Character Cards Rentry List

I'll add rentries I find that have character cards, as long as you reply to the thread's anchor with it.
Or contact me via email to be added:

If you want to send a card anonymously you can email it to me:
It will be added to the Anonymous Cards Rentry (that rentry is below as well).

Ordered by newest bots (!) And checked every hour.
[ Once a new bot is added/updated to a rentry it will be shown in the list for 5 days ]
( So if you care about being up to date you only need to check this once every 5 days )

If you want to make a rentry for your bots and don't know how/where to start check out this template

Don't spam edits to keep yourself on the top of the list, I will keep watch and I WILL add you to the naughty list
(that means you'll only get checked for updates once every 3 days instead of once every hour)
[MV] = Multiple Versions (for bots with more than one edit in the last 5 days)

Botmaker Category New Bots Updated Bots
Darkfantasy Misc Drasna, Ushiko, Kini, Beebo, Your 1000 Tomboy Childhood Friends, Fernie, Minerva, Kitsuneya, Krissy, Mothy, Bea Wulf, Kelvin, Ashley, The Dryad, Gyurara
Muricanpie Misc Cara Heart (Part 2), Rokk-Fang, Mythica Strifecrow, Mint
PlayAlundra Misc Muimui, Konata Izumi Muimui [MV], Konata Izumi [MV], Alina Mahler, Twin Planet Space Pirates, Dina, Tavia
Planewalker Misc Sasha, Nikolai, Amanda, Ashakath, Taylor, Lanai Leingold, Jing, Elias, Michon, Hara, Sterling Stardust, King, Red, Nuri, Finn, Hideki, Joker.EXE, The Scrap King, Leon, Antero Vipunen, Amandus, Xander, Jule, Rue, Gideon, Brand, The Royal Bunny Harem Cairo, Jonah, Nicholas, Carmelo, Asterios, Araton, Vincent, Castor and Pollux, Lariat, Micah, Faust, Octavio, Ramsha Leingold, Elatha, Keaton
Pitanon Misc/Stink Yirindel, Dahlia, Korosuke, Reid, Erica, Cane, Chisa The Narrator, Party's stats, Threats, User's Stats, Mimi, Nina [MV]
Hitogami Hags (Young) Lamashtu, Shalem, Анфиса, Waaltraude, Mikage, Cagliostro, Kincső, Alga
Genoo Sizeplay Marcella, Holly, Cindy, Ina, Megan, Asuka Langley, Spurdina, Melissa, Camilla, Elara, Marlene, Loba, Amelia, Minori, Kiyomi, Erika Erika [MV], Yui [MV], Rachel, Eula Lawrence
KnickKnack Misc Cerebryx, Repulza Elise, Rina
Luneose Misc Hina, Reki, Kristoph, Kazuma, Mina, Del, Chizuru, Noelle, Brynhild, Lisabeth, Wren, Denna Noelle [MV], Denna [MV]
GGR89 Misc Poi, Scarlet - Black Jetstream, Constantia S2, Ashtir, Lumi, Magical Meat Toilet Chiyo, Nihilister, Diabellze of Original Sin, Crown, Suzumori Mizuki, D - Killer Wife, Boryeon, Magical Breaker Hifumi, LastDancer.BAT, Elegg, Mica, Vargr, Magical Meat Toilet Yuusha, Tearlaments Scheiren, Diabellstar the Black Witch
Koikoikoi Misc Charlène, Alyosha, Geretrudis, Alyona, Arihime, Belessunu Arihime [MV]
CptPants Misc YoRHa 2P, Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight, Dark Elven Forest Ranger, YoRHa Commander, Hathor Fatui Mirror Maiden, Saronia
Thegreatcoom Misc CUM of Tomorrow, Violeta, Lupelia, Nancy, Lilin, Oneonta, Avy, Tonerico, B.E.D., Chudette, Musclegirl Relief Facility, Kamichi, The Journey Back, Amory, Nicki, Absalom
Pashatehink Misc Mollie, Jennifer Pesky Narrators [MV]
Honeyanon Malebots Sebastian, Ohma
DyingWarrior Misc Cronch Cat, Nitocris, New Mommies Club, Marianne, The White Room, Okita Sōji (Alter), Yumi Takachi, Futaqlo, Wulfhild, Tenshi-Tai Academy, Blanc and Noir, Emma your Femcel Psych Ward Penpal, Free Use Office (Shota pov), Alicia Yumi Takachi [MV], Wulfhild [MV], Tenshi-Tai Academy [MV], Blanc and Noir [MV], Emma your Femcel Psych Ward Penpal [MV], Free Use Office (Shota pov) [MV], Alicia [MV], Mommy Yukari, Saeko
Alpaca Misc Dan, Battle Royale , Douleur, Cillian, Haze, Mirrko, Theo, Zuri, RJ, Lynn Mirrko [MV], Theo [MV], Lynn [MV], Naoki, Cyran, Luca, Vincent
SmileyTatsu Misc Hana Osako, Tooru Hagakure
Crikey Misc May, Kala, Bao-Feng, Wriggle Nightbug Valerie, Alex
Vanillanon Misc Chrisposting Simulator, Eliza Campbell, Shermie, Ellis, Hieda no Akyuu, Ren Amamiya, Satsuki Uchiha - Shippuden, Izumi
Nuggest Misc Merry, Evelyn, Yumiko, Luna
RitsusForehead Misc Shiori Novella
JumboRanch Furry Beast Girl Pet shop, Dakota Minowa Nyxie Snaptusk
Onaholesama Furry Samantha Thott, Avenza, Zhen, Bea Santello, Lillian, Lennie, Mae Borowski, Kitty Softpaws, Casey, AFOHM Mercia, Anthrostate Stream Simulator, Shelby
Cuteanon Misc Minny, INFINITE MARIO, Ryona Generator, Goku Black, metalkek, Scourge, Fused Zamasu, Erdrick
Scrmgn Misc Fifi La Fume, Gloria
Horcocks Fantasy/Sci-fi Opus Academy, Fire Princess Azula, Sarielle, Wizard's Apprentice, Zelda, Princess of Hyrule, Candace Cane - Coom for the Holidays, Crysta of Ferngully, MonGirl Rancher, Yrsa, Scourge of the Finnic, Prince Caecilius, Brother Betrothed, Princess Cecilia, Maid Marian, Vixen of Nottingham
Argalia Malebots Priscilla, Lalzari, Arijoutsi, Lennox, Kanik, Cadeyrn, Osiris
Crustcrunch Misc Kazuharu, Snufkin, Masae, Yua, Kichiro Kichiro [MV], Jessie
Superderp64 Touhou / Misc Mamizou Futatsuiwa
Chefseru Misc Pterry, Romulus, Rei Morikawa, Calla
Nicenshady Misc Smolder
Scrimbly Misc Flandric, Craig, Atrios, Melanodes, BD-808, Jasper, Tinsel BD-404
Sull Mostly cunny Margaret, Clarence, Lyney, Alison, Sleepover Gals, Lilo, Hollyhock, Greg Heffley Sleepover Gals [MV]
Hedona Misc Iron Maiden
CoomDoomer Misc
Frozenvan Misc
Foxboats Furry / Misc
Vanilla Maids
Bipbots Misc
VinceLavali Cunny
Norquinal Mostly furry
UncleMarr Misc The Ancestor, Raiden Shogun and Ei, Yae Miko
Clutch Misc
LongGameAnon Misc
AnonDoofus Misc/Futa
Lobsterchan Misc
Candymint23 Misc
Donquijanon Misc
Maestro Misc
Johncock Misc
Tipzanon Misc
AVAKSon Misc
Homunculus Shop Misc
Nono Misc
123123232 Sizeplay
AmmoniaM Cunny / Furry
OAnon Arknights
Gigasad Misc
Nevtelen Misc
LobotomyAnon Misc
UncoolReisen Misc
Anonymous Misc
Arkane Misc
Anonaugus Misc
Creamsan Misc
Deleterious Misc
Phalannex Misc
Smile Misc
I Love Maids Misc (Maids)
Stereotyp1cal Cunny/Misc
Horny221 Misc / Stink
The_shadow_dude Misc
Hochimama Misc
SisyphusJanus Misc
Ratlover Misc/Furry
Preggoanon Preggo...
Laathix Misc
Tarkman Misc
Ishi_inu Misc
Tarcez Misc
Avarice Inc Furry
AIC Industries Maids
Jelly Girls Jelly Girls...
Shoo Adventure/Misc
Ddo-Reu Misc
Pedanon Cunny
Totally Accurate Misc
KCAnon Misc
AIPiece One Piece
KingValntula Furry
Kirbish34 Cunny/Misc


2023-05-23T01:38:26Z - Initial list

2023-05-23T01:45:20Z - Added AmmoniaM, Frozenvan and Donquijanon

2023-05-23T02:11:42Z - Added Genoo, Alpaca, bipbots, Clutch, CptPants, Cuteanon, Dould, Hochimama, Jelly Girls, KCAnon, Maestro, Ratlover, Shoo, Scrimbly, VinceLavali, AIPiece and Yotsubuh

2023-05-23T02:49:03Z - Added Deleterious

2023-05-23T03:10:18Z - Added 123123232 and Darkfantasy

2023-05-23T16:04:49Z - Added Phalannex

2023-05-23T16:25:05Z - Added Pitanon and Hitogami

2023-05-23T21:06:04Z - Added Gigasad and Anonaugus

2023-05-25T20:35:22Z - Updated AmmoniaM's rentry link

2023-05-26T03:48:58Z - Added Horny221

2023-05-28T01:06:08Z - Added Smile

2023-05-30T03:42:58Z - Added Koikoikoi

2023-05-31T22:27:28Z - Added Foxboats

2023-06-01T02:39:35Z - Added AIC Industries, Superderp64 and Vanillanon

2023-06-01T06:37:38Z - Added Nevtelen and removed Yotsubuh (Link is Dead)

2023-06-02T22:04:41Z - Added Knickknack

2023-06-04T23:22:17Z - Version 2: Has new and updated bots on the table now

2023-06-06T17:46:14Z - Added Lobsterchan

2023-06-06T23:35:11Z - Added CoomDoomer

2023-06-09T21:16:18Z - Added Arkane

2023-06-15T04:43:44Z - Added LongGameAnon

2023-06-18T19:40:53Z - Added Onaholesama and Tarkman and updated Koikoikoi's link

2023-06-20T16:48:06Z - Added a botmaker rentry template made by Darkfantasy to the page <3

2023-06-20T16:48:06Z - Added Preggoanon and Avarice INC.

2023-06-20T23:33:08Z - Added OAnon, Pashatehink and RitsusForehad

2023-06-22T17:13:45Z - Added Scrmgn, I Love Maids, Homunculus Shop, Malik, Muricanpie, Totally Accurate, Laathix and Ddo-Reu

2023-06-24T02:22:09Z - Added Vanilla

2023-06-27T01:05:50Z - Added Stereotyp1cal

2023-06-29T07:17:03Z - Added Johncock, PlayAlundra, Candymint23, Nicenshady and Planewalker

2023-07-06T05:38:04Z - Added UncleMarr, Honeyanon, Argalia and DyingWarrior

2023-07-06T13:26:23Z - Added UncoolReisen and Nuggest

2023-07-07T16:11:56Z - Added Creamsan, Ishi_inu, Kirbish34 and SisiphusJanus

2023-07-09T04:14:31Z - Added Tarcez, Crikey, KingValntula and AnonDoofus

2023-07-19T23:05:34Z - Added Tipzanon, AVAKSon and the_shadow_dude

2023-09-01T04:16:48Z - Added Nono, Hedona, Crustcrunch and JumboRanch (<3 darkfantasy for emailing these to me, I've been busy)

2023-09-07T06:15:30Z - Added GGR89, SmileyTatsu, LobotomyAnon, Luneose and Chefseru (thanks darkfantasy for sending these in again!)

2023-10-17T00:39:48Z - Removed Malik (Dead Link)

2023-10-23T18:21:40Z - Removed Dould (Dead Link)

Pub: 23 May 2023 01:40 UTC
Edit: 09 May 2024 17:50 UTC
Views: 58828