Baggy & The Beast: A Trash Bag Side Story

"Well this is the place." i said to my distant co-worker, who of course says nothing, The glass window displays the cafe's logo, In cursive lettering said "Marchen Delights", we entered, awkwardly waited for a bit and were shown to our tables by a kind looking hostess, she gave us our menus and scurried away with a smile.

I stared back at the disgruntled teddy bear-looking chef, he looked like he was bored out of his mind and really didn't want to be here. Maddi thought it'd be nice if we went to a cafe that she highly recommended. Unfortunately, she was out sick so she couldn't come with us. To be honest, me and Beast never really interacted much... the times we did interact weren't exactly the most positive of interactions. The kitchen was the only room I wasn't allowed to clean in, Beast was extremely protective of his kitchen, my guess is because he was some kind of a germaphobe and my presence would've made things worse. The mood in the air was getting awkward, I knew I had to say something.

"So... how was your day?" I asked Beast, trying to initiate some kind of conversation with him.
"The same it always was... middling at best..." he replied

Beast's answer was follower by silence, so I tried asking another question, I asked him something a bit more personal.
"So... how's th-the Numel guy??"
"You mean Ronald?"
"Yeah, him!"
"Well, he is still a migraine-inducing moron, I swear interacting with him is like interacting with a brick wall!", Beast began to rant about his nasally apprentice.

"Tell me about it, One time in my third-grade science class I got paired up with this one chick, she was a serious airhead, she would just talk and talk, and I just wanted to get class over with just I would never hear that dumbass' voice for the rest of the day.", Beast began to look a little peeved as i told my story. "Hmm... You know, you are starting to sound like him..."
I raised my brow, The tension of the scene began to rise, "Oh, In what way?"
"You seem to blather on about some pointless things.", I was about ready to tell this pretentious chubster off. "Pointless? I'm just talking about a story from my childhood! If you're trying not to be a smug asshole then maybe you should tell me something similar from your own childho-"

Just then, I was cut off by a cutesy, perky voice...
"Excuse meeeeee! Are ya guys ready to order?~"

It was the Waitress, who was a Tinkaton in 1950s waitress getup and rollerblades. Beast and I tried to lower the tension we were making, didn't want to start something here...
"Um... yes, yes we are.", Beast replied to the waitress
"Kay' then, what'll y'all be havin'?"
Beast was the first to order something...
"I will have the Chicken Parmesan Sandwich with a side of Homestyle Chicken Noodle Soup and a Chocolate Milkshake!"
"Kay' and for you, Trashman?"
I was trying to bottle up my inner rage, but i know Maddi would also want something from this place...
"Just get me some damn iced coffee... and some Chicken Noodle Soup to go please."
"Not hungry? That's fine with me. I'll be back with your drinks in a sec!~"

The moment she left to get our stuff, things were getting awkward again... We both didn't want to make a scene at a place like this. Then, Beast asked me a personal question of his own.
"Why on earth did you become a janitor in the first place? It seems a little surreal for someone of your kind to take a position such as that."
"What do you mean "Your kin-" I once again tried to hide my anger even though i was starting to get pissed off. "Never mind, it was Maddi's idea, I said that if I was gonna take the job with me, so here we are..."
"Interesting... so... are you and Madeline-", I dodged the question the minute he uttered Maddi's name, "What? No, we're just good friends who are living under the same roof. Why would you even think that?"
"I was not asking about your relationship, idiot, I was asking if you were going to do something for the upcoming festival."
"Oh thank god... wait, what festival?", i questioned the gluttonous chef.
"The entire guild is apparently going to be doing some sort of festival in the coming weeks."
"Oh, yeah, I'll think about it...", I replied, A festival... i didn't know there was a festival happening, that could be fun.

Once again, we were alone with our thoughts. Not talking to each other, and wondering when the hell this awkward nightmare would end... that is until the waitress came back with our drinks
"Here are ya driiiinks!~", she said in that cutesy tone that even the harshest of people couldn't resist
"Thank you, Madam!", solemnly replied Beast
"D'aaw thanks, sweetie!~"

The waitress rolled away to get Beast's order, I took a big sip from my coffee and gently slammed it on the table.
"So... what was the most interesting thing that happened to you today?", i said.
"Hmm... I suppose it would be when I witnessed someone grope a Kirlia in order to know what touching a "cunny" feels like.", Beast
"Yeah, I know that feeling, Maddi was asking about that word several days ago, I just simply told her to ignore them.", I said, leaning towards the window we were seating by.
"I swear, this place is filled to the brim with degenerates, I practically see something bizarre and unsavory every day."
"That's this guild in a nutshell, wild and uncontrollable.". I took another long-ass sip from my coffee, Beast took a huge sigh and sipped his milkshake.
"You know, I never expected you to be the sort of person who still enjoys milkshakes", i asked Beast
"Huh, is that so?"
"Yeah, I mean, you're basically an old man.", I chuckled
"Well, it is nice to enjoy something a little sweet once in a while, you know?", Beast chuckled back at me for a bit and then went back to sipping his Milkshake.
"Hey, this song, it's from Sea Is A Lady isn't it?", "Come again?", Beast said to me in confusion.
"It's an album by Toshiki Kadomatsu, one of the founders of City Pop, one of my personal favorites!", i tried to explain
"I did not understand the words coming out of your mouth.", Beast replied to me still in that confused manner.

"Oh right, you're probably the kind of person who unironically listens to opera or whatever.", i jokingly replied
"Who gave you the right to judge my taste in music?", Beast slammed his fist on the table, that was clearly the last straw he had.
"Hey man, who said I was judging you!? At least I don't look like I'm actively hating my job...", I insulted the Gordon Ramsey wannabe.
"Well, at least I do not make people wince whenever I enter any given room!", He insulted back at my face "At least don't constantly belittle my co-worker all the damn time!", I got closer to his face REALLY hoping to get it through his skull.
"Well, at least I did not lie to some random person about being an explorer because my partner has anxiety issues!", Beast was getting ready to wag his finger at me.
"YOU SAW THAT!?", and i was ready to slam my mug of coffee across his ugly ass mug.

Just then, we noticed that everyone was looking at us even the waitress who had Beast's food, we were standing on the table and about ready to kill each other, but, seeing that we were making a scene, slowly sat back down in other seats, The waitress gave Beast his food and we said nothing for the rest of the meal.

Afterward, I walked back with Beast to my house, it was clear that i had to try and apologize to him, "Hey... sorry about that outburst, guess I just couldn't hold it back anymore."
Beast says nothing
"Hey come on, dude, say someth-"
I was immmedatly cut off by Beast's ensuing rant, "You want me to say something? I have never felt more embarrassed than I already am right now, I lost my entire life's work in a flash and am in a situation that is driving me insane, and you're part of it!".
He then proceeded start breaking down into a crying mess. I really messed up and once again with all my heart (or whatever i can muster from it) tried to remedy the situation I've gotten myself into, "Geez, I had no idea... listen, I said some stupid shit just now, people say stupid shit all the time, and they get into fights over said stupid shit, it's human nature, I didn't know about your current situation and I seriously regret saying those things, can't you at least take pity on me?"
"Hmmm... I suppose I could give you a pass for not knowing... but one more outburst like that and you are dead to me.", we tried to shake on it, but Beast pulled out at the last minute.
"Sweet... so does this mean I can clean your kitchen?"
"Aw man..."

So we ended up understanding each other a bit more, we stopped to get medicine for Maddi, and the moment we got home we parted ways, but before I did, I shouted to him how I enjoyed his cooking and he was free to come over at any time, the moment I stepped into my abode, I noticed that Maddi was already asleep, I was getting tired too, Probably because of everything that happened, so we decided to sleep together on the couch that night. I needed that so much...

Pub: 15 Sep 2023 05:38 UTC
Edit: 03 Oct 2023 05:34 UTC
Views: 477