A New World

I stare out the window of my new home, letting out a sad sigh. I've only been in this world a little over a day, but I already miss my old life as a human.
My name is Mindy, and through some cruel twist of fate, I woke up in this world the other day, transformed into a Mew. As if that wasn't terrifying enough, I can't even leave my room at this nuthouse they call a guild without everybody staring at me like I've got three heads. Actually, even someone with three heads probably wouldn't get stared at as much as me. Every time I have to leave my room to get food, I hear the others whisper about me.

“Oh my god, is that a Mew?”
“No way!”
“Think she'll go on an adventure with me?”
“Nice, we got a true powerhouse at the guild now!”

That last one really bothered me. You see, although I'm a Mew now, I can't do anything special. Nearly everybody else at the guild can fight. Some of them can even breathe fire or cure themselves with nothing more than sunlight. The best I've managed is I somehow floated in the air one time, but...I have a crippling fear of heights. I don't know how long the floating can last, or if it'll randomly give out on me. I'm too scared to rely on it, so I'm stuck walking around, which is a lot harder given my new form. This body's not made for walking, that's for sure.

Most of the Clover Guild is humans. Many of them claim to have been Pokemon for a couple of months now. Not only do none of them know how to go back to the human world, but none of them even seem to WANT to! The few times I've talked to the others about missing home, I just hear things like “You're able to do so many things now!” and “Why would you want to go back there when you can fly now?” It's enough to make me go crazy, I just want to go home.
I'm snapped out of my self-pity by my stomach rumbling. I've barely eaten since showing up in this world, mostly because I'm too afraid to leave this room most of the time. I take a deep breath as I prepare myself for the walk to the kitchen, and step out into the hallway.

I'm not out in the hallway for two seconds when I hear an excited voice from nearby. “Woah-ho! Hey, it's 9 o'clock and I'm seeing a 10!”
Startled, I look in the direction of the voice. A Cyndaquil waves in my direction. Oh no, I've heard the others talk about him. He's on a level of creepiness so high that even the rest of the guild warned me about him! “Hey girl, is your father retarded? 'Cuz you're special!” I spot a blush on his face.
“Shut up and go away you...you...INBRED CHARMANDER!” If there was ever any encouragement to get away from my room, this was it!
“Ohoho...I'd like to get inbred with you!” I notice his blushing intensify. No chance in hell am I sticking around here! Disgusted, I hurry to the kitchen as I try to get away from this...harassment elemental. At least in there, the other guild members could get him to stop.

The kitchen has roughly a dozen or so guild members eating breakfast, the room filled with their chatter. I see a number of heads turn to face me as I walk in, making me feel extremely self-conscious. Most of them are nice enough to not stare as I grab a plate of pancakes covered in a mysterious syrup and a glass of some strange blue liquid. I look around nervously at the tables for a place to sit. It feels like trying to find a spot during lunch at a new school, only this is just some nuthouse filled with a bunch of Pokemon.
“Psst, c'mere.” Looking around, I spot a Sneasel waving me over. Those super sharp claws, that look in her eyes, it's scaring me!
Some sort of small yellow bug peeks out from around the Sneasel. “It's okay, she doesn't bite, I promise. I'm Booker, by the way.” Too nervous to say no, I take a seat near them.

Taking another look, I recognize Booker as a Ribombee. He looks me over for a moment, saying, “Wow, you really are a Mew! You must be able to do a whole lot of cool stuff!”
Trying to suppress my annoyance at the comment, I say, “Yeah, so everybody keeps telling me. I don't know how to do ANYTHING!”
Booker's expression turns to one of mild sadness. “Oh...I know the feeling. I can't fight at all myself. Even flying is impossible for me right now...At least you can float, right?”
I let out a sad sigh. “There was the one time, but I've got a heavy fear of heights. I'm too afraid to do it again.” I take a bite of my pancakes. The syrup tastes of unusually sweet peaches.
The Sneasel places a hand on my shoulder, sending a chill down my spine. “Everyone starts off weak. Question is, are you gonna do anything about it?”
Shivering from her touch, I say, “I uh...don't know how to do anything. This is the first time I've left my room since getting my own. Everything's so scary here...”
“Nah, you just gotta have faith in yourself.” The Sneasel rubs her chin, following with, “You could...no, not that...You can maybe...huh.”
Booker speaks up, saying, “Maybe the Guildmaster can help her? He knows how to use psychic powers!”
That comment makes me pick my head up. It was always a dream of mine to have psychic powers. But...Something like that can't possibly be easy to get the hang of. “I'll keep it in mind.”
Sneasel flashes a small smile. “That's the spirit. By the way, I didn't catch your name.”
"You'll get used to how stuff works around here Mindy, just give it time.”
Still unsure of myself, I take a sip of the strange blue juice. It tastes like a mixture of oranges, apples, and strawberries. It isn't long before I finish the entire glass.

I'm about to leave the kitchen when I'm stopped by a grumpy-looking Munchlax in an apron. “Hey you, feel like helping out a bit?”
I look around nervously. “M-me?”
The Munchlax nods. “That's right. Kitchen needs supplies. I can't go get some, I gotta start work on tonight's dinner. The rest of the guild's going out on missions, that leaves you.”
I feel like this guy's putting me on the spot! “U-umm, I dunno...I've never gone out into the town, people are going to stare...”
He hands me a bag, shopping list, and a small pouch of money. “The townsfolk aren't the kind to get angry, so don't worry.”
I nod, too nervous to say no. “Oookay...I'll do it.”
“Good, now it shouldn't be too hard, just go to the store with the Kecleon manning it and you should be good to go.”
I make for the guild's exit, preparing myself for my first trip into town alone.

All eyes are on me as I walk awkwardly through the marketplace. I felt exposed simply walking around the guild hall, but here I feel like there's a spotlight on me! It feels a lot like those nightmares where you show up at school in your underwear, and I just want to get this over with as soon as possible. Trying not to think about it, I look down at the ground, only occasionally glancing up to look where I'm going.
After a few minutes that felt like an eternity, I spot a green chameleon manning a storefront, clearly a Kecleon.

A smile forms on his face as he speaks up just a little too excitedly. “My my, quite a rare sight we have here today! On a supply run from the Clover Guild, are we?”
I cringe at the Kecleon's words, did he have to say that so loudly? He practically announced me to the world! “R-right...I-I uh...need this stuff.” I hand him my list, noticing that everybody in the area is staring at me.
The Kecleon takes the list, spending an agonizingly long amount of time setting out apples, berries, seeds, and other various ingredients. Come on, just hurry up already! Finally, he speaks once more, saying, “That'll be 2000 Poke!”
Is that a lot in this world? I reach for the coin pouch, my tiny hands shaking. I try to count the money, cursing myself as I keep dropping coins on the ground. The items paid for, I quickly stuff them into my bag and begin the walk back to the guild hall.
My breath begins to quicken as I begin to overhear comments about me.

“I've never seen a Mew before! So cute!”
“Such a long tail that one has!”
“A Mew? In the Clover guild?!”
“Can't they usually fly?”
“Is she okay?”

The comments only intensify in frequency until it gets to be too much for me to handle.
I have to get away from here, now! I run as fast as I can for the relative safety of the guild. Not being used to running in this body I trip and fall, the bag flying off my shoulder as I skid across the ground. Panicking, I leave the bag behind as I stand back up and hurry towards the guild, taking cover behind a bush just outside it.

Once I'm finally out of sight, I break down crying from equal parts frustration and humiliation. I'm trapped in this world, in a body that can't do anything right. Not only that, but I can't even do something as simple as fetch groceries for someone else without being made a spectacle for the crime of merely existing! I'm sick of this already, I just want to go home!

“Hey, you alright?” An unfamiliar voice approaches me. I look up, a Linoone with a delivery bag strapped around him, carrying the bag I dropped as well. “You must be new at the guild, right?”
Drying my eyes, I say, “Yes, that's right...I hate it here, I wish I had become something plain like a Pikachu or something, anything that isn't this! It's awful heading out and having everybody stare you down.”
The Linoone sets my bag down next to me. He thinks for a moment, saying, “If it makes you feel any better, I've taken a tumble or two while doing a delivery and everybody started staring. Just gotta get right back up!”
“I wouldn't have even tripped if I could at least fly. I'm too scared to do that though...”
The Linoone stands up tall. “Just do it!”
His voice takes me by surprise. “I uh...have a fear of heights. It'd be nice, but...”
He continues with, “Don't let your dreams be dreams! After all, if you can fly, what's there to fear up in the air?”
“I...” This Linoone makes a good point. “But...I don't know how to do it. I just woke up one morning and I was in midair!”
“Sleep is relaxing, right? If relaxing is what you gotta do, then just do it!”

I hesitate for a moment. I'm terrified of heights, but tripping like that in the town square was humiliating. If I can at least float and control it as well, this awful experience can at least be a little more tolerable. Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes, trying to calm myself down as I envision myself rising up into the air. Relax...relax...NOW!
I open my eyes. I'm still on the ground. Letting out a frustrated sigh, I say “See, it's not that easy!”
“Hmm...Try it again?”
I repeat the motions, this time picturing myself holding a bundle of balloons. Still nothing. Starting to stress out even more, I take even more time as I do my best to cool down. On the third attempt, I close my eyes as I picture myself ascending gently towards the clouds. Opening my eyes, I tilt my head upwards...and feel the ground disappear beneath me!

My pulse quickens as I realize I'm floating! I feel completely weightless right now, but...how do I control this? I tilt my head upwards again, beginning to rise even higher until...nope, too high, too high! Tilting my head down, I watch as I slowly descend, coming to a gentle stop on the grass.
“There you go!” The Linoone gives me a smile. “See, don't you feel a lot better now?”
“...Yeah, I guess I do. Thank you. I still don't know how to truly control it, though.”
“You've taken the first step. Or, you know, float. Think you'll be okay now?”
I land once more. “I still want to go home, but this helps out a little. Thanks for your help, Linoone.”
“Don't mention it! By the way, you can call me Solid. I've got to get back to my rounds now, so I'll see you around.”

Once he leaves, I check my bag. Everything I was told to pick up from the store is here, thanks to Solid. Not wanting to chance dropping my bag yet again, I walk into the guild, every step of mine slow and deliberate. Entering the kitchen, I set the bag on the counter next to the Munchlax chef.
He turns to me, grabbing the items out of the bag. “Oh, there you are. Long lines at the market?”
“Well, actually...”
“Nevermind that. You got the ingredients I asked for. Good work.” He points to a tray behind me. “Feel free to take a donut with you.”
I do as he says, taking a small bite. The taste takes me by surprise, and I end up stuffing the whole thing in my mouth! I'm glad that, out of every crazy Pokemon here, this one can at least cook well.

I don't get far out of the kitchen before I'm stopped by a Meowstic, the guildmaster. “It's our newest recruit! So, want to learn how to use psychic powers~?”
This is my chance! I eagerly nod.
“Good answer! Now then...” The Meowstic sets a small rock on the floor. “Concentrate on the rock. Focus your thoughts onto it while holding out your hand and then...” Suddenly, his eyes glow blue! He holds an arm out, lifting the rock with his mind! He brings his arm to his side, and in one quick chopping motion, he flings the rock directly at a nearby wall! “Presto! Now, you try~” He sets out another stone.
Okay, this seems easy enough. I mirror his instructions, concentrating on the stone. I hold my arm out and...nothing. Concentrate more? I mimic his actions again and...nope, still isn't working. I focus hard enough to give myself a headache and with a loud yell accomplish...nada. The rock doesn't even move an inch.
I let out a frustrated sigh. “This isn't working! How am I supposed to use a complicated power like that?!”
The guildmaster picks the stone back up, stuffing it into a bag. “If you keep at it, someday you'll get it.”
I open my mouth, but close it before speaking. I've complained too much for one day. “Just...Please don't send me on missions, okay? I can't fight yet.”
“Noted! I'm sure we'll have stuff for you to do around the guild hall~”

Later that night, I stare out my room's window, the stars in the sky twinkling. I'm not much better off at the end of today than I was at the start of it. I can float a little better, but that's about it. Any true psychic powers feel completely unobtainable for me right now. I can't help but feel jealous of the others. The guildmaster has all these cool psychic powers, I've seen some of the other members breathe fire. Then there's me who can...float off the ground and can't fight. At least the other guild members don't seem all that bad. Except for that Cyndaquil. If I ever learn how to use psychic powers, the first thing I'm doing is chucking him into a river.

Draping a blanket over me, I try to lie down, feeling myself lift into the air again. I still don't know how I feel about staying here in the long term. Maybe I'll be able to find a friendly local Pokemon to stay with?

Pub: 22 Apr 2023 05:39 UTC
Edit: 22 Apr 2023 08:31 UTC
Views: 622