Bittersweet Encounter
A Clover Guild Story
By Nido Fren

"Just stand still while we do a quick drawing, and you can go"

The towering Machoke explained, while he gestured me how to pose for the artist.

"We are done here, call the next one"

A slim Smeargle, standing in front of me, swiftly sketched my face for the record.

"This is the place, go there and meet with the contact, he will be in charge of your rehabilitation" The big policeman explained to me

The Machoke opened the door for me and helped me outside, resuming it's work at the Police Station.

I checked on the crumpled leaf he handed me, it read "Capim Town, Poochi" in a horrid handwriting.
Not like I had much of an option. After being set up by that unpollinated bitch,
there was no chance I could land a normal job, at least not in this region..

Word of mouth spread fast, so it was not long after I was caught on the Duskull Bank that i already had a bad reputation in Treasure Town.
I started traveling north, towards Capim Town.

Im supposed to find this fella named... "Poochi? What kind of name is that?"

The day of my release was sunny and warm, feeling the breeze on my face once again was like being born anew!
A little smile formed on my face, as i started the hike northward.

It was just a few hours of walking when the voices started in my head.

"How am I even supposed to get all that money back?" I sighed in frustration, as my smile quickly faded from my face.
"It will take me a lifetime of working, and there is no way I can catch Rosa and Blaine, if I even get to find them in the first place"

I readjusted my satchel, preparing mentally for the daunting task of having to rely on my own self for a bit.
"Okay okay just take a big breath, its just a quick trip north Nida, just relax and..."

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a faint cry.

"Heeeeeelp, someonee!"

It was not that far away, probably some chump got caught in one of my old traps...
"Wait a second...I haven't laid a single trap in 2 years!"

I rushed to the cry of help, west of the road, into the woods.

"I made sure my traps were non-lethal, if that trap is not mine, this guy could be in some serious trouble!" I muttered to myself.

Quickly found myself pushing through the bushes to find a hole on the dirt, with some broken twigs and bushes that used to cover it up, now flattened by the weight of the pokemon down there.
I approached the edge of the trap, squinting to see something down there.

"Hey are you okay? I'll get you out, just hang on!"

"I think I twisted a leg, and it's starting to get hard to breathe, please help me!" The voice said in agony.
I swiftly put my bag on the ground , and began digging downwards towards the trap, it was a Poochyena, which looked severely wounded.


I heard a rumbling, and not long after seing that figure on top of the hole, i was being dragged through a burrowing on the floor.

"Dont give up just yet, lets get you out of here!"

The red eyed pokemon was screaming in my face, as they dragged me to the surface.
It was a Nidorina, looked a bit roughed up, was she from a Rescue team?
I was put on the base of a tree, behind some bushes, like if they were hiding my body.

"Hey im not dead yet, dont dispose of me like that you mani-ACK!"

The aqua-colored bunny put a paw on my mouth, stopping my rambling on the spot.

"Hey keep quiet for a second, looks like they came back looking for you" She hushed me.

I looked over the bushes, the twigs stuck on my head from the trap serving as camouflage.
There were 3 pokemon approaching the hole, i could not hear very well what they were saying, something about feed and seed?

As soon as they appeared, i could see how the expression on my rescuer changed, from cautious to furious, her grip on my mouth strengthened.

"Now let´s see who will pay todays feast friends!" A Honchkrow exclaimed.

"Hey there is no one here, and it seems they dug themselves out!" A tall Vileplume was investigating on the mud where we first left the trap.

"Our friend cant be that far away, i made sure that my poison spikes and webs were positioned properly."

There was a huge Ariados coming up from the trap, just seeing it almost makes me want to scream!

"Lets split up and search the other traps, remember to check for burrowing, looks like they can dig just like me." Ariados explained.

"We will reunite at Capim Town by sunset"

The Honchkrow let out a huge gust of wind and ascended through the thick cup of the trees.

The Trio separated, and after a minute of eye-watering anxiety, the Nidorina relaxed and put its arm down.

"Looks like they are gone for now, lets get you on your feet" She started rummaging through her satchel, and offered me an oran and pecha berries.
"Please eat this, it should make you feel better" She said in a calming tone, closing in the berries into my mouth.

Even though her words were soothing, my whole body was trembling in fear, i could not usher a word, still in shock.
I ate from her hand without giving it a second thought, the pain leaving my body on the act.

"Thanks a lot! Are you from a Rescue Team?"

"Rescue Team?" The Nidorina scoffed. "Not even close buddy, you just got extremely lucky. Lets get out of here before they come back"
"Can you run?" She asked while lifting me from the floor and trying fruitfulessly to unstick the bushes from my fur.

"I feel like i could run the Pokeathlon twice, lets go!"

We ran away in a straight line towards Capim Town, cutting through the forest, and arrived to the beach.
My limbs were killing me, now that the adrenaline had run out, i started to feel pain again, realizing i was still hurt from the trap.

The Nidorina was completely out of breath, looks like their kind are not that used to running long distances.

Sunset was almost upon us, the sound of crashing waves was blissful upon my ears, helping me collect myself from the escape.

"Here have a drink" I opened my bag and retrieved my canteen and some oran berries, offering it to the now exhausted Nidorina.
She turned around and without a second guess started gulping it down, until there was nothing left.

"Th-cough-Thanks for that, i needed it" She coughed two more times, before recomposing herself. "Name is Nida, i was on my way to Capim"

"Ah, im going that way! I actually got lost on my way there before stepping into the trap" I said a bit embarrased, my front limb behind my head.
"We could go there together, name is Pochi, glad to meet you!"

"My pleasure Poch-, wait Pochi?" She scrambled through her satchel looking for something, and bringing out a piece of badly written note on a leaf.
"Are you by any chance a Police Assistant?" She looked at me in disbelief.

"Yup, thats me, im a trainee on the police, just got moved into the Rehabilitation Department, im waiting for a Nidorina in Capim town named Nida..." I said as i checked on my notepad.
I looked at the Nidorina in front of me, then back at my notes, then back at her.
"Oh! Thats you!, I found you!" I exclaimed in surprise.

"You have to be kidding me..." Nidorina sighed. "Okay whats the plan big man? Gonna make me pick up trash all day?"

"We will be forming a Rescue Team, wether you like it or n-"

"Do i get to have a bed?" She answered while closing her distance into my face, her eyes now sparkling with joy.

"Uhh i was not expecting that kind of response" I said backing up a bit.
"But yeah of course you get a bed, its included on the contract we have with the Guildmaster."

"Lets goooo!!!!" She started jumping and gave me a big hug, you could see the genuine joy in her, a stark contrast to our previous encounter.

"How about we talk about it with a full belly? We should be able to grab a bite at the Guild!"

"Lets be on our way then, Mister Pochi!"

Sunset arrived, water and foam growing slowly upon the beach, clearing the footsteps of the newly formed team as they resumed their journey to Capim Town.

We were halfway to Capim when a sudden gust of wind started to lift sand everywhere, i had to close my eyes and hold on to my bag so that nothing flied away. As the wind subsued, i could open my eyes again, to see my partner on all fours with her spikes fully grown.

"Now thats cute, dont tell me you are going to become a Rescuer Nida?" The Imposing Honchkrow was now in front of us, its menacing aura was almost palpable, as if you could just see it with your bare eyes.
"What did she tell you, that she will work with you kid?" "She is a scoundrel just like me, a rat, and will use you for her own goals" The giant bird cackled, each breath puffing its chest like a balloon.

"Leave us alone Blaine, you backstabbing winger!" Nida growled at the bird.

"Come on dont be like that partner, we both know each other well enough, how about a last job, for old times sake?"

"Yeah just like last time, when you set me up with Rosa and took all the money for yourselves? Forget it!" The Nidorina exclaimed furiously.

"It was your own incompetence that got you caught, remember that you Digger." The birds voice boomed, as it started to lift off the ground, knocking me on my hindlegs with its strong wind.
"I dont have time for you kids right now, i have money to make, and you still have a debt to pay Nida, don't you forget it."

The giant bird flew away, leaving another gust on its way, sand flying everywhere just as when it landed.

"That damn bird, it wont leave me alone! I..." Nida was murmuring to herself.

"Hey are you okay?" I tried to comfort her, still a bit shocked about the recent encounter.

"Ill be alright, ill tell you everything when we get somewhere safe", "I just cant get a break you know?" She was sniffling and with watery eyes.

"Come on, lets get to the guild" I pushed her softly with my head, and led her to Capim Town.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, we walked in silence, until we reached the Clover Guild. Nida looked at me started talking softly.

"Hey Pochi, thanks for not leaving me alone after everything Blaine said."

"I believe you, you saved me just hours ago! I dont think you really are a bad Pokemon, but we will have to work together to prove it to the town. Are you coming in?"

"Also, dont you wanna check out your new bed?" I tried to cheer Nida up a bit, as i opened the door.

"That would be great, thanks Pochi" Her smiled returned, as we walked inside the Clover Guild.

Pub: 22 Jul 2023 04:01 UTC
Views: 580