The Great Bulk Homepage

This is the homepage for my stories, which have two distinct series. One follows the bounty hunting career of Makuhita and Asana, while the other follows the escapades of one of the first outlaws they faced alongside the gang he assembles.


Team Yin-Yang


He's a human that came from a rough household, but despite that, merely wishes the best for everyone. He can flip-flop from being absent-minded to being mature at a moment's notice, which throws most people who meet him for a loop.


She's a former caravan guard turned bounty hunter, and was lucky enough to be born with the gift of Aura. For most of her life, she let this get to her head, causing her to stagnate and turn arrogant. It was only due to Makuhita and his tolerance of her attitude that she's shed such tendencies. She unofficially serves as the leader of the bounty hunting team she formed with him, due to having a keener mind.

The Platinum Syndicate


He's a Gimmighoul who is driven by greed above all else. He has a colossal ego, although he is genuinely good at commanding his men, which is why he's kept his spot as leader of his gang. He had a run-in with Makuhita and Asana once before he formed his group proper. Their defeat of the Hawlucha he was coaching was the reason why he fled to the Grass Continent in the first place.


He's a Clobbopus who's a bit gruff and aggressive, but at the same time, extremely cautious. He protests just about any decision Nickel makes that he thinks is foolish, but he stays in the gang because he knows it's better employment than what he usually gets.


She's a Floette moonshiner who has invented many miraculous drinks, but at the same time, refuses to get a license to sell alcohol within Capim due to multiple reasons. Her most notable one is the Cheri Bomb, an explosive fluid made out of fermented Cheri Berries and Blast Seeds which is poured into Apricorns which are then shaken and thrown.

She has two sides to her: She's kind to most, but if one offends her, she strikes back in a manner of ways. The people on the top of her shitlist tend to have their homes mysteriously catch fire or blow up while they're gone, which Thicket claims no responsibility for.


She's a daredevil Wattrel who prefers dive-bombing enemies rather than shocking them from a distance, although she will do the latter if necessary in a fight.


He's a brutal, violent Slowbro with a Shellder on his arm that forced himself into Nickel's gang for a reason only known to himself: he seeks to find an heir to his family's name before he dies from old age. He's erratic and hard to control, and only follows Nickel's command reluctantly. He's the strongest of the group, but his fighting style is completely and utterly devoid of strategy or thought. A proper group of explorers can beat him if they abuse his weaknesses and have a proper plan.


He's a cowardly Rattata with black fur, known for his proficiency in using the explosives Thicket manufactures. He's technically her employee and not Nickel's, and he always tries to use that to weasel out of whatever he may plan.


He's a Drilbur who, for a bandit, takes etiquette and politeness rather seriously. He's a bit soft-spoken, but is utterly committed to his duties.

Dria and Fornix

They're a duo consisting of a Solosis and an Elgyem, known for their psychic abilities and ability to telepathically contact each other across vast distances. They were once a member of a small-time gang that got busted, and came to Nickel seeking employment.


He's a Honedge who has lived for hundreds of years, drifting from one group to another. He joined the Platinum Syndicate after witnessing Nickel's skill as a commander. Even though there's a colossal, monolithic age gap between them, he considers Nickel to almost be his equal in terms of battlefield tactics. He's the most skilled member of the group, having had literal centuries of experience in battle. However, this has made him slightly arrogant, and this character trait sometimes causes him not to notice certain strategies that opponents he deems to be "lesser" than him use.



He's a former conman turned sniper who had the fortune of being mentored by one of the Sand continent's most notorious criminals, Cacturne. Due to the circumstances around the surrender of his former boss, he believes Makuhita and Asana to have deceived and manipulated him, and has resolved to gun the both of them down. This is a stark contrast to his usual attitude: against anyone else, he shies away from violence, only fighting when it serves his own goals.

He also has a hypocritical side to him. He claims to hate hurting "innocent Pokemon", but if he has to endanger others in order to get to Asana, he'll do so while justifying himself as being in the right.

Ever since being taken in by Thicket, he tries to hide his identity, going by the alias of "Tallarin". This is actually the nickname his father gave him to distinguish him from his 6 elder brothers, so it's the closest to a "real name" he has.


The Great Bulk

Arc 1: Rise and Fall

Part 1
Interlude 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 7.5
Part 8
Part 8.5
Part 9

Arc 2: On the Run

Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17

Arc 3: A New Home

The Platinum Syndicate

Interlude 2
Interlude 3
Interlude 4
Interlude 5
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Miscellaneous Stories

Team Verdant Special

Stories by Timeline

Team Verdant Special (Timeline varies from scene to scene, taking place from 20 years before Part 7 up to the part itself.)
Part 1
Interlude 1
Interlude 2
Part 2
Part 3
Interlude 3 (Takes place during Part 3.)
Part 4
Interlude 4
Part 5
Part 6
Interlude 5
Part 7
Part 7.5
PS Part 1
Part 8
Part 8.5
Part 9
Part 10
PS Part 2
Part 11
Part 12
PS Part 3
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17

Miscellaneous Pages

Did you forget something about the characters, need to brush up on things, or want to learn a few extra bits of lore? The Character and Lore Guide is your friend!

There's also going to be a writing guide that focuses more on character personalities than history, but that is under construction.

Pub: 15 Mar 2024 22:28 UTC
Edit: 07 Dec 2024 06:01 UTC
Views: 342