Under Watchful Eyes

Important (?)

Non canon series based on the works of 4chan anons around the series of the Pokemon: Mistery dungeon games. This is for y'all ;P


"In this series, follow our protagonists Lliam the meowstic, Solid Linoone, & other members of the Clover guild & residents of Capim town as they uncover a dark & secret mistery that looms over every 'mons head, where Linoone & Lliam will have to put to use all their skills as secret agent & detective to decifer a plot that will put everyone's life on the line. After being showed the truth, there is no turning back, & no safe place on this world of lies & deception." yes the last part is ironic

Pub: 08 Jun 2023 15:56 UTC
Views: 493