All About Team Cozy

Team Cozy <-

Team Members


Chespin is a former human who woke up in this world mere hours before the fateful meeting that created the Clover Guild. Within minutes of waking up, he met his new partner and best friend. Having started out very fearful, he has grown more used to the world he now lives in. He tends to be level-headed most times, yet can fly off the handle quickly should something go awry, to the point of being vindictive if someone had hurt his friends. He is also prone to being a bit of a worrywart. His “true” name is Arthur, but he has abandoned that name in hopes it'll help him 'blend in.' Only Wooper and Toge know his real name.

Having retained all memories of his old life, he will often talk to Wooper about things from the old world, but comes off as a little down when thinking about certain aspects of it, seeming to have left some troubled “friendships” behind him.

Due to a traumatic experience on his first mission, Chespin started out fearing all things ice. After many struggles to move on from it, now simply harbors a distrust of almost all Ice-types out there, seeming almost racist at times. Most of the time, he sees them as a “blight against the very name of coziness.” A common phrase of his when faced with an icy foe is “You filthy CHILLER!” The only true exceptions to this rule are fellow guildmates.
Chespin also holds a seething hatred of hay beds. To him, the sight of a hay bed is nothing short of an insult.

He's got a few fears. He's afraid of Beedrills, being frozen solid, but most importantly, losing his new best friend. Due to this last one, he'll prioritize protecting Wooper over everything else in battle, holding him tight while trying to use his 'shell' to endure attacks. Chespin is protective of Wooper to the point of seeming almost clingy at times, and gets sad on the rare occasions where Wooper isn't around. This is a result of the ill-fated friendships he mentions having in the human world.

The “leader” of Team Cozy, Chespin is motivated not out of a sense of justice or greed, but to bring about as much coziness as he can into his new world. This could mean going on journeys for tasty snacks and drinks, or delving into dungeons just to rescue someone that can make him a blanket. He isn't above doing a shady act or two if it'll get him what he wants, but he also won't outright break the law or actively harm others to do so.

-Cozy beds and soft blankets
-Gummi drinks, even if they tend to make him a little tipsy
-Sunlight, which perks him right up
-Flowers and gardens
-His new best friend

-Hay beds
-Anybody that hurts his friends, especially Wooper


Wooper lived in a pond in the forest not far from where Chespin first woke up. Upon finding out Chespin was a former human, Wooper practically forced him to let him tag along.
Wooper's parents are two former Ace Rank explorers. His father, a blue Gastrodon named Squishy, spend decades looking for a former human like the ones from the fables, and had worked to prepare his son for the possibility of teaming up with one so Wooper could be “just like the heroes that saved the world.” Due to this, Wooper has a lot of experience in dungeons, as well as a childlike fascination with the human world and former humans as a whole. In the dark, Wooper can use Flash to turn himself into a walking nightlight.

Acts childish and cheerful most of the time, but is smart enough to tone it down when he notices he's getting on someone's nerves. Ever the optimist, something seriously bad would have to happen to break his cheer.

Unlike Chespin, Wooper is motivated by the idea of helping others and “being heroic.” He will often push Chespin to take missions he wouldn't otherwise take if it means helping someone or bringing an outlaw to justice.

His true name is Woopy, a name Wooper isn't a fan of. Only Chespin knows this. Wooper will often refer to Chespin by his old name when it is just the two of them.

Due to his fascination with the human world, loves hearing about it from everybody at the guild. Other guild members will often whisper human memes and quotes to Wooper behind Chespin's back, while making him believe that such words are “human detectors” or “battle cries.”

-Hearing about the human world
-Stories of humans saving the world
-Using “human detector” phrases on new guildmembers to sniff out former humans. In reality, these amount to nothing more than old memes that other guildmates tricked him into saying
-Water and mud
-All of his new guildmates

-Anybody that hurts Chespin
-Cups without straws
-Cold nights

As a pair

Chespin and Wooper do everything together, and are almost never seen apart for more than a minute or two. In conversations, Chespin is more of the “straight man” whereas Wooper is cheerful and curious. When talking to an Ice type, Wooper will treat them normally whereas Chespin will speak with caution and apprehension if he doesn't know them yet.

“Coziness over all else” is their mantra, and this extends to how they spend their free time. Chespin loves to sunbathe in the guild's garden, and Wooper likes to swim and nap in the garden pond. Both of them enjoy swimming, and will often hit up a lake or river for a day out of the guild. The two also enjoy sweets, which is what they spend a lot of their earnings on.

While Wooper is just happy to help mission clients, Chespin is motivated by personal gain as long as that gain is related to coziness/getting sweets. He'd rather get a bag of Gummis than a bag of cash, for example. Chespin gives in to Wooper's pressuring to take on missions frequently, however.



In battle, Chespin's specialty is using his vines. He can use them to hit or throw enemies, or grab onto an enemy to “slingshot” himself into them for a powered-up Headbutt. On top of that, he can help Wooper out by grabbing and aiming him like a living gun. When he can't rely on just his vines, he can throw Thunderpunches if needed. If there is a big enough opening, Chespin opts for a Solarbeam, sometimes accompanied with a long shout as he charges it up.

Above all else, Chespin prioritizes Wooper's safety in battle. Thanks to his armored back, he can protect Wooper by using himself as a living shield. He can also grab Wooper with his vines to reel him out of danger. If harmed enough in battle, Chespin's vines and Solarbeams get powered up thanks to Overgrow.

Should an Ice-type be his foe, Chespin will get very angry right away and do everything in his power to end the fight ASAP.


Having grown up being trained by his father, a veteran explorer, Wooper is highly skilled in battle. He is capable of using powerful attacks such as Earth Power and Hydro Pump, as well as Ice Beam. Though he is very good at dishing it out, Wooper is not good at taking it, and a single strong hit can be enough to knock him out. On the bright side, Wooper is healed by Water-based attacks, so he does not fear such assaults.

Team Cozy Tidbits

-Chespin has a very strong sweet tooth
-Wooper often gets help from Chespin while eating in the guild mess hall, due to his lack of arms
-The two have a fanboy as a fellow guild member. Toge, the self-proclaimed “Team Cozy's #1 Fan”, feels indebted to the two for having rescued him, as well as bringing him to the guild.
-Chespin almost never curses. If he does, it's something mild like “damn” or “hell” and even then, only if something major happens or if he's extremely stressed out. Wooper outright never curses.
-Wooper likes to refer to Chespin as “Arthur” but only when it's just the two of them around.
-Both Chespin and Wooper wear the same thing, a Mach Ribbon that helps speed them up a little bit.
-Chespin carries around a Frism in his bag, just in case.
-Chespin also has a Blast Wand in the bag, just in case of chillers


Team Cozy's stories are generally more lighthearted than most. Edge isn't something I'm generally a fan of, and that's reflected here. If you like lower-stakes slice of life stuff, then come take a look!

Chespin's Intro: The first story I wrote. Pretty rough, but talks about Team Cozy's first couple hours.

A Day in the Field: As Chespin wakes up to his first full day in his new world (and as a member of the Clover Guild), he's eager to see the sights. Along the way, the two learn more about each other.

Go to Bed: After a week of sleeping on hay, Chespin decides that enough is enough. Swallowing his fear, his team goes on their first real adventure, one to find a bed... and face their first true battle.

Frism Schism: Chespin learns about the problems with bringing Frisms to the Clover Guild. More of a shitposty story than anything else.

Go to Bed part 2: The new beds are nice, but there are still no blankets. After one cold night, Chespin and Wooper set out to fix this problem.

The First Sip: After several weeks as a Chespin, he begins to miss the sweets from his old world. Looking for something suitable, he meets a Kecleon selling Gummi-based drinks.

Mountain Hike: Wooper, having found out about a small nearby mountain's “treasure”, urges Chespin into coming with him to check it out.

An Unexpected Find: Team Cozy takes a little trip out of town to a field of flowers, but on the way back, they come across something unusual.

The Guild's Garden: Having realized how his new form reacts to being around flowers, Chespin gets some help as him and Wooper get to work on creating a garden for everybody to relax in.

The Outlaw: After a promise he made to Wooper, Chespin agrees to tackle his first outlaw mission. But things aren't quite as simple as fighting said outlaw.

The Outlaw's Services: A week into his incarceration, the outlaw Team Cozy had fought is given a chance by the sheriff to atone for his crimes. This story only has Team Cozy making a small appearance in it, opting to follow the outlaw instead.

A New World: Mindy, the Mew that Team Cozy found, tries to get used to her new life. Doesn't actually feature Team Cozy at all.

Enter the Federation: Team Cozy: Team Cozy is stuck doing a mission against Chespin's will in a bid to save the guild's future. Teaming up with Gus, the three set out to protect their new home.

Stronger: Upon hearing that a local magical spring has reactivated, Wooper urges Chespin to check it out. Can't say more about the story here without spoiling the entire plot.

Wooper's Family: Chespin finally meets... Wooper's family. One of the longest stories of the bunch.

The Teams Team Up: Wooper's parents invite Team Cozy to come along on a treasure hunt. This is a 3-parter.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Chespin and the Chillers: Still unable to get past his crippling fear of all things ice, Chespin gets help from his friends as he tries to fight through his phobia. This is a 2-parter.
Part 1:
Part 2:

A Week Without Wooper: When Wooper gets called away from the guild for a week, Chespin has to cope with his absence by spending his days getting to know some of the other guild members a bit more.

A Clover Halloween: Team Cozy gets a little festive, dressing up for the occasion, but even on Halloween, missions still need to be done.

An Unusual Ally
While adjusting to her new home, Mindy has a late-night encounter with someone who promises to help her learn more about fighting. Only has Team Cozy in one scene, but still worth listing here.

Team Cozy's Festival
As the guild is tasked with running a festival for Capim, Chespin enacts an idea he had from the human world.

A Find In the Forest
Team Cozy meets someone while on their way towards a mission. Saying much more would be spoilers.

Pub: 13 Dec 2023 01:34 UTC
Edit: 14 Dec 2024 04:35 UTC
Views: 447