Hello. I'm Umbreon-Anon Flareon-Anon. I'm copying Ribombee-anon's page because his shit is really fucking good and it looks sick as fuck. Hope you all like my writing and my autistic artwork.

All stories listed here are part of Clover Guild. Learn more at https://cloverguild.com/ or https://rentry.org/vpmdclover


Team Moonshine

Team Moonshine is currently the main set of characters who I write about. They are a nocturnal group of pokemon, (Half of whom were former humans) who work as an Exploration Team for Clover Guild. Each member was designed to piss off their leader, Adrian, as much as possible in unique ways.

Team Moonshine


A human turned into an umbreon. Adrian is very easily pissed off, and most of his interactions with people will be marked by his hatred for most of the people in the guild. The only people he tolerates well are the members of his team (Except for Enny). He usually avoids most members of the guild, (especially Cyndaquil), and will often be found in either his room solving puzzles, the dojo, or the library. He had a strained relationship with his family, but being unable to see them ever again upsets him and fuels his hatred for the situation he is in.

He has a stuffed bear that he keeps hidden in his bed. He can't sleep comfortably without it.

After the events of The Evolution Situation, Adrian was turned into a Flareon. (No, I will not be having him switch species constantly)

Spoiler Adrian disappeared from the guild during the second winter for unknown reasons. He didn't inform his team and it's unclear if or when he'll return.


A human turned into a sylveon. Enny is the polar opposite of Adrian. He is an incredibly flamboyant crossdresser who loves to pretend to be a girl so he can mess with people. He frequently pokes fun at Adrian to get reactions out of him, but has pretty normal relationships with the rest of his team. He will flirt with pretty much any member of the guild he thinks it will be funny with, (Except for Cyndaquil). He also read a lot of shoujo manga, watched a lot of anime, and was a complete shut-in as a human.

Vileplume (Viley)

Vileplume is a native pokemon and the older brother of Bellossom. He often fulfills the role of second-in-command for Team Moonshine. He's usually pretty level-headed, but he has trouble dealing with Adrian's aggression at times, and the two will frequently argue with each other. He cares deeply for his sister, and he hates to see her get hurt or cry. He doesn't talk to Enny too often, but the two get along through mutual respect. He also has an interest in human culture which is sometimes used as a tool to fuck with him by the guild members.

Bellossom (Bell)

Bellossom is a native pokemon and the younger sister of Vileplume. She's not very effective in combat without her brother helping her, so she often fulfills the role of medic in the team. Outside of her team, she works as an assistant in the infirmary of the guild. She loves talking to Enny about the human world, particularly anything related to the more romantic stories he used to read. She loves her brother dearly and can't really do much without him. She's the only person in the guild that Adrian confides in regarding personal feelings. She's become desensitized to arguments and shouting after spending so much time with Adrian and sometimes functions as a mediator between him and the rest of the team.


Rose is a Bellossom, the mother of Viley and Bell. She lives in an ornate home between Cotton Valley and the Lush Prairie mystery dungeon. She loves her children unconditionally. She worries greatly for her children's safety because of the disappearance of her husband who is also an explorer.

Spoiler She lied ro Vileplume and Bellossom when they were kids about their father. He died during his last mission. To this day she has yet to tell them the truth.

The Great Grass Circus

A relatively small organization of performers who travel around the Grass Continent and put on shows for the villages dotted around it. Most of its members have mysterious origins to the public. Their leader, Master Spoink, often uses their mysterious nature as a marketing gimmick. While the group doesn't always get along, they view each other as family and are loyal to one another.


A human turned into an abra. Kenny was formerly a street magician and was pretty adept at sleight of hand. He practiced for years hoping he'd one day land the right gig and become, which never ended up happening. As a result, all of his performances were for college students in the city he grew up in. He doesn't know anything about pokemon beyond a few of its mascots.

Master Spoink

The leader of the Great Grass Circus. He always puts on a professional, showy persona and keeps things civil in the circus. Nobody's sure where he came from or why he started the circus, but he always manages to organize shows regardless. Supposedly, him, Rapidash, and Octillery are the only remaining members from the original group.


I write the edgy ones

A New Life as an Umbreon

  • https://rentry.org/adrianorigin
  • About: The origin story for Adrian. Basically, he wakes up as an umbreon and does shitty rescue work for a few weeks before hearing of clover guild.
  • Wordcount: ~1,100
  • Featured Characters: Adrian, Lliam
  • Published on November 9th, 2023

Adrian's New Team

  • https://rentry.org/teammoonshine
  • About: Adrian is forced to form an Exploration Team with people he doesn't like, and they go on a mission together.
  • Wordcount: ~5,900
  • Featured Characters: Adrian, Bellossom, Cyndaquil (mentioned), Enny, Lliam (mentioned), Vileplume
  • Chapters were published separately on November 12th, 15th, and 18th, 2023

Team Moonshine: Troubled Sleep

  • https://rentry.org/moonshinesleep
  • About: Team Moonshine goes on a new mission to clear out a gang of robots while Adrian's struggles with sleep start conflicts in his team.
  • Wordcount: ~6,200
  • Featured Characters: Adrian, Bellossom, Cyndaquil, Enny, Gus (Cameo), Linoone (Cameo), Lliam (Mentioned), Phanpy (Cameo), Totodile (Cameo), Vileplume
  • Chapters were published separately on November 26th, 28th, and 29th, 2023

The Adrian and Enny Adventure

  • https://rentry.org/adrianennycave
  • About: While out on a job, Adrian and Enny get separated from the rest of their team and have to survive in a mystery dungeon on their own.
  • Wordcount: ~7,300
  • Featured Characters: Adrian, Bellossom, Enny, Vileplume
  • Chapters were published all on December 24th, 2023

Team Moonshine: The Evolution Situation

  • https://rentry.org/moonshinevile
  • About: After a mission goes horribly wrong, Adrian gets turned into an eevee and he has to find a way to evolve.
  • Wordcount: ~12,000
  • Featured Characters: Adrian, Bellossom, Chespin, Enny, Lliam, Vileplume, Wooper
  • First chapter was published on January 24th, 2024. Last chapter was published February 18th, 2024

Circus Freaks

  • https://rentry.org/kennyabra
  • About: A human street magician gets transported to the world of Pokemon and meets an interesting group of performers.
  • Wordcount: ~4,600
  • Featured Characters: Cacturne, Kenny, Master Spoink, Mienshao, Monferno, Rapidash, unnamed circus members
  • Published March 7th, 2024

The Day Off

  • https://rentry.org/thedayoff
  • About: Adrian takes a few days off to get used to being a Flareon and he interracts with a few guild members.
  • Wordcount: ~4,700
  • Featured Characters: Adrian, Bellossom, Booker, Chespin, Enny, KFC, Kina, Sneasel, Toge, Turk, Vileplume, Wooper
  • Published May 29th, 2024

Bell and Vile

  • https://rentry.org/bellandvile
  • About: Team Moonshine does a job for Rose, Bellossom and Vileplume's mother. (Takes place immediately after the previous story)
  • Wordcount: ~8,300
  • Featured Characters: Adrian, Bellossom, Enny, Rose, Vileplume, Rose
  • Published September 20th, 2024
    Spoiler I just forgot to name this one and now that the link is the rentry, I don't feel like changing it

Summer Festival - Criminal Corral

  • https://rentry.org/CriminalCorralFestival
  • About: Collaborative project with Espeanon. Beau works with Adrian to track down a thief and recover Team Crusader's stolen coinpurse
  • Wordcount: ~17,100 (Jesus fucking Christ this took too long)
  • Featured Characters: Adrian, Amelia, Beau, Bellossom, Booker, Charlotte, Dav, Gus, Mako, Nick, Serpes, Sneasel, Toge, (praying to God I didn't somehow miss anyone
  • Published August 31st, 2024

The Little Girl

  • https://rentry.org/moonshinelittlegirl
  • About: Team Moonshine finds an incredibly rare human artifact during a mission
  • Wordcount: ~3,400
  • Featured Characters: Adrian, Bellossom, Enny, Toge, Vileplume
  • Published February 15th, 2025
Pub: 30 Nov 2023 04:34 UTC
Edit: 07 Mar 2025 04:20 UTC
Views: 739