Blaziken Tribe Hierarchy

Tribe Location:
Tribe Location

The Blaziken Tribe's territory extends across the entirety of the west peninsula of the Water Continent. They are incredibly militaristic and adhere to a strict meritocracy.

The Blaziken Tribe has existed for 150 years.

The average lifespan for a Water Continent Blaziken is 60 years.

Currently the population of the Blaziken Tribe is at ~15,000 members, and each one is assigned a position. Torchic must be born into the tribe, and no one can join into it.

With the exception of the position of Chieftain, the positions in the tribe allow for high mobility upward based on merit.

All Water Continent inhabitants are taught at a young age to run away and alert the authorities, if they ever see a Combusken or Blaziken enter their town.

The Chieftain

  • There has only ever been one Chieftain of the Blaziken Tribe. There will only ever be one Chieftain. This individual Blaziken is said to be given divine right to rule and has ruled the tribe for its entire 150 year existence. His authority is absolute, if he were to ask everyone in the tribe to kill themselves, each member would be obligated to do so. He has a fire move, which cannot be learned by other Blaziken, and two abilities. The Chieftain has a mortality rate of 0%.

The Chieftain's Wife

  • Only 1 Female Blaziken may occupy this position at a given time. The Chieftain will choose an exceptional concubine to become his wife. There have only been 3 wives throughout the tribe's existence. She can do whatever she wants and command anyone, besides the Chieftain, to do anything as long as it doesn't go against the Chieftain's authority. The last wife died roughly 3 years prior to the formation of the Clover Guild. The Blaziken in the Chieftain's Wife position have a mortality rate of 100% (66.7% due to natural causes).

The Second-in-Commands

  • Only 15 Male Blaziken may occupy this position at the same time. Male Blaziken in the General position may challenge a Second-in Command for his spot in a fight to the death. These Blaziken live a life almost as luxurious as the Chieftain and often get to breed with the Chieftain's Concubines. The Blaziken in this position are the primary reason that full scale attacks on the tribe by the Federation have failed. The Second-in-Commands have a mortality rate of 20% (19.9% due to losing a challenge and 0.1% due to attacks on the tribe).

The Chieftain's Concubines

  • Only 100 Female Blaziken may occupy this position at the same time. Female Blaziken in the General position may challenge a Concubine for her spot in a fight to the death. Everyone in this position is served hand over foot. To prevent weakness and/or laziness, these Blazikens' combative abilities are tested annually. Those who fail the review are executed. The Chieftain's Concubines have a mortality rate of 25% (23% due to losing a challenge and 2% due to failing the annual review).

The Generals

  • Blaziken in this position or lower are not permitted to breed. Majors may be chosen to move up into this position at the Chieftain's discretion, usually after an extensive review and after maintaining a high mission success rate for several years. Generals rarely have to fight, unless they challenge a Blaziken for a higher position. If the Tribe is attacking a large city or kingdom, the Generals will be used to command the Majors. The Generals have a mortality rate of 30% (27% due to losing a challenge and 3% due to battle/war).

The Majors

  • All Blaziken Tribe Blaziken enter this position. These Blaziken use information from the Scouts to attack strong or heavily fortified villages and towns. Majors sometimes direct the Soldiers when they need to invade something on a large scale. However, If the Tribe is attacking a large city or kingdom the Majors will be used as foot soldiers. The Majors have a mortality rate of 10%.

The Soldiers

  • This position is only made up of Combusken that passed the Combat Ready Test. These Combusken use information from the Scouts to attack weak villages and towns. Everyone in this position is waiting to undergo their second evolution (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta were in this position). The Soldiers have a mortality rate of 15%.

The Scouts/Guards

  • All Blaziken Tribe Combusken enter this position. The Scout's job is to find ideal targets, such as towns, villages, outlaw hideouts, cities, and kingdoms, to raid. The Guards defend the Tribe's from land, sea, and sky attacks by Rescue, Exploration, and Expedition Teams. After a year of being a scout/guard Combusken are tested to see if they are ready to move up a position. Everyone in this position or higher is permitted to leave the peninsula and is frequently assigned missions to further the supremacy of the Blaziken Tribe. The Scouts/Guards are not permitted to undergo their second evolution. The mortality rate of Combusken in this position is 45% (20% due to environmental factors 25% due to the Combat Ready Test).

The Accepted

  • This is an intermediate position for Torchic who have passed the Acceptance Trial and still need to undergo their first evolution. However, these Torchic are still considered full-fledged members of the Blaziken Tribe. This is the time where Torchic start their formal education which heavily emphasizes creative thinking and strategy.

The Free-Range

  • All Torchic are born into this position and spend the first two years of their lives in it. They must stay on the peninsula at all times. The Free-Ranged Torchic have little supervision and spend most of their time growing and preparing for the Acceptance Trial. Torchic in this position have a mortality rate of 60% (10% due to environmental factors and 50% due to the Acceptance Trial).
Pub: 13 Jun 2023 21:00 UTC
Edit: 17 Jun 2023 05:31 UTC
Views: 437