You ever think about how hard it is to write with three fingers? It's not something you'd normally think about, right? Well, it's something I've been thinking about a lot recently.

A lot's happened to me in the past couple days, and to be honest it still doesn't feel real. I can't tell if that's a good thing or not, but I'm hoping that writing this stuff down helps me to process... whatever it is that's happened.

I'm not even sure where I should start, but I guess I'll cut to the chase - I guess I'm a Pokemon now? A Smeargle so I've been told, but I'd be the last person who could've told you that. I never was into the games as a kid, and I guess I'm paying for that mistake now. Maybe this is karma? Maybe I pissed off some kid on the playground because I wasn't caught up in the hype and now I'm cursed or something. Who knows?

If you're struggling to picture what a "Smeargle" is, it's not too hard. I'm like a weird dog that stands on two legs and has a paintbrush for a tail. God I hate the tail so much. It's constantly dripping with paint (it's probably not paint but I'm not in the mood to consider any biological weirdness right now, so we're going with paint), and if I'm not carrying it it trails everywhere and makes a mess. Apparently Smeargles are known for their artistic talent and desire for leaving their mark on places, which is incredibly ironic considering how lacking my own artistic abilities are.

I've been trying to keep myself sane by focusing on the positives - I still have hands. Well, for the most part. I'm still getting used to having three fingers. There's some of us here who ended up in fully quadrupedal bodies, and my heart goes out to them. Like I'm sure they're thriving and living their best lives, but I don't think I could handle that drastic a change.

But I'm getting ahead of myself here. I'll stop rambling, and start writing about exactly what I've been through.

I don't have much recollection of how I ended up like this honestly - I think I was in a state of shock, and my memory is fuzzy at best. Apparently I was found in a forest by another pokemon while I was sleepwalking. Yeah, that figures, doesn't it? I somehow get turned into a pokemon and sent to another world, and whatever powers above ordained this also thought it would be funny to let me keep my insomnia and sleepwalking issues. Like I said though, focusing on the positives though, so I'm gonna treat this as a way to remind myself that I'm still me.

But yeah, from what I've been told it was a Combusken that happened upon me - apparently I might have been more confused than anything with my surroundings, and when he woke me up apparently I was convinced that I was dreaming still, and I may or may not have laughed in his face when he introduced himself as "KFC". I feel pretty bad about that, but honestly can you blame me? If you woke up in a forest and what is essentially a red chicken walked up to you and said it was called KFC, you'd probably crack up too. I should apologise for that at some point though.

My recollection of events after that gets really fuzzy - I think reality had started to set in by that point and my brain was shutting everything out. By the time I started to become more lucid, the Combusken, err, KFC had already lead me out of the forest and into a little wooded area just off the coast - I think he called it Capim Town. Capim Town is, well, it's like something out of a fairy tale. It's such a picturesque place, it felt like I'd stepped into a picturebook. I was so enamoured with the scenery that I wasn't paying attention to where I was being taken, until I found myself inside one of the trees that made up the town. The pokemon who live here have hollowed out the trees and built homes and buildings inside them. It's honestly really cool to see, if you ever get the chance you should definitely check it out. Wait, who am I even saying that to? This is supposed to be my journal...

Anyway, back on topic, there I was, confused after zoning out with no idea where I was, when suddenly in front of me stepped out a... cat, I think. It almost looked like a cat, but it was purple, and when our eyes met I saw a glint in its eyes, almost as if it was assessing me, staring right through me.

"The Smeargle can stay, but please tell it to clean up the mess it's leaving." the strange cat decreed, the authority it held in this area apparent through its tone. I looked down and behind me, noticing the trail of paint I'd been leaving behind me.

Before I could even think, I found myself shouting "A-are you talking about me? My name's Ross, and I... I don't know what I am."

The strange cat smiled, a wry grin spreading across its face. "Is that so? Well then, Ross, allow me to offer my apologies. And allow me to offer an invitation as well. Welcome to the Clover Guild!" it announced, before chuckling and walking out of the room.

After that encounter, nothing's really happened. I've just been bumming around Capim Town enjoying the atmosphere. I don't get what a "Guild" is or what half of the pokemon I've seen living around here even are. If anything, I just feel out of my depth more than anything.

Pub: 10 Apr 2023 18:38 UTC
Views: 625