Team Petal-Purr
"Meets a Real Guild"-Part 2
-Year 2-Late Summer-
Ch. 4
"Why don't you tell me a little about yourselves." The Guildmaster, Lliam, smiled and tucked his white paws under his chin. "Where are you from?"
Blossom, Shelby and Heidi sat across from the Guilmaster's desk, each settled on a large cushion side by side. They all looked at each other, unsure of who should speak first. After a moment, Blossom took the lead.
"Well, me and my sister are from a little place on the Open Plains." She places a claw on the side of Shelby's back, who nodded happily in agreement. The Meowstic looked them both up and down before asking.
"Sisters? That's...unusual. How does that happen? Different mothers, I presume?"
"And fathers. But our parents are married, my mum and her dad."
Blossom replied as politely as she could, hiding her slight discomfort at the question. Though she took no real offense, it was a tiresome thing to have to explain and was not something either of them bothered to think about very much. Shelby was not as subtle about her feelings and was less than thrilled by her sister's choice of words.
"He's your dad, too!" She grumbled in a low voice.
"You know what I mean." Blossom rolled her eyes and replied in the same hushed tone, before looking back up at the Guildmaster. Though he was still smiling, she felt dreadfully embarrassed to know he had seen them partake in what she considered squabbling.
"We've all lived together since before I even hatched. There was never a time when Shelby wasn't my sister."
Hearing this, Shelby felt a swell of pride and reached over to put her paws around Blossom's shoulders in a hug.
"Her big sister." She looked at Lliam intensely, staring him straight in the eyes. He simply chuckled at the sight of the two of them.
"You certainly act like sisters, that's for sure." He said in a jovial voice, before turning to look at the quiet Houndour that sat beside them. "And what about you, dear? I've not heard anything from you yet."
Heidi shrank back as soon as he looked at her, horrified to be put on the spot like this. She immediately looked to her friends, who both gave her a reassuring nod to encourage her to speak. She was slightly disappointed that they didn't immediately volunteer to speak for her.
"I , umm, I'm from Firestone. I grew up there." She spoke with as much confidence as she could muster, while still avoiding eye contact with the Meowstic. "I haven't been on the team very long."
Lliam squinted his eyes and glanced over her with a slight hint of apprehension, though he quickly loosened his shoulders and addressed her softly.
"Well, we all have to start somewhere, don't we?"
"She's helped us a lot already. I don't know that we would have found our way here if it wasn't for her." Blossom spoke up, hoping to build her friend's confidence. Heidi smiled at her, touched by the complement. The Guildmaster seemed satisfied with this and turned his attention to the whole group.
"So what sort of experience do you have? I don't suppose you have affiliations with any other Guild?"
Shelby shook her head. "This is the first real Guild we've ever been to, but me and Blossom have been doing rescue work for a while now." She looked over at her sister, who continued on.
"It's been a busy year back home. Ever since the fire, it seems like more and more Pokemon need help."
"The fire?" Lliam suddenly seemed much more engaged, leaning forward in his chair. "You mean the one in Apple Woods?"
Blossom nodded her head as she spoke. "We live just to the south of there. We weren't in danger, but another settlement nearby was burned to the ground. They lost everything."
The Meowstic sat frozen for a moment, as if deep in thought. When his response finally came, it was flat and subdued.
"My word, that is a shame."
"It's more than just a shame!" Shelby yowled, feeling her hackles raise defensively. "It was a terrible disaster!"
Lliam jolted and fluffed up his own fur, surprised by the outburst. He quickly composed himself, smoothing out the silky white hair on the ruff of his neck.
"My apologies, miss. I didn't intend to make light of such an awful tragedy. I hope nobody was harmed."
Shelby calmed down quickly and curled her tail around her body, patting down the fluffier hair on the tip with her paws. She glanced over at Blossom, who continued the conversation.
"Nobody was badly hurt, but a lot of Pokemon had nothing left to go back to, so they had to come and live in our settlement."
"It's almost as big as real town now!" Shelby interrupted, holding her paws out to demonstrate the change in size. "So there's a lot more work to do."
Blossom nodded in agreement.
"The fire attracted a lot of attention, too. So now there's always an overflow of requests for help. It hasn't been easy, but we've been doing what we can to make a difference."
Lliam glanced between the two of them, as if he were expecting them to say something else. "Well, an official Guild is one of the best places to hone one's skills, even one as...unique as this. I expect you've heard a rumour or two by now."
Blossom tilted her head, perplexed by his sudden, almost playful shift in demeanour. "I don't pay much attention to gossip. I think it's rude to say things behind someone's back."
"Is it true, though?" Though Shelby was also taught not to engage in the rumour mill, she just couldn't help herself. "Are there really humans that turned into Pokemon?"
The Meowstic put a paw over his mouth and let out a small chuckle as he flicked his tail mischieviously.
"It's not really my place to say one way or the other. Your sister is right, Shelby. We shouldn't be spreading gossip. We have a lot of Pokemon with us in the Guild, you just might have to ask them yourselves."
The Skitty's ears flicked forward as she stood up and put her paws on the desk, so excited that she could barely keep herself still.
"Does that mean we're allowed to join? We're a really good team, I swear!"
Amused by her antics, he laughed to himself as he took a piece of paper from the large pile to his right.
"There's a couple of things to sort out first, but I think we could make this work. There's always room for a team that's willing to put in the work. You seem like a fine fit."
The whole team gasped in shock and looked at each other. Shelby flew back onto her cushion and threw her paws over her mouth, physically preventing herself from leaping into the air and yowling in joy. Blossom smiled at her and stomped her front feet up and down, doing a much better job keeping her composure. Heidi sat in stunned silence for a moment, unsure how to react. She looked frightened, until she felt Shelby's arms wrap around her neck and pull her closer.
"Heidi can you believe it? We're going to join a real Guild!" She squeaked as quietly as she could, which was still very loud when her head was right next to Heidi's ear. Though she was clearly less excited by the idea, she couldn't help but smile as she wagged her little tail. If her friends were happy, then Heidi would be happy with them.
Ch. 5
Lliam watched the girls chatter happily among themselves for a moment, taking the time to study their auras with his special psychic powers. Though the sensing of a Pokemon's unique aura came to him almost instinctually, he didn't see any harm in taking his reading just a little bit further.
It was uncommon for the Guildmaster to peek into the minds of others without asking their permission first, but on occasion, his curious nature was known to get the better of him. Though their outward appearance gave no indication of ulterior motives, he had his suspicions about how much they might know.
His attention fell first to the Skitty. With her powder blue bow sitting perfectly on the back of her neck, she looked like something you would find in a children's story book or on the front of a saccharine greeting card. A stereotype of a sweet little kitten, almost impossibly cute and fuzzy.
Her aura was as vivid as her fluffy coat. Mostly pink, with a garish mix of yellow, fuschia and orange that sparkled and swirled all around her. Warm and bright, just like her. This simple little mind was an open book, though the pages were turning a mile a minute. Lliam thought to himself that such a wild aura could prove to be a liability, if left unchecked.
To his relief, it seemed that her "sister" did not inherit the same exuberant nature. She was an odd looking Pokemon; not quite a frog, not quite a tortoise, with wide, rounded ears that sat high on top of her head. The young Bulbasaur had an aura that felt rustic and strangely soothing, like the familiar comfort of a home-made quilt. A calming mint green, broken by a warm brown and softer tones of pink and violet. It brings to mind images of delicate flowers, growing slowly in the rich soil of a rolling meadow.
With her slower, more peaceful presence, Lliam found that she was much easier to read into. He was almost disappointed with how little there was to find. No secrets or mysteries, hardly anything at all beyond the simple comforts of a sheltered life on the western foothills. A creature of habit, only just beginning to truly comprehend the vastness of the world.
As he moved along to the last of the three, he could immediately sense the anxiety that came to him in waves of nervous energy. The little Houndour, who had spoken barely a sentence so far, was crouched low in her cushion as she huddled against her friend. Her aura was cool and gentle, sky blue and soft mint green, with darker shades of blue and purple throughout. Sensing her aura felt like standing in a moonlit forest glade, silent and lonely.
Her dark typing made it difficult for Lliam to see into her mind, his psychic powers having little effect, casting only blurred emotions and distorted fragments of thought. Despite his trouble, the Meowstic was able to glean what he needed to know. This quiet Pokemon was a follower, naturally swayed by the feelings of those around her. Cautious and insecure, with a strong desire for acceptance within a defined social group.
Though he'd studied them well enough to know for sure they were not humans, the Guildmaster found them all the more intriguing for the things he didn't find. No deception, no suspicious thoughts, no ulterior motives beyond what they had already shared with him willingly. Team "Petal-Purr" really was nothing more than a group of ordinary young women, blissfully unaware of what they have chosen to involve themselves with. Right away, he had second thoughts about accepting them into the guild.
Even more concerning, it seemed that not one of them had any knowledge of the Clover Guild's connection to the devastating fire in Apple Woods. They had no idea at all that the accidental arsonists that caused the fire were living under this very roof.
He knew that this unpleasant reality was something that would have to be dealt with sooner or later and, as the head of the establishment, Lliam knew the responsibility would likely fall to him. He took a moment to contemplate his options and decided on a plan of action.
"Now, girls." He addressed them and all three immediately sat at attention. "Before we all get too excited, there's one last thing I'd like you to do for me."
"Anything, sir! Anything at all!" Shelby sat up straight and puffed out her chest, desperate to prove herself.
"I'd like you to take on a mission of your choosing from the board downstairs. Not to say that I doubt your capabilities, but I'd like to see how you perform out in the field."
"Of course, sir! It would be my honour!" The Skitty put a paw over her heart in a show of respect.
"We'd be happy to." Blossom nodded in agreement. "But how could you see how we perform if we're away on a mission?"
"That's the fun part." Lliam chuckled. "I'd like to have another team accompany you, just to observe. They would report your progress back to me once you return."
"Like a test?" Heidi's eyes went wide as her ears pinned back against her head in fear.
"In a way, but it's nothing to fret about, my dear. It won't affect my decision to accept you. Think of it as scientific curiosity. I like to keep track of the strengths and weaknesses of my teams."
"Who's going to go with us?" Shelby asked. "I hope it's someone tough, like me."
"I have a few teams in mind." The Meowstic scratched his chin and looked thoughtfully up at the ceiling. "I suppose I'd better take you to see who's available."
At that, Lliam jumped to his feet and hopped briskly over to the door. Without touching the handle, he used his powers to swing the door open and gestured politely at the team.
"Ladies first, of course."
He gave them a playful wink as they giggled among themselves and skipped happily through the doorway, delighted by his charming performance.
Ch. 6
The Guildmaster led the way as he took them for a quick tour around the top floor, where they saw some of the rooms that housed the different teams. About half a dozen Pokemon were mingling about in the common areas, as if taking a break from their busy schedules. There was a soft breeze blowing through the open doors that led to a large, uncovered balcony that looked very inviting in the mid afternoon sun. Shelby caught sight of a familiar Pikachu and gave her a friendly wave, but got only a nasty scowl in response.
After guiding them down the spiral staircase to the second floor, Lliam skipped down the hall a little and looked around. The girls stood behind him, trying not to gawk at the sheer amount of Pokemon coming and going from their rooms. Some of them gave odd glances as they passed by the three and went down the stairs. One or two groups stopped to stare at them, before whispering something to each other and walking away with knowing smiles on their faces. The uncomfortable silence was broken by a high pitched voice that rang through the whole floor.
The loud squeal had come from a Furret, who was barrelling towards them at full speed, stopping just short of bowling them over. A smaller purple bug scurried behind her, looking concerned as he hurried to catch up.
"I wish you wouldn't scream like that." The Skorupi shook his head and rattled his long, segmented tail.
"I know, but look!" Furret took no notice of his frustration and stuck her paws out to greet the small group in front of her. "Are you a new team? It's wonderful to meet you! My name is Furret and this is my little buddy and I think he'll agree with me when I say that you three could possibly be THE CUTEST team I have ever seen in my life!"
Shelby was the first to get a word in, having been easily won over by the compliment. She reached up on her hind legs and batted playfully at Furret's paws, laughing as the taller creature took up the game and batted her right back.
"Haha, thank you! We do go to trouble. Well, I do anyway! We're called Team Petal-Purr!"
"What a perfect name!" Furret ran around them excitedly before wrapping her long body around all three and pulling them into an affectionate nuzzle. "It's almost as cute as you!"
"I love how your scarfs match. They look very fancy." Blossom smiled and nuzzled her back, not at all bothered by the overly close contact. It felt comforting and familiar, not like interacting with other city Pokemon. Heidi giggled and scrunched up her nose as the long fluffy fur tickled her snout.
"Thank you! They ARE fancy! I got them especially for me and my buddy as our first fall fashion! They had to be top quality." She flicked her tail in her partner's direction, beckoning him over. "Isn't that right, little buddy?"
"Little Buddy" sighed as he scuttled closer, giving Furret a tired smile. He was obviously accustomed to this kind of behaviour from her and had given up trying to reign her in. He lifted his head so that his orange scarf was more plainly visible. It looked expertly crafted, with patterns of leaves delicately embroidered in warm yellows and browns all along the edges.
"Wow, look at the stitching." Blossom said in awe, leaning closer to admire the beautiful cloth. The Skorupi laughed to himself and rolled his eyes. He knew that Furret would be spending a lot of time with these three in the future.
"Ah! Just who I was after!" Lliam spoke as he suddenly appeared behind them, causing them all to jump in surprise.
Startled and embarrassed, Blossom spun around and stumbled about her own feet trying to climb over Furret's body and face her Guildmaster. She clumsily pulled herself free and stood at attention.
"I'm sorry, Sir. We shouldn't get distracted, it won't happen again."
She tried to look as serious and professional as possible, but was surprised when the Meowstic did not scold her at all. Instead, he let out a bellowing laugh and gave her a reassuring pet on the head, as if she were little more than a precocious child. He seemed to be enjoying the levity of the moment.
"Not to worry, little miss. I never have been an advocate for mindless obedience. It's so boring, don't you think?"
Shelby smiled at the comment, feeling slightly better about her decision to stay exactly where she was. She liked Furret a lot and did not want to part from the soft, cozy embrace of her stripy fur. Heidi looked nervous and awkward, not knowing which of her teammates she should follow, so she chose to do nothing at all.
"I see you've already met Team MLG. I thought you might get along." Lliam smirked. "I was hoping I'd be able to take the credit for introducing you."
"Did you need us for something?" The purple bug stepped forward so that he was standing alongside Blossom, looking up at the Guildmaster. "Is everything alright?"
"Oh, everything's fine, Smith. Just fine. I'm on the hunt for a good, reliable team to work with some new rookies."
Smith tilted his head and glanced at Blossom with a blank expression, before addressing Lliam again.
"Is this them?"
"Yes, that's us." The Bulbasaur answered for him, a little off-put by the fact that the Skorupi hadn't bothered to talk to her directly. Still, she gave him a friendly smile as she greeted him. "My name is Blossom, it's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." He nodded his head curtly, giving back none of the warmth she had shown him. His response made her feel uncomfortable, but Blossom was compelled to try and force some kind of conversation.
"Do you normally go by 'Smith'? I can't imagine everyone calls you 'Little Buddy'." She attempted to crack a joke to lighten the moment, though she didn't receive much reaction from him.
"Just Smith is fine." He simply answered the question as bluntly as he could, making no attempt to play into Blossom's desperate bid to engage in small talk.
Feeling the sting of social rejection, Blossom looked over and watched as Furret ran around and around in a circle while Shelby and Heidi sat in the center and looked dizzy. She wondered to herself how someone as bright as Furret could be so close to someone as cold as Smith. It seemed as though they couldn't possibly be more different.
"You know..." Lliam was now stood next to them, looking tentative as he, too, watched over the interaction. "I thought it was best to choose a team that would get along well..."
He trailed off for a moment and looked on as Furret began pushing Shelby's giant ears down over her eyes, only to let them pop up so she could push them down again. This game seemed to provide both of them with endless entertainment.
"That might be too much getting along." Smith finished his sentence for him.
"They'd never get anything done." Blossom added.
"Mmm." Lliam made a small noise in agreement, rethinking his first choice. "This may not work."
Blossom would be lying if she said she wasn't at least a little embarrassed by the way her sister was acting. Though she always loved to see Shelby so happy, she felt that it was neither the time, nor the place, to be swept up in these sorts of silly games. They were supposed to be proving how mature and professional they could be.
"Sorry." She said quietly, to nobody in particular.
"No matter." Liam replied brightly, before clapping his hands to draw everyone's attention.
"Alright team! We've still got work to do! Let's get to it!"
He shouted cheerfully, throwing his arms up in the air. It seemed Lliam knew exactly how to direct them back to their task, as both Shelby and Heidi rushed over at his call. By speaking loudly and utilising dramatic hand movements, he was able draw all their admiration back onto himself.
Before departing, all three turned back to say goodbye to their new friends.
"It was wonderful to meet you." Blossom said warmly. "It'd be lovely to get together again soon."
Smith silently nodded his head in an effort to be a little more polite, while Furret leapt up and waved both her paws.
"Oh, you should have dinner with us tonight! We can help introduce you to everyone!"
Shelby stood up on her hind legs and waved back at the two. "That sounds amazing! I can't wait!"
Heidi giggled at the Skitty, before throwing out one paw to wave aswell. "Goodbye. Hope you have nice day."
Furret threw her arms around Smith's head, hugging him. "We definitely will! Good luck on your mission!"
Ch. 7
Lliam clapped his hands once more, worrying that he may lose their attention again. The team were quick to join him at the top of the stairs and follow him down to the ground floor. There were less Pokemon here, with only a few still milling around after lunch.
"Is that the missions board?" Shelby pointed to the two large boards that hung on the wall a short way from the front entrance. Nobody was there now, as most teams had already chosen their missions early in the morning.
"Good eye!" Lliam laughed at his own joke, referring to the fact that the Skitty's eyes were not plainly visible behind her squinted eyelids. "We have a board for regular jobs and one for requests to take down wanted outlaws."
With his permission, the three ran over to get a closer look at the many jobs on offer. Dozens of flyers were pinned all over the board, some containing hand drawn sketches of wanted Pokemon and items alike.
"I don't want to meet any outlaws...That sounds really scary." Heidi whispered to her teammates, tucking her tail between her legs as she looked over the pictures of many threatening criminals.
"Don't worry." Blossom put a claw on her friend's shoulder to reassure her. "We don't need to fight outlaws. We should probably choose a rescue mission anyways. It's what we're best at."
"This would be the perfect time to have you select a mission." Lliam thought aloud to himself. "Tell you what. You stay here and choose a job from the board while I go and collect your new team mates. I have a feeling I might know where they are."
"OK!" Shelby was more than happy to follow the orders. "We'll pick the perfect mission, Sir! Don't you worry!"
"I certainly won't." The Guildmaster smiled. "Don't move from this spot and I'll be back quicker than you can say 'Rescue Team'!"
"RESCUE TEAM!" Taking the expression literally, Shelby yelled as she watched him walk away. She turned back to stand with her friends and boasted. "No one's quicker than me."
They took some time perusing through the many notes on the board, comparing jobs as they spoke softly among themselves. After a while, they came to the unanimous decision to take on the search for a missing Pokemon. A mother Mamoswine was in need of help to retrieve her missing son, who had yet to return from a nearby dungeon. They carefully read over the full job description together.
"Moonlit Thicket." Blossom read aloud. "I don't think that's far from here."
"It isn't." Heidi confirmed. "We went around it on the way here from Firestone. It's in a wild area a little off the main path."
"Perfect, that means we can get to him even sooner." Shelby looked down at the paper and her ears drooped slightly, feeling sad for him. "Poor little thing, he must be so frightened. I hope he isn't hurt."
They all took a moment to think of the missing Swinub and his poor mother, who must be worried sick about him. It only strengthened their resolve to come to his rescue as soon as possible.
"Is that them?"
A loud voice could be heard from behind them and all three turned their heads to the source of the noise. The Guildmaster had returned, this time with two Pokemon by his side. A Wooper hopped right up to them with a wide smile on his face. He wore a sleek red ribbon, tied like a scarf around his neck with a gold triangular brooch pinning it together.
"Hello!" Shelby jumped forward to meet the Wooper up close, sticking her nose out to press it against his rubbery blue head. He leaned forward and happily accepted the greeting, before stepping back and introducing himself.
"I'm Wooper. And this is my partner, Chespin. The best partner in the whole world!"
The Chespin stepped forward and threw his arm around Wooper with a confident grin. He wore a matching red scarf with the same golden pin.
"It's nice to hear, but don't talk me up too much. They might get jealous." He joked, before addressing the girls. "So I hear we're meant to be going on a mission. Good to meet you."
Rather than using his hands, the Chespin casually extended a vine from the seam in his woody, green armour. Blossom flinched away slightly at first, before realising he was intending to use the vine as a greeting, holding it out so that they could touch it. The use of vines in the house was still something she was getting used to, having been raised to believe it was considered bad manners. She didn't understand why he wouldn't just hold out his perfectly functional paw, but still lifted a foot and politely "shook hands" with the vine.
Team Petal-Purr introduced themselves and were quick to get along with the two, showing them their chosen mission and explaining the route they had in mind to get there. Blossom and Shelby instantly felt a sense of camaraderie with the pair, having grown up around many grass and water types in their small village. Shelby was especially drawn to Wooper's bright, sunny attitude, the two of them discussing the battle techniques they plan to use.
"Me and Chespin make the best team, you won't believe how well we battle!" Wooper boasted.
"I'm afraid you're not exactly there to fight, Wooper." Lliam corrected him gently. "You'll be more of an observer. I'll be counting on you to take note of their skills and report back to me with their performance."
"Really?" Wooper looked disheartened. "So no battling at all, then?"
The Meowstic smiled back. "Well, I wouldn't expect you to stand by and let any teammate get hurt. I'm sure there may be moments where your expertise could come in handy, if the situation calls for it."
Chespin put a reassuring paw on Wooper's shoulder. "It'll be up to us to use our best judgement. We'll be like their senior advisors."
The rest of the team nodded in agreement, happy to have an experienced team watch over them on their very first official mission.
"I think this will work out perfectly." Lliam announced, taking time to congratulate himself. "You've outdone yourself once again, Guildmaster! Well done!"
"When will we head out?" Blossom folded up the flyer and tucked it safely in her bag. "Do you think it's too late to leave now?"
"Probably." Chespin responded, taking a glance out the nearest window. "It's a couple hours' walk to Moonlit Thicket. I don't think we'd get there before dark."
Shelby's looked a little disappointed. "Aww, I was ready to go right now."
Both Blossom and Heidi leant against her sides and the three huddle together for comfort, something that had become a habit for the team whenever one of them was feeling low.
"We still have a lot to do, anyways." Blossom said gently, trying not to think about the sad little Swinub spending the night lost and alone. She knew their chances of finding and helping him would be better after a good night's rest, but she could tell her teammates shared her concern for him.
Shelby thought to herself for a moment, before lifting her head and instantly feeling brighter. She knew her sister was right and was ready to prove that she knew how to be prepared and responsible.
"You're right. Most of our stuff is still back at the Inn, too. We should organise our things before we go." She announced confidently, looking over to the Guildmaster to check for his approval.
"Good thinking." Lliam nodded his head. "You can head off first thing in the morning. Will you be staying at the inn tonight? I hear it's very nice."
"We've paid for one more night." Blossom replied, before quickly adding. "But we can book another few days if we need to."
She didn't want to seem presumptuous in expecting a room to stay in before they had proven their worth.
"But Furret wanted us to have dinner with her." Heidi couldn't help but speak up, though she didn't look at anyone but her two teammates.
It was obvious that Lliam found some amusement from these responses, but this time he held his tongue. He didn't want to spoil how well things were going.
"Oh, you're more than welcome to come back for dinner tonight. We can set you up a permanent room with us tomorrow. A real rescue team should stay with their guild."
Shelby and Heidi looked at each other and smiled, while Blossom felt the need to verbally express her gratitude. "Thank you so much, Sir. We really do appreciate your generosity."
"Don't be silly, it's our pleasure to have you." Lliam chuckled and bowed his head to them humbly, making an effort to mirror their excited energy. "Why don't you head back to the inn now and be sure you have everything ready. I'll make sure Furret knows to expect you back in time for dinner."
"You'd do that for us?" Heidi lifted her head and looked up at the Meowstic with her large, sparkling eyes. Making friends didn't come as easy to her as it did to her teammates, so she was determined not to miss out on the opportunity.
"Of course he would." Shelby answered the question for him. "That's the sort of thing a great Guildmaster does."
"Off you go, then." Lliam flicked his paw playfully, as if waving away a group of unruly children. He felt a little like a school teacher sending his students off to complete a task, knowing that they held him in the highest regard, placing all their confidence in his capable hands.
The whole team was quick to follow his instruction, saying their warm goodbyes to Chespin and Wooper before rushing out the front door and trotting down the path to Capim Town. The Guildmaster watched them until they were out of sight, contemplating the situation he now found himself in.
"That was abrupt." Crossing his arms, Chespin looked at him with a hint of suspicion.
"We barely got to talk at all." Wooper tilted his head, slightly disappointed to see them go.
Lliam didn't respond, simply staring out into empty space. He was brought back from his thoughts by a clicking noise, the sound of Chespin snapping his stubby fingers.
"What was that all about?" Chespin looked annoyed and impatient. "Why the big rush to get them to leave?"
Instead of answering the question, Lliam promptly changed the subject. His bright, bubbly demeanour had calmed significantly now that his performance was no longer needed.
"I'd like you boys to do me a favour. Gather anyone that's free and tell them to report to the top floor. I have something I need everyone to know."
Epilogue (ft. Lliam):
Lliam stood in the center of the large, circular room and fixed the collar on his coat. He waited as the small crowd of Guild members settled in so that he could address them all at once. Roughly two dozen Pokemon had crowded into the room at this point, though this was still considered a rather small portion of the Clover Guild's many residents. He waited some more until he saw Team Cozy make their way up the stairs to join them, signaling to Lliam that they had finished rounding up as many as they could.
He cleared his throat and stood forward as he addressed the group, speaking loudly to be heard over the remaining chatter.
"Thank you for coming, everyone. I'll make this as brief as I can. I have an announcement to make, possibly even a favour to ask."
Immediately, the crowd threw back their responses with lightning speed.
"You're finally coming out as a fag!" Someone shouted.
"Congratulations! Would you like somebody to blow out your virgin cat bussy?" Screamed another.
"Haha! Virgin!?" Yelled one more, which was followed by a roar of laughter from multiple individuals.
The Guildmaster took it all in stride, his calm smile unwavering from his face. He was well accustomed to this sort of thing by now and it was not unknown for him to participate on occasion.
~'What's the point of Clover Guild, if not for this?'~ He thought fondly. ~'Whatever my Guildmons are, nobody can say that they aren't true to themselves.'~
"Absolutely hilarious. Another zinger, of course!" Lliam responded with a hearty laugh. "Unfortunately for you, I'm not here to talk about me. I'm here to talk about an exciting opportunity for the Guild as a whole."
The raucous laughter died down as he spoke, with some actually bothering to listen closely.
"I've just interviewed a bunch of rookies that seem to be interested in joining. They're a strange little team, but I think they may come to be a boon to the Guild's reputation. The Summer Festival has done wonders for our image among the community and, if we can manage it, we'd do well to keep in those good graces."
The crowd murmured, seeming unsure as a whole.
"The Festival was a fluke! It doesn't matter what we do."
"The Federation will always hate us and the town will never respect us."
"What makes this new team so special?"
Lliam went on to explain that what he found interesting was that there was nothing special about them at all. Possibly the most ordinary creatures to ever set foot in the Clover Guild, the definition of normies, at least by this world's standards. Three native Pokemon with no human among them, seemingly driven forward by nothing more than pure good intentions. A group of sociable, well mannered upstarts that had the potential to become very popular among the locals of Capim Town, if given time to cement themselves as a competent Rescue Team.
Just their presence alone could help the Guild build a more 'wholesome' reputation in the public's eyes, boosting the value of Clover trained explorers. If three lovely young ladies felt comfortable enough to join and defend them, even sleeping under the same roof, then surely that would speak to the merit of the institution. Everyone knows that proper ladies don't stay in places of ill repute.
The only trouble, he explained, was the team's tenuous connection to the events of the Apple Woods fire, well over a year ago now. Though they weren't directly harmed by the fire, there was no doubt that the disaster had affected them personally in many ways. Surprisingly, it seemed that this prior connection was nothing more than an unfortunate coincidence, as their arrival at the Guild had nothing at all to do with the fire. In fact, they weren't even aware that there was a guilty party to lay blame to.
Lliam thought it in everyone's best interest to keep it that way, allowing the new team to remain ignorant to the true culprits for as long as possible. He made everyone in the room swear to him that they would never tell and that they would spread the word to every Pokemon in the Guild. Team Misfits were warned to be on their best behaviour, at least for a day or two. Cyndaquil said that he could make no promises, but would try to make an attempt to control himself for a little while. Lliam could tell that this was a lie, but knew there was nothing to be done about it.
~'If they can't brush off some harmless sexual harassment from a silly little guy like Cyndaquil, then they probably don't belong here in the first place. I'm sure this will all work out just fine.'~
With nothing left to say to them, the Guildmaster was quick to call the impromptu meeting to a close.
"Alright, that's it. You can all fuck off now. Have my dinner brought to my office, I have a mountain of paperwork to get through."