Kiyo's corner!  Lol


Most recent comic page!

Read the full comic here!

This is a comic I'm working on, about Tropius getting a real home! Updates whenever lmao :]


See all my stuff on the official Clover Guild booru!


Three Strangers Blow into Town- Kiyo, Cassie, and Bean arrive in Capim town with a plot to steal the legendary treasure hidden beneath a building now owned by Clover Guild.
Genre: Slice of Life?

Three Strangers Sweep the Grounds- In order to search for their treasure, Cassie explores the Guild's basement while Bean and Kiyo clean the common rooms, meeting a number of guildmons during the process.
Genre: Slice of life, slight mystery

Three Strangers Rock the Boat- After swapping a priceless treasure map with a fake, Kiyo, Cassie, and Bean attempt to escape from the dreadful Captain Ironjaw's ship amidst massive celebrations.
Genre: Action, drama
10k words!

The Three Strangers in: Sweets and Silk - Featuring Rasmus Kiyo, Cassie, and Bean meet a new thief in town named Rasmus, who recruits them to help steal Capim Town's entire incoming shipment of candy right before Halloween. A collaboration between me and Spinarak-Anon!
Genre: Short heist story, comfy ending :)

Booker and Kiyo's Halloween Adventure
Sneasel and Cassie go missing during the Halloween party, so Booker and Kiyo team up to find 'em! A collaboration between me and Ribombee-Anon, takes place right after the above story!
Genre: Adventure, character-focused

Characters (The Three Strangers)

Kiyo's Icon Kiyo is a long-time criminal with a surprising amount of musical talent. He's a bit blunt, a little rude, and very slow to trust. His capacity for violence is hindered only by how soft his paws are. Although he's standoffish towards strangers, he very much loves Cassie and Bean, and would do anything for them.

Cassie's Icon Cassie is a master carpenter and demolitions expert. Despite loving the chaos and excitement of being a criminal, she's a huge softie who loves cute things, cute Pokémon, and cute fashion. Usually she's friendly and goofy, but when things get serious she reels it in, and becomes a force to be reckoned with!

Bean's Icon Bean lacks most of his memories, but he's still an invaluable asset to Kiyo and Cassie's team. He's a bit shy, and mostly just speaks to Kiyo and Cassie; usually he's lost in his own thoughts anyways. Still, he's remarkably witty in his own way, and a masterful planner as well. He's also a talented artist and forger.

The three of them are family, and love each other a LOT! Full bio's for all three characters can be found here !
Three strangers sleepin -u-

Pub: 18 Feb 2024 02:33 UTC
Edit: 01 Nov 2024 15:27 UTC
Views: 983