably her shyness acting up, if the sidelong bobbing in the air was anything to go by. "Sometimes~ Debby asks me~ to do it.~ She usually~ does it herself.~ I thought I'd~ mix it up.~"

"I'll be, y'all really planned these well! Ain't much I can do to fix that without messin' up the loads. Good work hon!" Debby seemed to have come to a satisfied conclusion on Delilah's planning, and the Drifblim turned back to her work quietly. "We've even got a rendezvous at the market at the end!" Debby handed back Linoone's list of addresses.

"Sounds like a date. Should I bring flowers too or something?" Linoone chuckled awkwardly as Delilah turned away a little more to hide her face.

"Have fun...~" That little admission of guilt sent a shiver down his long spine. He was joking, but Delilah clearly was actually trying to pair them up for a date for some reason. It dawned on him that this shy girl was almost a perfect match for a weeb who loved shipping anime characters as a hobby... Heh, shipping. Like shipping and handling. Seems like she was in the right business at least.

Linoone snapped back to reality as his mental tangent got disrupted by Debby's wing slapping him on the back. "Hoot! It's just lunch hon! We ain't goin' out gardenin'! Though maybe the office could do with a few plants. I'll keep an eye out for some real nice ones, y'all just focus on the work."
Linoone smiled, uncertain if Debby was just playing it off or genuinely unaware of the situation, but thankful for the distraction regardless. He cleared his throat and stood up. "Hey Debby, since we're going to the same place, how about we race there? Loser buys lunch."
"Sounds fun! Could do with a bit of extra spendin' cash." Debby cheerfully latched onto the idea and the pair walked outside.

Linoone looked at his map for a while, trying to find the fastest way to the address. Delibird Deliveries was situated on the opposite side of the town from Pelipper Post, but had the advantage of more residents living nearby to encourage pokemon to frequent their business rather than the well established rivals. The simple shack had already come a long way and been painted in red and white, though it lacked the usual head house design.

"Alright, I'm good to go Debby. I've got the way there planned." Linoone placed the map under his cap and turned to Debby, who was still busy looking at the windows in contemplation.
She turned around with her usual cheer. "Alright hon! I'll give y'all a head start to boot. Ain't fair otherwise since I'll be flyin'."

Linoone scurried between the feet of the townsfolk, leaping aside from the massive step of a Snorlax and weaving through the hooves of a Rapidash without breaking a sweat or flinching. He had a reputation to uphold as the fastest mailmon on the continent after all. A title Debby had laughed at before, but he knew that was out of amusement at his confidence rather than any belittlement.

A few yelps of surprise and grunts of annoyance chased him into the alleyway between taller buildings as he ducked out of the main street to cut down on travel time. The shadows and breeze through the alley cooled him down slightly as he jumped over some discarded crates and took another sharp turn towards the pier. It wasn't the direct path, but it was the best he had to build up speed without having to worry about pedestrians.

The long path ahead allowed him to gain enough momentum before crouching down and pushing hard on all fours to leap high against the building at the end. His claws sank into the wall has he took a few more vertical steps and leaping away to latch onto the edge of a roof. He managed to hoist himself up with a grunt and took a few deep breaths to catch up.

"Hoot! Ain't ever seen a land dweller jump up like that!" Debby hollered down from high above in the air. She was catching up fast on the winds, though she didn't look like she was flying fast enough to keep up now that he could use the walkways above the town.
Linoone grinned and shouted back, "Skill issue! Too bad for you I've got plenty! Fastest mailmon, remember?" And with that he took off into a new sprint across the roofs and rickety walkways.

Debby chuckled as she watched him gain distance, unconcerned by his boasting and too occupied feeling the winds washing over her outstretched form. The gale shifted slightly as it blew through her feathers and she instinctively flapped her wings to gain altitude and return to a more favorable wind. She wouldn't win this way clearly, but it was a shame not to enjoy the skies when she could.

The Delibird scanned the town beneath her, even the largest Pokemon appearing as small, barely distinguishable shapes in the green hue of the settlement. Her eyes idly passed over the buildings as a route formed in her mind, until suddenly she tilted down.

Debby gained speed as she descended towards the ground to the point she almost felt like she'd collide with the street. Almost. At the last moment she arched her form back upwards and rocketed above the heads of the locals, expertly weaving around the corner of a street. The cut was so close the could feel the wall against her stomach as she turned into the avenue at which end stood her target.

Linoone grimaced as he looked Debby swoop low and past him. He'd just have to cross the last bridge and get down. Any time lost now would be fatal. He couldn't afford to slow down for a second. Digging his claws deeper and using the resistance to his advantage he pushed on, harder and faster.
The edge of the roof approached fast. If he wanted to win this he would need to jump. It wouldn't be a soft landing, but that didn't matter now. He needed to win.

Linoone jumped.

Debby flapped her wings to slow down and land in front of the door. As a sudden shadow blocked the sunlight from reaching her face.

Whimsicott woke up with a jump when something collided with his door with a loud crash, only to be followed by soft knocking. He carefully walked over, trying to listen in on the muffled chatter and laughter on the other side, but couldn't make anything out. Slowly he opened the door a smidgen and peeked out to be greeted by a Delibird and a Linoone.
Both looked like they'd taken a tumble, but they grinned cheerfully and held out a pair of packages before exclaiming in perfect sync, "Delibird Deliveries!"

Pub: 09 Apr 2023 12:10 UTC
Edit: 09 Apr 2023 15:10 UTC
Views: 628