Costume Crisis: A Trash Bag Halloween Story

"Geez, can't believe someone would do this..."

I looked down upon the squashed mess of pumpkin guts all over the floor, somebody must've been experimenting with them for a reason. Those were decorations for the upcoming festival, which was happening in three days.

"I wonder who the culprit of this SEEDY crime is?" punned my jokester of a coworker

"You're acting more punny than usual" The moment I said that I covered my mouth, didn't want the infection to spread

"Sorry, it's just that... I'm not a Halloween kind of mon'"

"Oh right, because you're terrified of ghosts, which is weird considering that some of the guild members are ghosts. Wait, would that make you a raci-"

"Hmmm?" Maddi really didn't like what I was about to say.

"Oh, uh, it's nothing, anyway we better clean this up"

Just then, as we were cleaning, two familiar faces we've seen in this guild several times before, One was a quiet purple scorpion like Mon' wearing a girly looking bow on his head, the other a cheery looking ferret mon', I've seen her and Maddi chatting a lot ever since we joined the guild, but I've never got the chance to interact with her personally.

"Oh, Hello there Mr. Smith, Ms. Furret." Maddi greeted the two

"Wassup, Jannies!" replied Furret, I guess that nickname got around quickly. "Oh jeez, that looks like a huge mess, what are you two doing?"

"Dealing with a couple of squashed squashes, you?"

"We're gonna finish our costumes for the party! It was Smith's idea!"

"We're going as Sam and Max." chimed in Smith "That's the first idea that came into my head."

"Sounds like fun, maybe we should join!"

"I dunno, I'm not the kind of guy who's into these kinds of parties." I slightly objected. while I enjoy it when other people cosplay, and I loved dressing up on Halloween as a kid, dressing up in a costume in a trash bag's body, something tells me my body type wouldn't be compatible with most costume ideas.

"Aww come on, pleaaase?~" Aw damn it, I couldn't say no to that cute face.

I sighed, "OK fine, I guess we could join the party."

"Thanks, Maxi!"

"OK then!" Furret said, "The party is in two days so you better hurry up!"

Both of our eyes widened "T-T-Two days!?" I bewilderingly replied "Isn't the festival supposed to be in three days?"

"Oh yeah well, this is a private event for guild members only. It's being held at the Tavern at 8 so don't be late, mate!" Furret and Smith then rushed off to finish their costumes.

Two. Days. We have but two days to come up with a costume for the party, I mean couldn't be that hard... right?


That was the sound we made when we were struggling to come up with anything, We were both on the floor looking at the ceiling of our living room, getting desperate for anything, Fucking anything to enter our brains.

"You come up with anything, Mads?"

"Nope... you?"


"Augh, the party is in 2 days and we have NOTHING. It'll take a Giant miracle to get us out of this situation."

"Giant...? Huh?"

Just then a flash of white covers my vision, a scene from my past plays out, a visit to the local video rental store with my mother and sister, I enter the anime section, and I scan each row of digital disc goodness, until I see it, a DVD case featuring several characters but notably... a Giant Robot, and a young boy on its shoulder. That's the one I want, I reach out to grab it, and more memories begin pouring into me. Memories of its animation, its characters, its music, its story, the unbridled joy it's brought to me and my sister, It was too much, I wanted to cry, I wanted to embrace those sweet memories of my youth, Please, let me hold on to this memory for a little longer.

When I came too, I was on the couch, Maddi rushed over to my side the moment I woke up.

"Maxi! You OK there big guy?"

Without saying a word I got up, grabbed the nearest piece of paper and a pencil, and began to scribble down the two characters that appeared in my dream.

"What're you drawing?"

When I finished drawing I looked over at Maddi

"Our costume for the party," I said, showing her the drawing.

"That's great but... how are we gonna make it, i dunno how to make costumes."

"Relax, we can just head to the Tailor's place, she can whip something up for us, how much time do we have?"

"Uh... you've been out for 24 hours and the Tailor's closes in 35 minutes."

I paused


The two of us ran out the door, we had no time to lose, I can't believe I passed out for an entire day! We were dodging people left and right, we were nearly out of breath until we finally reached our destination but unfortunately, it was too late, the tailor's was closed for the day. I slammed my hands against the door.

"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" I screamed at the door

"It's ok, we can still go to the party..."

"No, it's not, I made a promise to you and I failed..."

"No, No it's alright Maxi, It didn't if we joined the party or not, I'm just happy that you were doing it with me."

I sniffed and got my act together

"Thanks, Maddi..." I said as Maddi squeezed my Garbage pile arms "But I'm disappointed that we won't get to dress u-"

Just then, a familiar voice chimes in, It was Furret!

"What're you doing out here? Ariados' is closed for the day."

"We were trying to get our costume made, but we came in too late."

Furret began laughing. "If you wanted your costumes made then you should've come to me!"

We both froze in a stupefied state. "What."

"It might not look like it but I know my stuff, i've been making all of the Guild Members costumes for the party."

"Then, can you help us out?" I said showing her the drawing I made.

"Hmmm... this might be a little tough, but with some help, we can make it work. I'll get my Little Buddy to help us out."

"And we'll help too!" Maddi replied, "Eh, whatever gets our costume done!" I also replied

And then, just like that, several hours later our costume was finished

Image description

"So... What d'ya guys think?"

I began sobbing, I couldn't believe I'd be cosplaying as one of my childhood icons.

"Th-Thank you so much" I became a blubbering mess

"Oh my... sorry about that Ms. Furret, Mr. Smith, He isn't usually this emotional."

"No worries, I'm shocked you haven't come to us in the first place, hehe.~"

"So... see you guys at the party then!" She said as were we leaving, Maddi was trying to walk me out the door cuz I was still sobbing.

We arrived at the entrance to the tavern at the appropriate time, I was nervous, this was the first time in a long while that I'd ever been to a Halloween party.

"Hey!" I looked over to my companion who was standing on my shoulder. "You're gonna be fine."

I sighed

My partner then yells out one of the sentences that defined my childhood...

"NOW CRUSH THEM... GIANT ROBO!" I then belted out a mighty battle cry as I entered the tavern. Whoever gave me that jolt of memory... thank you.

Pub: 28 Oct 2023 07:41 UTC
Edit: 29 Oct 2023 02:48 UTC
Views: 389