Improv Q&A 1.5: Random Aggie Questions Edition

Not everything is archived here. Add more stuff if you remember it. The edit code is the same as the first character prompt

Linoone: question for Nick : How does it feel having multiple tails? Can you move them all separately?
Nick: @linoone (finally): "Most people here have tails, so imagine that six times over. It's the proprioception and muscle memory of having ten limbs while your brain still sometimes thinks that you should only have four. A split between instinct and memory, again probably similar to what most of us have experienced. I've adapted to it, but it was odd in the first few days. Lots of slamming doors on myself by accident. Also six times the work in keeping them tidy.

They're nice, though! Fluffy, and naturally warm because of the fact that I'm a fire-type, so it's like having a heated blanket behind me all the time. Somewhat prehensile too, which is useful whenever I remember that fact, even if they can't carry much.

To answer your other question: I can move them individually, but it's sometimes sort of like moving your pinky finger without moving your ring finger. You know, almost impossible to not do to some extent."

Linoone: Guild question for Tropius: Have you ever tasted your own bananas?
[PARAPHRASING] Tropius: No. That's weird.

[PARAPHRASING] Linoone: What's the wierdest thing you've seen as a officer in Capim? [Or something like that, I think?]
Pochi: "When i got transfered to Capim Town, there was this weird rule in the small text, it mentioned the free use of violence against a certain degen Cyndaquil, i've yet to meet such individual, but it seemed extremely dangerous!"
Pochi: "Please stay safe out there!"

[PARAPHRASING] Linoone: Gus, are you scared of bug-types?
Gus: Not really? Even as a human, I never really had a problem with bugs. Except wasps, FUCK wasps. Funnily enough, I don't have any issues with beedrill, though.

Linoone: question for KFC : It is well known at the guild you are a fierce fighter. But are there guild members that you find difficult to beat in sparring?
KFC: "If it's a one on one, not really. However if I go against multiple fighters with good defense it gets trickier"
Linoone: @KFC it's kinda funny to imagine multiple members teaming up against KFC as a challenge hahaha

Linoone: question for Team Marsh : Would you guys be ok with Wooper never evolving or would you be disappointed?
Chespin: @linoone They'd support what he preferred, but wonder why
Linoone: @chespin good parents
Chespin: If wooper said it was so he could team up with chespin better, that'd make them think on t more favorably too
Linoone: @chespins makes sense. I wonder if team marsh knew eachother before evolving too
Chespin: @linoone They did, actually

Oshawott: @yellow question that will mean absolutely nothing to anyone but me: Lemurians or Grik?
Yellow: idfk, grik because it sounds funnier i guess
Oshawott: We cannot be friends
[EDITOR NOTE: Oshawott-anon seems to be referring to the Destroyermen series, where the Grik are the main villains.]

MManon: To Etoufee: How did ya get that scar?
Etouffee: I've been in a lot of scraps in my life. Fighting exploration teams and other outlaws...

Linoone: question for Sneasel : Have you ever interacted with Capim Town Sneasel? Are they different than the Sneasels from your home?
Ribombee-anon: i assume capim town sneasel are different, since the island has its own unique culture but i dunno if there'd be many sneasel in capim town

Question for misfits : Phanpy, do you lie on mission reports?
Phanpy : Everything is technically correct, but sometimes details get left out by 'accident'

Pub: 24 Sep 2023 03:12 UTC
Edit: 06 Aug 2024 07:29 UTC
Views: 568