The Great Bulk, Interlude 4: A Surprise Ally

This takes place between Parts 4 and 5 of the main story.

”Legitimate” Business

I sat in Cobalt's pack, lounging around while he sold items from a cart full of Thicket's moonshine and goods in the bad part of Capim. She was there as well, hawking her products. Truthfully, I would've rather gone to steal more Gimmighoul Coins today, but side money never hurts. We had a decent amount of customers throughout the day, and soon, evening came. Cobalt handed off a bottle of something to a Drilbur, receiving some Poke in exchange. “You better enjoy your booze,” my minion muttered. “My back's aching from having to haul this crap all the way to town.”

Thicket glanced at Cobalt's direction. “Isn't this what you wanted?” She asked. “This is far less risky than mugging people, or delivering packages. You'll get used to the strain anyways!” The Clobbopus simply rolled his eyes – he was clearly annoyed with her.

The Drilbur, meanwhile, eyed his bottle. “This “Stamina Tonic” is supposed to restore your vitality and energy, right?” He asked. “I'm surprised you're selling it for this cheap.”

Thicket smiled brightly, floating up to her customer's eye level. “That's what it's supposed to do,” she replied. “The entire recipe is propietary, but Oran and Leppa Berries are the two most important ingredients in the mixture. The secret bits increase its potency. You could try taking a swig right now if you don't believe me,” she told him. “Just a mouthful can bring you back to full form. It's perfect for long working days, or when you need to do a whole lot of fighting. It could be a great boon to explorers, but they wouldn't buy from an unlicensed alcohol vendor anyway.”

Thicket's customer continued looking at his bottle. He uncorked it and took a small, cautious sip. His body jolted as though he was target practice for a Pikachu – he struggled to hold onto his drink, closing it when he had calmed down. “Well, you aren't a fraud after all,” he mused. “I feel like I could drill across half the continent, and I didn't even drink the whole thing! When're you coming back, miss...?”

“The name's Thicket,” my business partner informed him. “I plan to make trips to this part of Capim every Wednesday. Have a good day, now!”

The Drilbur turned to leave, only for the sound of a shrill caw to pierce the air! All four of us looked at the source – a Rookidee stood front and center, with a Smoliv fidgeting right behind them. “We found an easy target at last!” The Rookidee exclaimed, her voice sounding oddly familiar to me. “All we got to do is bag that Clobbopus and his partner, and a whole ton of Poke is ours!”

“D-dee,” the Smoliv stuttered out. “We shouldn't underestimate them. I r-read the files on them both; that Gimmighoul is sharper than he loo-”

“That's my subordinate, you idiotic bird!” I cried out. “He's not a “partner”, and he's not equal to me! Besides, weren't you the two who fled the Sand Continent because you were too soft to beat any of the outlaws there?”

Dee glared at me. “I knew you were shifty from the start. You should've just kept your head low, but now, you're up the creek without a paddle. Team Corvidae is going to show you crooks a thing or two!” She entered a battle stance, the nervous Smoliv behind her following suit. Thicket kept close to the Drilbur from before, while Cobalt moved his way closer to the duo.

“I don't have time for a couple of kids playing hero,” the Clobbopus griped. “Why can't you two just go home back to your mother, instead of harassing me? I've had a bad enough day as it is!” He took a cursory swing at the Rookidee, who hopped out of the way.

“That's it!” Dee cried out. “No more talking!”

A Sticky Situation

“Keep your eyes on the bird!” I yelled out to Cobalt, who followed my instructions promptly. He watched as the Rookidee flew up into the air and went straight for a dive-bomb. However, thanks to my instructions, Cobalt was ready – he simply slugged his tentacle into her, full-force, right before she could Peck him. She was sent flying back and onto the ground, although she got up quickly, looking at her wings.

Dee cringed and shook the dirt off her wings. “Disgusting!” She blurted out. “Smoliv, I need you to spray him so I can get an opening! Can you do that?” Her partner nodded, shooting globs of oil from the fruit on his head. Thanks to Cobalt's lack of agility, he got hit, his arms getting glued onto his body, unable to move. As the Rookidee flew up into the air again, he tried his best to struggle free, but it was no use. She swooped down and Pecked him, following the first attack up with several more! Being unable to defend himself, my talent was swiftly defeated.

“That's why you don't mess with us!” Dee cheered. She approached Cobalt, unaware that the Drilbur that had been buying from Thicket before the fight was right behind her, a determined look on his face. He drew one of his claws back, readying himself to strike.

“Dee, look out!” Smoliv cried, right before his partner got slammed with a Crush Claw. She crumpled to the ground, unable to fight, while her partner could only look on in horror.

The Drilbur walked up to the quivering Smoliv, looking him in the eye. “Get your buddy and leave,” he commanded. “I don't appreciate you ruffians barging into miss Thicket's business and causing a fuss.”

“Smoliv!” Dee yelled out, trying to get his attention. He turned towards her, but was otherwise frozen in place. “You're a lot tougher than you think you are! Find your guts and take that stupid Drilbur out, so we can get our targets and leave!”

Smoliv took a few deep breaths, his courage returning to him. “You're right,” he mumbled. He looked at the Drilbur, putting on the bravest face he could. “Sir, I-I don't want to fight you, but if you aren't going to leave, I'll have no choice.” The fruit atop his head began to eminate a light green glow; he was obviously preparing to fight. I scrambled out of Cobalt's inventory and found a safe vantage point to watch the battle from – in case this stranger lost, I would have a quick getaway.

The Drilbur frowned. “I suppose that's just how things are sometimes,” he mused. “You better not be pulling any punches, 'cause I certaintly won't be.”

A Coward's Last Stand

Smoliv hopped backwards and shot out Razor Leafs from the fruit on his cranium. The Drilbur methodically slashed them out of the air as he closed the distance, although a few managed to cut him. He attacked Smoliv with a Crush Claw, leaving a huge gash in his side, although by using Absorb, he managed to at least mend the cut partially.

Smoliv Tackled the Drilbur, setting him off-balance, and then sprayed him with more of the same sticky oil that had ensnared Cobalt earlier. As the Drilbur tried to struggle free, he was hit with numerous Razor Leaves, although unlike my servant, he successfully broke loose, chugging down some of the drink he had bought from Thicket earlier. Surprisingly, it healed the worst of his injuries, and he charged right back towards Smoliv.

Once he got into range, he buried his claws deep into him, although in an unexpected showing of nerve, he ignored the pain his injuries caused him, instead Flailing right at the Drilbur. He was knocked to the ground, where he was pelted with more Razor Leafs. “I won't lose here!” Smoliv cried out. “I-I gotta do this for Dee, and everyone else who counts on me!” He ran up to the Drilbur and Flailed at him again and again, the adrenaline and desperation his injuries brought him only making his full-body blows stronger. It was then that I spied something in the cart Cobalt had hauled into Capim – of the leftover products, there was a single Cheri Bomb.

I loathed the idea of risking my hide by staying at the scene, but I then remembered the numerous setbacks I had back at the Sand Continent – all the previous failures and obstacles nagged at my mind, nudging me towards that single explosive. If I could shake it up and get a clean hit on Smoliv, I wouldn't have to lose everything I had built so far! All that Drilbur needed to do, was hold on for a bit longer. I ran towards the cart and grabbed the Cheri Bomb, lifting it up above my head with both my arms. I climbed out, careful not to detonate the explosive pre-maturely, and positioned myself closer to the two battling Pokemon.

Both were heavily injured, although the Drilbur was more so. It would only take a bit more to knock him out, but luckily for him, I wasn't going to let Smoliv steal away my assets. I shook the Cheri Bomb that I held aloft and hurled it straight towards him, hitting him in the side. He looked at the strange object in confusion before being enveloped by a sizeable explosion that sent him flying into the air! The Drilbur that had been battling him was speechless, watching as his former opponent fell back onto the ground, defeated.

The Drilbur looked at me, a soft smile on his face. “Thank you for getting me out of that,” he said. “In truth, I wanted you and yours to run away, but I suppose you're too proud to flee.”

Thicket floated over, giggling at me. “I actually didn't expect you to stay and fight!” She exclaimed. “You were about to flee, then you decided to give him a sample of my merchandise! What made you do that, hm?”

I shrugged. “I'm tired of setbacks, that's all,” I explained. “Let's go slap Cobalt awake so we can go home. Today's been far too long.”

“Actually, fellows, I have a question for you,” the Drilbur asked. “Are you three all there is of your group?”

I nodded. “What of it?” I questioned. “We're a bit short on numbers right now, but I'll find a way to fix it.”

“Well, allow me to help rectify that problem,” the Drilbur said. “I'd be honored if I could help you folks guard your cargo. It'd be better work than what I've been able to find, and you never know when any prospective bounty hunters may turn up again. They're quite the impolite lot, aren't they?”

“You're going to join us without even telling your name?” I replied. “You're kinda weird for someone who's aiding and abetting criminals.”

“Oh, I do apologize!” The Drilbur said, bowing. “The name's Dewalt. Allow me to retrieve your fallen comrade for you; it'll only take a minute.” Dewalt walked away from us and towards Cobalt's prone form, lifting him up into the nearly emptied cart of goods that we had hauled into town. The Drilbur began to drag it, walking back towards us. “I'll carry him home. Lead the way.” I climbed on top of my new recruit's shoulder as he began to follow Thicket back to our base of operations, leaving the two who tried to capture us behind.


Dee and Smoliv stirred, finally getting up. “I can't believe they got away,” the latter of the two mumbled.

“Don't sweat it,” Dee reassured Smoliv. “It's gonna take time before we're actually good at what we do, and besides, you almost won! Neither of us expected that Gimmighoul to throw some sort of bomb at you.”

Smoliv sighed. “I sort of did expect him to do something, actually,” he replied. “It's what I was trying to warn you about before he cut me off. The records from the Sand Continent I got said that he's the brains of their operation, and that he always finds a way to escape once the Pokemon he's coaching are defeated. Do you remember how I've always been telling you to read up more before we go on missions?”

Dee nodded, looking a bit ashamed of herself. “I should've done that, and I should've listened to you,” she apologzied. “I shouldn't have thrown caution to the wind like that, especially after how we fared on the Sand Continent. I'll try to be a better leader next time, got it?”

“T-that's all I ask,” Smoliv responded. “Thank you for having faith in me, after everything s-seemed to be lost. I d-didn't know I had it in me to fight like I did.”

“You just have to have more faith in yourself,” Dee affirmed. “Now, let's get home and rest up. We have a long week ahead of ourselves.

Pub: 14 Nov 2023 01:10 UTC
Edit: 14 Nov 2023 01:21 UTC
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