Branch 2: A world of Ruins

(AN: Welcome to the non-canon line of Carrot & Hazel's story, WoR, this is a highly experimental and very detached from clover and pmd in general fic, so it might not be your cup of tea, this is a personal project so it will probably not involve any other clover member at least for now, with this out of the way i hope you enjoy the ride!)

Chapter 1.1: Journey, the priestess side

"... come in" the large, almost blast-proof gate opens, the heat of the desert behind scorching all life behind it, leaving the world desolated
"Come in traveler, it's only you? How could you survive outside?" The Froslass asks inquisitive
"... just one room, and some water" the cloaked figure requests
"And secrecy by what I can tell, don't worry, this is a safe zone, anything that happens here remains here"
The cloaked figure strides along the mass of other pokemon hiding from the sunlight, that even inside the cave still seared what it touched
Walking to the bar, where a glass of water already awaited for her, a rare commodity reserved for those in the know, quickly drinking the water, she looks around, the pain, sorrow and rage, all accumulated in a small room, it hurts even more knowing she was responsible for it.
The Froslass is back, dangling some keys
"Go upstairs priestess, it's the room on the right, we'll discuss payment tomorrow" Froslass says
"... thanks" the cloaked figure answers, quickly running upstairs because anyone can figure out who she is
With a clank, the door opens, the figure quickly slipping inside, making sure to delay just a bit in case any bandit on the cantina downstairs followed her, quickly shutting the door behind and locking it as fast
"..." the figure sights, before untying her cloak knot, leaving the silky golden scarf in the chair just in front of the mirror, looking at it she sees a Liepard looking back, once again wondering if that's really her
With the blazing sun on it's highest point, the heat becomes unbearable for the Liepard, quickly dragging the curtains shut, and opening the stone container where she places an ice stone, quickly cooling the room to a somewhat bearable temperature
"Tomorrow will be another day..." Hazel tells to herself, knowing it will not be better, before laying down on the hay pile, ready to sleep the death hours away, slipping from reality
"...Hazel, Hazel, daughter of another world, repenting sinner" a voice calls from the deeps of the darkness
Blinking, Hazel wakes up, but not on the ice cold room she was before, but now sitting in the middle of the emptiness of the void
"W-who's that?" She hisses, ready to fight
From the void, a large, horned figure emerges, Hazel recognizing it as she had seen it a long time in the past
"G-Giratina? How do you-" Hazel feels like her maw is sewed shut from terror as Giratina's voice trembles around her, dominant
"My father is not the only one that knows the secrets of the world, sinner, I know everything about you, your sins against your former lovers, your sins against yourself and your former world, they're delicious~" Giratina giggles in a mocking way
"... but now, I require your assistance, broken one, and may you be able to finally achieve expiation of your sins"
Hazel could only whimper, still unable to speak
"Broken one, this world is in danger, my crazed father is angry about your failures, and now desires to remake this world from scratch, considering it a lost cause, the chaos running rampant, beasts roam along your kin, it's... perfect..." Giratina explains, her voice causing pain on Hazel
"My father desires to destroy everything, and start afresh, removing the sins he so believes caused this, and along with it, me"
Hazel finally musters some words
"W-why me?" Hazel asks
Giratina giggles
"Because you caused all of this along... him, who now collides with my father on his crazed journey to recover his lost powers"
"C-carrot?" Hazel asks, feeling a dagger going through her heart
"Indeed, broken one, he who you called your partner, the paladin of justice, now a husk of himself full of rage, has accepted my father's offer to give the final blow to this world, and cause an even bigger disaster than the one you both failed to stop" She says in a mocking tone, making fun of Hazel's failures
"... why would I help you, daughter of Arceus?" Hazel asks
"Because this is your last chance to achieve forgiveness from your sins" Giratina smiles as she once again hides in the darkness
"G-whg?" Hazel jumps out of the hay bed, now the afternoon, the sun hides behind the rocky mountains, the stars announcing the safety
"..." Hazel ponders Giratina's offer, she knows that helping her will only bring pain and sorrow, but the weight of her sins and the destruction of the world is too much for her
"... I accept, lady Giratina, I will kill Carrot and stop Arceus" she announces in her thoughts, aware that Giratina can now hear her

Pub: 11 Jun 2024 06:10 UTC
Views: 194